Saw a dude post on the tinder subreddit telling a girl he won't have sex with her unless she signs consent forms. I'm leaning towards the joking side because its a match on Tinder so why not mess around.
Anyway most of the comments section hates this dude that asks. It's like damned if we do damned if we don't.
I feel bad for the males that have to go to college during this whole yes means yes garbage. Literally sex everywhere on movies, magazines, hearing about it from people making it a total fantasy for many dudes who are now just scared of a false rape accusation being guaranteed! Unless they ask to sign the consent form but then not getting laid is guaranteed!
Basically having sex in college is risking your entire life on a womans whim, who knows 1 year or more down the line when she changes her mind.
We are lucky to be MGTOW.
Apologies for the formatting and grammatical errors i was just typing as fast as I can think (phone).