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EXTRA cancer 🏥This week on /r/india (self.indiadiscussion)
geoff_mcconnellyNot a fan が 1分前 投稿
mods soapboxing about removed posts and violating rules u and i would get banned for. archive of snew. choice quotes from mods on that thread:
Read the thread and stop lying. There are screenshots in this thread that disprove your claim. The threads were taken from the first page of the controversial queue. Since you seem to be too lazy to read
Give me a fucking break. You are doing nothing more than blatantly lying
As a former RSS pracharak, you are the very eptiome of bias. Go and do your prachar and spare me the lecture.
As for his ilk, you can see them in action right here:
moving on. things from india are not about india according to our tajik mods...because randimods dont have concept of tangentiality in history. removed post
also, randimods get roasted and begin accusing bakchodi of fuckery.
tankie mod and obvious mod (rtw?) alt go to town with ngotha on churchill praise.
ngotha is rewriting sangh history:
Surely the official spokesperson for the Sangh History rewriting bureau will have something to deliver.
randimods = british leftist self loathing cucks confirmed. i bet they even work for the bbc and wish they had some angloindian blood in them.
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