I need to vent. I want to say I'm sorry if I offend any women here, but I'm pretty pissed off.
I was fired a few weeks ago (after only 2.5 weeks) from an awesome job because "I didn't fit in." There were a couple of coworkers (female) that I had a feeling didn't like me, but I was always nice and basically tried to stay out of their way.
Today I was hanging out with one of my old coworkers (male) and I find out that the boss didn't want to fire me at all, but his wife (they run the business together) apparently felt that by commenting on my intelligence, he was deriding hers. I was told the other female coworkers were "threatened" by me because the guys/customers thought I was cute.
I was good at my job. I needed the money (we all do). I'm trying to save up to move out of my house because my husband and I are splitting up. That sucks no matter how "cute" someone is.
But I got screwed because of someone else's insecurity.
Dammit ladies! What the fuck? I was not a threat to anyone's job, relationship (coworkers all thought I was happily married), whatever. I was just showing up every day and doing my damn job.
Why can't we support each other instead of throwing each other under the bus?
I get that we all have issues. I get that we all have insecurities. But don't assume that because someone is "cute" that they don't have real life problems too.
Can we please stop taking out our insecurities on each other?
Edit: I have no desire or intention to sue. It's a small business in a small town and I hold no ill will against the owner. He did what he had to do to keep his staff/wife happy. I was super new and the most expendable. I am, however, disappointed in the women who put him in that position.