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Ultra-thin, light, portable and free-standing. Users can easily unfold it, adding one to two extra screens to their computer.
Ultra-thin, light, portable and free-standing. Users can easily unfold it, adding one to two extra screens to their computer.
Ultra-thin, light, portable and free-standing. Users can easily unfold it, adding one to two extra screens to their computer.
1,626 backers pledged €600,514 to help bring this project to life.

Monday's update #3


Hi guys!

So, on Friday, we've done a presentation in front of our friends and family, and streamed it live on Facebook. For those who missed it or don't understand French, here's the link to watch it:

And here's the complete translation!
If you have any questions, you know where to find us.
Have a nice week everyone!

"Hello everyone and welcome home, here at Slidenjoy, where the project has began! We’re happy to welcome you, friends, family, and people who supported us until now, but also our community throughout the world, that we couldn’t invite here of course, it was complicated, but we decided to go live tonight, to give some news to everyone that asks for some!
This is like a family event so yes, the children are noisy, maybe you can see it, right Achille? (this is a child in the family, note of the translator ;-))

So, let’s be serious, I’m going to retrace with you the story, the beginning of Slidenjoy, this was a lucky meeting between Thomas and I. Thomas was the photograph of the hotel “Tender 2”, and he harassed me for one year, asking that I join the team that he wanted to build. At this time, he had only the idea of Slidenjoy, the 3-screens that can be moved anywhere. At this time I didn’t know about the crowdfunding-thing – I’ll talk about it later – and the community that could be build everywhere in the world. So I wasn’t sure about it, I thought that we wouldn’t be able to compete with multinationals companies. And then, I learned about the different crowdfunding-platforms, we analysed each platform, and it seemed to us that the best one was Kickstarter, so… we launched the campaign!

I see some of you smiling, because we already organised a barbecue the day we’ve ended the campaign with more than 600.000 euros that entitles us to start our adventure. I’m happy to say today that this is way more than a successful crowdfunding campaign; this is more than a professional adventure. This came to us so quickly, from the moment Thomas and I decided to start the project, Charlee, the 3rd one, joined us. We’ve signed a simple contract and I’ve earned more than partners, I’ve earned friends. And this is more important. They’re good associates, but they’re even better friends. Everyone here can see it. These are tons of hours of work, but I have to say today, with lots of feelings, that even if I have (ALMOST, I insist) twice their age, building this adventure is so great.

Of course there’s a lot of unexpected problems, we had to postpone the delivery twice, but our strength here is that we never argue, this is fantastic and it is important to me tonight to thank them for this.
I’m coming from a totally different job, and my friends here (some for more than 40 years) can say that I’ve never let anything aside, in the past I’ve been a businessman a bit harsh, with the reputation of being ambitious, but you know that everything wasn’t always good for me. I’ve started my career from scratch when I was 23 years old, but a few years ago, my company was burnt. I’ve lost 7 millions euros, I was left without anything, and I have to say that this life-experience taught me a lot. This has had a lot of consequences, professional and unprofessional, that haven’t been easy to deal with – my divorce, and a lot of things. But if now, I talk with optimism, it is because I’ve touched the floor before, and I never wish it to anyone, but you have to stay optimistic and work thinking that better times will come. I know I’m not immortal, but I live as I am, and I keep hoping for the best! I’m so happy to welcome you in this house, for what I’ve fought to keep it, and today it feels me with pride and feelings, and I also wish to thank my associates for that.

As I’ve already told you, this is now more than a Kickstarter adventure; we’ve signed some big contracts, we’ve already sold for 2 millions Euros in pre-orders, and the product isn’t even out! That means that more and more people trust us, and this is incredible to us.

Today, the production became so big, thanks to the contract signed with Mediamarkt, we have to deliver by next year 200 stores in Europe. We’ve already sold more or less 5.000 pieces on Kickstarter and on our website, but this first production will be for 50.000 Slidenjoy! It changed everything in our strategy, and even if it seems a lot, these 50.000 pieces should be sold in 2 months. That’s why we’re launching a massive production, that had to change regarding what we’ve planned at the beginning. We improved it a lot, in terms of quality but also in terms of materials.

So, to be concrete, we know that people want to see everything, and Alix, who’s our Community Manager, and who does her job well, answering all the people that can’t wait anymore for the product, told us that we had to show some images tonight, so I will do!

So, here’s the final version of the prototype. We sold a product that didn’t really look like that, because we haven’t any idea of the success we would encounter. Since then, we changed a lot of things: he’s now thinner, weights less. We still keep secrets when we show it because the most important thing in the Slidenjoy is the hinges, and we still want it to be secret. But here, we’re so close to the end, that we think that if people wanted to compete with us, we’ll be able to prove we were the first ones, so that’s why we can show a bit more. Here are exclusive pics of different materials; aluminium and leather. You can see the particular angles, and the screens that are way thinner than in the video we’ve made for the Kickstarter Campaign, with also new improved hinges and a kickstand at the rear.

So, the kickstand has been also improved, because at the beginning we had a base but it wasn’t stable enough. This one is larger but entitles us to slide only one screen if you wish to slide only one, and still being stable enough. And here you can see what I really don’t like to show you, the hinges, but I know I have to let something go. You’ll see that there’s a system with a connexion at the end. When you slide the screen, it’s not automatically turned on, it is only when slided at the end, not to consume any energy when unused. Of course you are still able to rotate the screens at 180°, which is easier when making a presentation. We’ve changed also the model of the hinges, because at the beginning it entitled only 3 angles of the screens, and with this new one it is infinite, between 0 and 180°. You’ll be able to see your panorama as you wish.

Anyway, another detail, regarding the USB connexion, we’ve added the USB-C connexion. I have to say that informatics is not my favourite sector, I’m more into production, but one thing that I can tell you is that this was important, because everything is changing so quickly in this field, we had to stay on the market by integrating USB-C.

Another word on the kickstand, as you can see, you can set it in different positions thanks to this small piece that made the screens able to stand in every angle, with a moving part and a system that will secure the device.

Thomas, Charlee, something to add? No? So let me finally thank everyone for listening, it’s a pleasure to have you here, once again, I am so happy I’m part of this team Thomas has build, because he not only had the idea, he’s build this dreamteam you all know and this is not a show, this is a true friendship.

guillaume hemmen and vetea like this update.


    1. Slidenjoy Creator about 5 hours ago


      Yes, this haven't changed, we've simply integrated USB-C, but without changing our initial plans on going through USB 3 :)

    2. Missing avatar

      Arjuna Pattapola about 6 hours ago

      So if you are using USB-C, what about computer that only have USB 3 ? Will there be enough power from USB 3 alone ?