Trevor Noah: 'I Wish a Giant Mosquito Would F*ck Rubio...Leave Him Pregnant With a Zika Baby'

Sen. Marco Rubio should be f*cked for his pro-life stance, according to Daily Show host Trevor Noah.

With the Zika virus outbreak in Florida, Noah announced that politicians are “getting involved” and “reminding us it's not just mosquitoes that suck” during his show Tuesday. 

As his example, Noah pointed to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) who recently denounced abortion as an option for Zika-infected women whose unborn babies risk the birth defect microcephaly.

According to Noah, abortion only affects one body – the woman’s body.

“I don't understand how any man thinks that he has the right to dictate to women what they should do with their body,” he bashed Sen. Rubio.

“Men know nothing about what it's like to be a woman,” he ranted. “So why do men always get to make laws about women's health issues?” (Forget “babies’ health issues” – or lives, for that matter.) 

To illustrate his point, Noah compared men saying women shouldn’t abort their babies to black people telling white people how to wear sunscreen.

“Imagine if black people were the only ones who could decide whether white people are allowed to use sunscreen,” he said. “People would be like, ‘What do black people even know about getting sunburnt?’ Black people like, ‘No, yo, yo, I hear what you sayin' b, I hear what you sayin’. All I know is, I'm pro-melanin.”

Noah ended with one last insult for the senator.

“I wish a giant mosquito would f— [bleep] Rubio and leave him pregnant with a Zika baby,” he concluded. “Then we'll see how much he really believes in those laws.”

Katie Yoder
Katie Yoder
Katie Yoder is Staff Writer, Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow in Culture at the Media Research Center