EX Trump supporter here. I disavow his racism and will be voting against him!
I was a Bernie supporter, felt betrayed by the DNC, decided to support Trump to get back at the establishment, and I have now seen the light.
Donald Trump is everything wrong with this country and he will burn it to the ground using nukes if he has to.
THE SILENT MAJORITY STANDS WITH TRUMP? The silent majority does not exist!! Just look at the polls released by the media who has been doing this for years! he has no support! and silent?? Trump supporters are the loudest, most violent of all supporters! They are shooting liberals, interrupting speeches, blocking off roads, and ultimately MAKING AMERICA HATE AGAIN.
After watching the first black woman American hijab wearing Muslim's touching story at the olympics and learning about how Donald Trump spreads nothing but hate, I can not stand idle as he ruins our country's great name. I am ready to let as many refugees come into this country as we can handle in order to make this world and country a better place! Hillary Clinton is the candidate to do this.
Furthermore, we NEED to hold gun manufacturers accountable for being the arms dealers that they are! their weapons of hate are used to carry out institutional racism that we CANNOT allow to continue. Shooting after shooting, such as the Orlando shooting carried out by a gun owning man (probably secret Trump supporter) would be made impossible if guns were not so easy to get!
Donald Trump wants to "simplify" our tax code by lowering taxes for EVERYONE. how will this work?? how can we pay for social services if he does this? how will this help those who do not work or pay taxes?? HILLARY is the only candidate who will help these people!!
A vote for Trump is a vote for racism. I will not be casting such a vote. Hillary Clinton is what we need to make America strong again. She has shown time and time again that she stands strong when facing a mountain of stairs to climb, and she's got many friends to help her every step of the way. This is what we need to run our country, not a political outsider with no inside connections or favors to call on. HILLARY WILL GET THINGS DONE!!
I will be voting for everything that Hillary stands for in November and you should be too.
[–]ajswdf 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]FEMINIST_VANGUARD 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)