American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The Stupidest People In The US

A new poll revealed that depth of bigoted stupidity of Republican voters who are supporting Donald Trump.

American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The Stupidest People In The US

A new poll revealed that depth of bigoted stupidity of Republican voters who are supporting Donald Trump.

According to a PPP survey of Trump supporters:

-65% think President Obama is a Muslim, only 13% think he’s a Christian.

-59% think President Obama was not born in the United States, only 23% think that he was.

-24% think Antonin Scalia was murdered, just 42% think he died naturally, another 34% are unsure.

The rest of America knows that President Obama is not a Muslim and was born in the United States. Donald Trump has courted the faction within the Republican who after nearly eight years in office and a long form birth certificate still refuses to believe that Barack Obama is a Christian, who was born in the United States.

Trump is leading a revolution of stupid within the Republican Party. The presumptive 2016 nominee represents all of the fear, bigotry, and bias that has been pumped into the Republican Party by conservative media. The Trump supporters are out of touch reality on every level, and they have taken over the Republican Party.

Donald Trump is just a symptom of the conservative movement’s rejection of facts and knowledge. All of the facts say that President Obama is a US born Christian. The facts say that Antonin Scalia was an obese, diabetic, smoker who did not take good care of his health. The majority of Trump supporters want to believe that Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim. They are open to the possibility that Scalia was murdered by Obama.

Trump’s supporters are some of the dumbest people in America, and they are one election away from winning the White House.

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