@rtnsparky helped her with her campaign 4Senator,I Sat & Talked with her ALL DAY & LOVED WHAT SHE WANTED TO DO 4 NY. SHE WORKED HARD &DID IT
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@cher hope we can get 10 million to March on DC to denounce madman Trump and his treason -
@JimAngone IM THERE & SINGING IF IT COMES TOGETHER - View other replies
@cher asking bill maher and Michael Moore to support. Time for citizens to denounce this madman. Can you influence maher and Moore?
@cher@FactuaLogic From reading the caption, I had visions of Bill and Monica in my head... -
@akMTN123 If The Affairs Of ALL PRESIDENTS....WERE MADE PUBLIC,WHO WOULD B STANDINGFDR,Ike,Kennedy, Lyndon,Bush,Seems 3Outta 4 In History
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@cher DRAGGED -
@cher you are going IN today -
@cher@NicoleMorleyPet She is an actual hero.
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