
Hillary Releases 2015 Tax Returns; Taunts Trump Over Whether He’ll Do the Same


trump-hillaryHillary Clinton took her knocks on Donald Trump‘s tax returns to it’s highest level on Friday by releasing her tax returns for 2015.

For months, Trump has been resisting the possibility of releasing his tax information until the IRS completes its audit on him. Clinton’s camp has used this to question Trump’s wealth and whether he has financial information to hide, and the former Secretary of State is now trying to goad him into following her lead.

The information is currently available on the Clinton campaign website, which states that Clinton held a 34% federal tax rate, as well as a state and local income tax rate of 9 percent. The combined Clinton tax rate comes out to approximately 43%, with 10% of the gross income having gone to charity.

“Donald Trump is hiding behind fake excuses and backtracking on his previous promises to release his tax returns,” wrote Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri. “He has failed to provide the public with the most basic financial information disclosed by every major candidate in the last 40 years. What is he trying to hide?”

Information on Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, is also on the website, listing 10 years of information on their returns. The release of this tax info coincides with one the Clinton campaign’s newest attack ads against Trump, which focuses primarily on his taxes.

Watch the ad above, via The Briefing.

[Image via screengrab]

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