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#twoxchromosomes on Snoonet

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submitted by TheGreatQuillow
I need to vent. I want to say I'm sorry if I offend any women here, but I'm pretty pissed off.
I was fired a few weeks ago (after only 2.5 weeks) from an awesome job because "I didn't fit in." There were a couple of coworkers (female) that I had a feeling didn't like me, but I was always nice and basically tried to stay out of their way.
Today I was hanging out with one of my old coworkers (male) and I find out that the boss didn't want to fire me at all, but his wife (they run the business together) apparently felt that by commenting on my intelligence, he was deriding hers. I was told the other female coworkers were "threatened" by me because the guys/customers thought I was cute.
I was good at my job. I needed the money (we all do). I'm trying to save up to move out of my house because my husband and I are splitting up. That sucks no matter how "cute" someone is.
But I got screwed because of someone else's insecurity.
Dammit ladies! What the fuck? I was not a threat to anyone's job, relationship (coworkers all thought I was happily married), whatever. I was just showing up every day and doing my damn job.
Why can't we support each other instead of throwing each other under the bus?
I get that we all have issues. I get that we all have insecurities. But don't assume that because someone is "cute" that they don't have real life problems too.
Can we please stop taking out our insecurities on each other?
Edit: I have no desire or intention to sue. It's a small business in a small town and I hold no ill will against the owner. He did what he had to do to keep his staff/wife happy. I was super new and the most expendable. I am, however, disappointed in the women who put him in that position.
top 200 commentsshow all 365
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[–]daydreamingofsleep 834 points835 points836 points  (44 children)
I am convinced there are people out there who wake up every day, get dressed, grab a cup of coffee, and drive to work while contemplating how to make everyone else's lives as miserable as theirs.
Sorry that happened to you, people suck. There are a surprising amount of them out there reliving high school drama via their workplace.
[–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 130 points131 points132 points  (18 children)
Right?!? As if there aren't enough things in life to cause difficulty without other people adding to it!
And yeah, I was hoping that when I graduated HS (a million years ago) that I'd be done with that BS.
[–]Soncassder [score hidden]  (6 children)
The highschool mentality never stops depending where you go. I'm a guy and 4 years ago went to work call center. It was definitely a female dominated job. The place felt just like highschool. There were cliques of people that never had to be on the phones and my manager was a young and ambitious woman.
Immediately she decided she didn't like me. Her monthly reviews on me were brutal. Even when I did nothing wrong she would make up reasons to detract from my performance ratings. I complained to HR. They put me with a different manager and immediately I went from performing last place out of 150 others to being in the top 3.
I could still never get a promotion position there so I left.
The moral of the story is you're going to go into places where the people don't like you. You've got to learn when to take action and if that doesn't work cut your loses and move on.
[–]Zappiticas [score hidden]  (1 child)
I work in a call center and can confirm it is exactly like high school. We have all of the cliques and people gossip constantly.
[–]GlacierCake [score hidden]  (0 children)
Unfortunately it is often a prevailing culture of some workplaces.
Call centers, factory work, production line stuff - there's really not a lot of stimulation in these workplaces. So to deal with this, the people in them (and yeah, it often is in female dominated workplaces) create drama, and all that horrible high school BS, gossiping, etc... However I have seen men behave just as bad as women in a workplace where this 'high school' mentality prevails.
All that aside, I'm really sorry about your situation OP :( The positive side is you're not going to be stuck working with toxic colleagues!
Here's to hoping you land a better job with better people!
[–]bunsbuns_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
I understand this way too well. One of my customers is a manager who is the most brutal woman I've ever met. Never has a good day, and always dissatisfied with something. She keeps demanding something new from us and expecting us to have it done immediately, even though we've never been asked to do these things before. She's out of control.
I'm glad people are realizing it though, because 13 people who work under her on the customer side have resigned, and 4 people on our end have resigned too. I don't think she'll be there much longer.
[–]spendinbig [score hidden]  (0 children)
Factories are the worst for maintaining the high school mentality. I work in an office now in the landscape industry and can say it's not as bad but still present.
[–]grandpatrout[🍰] [score hidden]  (0 children)
I worked at a place that had a lot of women in it, and the worst of the worst was a 26 year old girl and a woman past thirty. They were so far out of high school and it didn't matter in the slightest. One was passive aggressive and wouldn't talk to people about issues or problems, she'd just talk to everyone else about them and bash you behind your back. It was a small office, it was silly to think no one would find out. Then there was the other girl who constantly spread gossip and actively stole boyfriends. Sheesh.
[–]driveonacid [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm not a fan of female dominated workplaces, and as a teacher, I definitely work in one. My school needs more male teachers. There are maybe 100 employees at the school. I think there are less than 10 male teachers. A few years ago, a member of the phys ed department requested that a male teacher be hired to replace the male teacher who had left. Nope. A woman was hired. When the one man on my team announced that he was retiring after this past school year, I went straight to the principal and told him that he needed to try his hardest to hire another man and preferably one who was older an more mature. Luckily, that's what we got. But, the other man who retired this year was replaced with a woman.
Oh, and before anybody accuses me of being a misogynist, I'll point out that I'm a woman. I'm just sick of the catty behavior.
[–]neopetian 62 points63 points64 points  (0 children)
In that case, they're probably jealous of how you look in the present day given that you've already graduated high school a million years ago.
Ps: What anti-aging skincare/supplements do you use? Asking for a friend
[–]Torquekillsricers [score hidden]  (0 children)
People don't grow up, they just grow older.
[–]321s 12 points13 points14 points  (4 children)
claim unemployment, because thats unjust. i was scapegoated because of shitty managerial practices and wasnt given any specific reason as to why i was fired, claimed unemployment, they tried to fight it, i stated my case, got unemployment checks for 3 months inbetween jobs.
[–]PrincessPink37 [score hidden]  (3 children)
You have to work someplace for atleast 90 days to claim unemployment.
[–]321s [score hidden]  (0 children)
oh ok i didnt know
[–]fearofbears [score hidden]  (0 children)
they use the base year though, so it would most likely be claimed at whatever her previous job was if she was working.
[–]82Caff [score hidden]  (0 children)
Some exceptions exist, so it's worth applying.
[–]fearofbears [score hidden]  (0 children)
lol no it def gets worse as we age and people gain more and more ill life experiences and baggage. I've had more drama in my life at age 30 than I ever had in high school. Sorry this happened though, honestly it doesn't like a healthy environment to work in anyway.
[–]Lazychestnutt [score hidden]  (0 children)
As Bowling for Soup once said, "Highschool never ends"
[–]YourLittleBuddy 16 points17 points18 points  (9 children)
They should stop calling it 'highschool drama' because it implies it finishes after highschool. It so doesn't.
[–]mymarkis666 31 points32 points33 points  (6 children)
I think it's supposed to imply a level of immaturity associated with high school.
[–]LunarDelta 19 points20 points21 points  (5 children)
The thing is, that's the maximum level of maturity most people ever attain.
[–]mymarkis666 7 points8 points9 points  (4 children)
A fair amount of people, sure.
[–]TomatoFettuccini [score hidden]  (3 children)
I'd say most. Society has been in a downward spiral for ages.
[–][deleted]  (1 child)
    [–]followthelyda [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I don't know, I don't really ever experience "high school drama" as an adult. Not at work, and not in my social life. I even have a group of ten girlfriends that hang out regularly, and there is literally zero drama. I feel like a lot of people who still get caught up in drama are the ones who are probably causing a lot of drama themselves.
    [–]delmar42 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    High school? Try junior high.
    [–]BezoomnyEggiweg 18 points19 points20 points  (6 children)
    That would meant they're evil. And I don't think that's the case for a lot of people. I rather think that that it's a problem of low self-esteem and also a lack of education that makes these people act like this without reflecting their own decisions.
    [–]fruit7 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
    I know a very intelligent former co-worker that admitted to us once he specifically got off on putting down other people.
    [–]fromkentucky [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Evil is a useless concept. It doesn't mean their "evil" it means they're miserable and miserable people often don't know how else to deal with their misery except by lashing out at others.
    [–]HeartOfStoner [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I don't know. I'm an atheist and even though I was raised in a Christian household we never used the concept of evil at home or church growing up but I find it to be helpful now as an adult. Not in a cosmic good/evil sense but as in some people really do not have any empathy (sociopaths/psychopaths).
    While I don't actually call them evil I understand now that is what a lot of people are referring to when they do and it does get across that there are a small but very influential number of individuals that are still people but utterly and fundamentally different on a basic level. While I don't advocate fixating about them, treating them differently (before their actions merit it), or even labeling individuals as socio/psycho-paths (arm chair diagnosis that could cause psychological harm regardless if it is accurate), I do think it is a useful concept to understand that they do exist.
    The concept of "evil" or those without remorse/empathy helps us to understand that sometimes, some people act so completely opposite of that which one with normal human feeling would, and still know that most people are basically "good" or would not behave in such a way. It allows us to accept the accounts of victims since the natural reaction to hearing heinous crimes is often to assume that no one could possibly act so terribly without reason, or that the accused would be so racked with guilt that they would act guilty if the victim was telling the truth.
    While I may not use the term "evil", I do think the concept is helpful and gets at the root of some people's motives - that is, some people simply don't have a reasonable motive (other than simple jealousy, boredom, imaginary slights) that we could use as a society to stop such behavior. Many terrible behaviors can be mitigated by societal change, but we also need to understand that some people will do horrible things regardless of a perfect society and we also need to protect ourselves against them as well.
    [–]barto5 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    There are some well educated people that do this too.
    [–]thedude346 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    plenty of
    [–]fromkentucky [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Evil is a useless concept. It doesn't mean they're "evil," it means they're miserable and miserable people often don't know how else to deal with their misery except by lashing out at others.
    [–]MYPUPGOESWOOF 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
    Truer words were never spoken.
    Also, sorry this happened to you OP.
    [–]B0ssc0 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I totally agree - playground politics is carried through by too many people in their 'adult' lives.
    [–]bearvsrobot [score hidden]  (0 children)
    There are a surprising amount of them out there reliving high school drama via their workplace.
    I've worked in offices, govt, retail, fast food, and everything in between...it's the same drama in all of them.
    [–]Snake_Ward [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Misery loves company.
    [–]thundercuntrol -23 points-22 points-21 points  (0 children)
    no. this is not true. this is not personal what you are describing. There is more than meets the eye with these people and often times they are lonely/depressed/financially strapped/having emotional problems/secret eaters/scratchers/drama blah blah blah. Don't use this as an excuse to hate people. This just isn't the job for you and thank god you found out early. It's not personal, trust me (haha that sounds cruel but it's not and it takes so much of the world's drama off your shoulder). This lady has done this before will do it again until someone calls her on it, move on. It's not representative of the whole.
    [–]TheEmeraldArcher455 43 points44 points45 points  (3 children)
    My wife used to work a job where maybe once a week I could swing by on my way home and bring her a coffee or something. This one girl used to get pissed because no one did this for her. One day even tried telling me I'm not allowed to be bringing her stuff at work (she's a coworker not supervisor). When I asked why she did that thing where people talk will talk really loud in the hope a boss will it. Well the boss heard it, came over asked what's wrong then basically told the girl to mind her own business. One day my wife called out, that girl answered and said she'd tell someone but never did so it looked like my wife just didn't show. Months after my wife quit I went there to have a key made, that girl made the key and screwed it up. Had to go back 3 more times because she wasn't putting in the effort to do it right. I finally went in asked a manager for a key made when he tried called her over I told him she's fucked up 3 times already
    [–]evileyeball [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Savboteurs are the worst types of people
    [–]Trickity [score hidden]  (0 children)
    thats a some fucked up delusional stuff in that girls brain
    [–]iMiniBiscuits [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This deserves it's own post.
    [–]DocVozMach 189 points190 points191 points  (17 children)
    I left my last job because my female co-workers workers ganged up on me, talked badly about me to everyone, and eventually refused to speak to me. I don't even know why. I'm a conscientious person and asked them repeatedly if we could talk. They refused. I maintained that I didn't have a problem with any of them and actually had a good deal of respect for their professional talents. I brought the bizarre treatment up to four different managers and they refused to help me, citing, "people gossip at any job, just let it go". So after months of trying to just deal with, becoming more and more ostracized, I quit. I feel I was bullied out of my own job. In retrospect, I think one of the women wanted my shift and they pegged me as the scapegoat for managerial problems.
    Now I work somewhere new with other women who lift each other up and support one another. It's so refreshing.
    [–]bird_equals_word 49 points50 points51 points  (7 children)
    I'm going through similar now. But I am male working in a male team. They're all drunks and incompetent. I work hard and am the standout employee. Now they won't talk to me and are trying to spread shit about me. Fuck em, I've got another job lined up with better people and shorter hours. Life is too short for office politics. I'm going fishing a day a week starting September.
    [–]evileyeball [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Me and my Co-workers (also Male in a 90% male team) get along perfectly Because Management looked at all the shifts and Judged them based on desirability then said people can voulenteer to work the 5 least desirable shifts if no one voulenteers then they will be assigned by seniority. Every year or so when an opertunity for shift changes come up its always the same.
    Every year I keep picking the #1 Least Desirable shift (In the eyes of Management) because it's the Most Desirable shift for me. 10PM to 8AM Friday Saturday Sunday Monday My 5 Year aniversary at this job is August 24th (which is also My 4 year Wedding Aniversary) I never see anyone unless I want to because I also get to work from home
    [–]dare978devil [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Not in my present job (which I enjoy), but a previous job I had a similar situation. Some of my colleagues had seniority, which they felt gave them the right to slack off. I was a young keener working my first "real" job, and I loved it. So I worked hard at it. I also had 5 personal days a year I could take, on top of paid vacation. Not having ever held a job where I could take a personal day, I never took them mainly because the concept was so foreign to me. Plus I was living at home in my parents' basement, and had no need to buy groceries, renegotiate a mortgage, or even do laundry (or whatever other people did on personal days). One day this woman who had been working there the longest took me aside and very harshly explained that I was making everyone else look bad, and that I needed to slow down in my work, take all 5 of my personal days immediately, and also start taking regular sick days. If I didn't, I was hurting my colleagues. I had already recognized her as the biggest slacker in the department, she was in fact a terrible employee. But I had no idea what to say to her. Then she organized the other "lifers" in a crusade to try to make me into a poor employee using peer pressure. It was awful, my enthusiasm for the job waned pretty quickly. And then one day she swore at a customer and was fired! I realize that taking pleasure in other people's misfortune isn't exactly a becoming trait, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that was one of my favourite days at that job. I never let anyone know, even commiserated with some of the other lifers, but secretly inside I was thinking "Fuck Yeah!"
    [–]delmar42 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Be careful with the personal days. In most jobs, if you don't use them by the end of the year, you lose them. Take them (not all at once, and not when directed to by an idiotic co-worker) to go do something fun. Go for a hike, a drive, fishing, golfing, a long weekend somewhere, or as a day to recover from a party/concert/whatever.
    [–]DocVozMach [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Good for you! Leave those guys in the sea of their own misery.
    [–]copiouscuddles [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Was that a fishing pun?
    [–]DocVozMach [score hidden]  (0 children)
    [–]delmar42 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Good for you. I hate playing the office politic game. That's mostly played at the manager levels here, which is one reason why I really have no interest in becoming any type of manager. Let me be a well-paid individual contributer, don't micro-manage me, and I'll be happy.
    [–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 36 points37 points38 points  (2 children)
    That is refreshing! I'm glad you ended up somewhere positive. Here's to supporting one another!
    [–]DocVozMach 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
    You'll find something like that, too. Even though it wasn't your decision, you lucked out getting out of there. That stuff is incredibly draining. Best of luck to you moving forward.
    [–]earthpeesfire [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I've worked with asshole women, awesome women, and in male-dominated industries (a mix of gentlemen and assholes). Of the 3 "types" working with cool women is by far my favorite so don't assume you don't like working with women. You simply don't like working with assholes and any company that fosters a nasty work culture isn't a place you want to be. I hope you find another job where they'll appreciate you quickly!
    [–]SyfaOmnis [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I had a female co-worker who was a "Safety Person"... who wanted to do nothing but "Safety meetings" and "Safety paperwork", which there wasn't enough to do... so she'd wander about and gossip with the fucking 13 middle managers there. When she actually had to do work in our area (which she was supposedly an 'assistant' of) she would basically stand around and tell people how to lift shit, rather than actually do things. She was eternally resentful of actually having to work.
    Meanwhile myself and the other guy working during the day were busting ass unloading trucks in the warehouse.
    One day we ended up doing three fifty three foot trailers of snowblowers (it amounted to something close to 120 snowblowers in 6 hours) - uncrating, finishing assembly, moving to the upstairs hardware floor, and we cleaned up two of the trailers worth of material too - in addition to helping out customers and our 'regular' duties. This was basically an insane amount of work... and on the last trailer we literally did not have the time to clean up the cardboard & wood panelling before we were supposed to clock out. So we explained it to the evening crew (who were mostly high-school students) and they were okay with it. Management pushed us hard because we 'needed' to have this unbelievable amount of work done before the evening crew showed up.
    Then this woman comes along and flips the fuck out, starts screaming and throwing things. I'm still there for a few minutes because I'm waiting inside until my bus comes in 10min - I ask her if there's a problem and she refuses to talk to me. Tells all the high-school kids that they're not supposed to do anything with the 'mess' and goes up to the office. I leave at this point because home-time.
    Get back to work the next day, and I'm told that apparently we left two hours worth of mess for her to clean up - and it was apparently strewn all over the place, rather than neatly stacked along the sides of the truck. I explain that we were told to get the trucks finished before evening crew, that evening crew also works in the area and sometimes the 'shared duties' of the area mean that they might have to finish a task that we cant before we clock out, and that we occasionally have to finish tasks that they leave because they couldn't finish it before closing. Management isn't buying it, refuses to believe that no we didn't just trash our work area when we were finished.
    I have never been more pissed off at a female coworkers bullshit before. Eventually some other events led to her being explicitly told to stay the fuck out of 'my' work area by management and that they'd tolerate no more of her drama causing nonsense.
    [–]DocVozMach [score hidden]  (0 children)
    See, if she were a rational human, she'd have recognized your hard work to your supervisors. What a useless piece of garbage!
    Being solution-minded and having a "we're in this together" mentality is so simple and so important to a well-functioning workplace.
    [–]zombiegrinch [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I had something similar happen to me. I started a new job and the women there seemed to really not like me right off the bat. It wasn't until about a year later when I told them I was gay, that they actually started being friendly to me. I can only assume it's because they thought that I was competition for the men there and must have thought my casual conversations with them were somehow flirtatious.
    [–]Zomeese 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
    I kind of wish you stayed just to make sure she didn't get the shift.
    But what you did was fine too. :)
    [–]DocVozMach [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Part of me wanted to be vindictive. But more of me just wanted it to be over. I genuinely hope she got my shift and is happy now. Now they can all be pleased with themselves for forcing me out. Until they realize the problems are still all there and they have to pick a new scapegoat to blame for it all.
    [–]B0ssc0 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The targets of workplace bullying are often more competent than the bullies (Google 'workplace bullying targets). Makes sense I guess if all the bullies' energy and effort is misdirected.
    [–]Faustusdoc213 43 points44 points45 points  (0 children)
    I remember a similar situation where I worked several years ago. We had an admin who handled sample inventory, logs and authentication of sampling results. She held that job for over 25 years (this is important), and when she would walk down the halls she would do the "Blanche Deveroux Sway" and make sure all the male workers said hello to her. The company grew, and she couldn't handle the job by herself anymore, so she got an assistant. Her assistant was a 22 year old drop dead gorgeous Latina female, "Jane". After the first day of walking the halls with Jane, and seeing she was getting more attention, Blanche hated her. She would talk crap all the time about her: how she was lazy (she was in training, she's not going to work as fast as a 25 year vet), how she couldn't speak English (because she had a Spanish accent), she dressed inappropriate for job (slacks and a long sleeve shirt! That hussy!), and we should fire her. She kept this up for months until the girl finally left. Blanche was refusing to train her, and Jane had to share an office with a woman who hated her. No amount of petition to management would help, as Blanche had been there 25 years, and all of HR were her "coffee buddies". After she left we hired another assistant, a young man, and Blanche loooooooved him. Well, at least until he showed up on drugs and started swinging a knife at people.
    Sorry you got screwed OP. Hope you find a better job soon.
    [–]MakeeDru 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
    I was put in a similar situation, but I resigned. I enjoyed my job at a small medical office, one of the ladies who had worked there the longest just had a flip switched after a few months; no matter what I did, I didn't do it correctly.
    It didn't matter if other nurses asked me questions before asking her and I was right, she'd have to correct me - every time, and then belittle me somehow with menial work. Therefore, I found a better paying job with a much better atmosphere.
    Fast forward two months later, had dinner with a former co-worker and she told me she over heard the other woman tell someone she felt threatened by me. They wound up hiring two people to replace me.
    There are better opportunities out there, don't let someone's cattiness win. You're awesome!
    [–]wittymeister 100 points101 points102 points  (19 children)
    I work in a male dominated field. I got pulled into hr because a guy said "thats what she said" and another female said sexual harassment. The hr lady only asked me if any of the men were causing me issues. She never asked if the women were aggressive or threatening. The same woman that told on the male told me she would beat my ass if we weren't in uniform because I said I like her Minnie mouse voice.
    The women in the department are way more of an issue to other women than any male is. I was actually harassed by a male coworker that kept touching me and I still felt less violated than how the women treat me.
    [–]hatrickpatrick 20 points21 points22 points  (13 children)
    I've heard this story many times from female friends - could I ask in all honesty, why suffer in silence? Is there really still a culture of not wanting to rock the boat in case of retribution? I thought we were finally living in a world in which people who blow the whistle on bullying were protected from being punished for coming forward, and yet I've heard this same story or variations of it so many times. :/
    [–]barto5 [score hidden]  (6 children)
    why suffer in silence?
    That's easy. Most of the time the "harassment" is subtle. There's usually not a " look what she did" moment that you can point to.
    It's just a constant stream of small things that makes it toxic. And if you try to complain you are the one that looks petty for making an issue over something (seemingly) trivial.
    [–]hatrickpatrick [score hidden]  (5 children)
    That may be in many cases, but telling someone you'll beat their ass is hardly subtle. Unless said in jest, that should definitely be something you can go to HR about and be treated properly by them.
    [–]throwaway_47185 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    The thing is, you'd have to get it on a recording otherwise it's not really actionable. You just sound like an annoying tattler trying to get someone in trouble without any evidence.
    HR is there to protect the company, not the employees. If you come off as a tattle-tale looking to stir the pot, you will be fired before anyone else.
    People often don't get this, so I am going to re-iterate:

    HR is there to protect the company from liability, it is NOT there to help employees! Don't assume they will help you if you complain to them, especially if you complain a lot! Trust me, you could be the most productive member of your team and they will find a way to fire you for "performance issues" if you come off as a frequent complainer about harassment or bullying.

    Complaining works great in high school and college to get what you want as far as how other people treat you. Unfortunately it trains young adults into believing that's how it works everywhere. It does NOT work out the same in a professional workplace. You are just as likely to get canned as the person you are accusing of bothering you.
    [–]IShotJohnLennon [score hidden]  (0 children)
    But that's the thing. Even if they didn't say it in jest, that's what they'll say it was. I mean, I doubt they'd really "beat her ass" and I'm sure she knew they wouldn't physically punch her, right?
    They would just say they were sorry and had no intention of being mean at all and then they'll do everything they can to subtly make her days worse.
    I've seen this and I've been there and it sucks, especially when you've got someone who is nice to everyone else but targets you for whatever reason.
    [–]wittymeister [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hr is good at making the people not involved feel like they did something wrong. I'd prefer to never talk to them again
    [–]Mamapalooza [score hidden]  (2 children)
    I think there is that culture, because who can afford to lose a job these days?
    [–]hatrickpatrick [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Sure, but my point is I thought we were past the stage where blowing the whistle on bullying wouldn't even come close to risking a job loss.
    [–]Mamapalooza [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Oh, lord, no. We're nowhere past that point. Story time! I was sexually harassed IN FRONT OF four other female colleagues at a job - again, I was much younger and this was actually a temp position. It was blatant, textbook, and far from his first offense. I didn't even file a complaint, but I called to ask my temp agency for advice. THEY filed a complaint, over my objections, and because he was a VP, it turned the company upside down. I was ostracized by everyone in the building, INCLUDING the four female witnesses. We were both fired.
    I realize anecdotal evidence is the WORST kind, but in my experience - and in the experiences of the women AND MEN I know - this is just what happens. You suck it up, or you find a new job - voluntarily, or involuntarily.
    [–]hippydipster [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I thought we were finally living in a world in which people who blow the whistle on bullying were protected from being punished for coming forward
    Do you really think that? I mean, it's not even close to being true in the vast majority of places. People don't like problems. If you report a problem, now there's a problem. And you brought it. Without you, there's no problem. So, yes, almost no where are people who blow the whistle protected.
    [–]wittymeister [score hidden]  (0 children)
    In mine, the two women that have caused me issues are protected by the Lt for that shift. If I say something to the lt I'm going to have a shitty work life. I actually did say something about the one, not knowing that she was protected and was told I am petty.
    [–]suchahotmess [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The issue in my workplace is that the bullying is top down, so I don't know how I'd handle it in a position where I could actually say something about it. But it's such an overall toxic environment that it's making me miss my previous workplace, which was 90% male. Even when my coworkers were assholes (and a lot of them were) it never felt personal in the way that it does here.
    [–]copiouscuddles [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I love dirty jokes like "that's what she said" and I'm a straight female...Not like jokes like that are appropriate for work, but if someone wasn't comfortable with a dirty joke they could say something like "I don't think that's appropriate". Calling it sexual harassment is a bit much, unless maybe the jokes were often directed towards one woman who was uncomfortable with it.
    [–]wittymeister [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The lady was just trying to cause the guy grief. I am a straight female and I have one of the dirtiest minds and mouths out there, very rarely does a sexual joke offend me.
    [–]jarymane00 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Telling someone they sound like a cartoon character was a compliment, or...?
    [–]wittymeister [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I was trying to joke with her because her voice cracked because she'd been sick. She was trying to be tough in front of the people we were eating with.
    [–]forposter [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I said I like her Minnie mouse voice.
    ...I'm on her side. Telling someone they sound like a Minnie or Mickey Mouse is really disrespectful. If you find someone's voice funny, even if it is in a likable way, you should be keeping that to yourself. You basically told this woman she was a joke without any provocation.
    I really wonder if the aggressive and threatening behavior you find so offensive in others is just a response to your own every day behavior.
    [–]tastelesseyeball [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This is very similar to what happened to me!
    I had a really good job working as a junior jewelry designer (I'm 22) and my design team was only 3 other women all 25 and my manager who was a 55 year old woman. I was the lowest on todempole being the newest employee and also working underneath the "senior" designers and no reason to be a threat to anyone there. I did my work everyday, stayed after and tried my best to humor the two other designers egos. What I received throughout my six months there was constant anxiety that I had done something to displease these ladies, obvious talking behind my back and crude jokes being thrown my way. I spoke with them calmly and casually about it and I gathered after awhile that they were intimidated about my looks. Which had absolutely nothing to do with the job at hand. Finally my manager pulled me aside and said that there was 'cloud of negativity surrounding me and I needed to find a way to fix it'. I asked her upfront if it was because the other girls did not like me. She skirted around the answer but eventually said 'it's part of your job to figure how to work with them, not them to work with you.' This was on a Friday and I was fired on a Tuesday for 'interpersonal issues'.
    I have never received more cruelty and mistreatment then at the hands of my female peers not just in this situation either. I have some girlfriends whom I love and trust but the majority of the time I see other women and feel very guarded. I wish I didn't have to feel that way and I don't understand it most of the time. It's extremely disappointing.
    (TL;DR) Got fired for interpersonal reasons because my 25 year old superiors thought my looks were a threat to them. We worked in jewelry design.
    [–]Y0uSunkMyBattleship 12 points13 points14 points  (2 children)
    This sounds like a tv show. When you watch the bachelor and everyone tries to warn the bachelor(ette) that one girl/guy is crazy and everyone knows it, but they're sweet as pie to the star of the show. The isolated person never understands why everyone is against them.
    [–]RooftopBBQ [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Looking at you Chad
    [–]IShotJohnLennon [score hidden]  (0 children)
    God.....and so many ladies in the audience were so hot for that walking meltdown. That's the scary part.
    [–]Allprocrastination 21 points22 points23 points  (2 children)
    I've worked for two family businesses and read about many others and they are to be avoided at all costs. Personal baggage warps the work environment. I will never work for one again unless the only other option is living in box under a bridge.
    [–]barto5 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I work in a family business right now and it's the best company I've ever been a part of.
    It all depends on the family. The owners are truly good people and it makes for a truly good company.
    [–]Infuriated [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Yep, same here! Very high degree of integrity and standards, and no tolerance for pettiness and drama. Its amazing!!
    [–]krneki12 19 points20 points21 points  (3 children)
    When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil.
    --Marcus Aurelius
    [–]vitaminssk [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Meditations, awesome reading.
    [–]throwaway_47185 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The full quote is even more poignant:
    “When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own - not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.”
    That said, it basically just boils down to "Try to understand where they are coming from and that they have their own story, and try to work around it without letting it bring you down to their level."
    [–]wilyoldveteran 53 points54 points55 points  (0 children)
    I am a recently retired male people leader in a large multinational, living the freedom 55 dream. I have lead male dominated field teams, female dominated office teams and mixed male/female office/field teams. I would like to add that most of the anecdotes I have read in this thread are the direct result of crappy leadership. In my experience, men and women are equally effective but differ only in how and what they communicate, and what feedback they need from the boss. All of the bad behaviour that I have read here seems to be the direct result of the leader not providing the members of the team what they need. My first attempts at making the transition from leading a mainly male field team to an office based female team, were a near total disaster. Fortunately I had a mentor on the west coast who helped me. After listening to my sad story of how dis functional these women were becoming, the constant parade to my office to complain about colleagues and petty bickering, my mentor gave me some of the best leadership advice I have ever gotten. She told me all of the angst was caused by ME, not making myself available to the team. Because these women did not know what I was all about, what made me happy, what made me irritated, my priorities, my goals or my outlook on how to hit our goals, this high performing team was reduced to working against each other as they tried to figure me out and figure out their own place on the hierarchy of the team. The lesson I learned in leadership then is very powerful and applies equally to men and women staff members. The leader has to be able to open up emotionally and be ready to provide whatever support each report needs, man or woman, within the boundaries of the workplace of course. A leader can't do this sitting on their butts in their office, they have to get up and walk around to understand what the hell is going on. The boss has to be part of the team they lead. Too many managers become part of the management team and stop being members of the team they are leading. The single biggest thing I tried to do was honour the old "platinum rule". Treat everyone how THEY want to be treated. The one regret I have about early retirement is parting with my staff of 15. Together we did some amazing things and made a boatload of money for the organization. I miss them all fiercely.
    [–]rachelscosmos 7 points8 points9 points  (2 children)
    Happened to me too. Female GM thought I was sleeping with her boyfriend (a lower level manager) because we had a conversation once about the housing market and I was smiling. I was given the worst shifts starting the next week. I didn't know why until we both quit and I ran into him a year later.
    [–]evileyeball [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I must be lucky in that the few times anything bad has come to me at work it was totally my fault but never anything enough to get me fired. They told me to pick up my socks in some areas, where I was failing to produce properly and swapped my shift to one where they could more closely review my work. I fixed up the problem and was promptly sent back to my former shift (because no one else wants to work all Night shift All Weekends)
    [–]PeterZeeke [score hidden]  (0 children)
    damn! that's awful
    [–]cowsodomy 7 points8 points9 points  (2 children)
    So, would you say that they are Crab People
    [–]iowastatefan 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
    [–]cowsodomy [score hidden]  (0 children)
    tastes like crab
    talk like people
    [–]Mockingjay_13 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
    We are living in the world of insecurities where we dont know what is gonna happen next hour or minute, damn these type of people exists where one is expandable for his/her cuteness. Get a life suckers
    [–]deerstop [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I once got a job because the wife of the boss though I wasn't pretty and therefore not a "threat". 😅
    [–]ixnay101892 30 points31 points32 points  (1 child)
    The most anti-women people I've seen were all women.
    [–]Proc0nsul [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Well, biology itself should make that obvious to anyone with half a brain.
    [–]Gimme_Pizza_Dammit 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
    I'll never understand why women don't have each others backs and are so quick to throw each other under the bus. I work with an older lady who HATES me. Why? Because I'm attractive and friendly. That's it. She goes out of her way to belittle me and make me feel like shit. She did the same thing to the previous girl that worked here until she quit. Sucks to be her though, because every morning I grab my coffee and I cheerily say good morning to her and ignore anything she says that's nasty to me. If she wants to make her day miserable by trying to find ways to make me upset, then that's her problem, not mine. I really hope that you get another job and don't ave to deal with this bullshit again. We should be helping each other, not trying to tear each other down.
    [–]fluffykittie 11 points12 points13 points  (1 child)
    If you aren't going to sue, a glitter bomb may make you feel better. <3
    [–]AllDepressedChips [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Not just one, send them every day for a month and ask for different packaging each time.
    [–]puss_parkerswidow [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hey, I worked in a place that was like that. It was a seriously toxic environment I should have left far sooner. I needed the job, and worked there during the recession when getting another job was next to impossible where I live.
    I saw women tear each other to shreds. The shit rolled downhill, as the saying goes. The boss was a woman about the same age as me- in our 30s at the time. She acted like a high school "mean girl" and she cultivated a workplace populated with a lot of younger women who would back-stab and gossip and compete to win her favor. I got the sense that she kept me around because I could get the work done regardless of if she was having one of her shit days and staying home; if she was having a real shit day and came in and heaped abuse on everyone; or if she decided to spend two years not coming to work (that happened- it was my best two years there.)
    I watched her have explosive tirades and fire people for the tiniest infractions. I saw people cry all the time. I saw people quit and scream about the toxicity on their way out the door. There were little intrigues between the younger workers- one was fucking the biggest client and talking shit about the company and the boss to him and several other clients. She'd have another of the young women drive her to the city to meet up with this old toad at a hotel and they'd party all night and come in looking like shit and pretending they were loyal little ass-kissers. Then they'd betray each other and sabotage each other's work.
    I stuck with that job for a decade, paid off a lot of bills, and got fired in the end when the boss was at her lowest point and fired the only three remaining employees in a moment of anger. It was supposed to be a team-building meeting wherein the other two who had put in notice were going to be convinced to stay. We all got up and left when we thought the boss was about to assault one of them. She fired us for leaving the meeting.
    Anyway, I just want you to know you most likely dodged a really shitty long-term experience. There's likely to be a lot more going on in that place then you even noticed in the short time you were there. These places can bring out the worst in people. Toxic work culture is a thing to avoid. It's been about 4 years and I've never looked back- had two great jobs since then. The one I'm at now is pretty awesome. I wish I'd just quit that one the first week I was there- after witnessing the boss publicly humiliate a great worker. That should have been my clue to get out fast. I stayed for the money and wish I hadn't. I could have gotten a different job then, but within a couple of years, the recession hit and leaving seemed risky for a long time.
    [–]Diana2582 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
    In two different jobs ive been pulled aside by my boss to ask what the issue was between me and another girl. First time she wanted my boyfriend second time I was the only other staff member that didn't think the sun shone out of her ass so she hated me. I luckily had good bosses who believed my version and now I work mostly with guys. Guys can still be bitchy and I still have worked with people I don't like but at least they don't try and get you fired. Sorry you had to deal with that and I'm sorry so many people have had similar issues
    [–]kiwiduck 41 points42 points43 points  (8 children)
    Sorry that happened to you OP. When my girlfriend was interviewing for jobs she said she basically gave up the moment she saw she had a female interviewer, they were always more aggressive and patronising than male interviewers and seemed to dismiss her the moment she made the slightest mistake. She did end up with a really good job, where she'd only had two male interviewers.
    [–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 37 points38 points39 points  (1 child)
    Yeah. I've felt as much sexism, if not more, from female bosses/coworkers than from male. I understand feeling like you have to prove yourself, but I wish it didn't happen at other women's expense. Glad your gf found a good job!
    [–]PeterZeeke [score hidden]  (0 children)
    see, this is why I get annoyed that men are the ones who get blamed for sexism
    [–]WinosaurusTex [score hidden]  (0 children)
    That really sucks for her. I had some of my best interviews with women. I found that when I was interviewed by women it was often less about how I looked and more about what was coming out of my mouth.
    My feelings were confirmed when a guy who does the interviewing at my old firm straight up said, "I don't think men should be the ones interviewing women. We just hired that girl because she's attractive." That attractive girl had just been fired from her old job and wreaked such havoc on my client relationship I thought we were going to get fired for the ONE week she was there.
    Every person is different and I am sorry that your gf had shitty people interview her. And I'm sorry that OP had to suffer through shitty people as well. Maybe all these shitty people should be forced to only work with shitty people until they learn how to treat people appropriately.
    [–]Dusty_Old_Bones 11 points12 points13 points  (2 children)
    I can relate to that. I had a job interview last week with three women. Two were really nice, but the last one didn't even bother being polite. When I walked in and said hello, she just looked at me and didn't say anything. During the interview I could hear the disdain in her voice every time she spoke to me or asked a question. I tried to get her to laugh and that seemed to just make her hate me more..? Mid interview I could tell I wasn't going to get the job just because of that woman. I wanted to just save myself any further embarrassment and leave before it was over but told myself no, you're just being silly or sensitive, maybe this woman is like this with everyone.
    Yeah, I didn't get it. Which is dumb because I was way qualified and I would have made an amazing addition to their business (if I do say so myself.) Oh and I told that one woman specifically on my way out to 'have a nice day' and she just rolled her eyes and kept walking. What the hell??
    [–][deleted]  (1 child)
      [–]verticalnoise 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
      she basically gave up the moment she saw she had a female interviewer
      That's still sexism though... If you ran into shitty female interviewers it doesn't mean all female interviewers are shitty.
      [–]Takashi_10 13 points14 points15 points  (1 child)
      So the wife of the boss was threatened by your superior intellect and your co-workers were threatened by your good looks?
      [–]WNYYogi 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
      I read this in my HR voice. Things like this bother me to NO end. It is unfortunate that some women continue w/the "mean girl" routine years after high school and some for the rest of their lives.
      Chin up, buttercup! If that was were you were meant to be, you'd still be there.
      [–]popcornhicken 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
      That sucks, and there is zero recourse...people will figure you're 'cute' enough to get another job, and fuck it, maybe they're right, but it takes zero account of your skills, what you bring and perhaps how your life might be just as fucked up as there's is. Worse, if their worst problem is workplace insecurity. That said...businesses match owner(s's) personalities, and those two are probably hell with the drama, maybe this will open up a new opportunity for you that will expedite your life changes. Good luck.
      [–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      Thanx. I guess I'm glad to have avoided more future drama? Onward and upward. :)
      [–]theshimmyshaker 7 points8 points9 points  (1 child)
      It's really awful what happened to you. I don't have some big bright idea on what you should do but I support you.
      [–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Thank you! I appreciate it. :)
      [–]ragneg9 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
      Better off in the end. Place sounds toxic as fuck. My ex had a similar work environment where her higher level of skill in her job compared to others created an environment where people would offer coffee to people infront of her and not her for example. Was misery. Thankfully she left and found a job that as far as I'm aware she's still at and doing well!
      [–]BigLeg331 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
      Guy here, i read a very well researched study the other day that is about this exact situation - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36969103
      more often than not it is women that hold other women back in life, thats why the feminist movement is so misguided... guys have no problem with women in the work place, other women on the other hand..
      [–]Squishymcgeester 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
      Unfortunately someone who does stupid shit like this isn't capable of or doesn't care about being reasonable or empathetic. Anyone with a shred of decency doesn't go out of their way to hurt someone because of their own insecurities, and those who do probably always will. I mean really almost everyone has these insecurities, it's how they're handled that is different. There are too many people all to willing to throw someone under a bus to get sick satisfaction that you always run into just by trying to go about existing. Jeez, I just wish it didn't cost you your job, especially with what you're already dealing with. This is nuts and I'm sorry. I wish you luck, not that that's much help.
      [–]lulaula [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I hate to bring it to you, but in our times women are the enemies of women, not men. It was proven by several studies, that female bosses treat women worse, than men do. Same goes for coworkers
      [–]audioen 12 points13 points14 points  (2 children)
      What you have here is a good sentiment, but in reality we are all in competition with each other, and being thought as attractive brings with it certain favors, but also envy, jealousy and rage. This will not end until you are no longer attractive yourself.
      [–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 13 points14 points15 points  (1 child)
      I hope we can all be more mature than our jealousies.
      [–]Kellandegnan 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
      Some of us can be. I personally try to treat everyone in a kind respectful supportive manner, regardless of the gender or age or race, even people I don't really like. But maybe some of us were just raised different n learned to be supportive. Idk.
      [–]fruit7 14 points15 points16 points  (1 child)
      Women get extremeley jealous of girls that are prettier than them.
      Men are jealous of those with more money than them.
      Basically, petty people are jealous of things that can help other people like us more. I'm sorry you went through this bias, I was also dumped from a job recently due to other employees saying I didn't do a good job behind my back.
      [–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      I wish we could all just be more honest with one another. Sorry you had to go through that.
      [–]NorthAtinMA 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
      My wife has said this for decades - "The biggest threat and problem to women in the workplace isn't men, it's other women"
      [–]Valariya [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I've never really gotten along with other women, the majority of them are overly catty and petty, willing to torch me and whoever else they don't like for insignificant reasons.
      Sorry that you're feeling a similar thing cause it truly sucks, but it will likely be a problem in your life for a very long time. My recommendation is try to find a job with as few other women as possible and avoid any job where there is a woman in power above you, who you know you're smarter, prettier and more capable then, cause they will not allow you to dethrone them as the matriarch of the workplace and will make things difficult or impossible for you.
      [–]PeterZeeke [score hidden]  (1 child)
      There is definitely a toxic type of woman out there, that will protect her position in ways you cant fight against without coming across as psychotic, as a man I don't know how to deal with this without "smackin a hoe" so I avoid those situations, and hang out with nice women who know how to communicate.
      I do not encourage violence towards women, ever
      [–]PetesDragon85 [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Violence against people, why would violence against a man be a lesser evil than violence against a woman?
      [–]JackieBoySlim [score hidden]  (0 children)
      They fired this cute Latina at my job because all the guys wanted to fuck her. Pretty much convinced me to switch jobs especially since I was so close to actually fucking her.
      [–]stromm [score hidden]  (0 children)
      As a guy, I find it odd that you are pissed at the women.
      You should be pissed at him.
      30 years have taught me that what you encountered with coworkers has nothing to do with male/female or "being related to the boss" or not.
      It has to do with bad managers letting staff rule the nest with bullshit.
      I get that fitting in is part of the job, but fitting in is a team responsibility.
      [–]PeaTearGriphon [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I've always thought the only reason women don't run the world is because they cut each other down rather than supporting each other.
      [–]JoshHamil 19 points20 points21 points  (15 children)
      I'm not sure if this is the whole story.
      If it was really for that reason then you likely have a case against them and can lawyer up, but in A LOT of cases like this, the person who was fired is not telling the whole story.
      [–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 18 points19 points20 points  (1 child)
      I trust the info given to me, but regardless, I have no interest in suing. I just needed to vent.
      [–]bleaksex [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I believe you...this same thing happened to me back in college. I was working for a flower store. The husband hired me, and the wife was an absolute ass to me because she was jealous of the way her husband looked at my breasts. It was terrible. I feel you.
      [–]husker_42 [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Is not the whole story, is a vent of someone that needed to do it! Give it a break.
      [–]esk_209 10 points11 points12 points  (1 child)
      No, she wouldn't. She was 2.5 weeks into a new job, she wasn't a good fit, they let her go. Unless she's in a protected minority/disabled/older class, the "not a good fit" is perfectly justified (legally). It's not sexual harassment, she wasn't a whistle blower, what grounds would she have to sue?
      [–]As You Wishmorallygreypirate 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
      A (male) coworker tried his hardest to get me (female) fired along with our manager (another male) in an attempt to go straight to a management position even though he was so-so to borderline incompetent at his current position using lies so not outside the realm of possibility.
      [–]fakemoose 23 points24 points25 points  (3 children)
      Yea I'd give $100 to hear the other side of this. And I bet it's not that the OP was so attractive they wanted her fired.
      [–]Le_Cookie_Monstre 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
      You have no reason and not enough information to bet one way or the other. OP could be colouring the story with her own bias and you could be reading the story with your own bias.
      [–]megaturd288 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
      Really? That's inconceivable to you?
      [–]sarevok-fighter-mage [score hidden]  (0 children)
      The quickest glance at OP's post history makes one wonder what the whole story is.
      [–]LeSurrealisme [score hidden]  (0 children)
      She probably doesn't have a case, unfortunately. For example, in the state that I live in (Illinois), employment is "at will", meaning they can fire you for anything at all, and not have to justify it to anyone. Even if you are in a protected class and were fired because of that, it would be very, very difficult to prove, because your former employer can come up with any other reason they want.
      [–]rennsteig -3 points-2 points-1 points  (1 child)
      I'm not sure if this is the whole story.
      Dito. With all scientific evidence pointing towards beautiful people being more successful in career matters, I'm dubious of quick "It's just jealousy!" allegations.
      [–]mymarkis666 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
      I've never been fired for it but I have definitely experienced bullying for nothing other than my looks. It's not inconceivable to me that the wife was in on the bullying and used her power to get OP fired.
      [–]thorbo 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
      My job won't even hire young women to prevent this issue.. sad.
      [–]not_falling_down 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
      and that, in itself, is patently illegal
      [–]thorbo 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Yeah it made me think a lot less of the people in charge.
      [–]megacesos 3 points4 points5 points  (6 children)
      This is the problem women face all the time. Feminist like to complain that men keep them down (many do) but they fail to realize that other women will pull the other one from the top, so they can be on top. You are prettier than me, F you! I am the pretty one here. You are smarter than me, F you! You are not taking my job/carrer/husband.
      Maybe because it's a small town, and they know you are getting separated, one of their husbands/boyfriends will try to make a move on you. Like you said, insecure women.
      [–]durbeyfield1 10 points11 points12 points  (5 children)
      SOME feminists fail to realize that SOME women will target other women. Feminism overall targets misogyny and sexism, which absolutely comes from all angles in society.
      Also, for the record, this story is twice removed. She is hearing it from a friend, who heard it from her boss. I'm not saying she wasn't treated unfairly (she clearly was), but we don't know that there wasn't a more complex issue at hand.
      [–]therealdilbert 2 points3 points4 points  (4 children)
      feminists seem to think everything bad happening to a women must caused by misogyny and sexism, when a much more likely explanation is just that horrible people are horrible
      [–]durbeyfield1 3 points4 points5 points  (3 children)
      But also in this world there's a lot of misogyny.
      [–]therealdilbert -3 points-2 points-1 points  (2 children)
      there is plenty of misogyny in the middle east, in the west the only real misogyny is the feminists who thinks women need quotas and special privileges to accomplish anything
      [–]bleaksex [score hidden]  (1 child)
      cites? What are you basing this on? What feminist theories have you studied? What feminists do you know? Mocking people on Tumblr doesn't count as a source.
      [–]mr_cholmondleywarner [score hidden]  (0 children)
      If someone states that "there is a lot of misogyny in the world" then it is up to them to present the evidence that it exists rather than the other way around.
      I agree (as I assume you do) with therealdilbert that there is plenty of misogyny in the Middle East, you only have to turn on a tv to see how oppressive life can be for women in that part of the world.
      I'm not however clear how this misogyny manifests itself in the west at any sort of societal level. I'm from the UK and we have laws and programmes in place to advantage women, the result of which is that in many areas women are now doing better than men. If the society in the UK is trying to be misogynistic then it isn't doing a very good job :)
      This isn't to say that there are no misogynists, there will obviously always be some in any society in the same way that there will always be some racists, misandrists and other generally bad eggs but they are a very small minority and I don't think it does anyone any favours if we encourage a victim mentality by telling women that essentially society is out to get them.
      [–]playingtricksonme 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women.
      [–]xsystemOne234 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Firing or laying off an asset because he/she is competent makes no business sense... lady boss is incompetent in a business sense.
      [–]gatafix [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I as a male worked in an office with a bunch of woman once (ratio was maybe 3:1). The gossip was palpable.
      [–]Afterawhile 1 point2 points3 points  (8 children)
      Depending on where you live, you can sue for that. It's not a legit reason to get fired, it has a fancy name that I can't remember. Maybe something to look into? Seriously that sucks. I'm sorry, OP.
      [–]rennsteig 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
      Most jurisdictions allow for an initial probation period. Especially in countries with tight employee protection. You need to give companies a chance to get to know an employee before you chain them together.
      Since OP was only there for 2.5 weeks I'd assume she was still under probation.
      [–]TheGreatQuillow[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
      Thanx. It does suck. But it's not something I'd sue over (at least in this instance). I just need to find a new job. :)
      [–]indrion [score hidden]  (0 children)
      And that's the exact reason why employers do shitty things to employees. What they did is straight up illegal, if you just let them walk away from doing that with no repercussion they're just going to continue to fuck people later down the line.
      [–]Gruffyy 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
      You dont even need to sue. If you ring up whatever fairwork commission your country has, you should be able to kick up enough dust to get a couple of grand out of it. A husband and wife business would gladly pay severance rather than have trouble.
      [–]gallifreyneverforget 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Do it the american way!
      [–]pillbinge 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      They can sue, but what do they have besides the word of a current employee - who may also have nothing.
      [–]copiouscuddles [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Sure, discrimination isn't a legit reason to fire someone, but a company can easily make up a different reason and as long as you can't prove it you're still screwed.
      EDIT: With at-will employment, a company can legally fire you at any time without even giving you a reason.
      [–]Nightauditor1981 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Unfortunately that is not a new story, I have seen similar things many times in my work life. That doesn't help you though.
      [–][deleted]  (4 children)
        [–]kinkakinka 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
        If they are American they are likely in an at-will state which means they can be fired for nearly anything.
        [–]bastaxxo 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
        Oh I forgot about that!
        [–]therealdilbert 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
        sue for what? what would you propose the company do differently, fire everyone else? doesn't matter who is at fault the company has to what is best for the company
        [–]blisstake 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
        Taking legal here; get an ombudsman to help you out. They bang out stuff like this like nothing. You were fired for illegal terms (aka they fired you illegally)
        Now emotional: If someone feels THAT insecure, there's more layers to the onion than you think. Not in a good way for them. More of "if you feel insecure because of this (insert minor act that is actually beneficial)" stupidity that there's problems at the core of the business, and for all you know could have crashed the next month.
        Tl;dr could have lost your job next month anyway
        [–]ekobeko 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
        You're better off out of there. My wife had the same thing, she was running a distribution company, joined when it started, helped get it up and running. The boss said well done etc, bosses wife was given a job there, got jealous, freaked out at my wife until she quit.
        [–]getriggityrekt 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
        im sorry this happened to you I have a similar story. I worked for a large retail chain and we hired a female employee to make the displays in store and make them look nice. I have to admit she was gorgeous and a very nice and pleasant person as well as good at her job. the female managers didn't receive her well because of it and started being generally nasty towards her to the point of pulling other coworkers away from her if she needed help lifting something or someone to hold a ladder etc. eventually she was fired because of some made up claim all because of some other women's insecurities. people need to get their shit together and put their fragile egos aside in the work place
        [–]Architectphonic 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
        I work in a field in which the resume will get you the interview and your personality (aka are you a team player no matter what and do we think you'll get along with most everyone here) will get you the job. I wish other fields did this because it's far more honest and leads to less office politics. Who the fuck's got time for that?
        [–]gingerkid9k 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
        This happened to me once in a small store i helped run. We hired a new girl who was in cahoots with the owner. I messed up once and got on his bad side but they kept me in board for another month and a half before giving me the boot. By that point I had become extremely irritated with the new girl but i tried to do the same as you, and just mind my own and stay away as best i could.
        When i was let go, i was furious. I wanted to slash that new girls tires or something. But i found a new job. Every now and again i think about how mad i was at her.
        My dad, when he heard the story, told me "if you put 100 random people in a room, one of them WILL commit murder"... And then my mom chimed in and told me shes happy I'm not in retail anymore :)
        [–]lilrilakkuma 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
        I was fired from my job as a receptionist a couple years ago after working there for three weeks. I worked for a psychologist who specialized with children. She fired me without any notice, I didn't know until I was mysteriously not on the work schedule for the next month. I always did my best at my job, and from what I could tell everyone else (coworkers and clients) seemed to love me.
        I emailed her about it, and she sent me an angry email back (half of it was written in capital, bold letters) about how terrible I was. She said I was completely incompetent, needed psychiatric evaluation. BUT at least she said that I was "very beautiful", and needed to find a job that "suited my attributes".
        [–]dreamxtheater [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I'm sorry this happened to you! I have never experienced this at the work place but definitely with friendships it's an absolutely awful feeling. I don't think what your feeling is offensive either. I sometimes wish females would be more supportive of each other- I know a lot are, but not enough. I mean at times we get enough from men, it sucks we have to worry about it with our own sex
        [–]Mjrfrankburns [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Contact the dept of labor!!!
        [–]gkiltz[🍰] [score hidden]  (0 children)
        If you live in the US you absolutely need to contact the US Department of Labor.
        Your state and locality may or may not have resources to help you, but they almost certainly do have the laws, if they can apply them in the current tax cutting environment.
        Look for a lawyer who specializes in labor law, and who will give you an initial consultation at a price you can afford. Many will give you an assessment and tell you if you have a winable case for free.
        If all else fails, start a gofundme account to cover your legal bills.
        If you have no money at all, contact your local legal aid society.
        Surprisingly this is one of the five kinds of cases they see the most, and they have people who know this type of law.
        Little secret I learned being a lawyer's son: Lawyers are actually no different from plumbers and car mechanics in that the more times that particular person has seen that exact problem, the better the chances of a good outcome.
        [–]howyabean [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I'm sorry that happened to you, OP, that is ridiculous.
        At the same time, I feel the owner should be held at least partially responsible. He did do what he had to do to keep his staff/wife happy, but there's a reason he's the owner/boss. He has the ultimate say. He probably had at least some power to point out to the other employees that they were being ridiculous, and to his wife that she was also being silly and insecure.
        While the other employees may have driven him to make the decision, he's the one who ultimately made the decision.
        Sorry about your job and about your husband :/ You sounded like a good, hard-working employee, I'm sure you'll be able to find another great job.
        [–]husker_42 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Sorry to hear that, that sucks big time! From my experience when a guy or guys do something like that is due to their narcissistic personalities (so being women is not the problem). A piece of advice, first detect that kind of character (if you are good looking it will show up pretty fast, so just pay attention to comments or details) try to stay away or protect yourself against it, and if neither work, just fly before havoc breaks! Is not easy, and you might have to think in growing a thick skin against that!
        Good luck! And cheer up, there's always a way out
        [–]inkonskin [score hidden]  (0 children)
        In the long run you're better off not working with/for people like that. You will meet far worse types of people at other jobs, shitty people are just everywhere and unavoidable. Find better ways to deal with them. Also, it's kind of funny, the man was the one who fired you, but you're only angry at the women. You don't fire an employee if you don't want to, you don't make business decisions based on your wife's insecurities if you're any good with management at all. He's either a liar or an idiot, so you're better off not working there at all.
        [–]scdodge03 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I started my new job a few months ago. The average length of employment there is around 13 years. Most are 20+ years. There are a couple other new people and it is like we're going up hill because most people are not willing to change or adapt.
        I'm 36, so I'm around the same age as all the 20+ year people. Which makes it even worse.
        [–]FalloutFanNV1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Why can't we support each other instead of throwing each other under the bus?
        I suspect that when someone finds the answer to this question it will already be too late, if it isn't already.
        [–]Y_BotherDC [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I'm sorry that happened to you. Don't let the haters get you down.
        [–]RedditRegisturd [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Ugh sorry, I worked at a small business like this. The wife worked there part time and would misspell my name on purpose in emails, be passive aggressive and weird among other things. I left after less than a year.
        [–]-justanothernobody- [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I was sacked because of other people's insecurities too. That's just life. You move on and find something else.
        [–]Mamapalooza [score hidden]  (0 children)
        So, I am not even that cute, but when I was younger I was bullied at two different jobs by superiors. One who asked me to "stop dressing so nice" on weekends (at a time when my budget basically only allowed for professional clothing from Ross/TJ Maxx and pajamas), and one who told me that I was "too prissy in my pearls and slacks."
        People's insecurities are not your issues. I'm dealing with a newly promoted supervisor now who is insecure about her people skills, so she derides me as "too friendly."
        How do I deal with it? By forming relationships with these people. I'm too friendly? Well, I'm too friendly TO HER. I'm too prissy? Well, I'm all up in your face with my prissy helpfulness. I dress too well? Well, I'm complimenting your outfit AND intelligence within earshot of everyone with whom we work - ESPECIALLY your supervisor.
        If people don't know you (or think they do), they can dehumanize you. Give them the illusion of camaraderie. You never know: They might actually become allies, if not even friends. Bring muffins. Be sweet. It may all be an act, but it's part of the stupid game.
        And, make no mistake, the game IS stupid. But it is what it is.
        [–]Reasonably_Lucid [score hidden]  (0 children)
        He did what he had to do to keep his staff/wife happy.
        Yeah basically no one can do wrong if this is their intent /s
        [–]thethirdriver [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I feel for you because this is such a tough and unfair situation to deal with but you should also consider that the coworker who told you all this was possibly just trying to cheer you up in a weird way. It may have been that you were fired for a legitimate reason and the coworker who told you otherwise was thinking it might make you feel better if you thought you'd been fired because other women were jealous of you instead of for your own shortcomings. If that's the case, he's not doing you any favors but he may have had good intentions.
        [–]PeterZeeke [score hidden]  (0 children)
        yeah ppl can be a pain in the ass, that sucks to hear
        [–]cupboard1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        You might be dealing with narcissists.
        [–]derpina_23 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Sorry to hear that. Good luck, OP!
        [–]samstar25 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        That's awful I'm sorry to hear that happened to you OP. In previous jobs it's always been other women that have had an issue with me. One example of when I worked in customer service I was the face of the store I worked in. I used to wear quite bright eye makeup and the customers used to love it and always comment on how it brightened their day. This all came to an end when a female coworker complained that my makeup wasn't natural enough and I actually had a letter from HR telling me to tone it down. This female coworker had actually commented in the past about how much she loved my makeup too. The world is a confusing place.
        [–]MrSleepin [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Women are the worst when it comes to petty differences... This is pathetic!
        My wife deals with "cliques" where she works, it's almost like high school! The cool kids and the nerds...
        What happened to being adults?
        [–]OmegaReign78 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        This does not happen only in the realm of women, but of men as well. If you are perceived as a threat to anyone's position, they will find a way to get rid of you.
        [–]AmericaNeedsBernie [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Yep, I know how that feels. My female boss felt insecure about me (because I achieved more in my early twenties than she did in her forties), so she accused me of sexual harassment, and I got fired.
        [–]OmegaMaterial [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Be glad you left this shit hole.
        [–]mastaberg [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Sounds like this was a bit of wrongful termination due to sexism. You weren't there very long though so a case is unlikely.
        [–]js5678 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I'm sorry, but if this was true, you may have legal grounds for a wrongful termination lawsuit.
        [–]Flappy67 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I'm not a fan of working with women myself and your story is an example of the things that often happens with women. When I was younger and couldn't sort out my feelings, I thought I was the one with the problem, but now I know better. I often ask myself the same thing..why can't we just help each other up instead? I don't know if this will help you or not, but the thing that has really helped me is joining Girl Scouts as a volunteer. I made great friends and learned how to work with women and accept how different personalities/skills contribute to a group no matter how small they may be. This dynamic helped me survive my boss' wife for the three years I was employed with a small business. In an atmosphere like that, you quickly learn that the wife sometimes calls the shots. I learned to appease her, choose my battles, and make her feel like she was in charge even when she was clearly getting in the way of my job. She would do things like return the office supplies I ordered because she could "find cheaper pens at the dollar store" or because I "really didn't need a notepad." I really hope you find a boss who values you enough to stick up for you. I'm sure that this ex boss of yours regrets letting you go. Is it possible that you could speak with his wife and get job back? Maybe tell her "sorry we got off on the wrong foot but I want to make it right" ...sometimes making it seem like it's your fault, even though it's not, will calm the woman. If not, then at least you can rest easy that your work environment isn't toxic.
        [–]Khajiit_Has_Skills [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I'm a guy, but my sister in law dealt with this because some dude hired all female office workers for his company and they would compete for his attention. His wife ended up pulling the trigger on my SIL cause I guess he was showing too much interest and she couldn't deal with it. My SIL wanted nothing to do with him in that way, but I found it strange that this creep was hiring only attractive women and his wife was fine until he actually talked about one of them.
        [–]VeilOFMayaa [score hidden]  (0 children)
        What do the staff have to do with anything? You said the bosses wife was "insecure". Also why would you believe what a coworker said, i can almost guarantee he had no idea why you were fired as well. Pro tip: Don't believe everything you hear.
        [–]wabbigail [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I am a paralegal, a field dominated by women. I am also a woman. When I first began applying to law firms in the last year of college, I was met with some weird opposition by the other female paralegals out there. My legal professor, a female attorney, seemed to know i would be met with this opposition. When she asked me about how it was going she said "Have all the women been rude to you?" I dont understand the need for women to needlessly be competitive or feel threatened by other women.
        [–]SpooktorB [score hidden]  (0 children)
        You couldnt sue even if you wanted to. Article VII only protects if the company is private sector AND have more than 15 employees, and the way you described it, they probably do not. If they do, seriously contact EEOC. No charge to you and they can help you mediate.
        [–]billFoldDog [score hidden]  (0 children)
        On the bright side, that is going to look fucking killer in your next job interview.
        "I lost my previous job because I was more attractive than the other employees and my intelligence intimidated the owner's wife. Hire me if you want a winner."
        [–]hirolash [score hidden]  (0 children)
        You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders and you think things through before reacting. You will be better off working somewhere else, with coworkers that respect you and appreciate your work ethics. I believe you will land on your feet, just keep pushing forward.
        [–]GoldenTileCaptER [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Edit: I have no desire or intention to sue.
        Why not? I'm not a huge fan of a litigious society, but you've got a legitimate case. She IS the business, not just him, according to your story. Make her realize SHE hurt the business, not you.
        [–]bollywongaloid [score hidden]  (0 children)
        11 people work where I work and the two girls that work there are the only two people who don't speak to each other.
        [–]Oudeis16 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Almost this exact thing happened to me. Last week Facebook reminded me of a post from exactly one year ago. I had written about how awesome my commute to work was and how this was going to be an amazing week. Five hours later I had been fired, for more-or-less the exact same reasons.
        [–]RainbowPhoenixGirl [score hidden]  (0 children)
        This is genuinely one of the reasons that, in my last job, I made a point of not-so-surreptitiously dropping my sexuality (I'm a lesbian) into conversation during my interview. I'd been told by a female friend who worked there that the woman doing all the hiring interviews was actually the wife of the man who would have been my boss, and that she was actively discriminating against attractive women because she was EXTREMELY insecure about her relationship. I later found out that she fucking should have been because she was completely insufferable and her husband was sick to death of her. So, I mentioned a few things about my partner, knowing she'd bite and ask how old "he" was, and said "oh well she actually, I'm gay", and suddenly she was all smiles and happy to have me aboard.
        [–]Dick_n_a_Box [score hidden]  (0 children)
        This post and all the replies to it immediately remind me of the front page post I saw yesterday where researchers theorized that men dominate the work environment because of their ability to work together with other men, even if they don't like eachother.
        It was a trait they noticed in chimps and they studied men and women in sports and noticed that afterwards the men had a hug it out attitude and got on with it, while women seemed to barely touch or acknowledge one another afterwards.
        [–]pugmommy4life420 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        OH! I met a guy who was the head of a pretty big company who had lots of issues with the female employees(back stabbing, shit talking, talking down to, spreading rumors the works.) anyway he sat them all down and said if they didn't get their act together he would make them go one by one asking people who said what and why the said it. No one wanted to do that so he said instead he offered to make them make a list of bad qualities they'd see in general at the office and they had to make a speech of why it was wrong. Turns out one by one all the women started pointing out the shit they themselves had done and they wrote heartfelt speeches about why it was wrong how to change etc. From that point on the never had those problems any longer.
        [–]not_a_new_one [score hidden]  (0 children)
        My dad runs a small office and 4 years ago he used to have only 2 female employees. One had worked with him since she was 17 so my mom didn't have any problem with her, since she was there for so long (she is now married with a kid). The other one was younger (23 I think) and my mom, for some reason, started to loath her. She had been there for a few years but for some reason my mom started to pick on her only a few years ago. She was even married as well so I didn't quite understand all the fuss.
        And then I heard my mom starting to talk about her everyday. Every single day, my mom would say things like, "oh she is much prettier than I am, and much younger" etc, and bad things like "she's fake, she wants to run the office herself, she wants to steal our business, she's terrible"... The cherry on top of the cake was when she said that employee probably had a tighter and prettier pussy than her lol. (Yeah, I am aware my mom has a LOT of mental issues).
        That woman started hearing rumors (we live in a small village) about what my mom was saying, so she got a job in another office and quit. She was a good employee and my dad was a bit sorry for all that was happening. I was too, I know how my mom can be. Now my sister works there and it's good that we have someone in the family to run the business and possibly continue after my dad retires, but still, it was a terrible way to make that lady leave.
        So I'm really sorry for what happened to you. Unfortunately it happens more than we probably think :/
        [–]cool. coolcoolcool.theironthroneismine [score hidden]  (0 children)
        So I've been reading the variety of comments from women who had problems with the other women in their workplace but no one has touched on the problems of younger women.
        I'm a seventeen year old entering the workforce. I'm not working because I want to spend it as hollister or something but because I'm applying to some top tier universities in the fall and I don't want my mother to have to take on two jobs or bury herself in loans. My family makes enough where we don't get a lot of financial aid but not enough where we can afford a 60, 000 sticker price. On top of that, my mom works to support my older brother who is autistic and support some older family members.
        That's why I'm out working while maintaining a high gpa in the AP/IB curriculum while volunteering and working on going collegiate for fencing. So it sucks when other workers - predominantly women - go out of their way to patronize me by referring to me as "young lady" or "sweetie" or making snide remarks and being intentionally patronizing.
        Maybe it's meant to by sweet I don't know but it comes off as extremely condescending. Like, I'm just working so my mother doesn't have to work until she drops dead to pay for college and loans and other stuff. And women snidely being condescending just pisses me off. God knows what I ever did to them
        Sorry. Rant over
        [–]InChronicWeTrust [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I was bullied at my last job. I worked at a daycare center, and it was all women there... I was good at what i did too, the kids loved me, the parents loved me too! It was just my coworkers who gave me a hard time... I'm pretty sure it was for the same reason; for some reason being cute gives them an excuse to pick on us I guess >.> it sucks.. they even made me cry a couple of times.
        [–]horillagormone [score hidden]  (0 children)
        As a male who works at a school (teacher and in the administration), while I wouldn't want to generalize I've noticed that a lot of the women (at my workplace at least) act just like the high school girls in the school. I don't know if women in other schools or industries are similar but I really do believe that there's some truth to a woman's worst enemy is another woman.
        We have a new HR who is still getting used to working in a school (she used to work at a bank) and at least 6 women who work in the administrator despise her. She is a well-dressed woman who I believe genuinely cares to help the staff. I know because we share the same room and talk and discuss these issues. Yet, those 6 or so women have ganged up, intentionally not asking her when we ever order food, 'forgetting' to invite her to the school graduation ceremony and have turned the principal (also a woman) against her.
        I've worked in this place long enough to be able to advise the HR on how to handle these people. But I've to even be careful of that because I fear that if any of them notices me taking the side of the HR they'll start to spread rumours about the HR having an affair with me. I won't be surprised if they did.
        Edit - I just wanted to add that I have nothing against women employees and men have their share of problems too.
        [–]Rex9 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Every place I have worked in my 35 year work history - EVERY one - the women I work with have all complained about other women in the workplace. The short of it is "put a lot of them together, they get catty". My wife hates working with a lot of women for that very reason.
        It's the same issue with who's more critical of women? Women. Easy enough to google it, but there have been plenty of studies where they find women way more judgmental of other women than the men around them.
        [–]bfdhud [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I've never once had a good experience working for a small business.
        Forgive me if they are not, but that sounds like the same behavior
        You're better off getting away from that now with only 3 weeks in. Imagine if this had happened 5 years from now.
        [–]Taylorkemp4 [score hidden]  (0 children)
        No matter where you work, there will always be those people who are insecure, not even by just looks, mine was for my job performance! Im the youngest person in my department and also a supervisor. It is hard to get respect especially from women who are just a few years older than me.
        [–]Earlycrowd [score hidden]  (0 children)
        It was the man's fault as always.
        [–]Redheadwithoutacause [score hidden]  (0 children)
        That's ridiculous! Some people are just incapable of loving other's good features, instead of wanting a cute smart friend they'll just get jealous.
        [–]bunsbuns_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I heard about a study this morning and it showed that women hold grudges much longer than men do, and supposedly this is an evolutionary thing. Men had to learn to make up quickly after fights so they could continue hunting and providing for their family, and thus resolve conflict more quickly. Women had to protect and physically watch over the family, so they became very wary of all others. The same behavior is shown in chimpanzees too.
        Also, I'm very sorry that this happened to you. Hopefully those women will realize how shitty they were being and be better in the future.
        [–]Raz_A_Gul [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I'm a male who used to be an Athletic Trainer(AT). This field especially in high school is female dominated( at least from what I could tell with surrounding schools and teams). I'm a natural leader and had previous management experience( water boy) so I gained a leadership position early, even over older girls. I usually had about 7-8 girls around me most days and the amount of "taking sides" and "issues" surprised me. I mean these girls would divide into groups to gossip on each other and then turn around to try and get me to join their little groups. They would then unite into "pro-me" and "no-me" groups and gossip about me. For some reason they were threatened by me even though I did nothing but help them. I was even the pack mule always carrying the heavy stuff so they didn't have to. I really loved all those girls and many of them came to discuss things going on in their lives. I was constantly in "the know" because I think they thought I was a good listener. There were bad times, but overall I had a great time with them. I'm sorry your experience was so tainted, but you to me you just sound successful and they were jealous. Keep up the good work, be a good steward, and I think you'll do fine.
        Edit: sp
        [–]AyeMyHippie [score hidden]  (0 children)
        I find it odd that you have no intention to sue for wrongful termination. Why do you care about your former emplyer's wellbeing? He certainly didn't seem to give a shit when he fired you for no reason other than "my wife doesn't like you." I'd go for unemployment, then I'd go to the dept of labor. Posting on Reddit will not pay your bills, no matter how much vindication it gives you, or whatever it is that this provides. However, getting a check coming in, then having another, fatter one on the way, will keep you sane while you look for a new job. Fuck that guy, run his company into the ground if you can. He clearly doesn't value it that much anyway, if he's willing to risk tanking it over an illegal hiring/termination practice just because his wife made some bullshit comment.
        He was willing to ruin your life, so why do you care about ruining his? Throw him to the wolves IMO.
        [–]start_select [score hidden]  (3 children)
        Maybe I'm just a man and don't get it.
        Honestly, I get you just want to vent. But venting changes nothing. If this REALLY happened. You at least owe that boss a stern but professional talking to. In the least a letter.
        Women get trampled in the workplace because life is unfair, and you allow yourself to be. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for the next intelligent and cute woman that either won't get hired, or gets fired for the same reason. Your boss needs to know that's not ok.
        [–]usingthecharacterlim [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Well statistically being attractive is a plus in the job market. Still sucks.
        [–]DON'T PANIC_Cold_Hands_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Sounds like the owners wife makes his life hell.
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