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Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Overtaking Donald Trump in Reliably Red Georgia

The Georgia delegation casts its vote on the floor of the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland last month. ENLARGE
The Georgia delegation casts its vote on the floor of the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland last month. Photo: Zuma Press

ATLANTA – A new poll by Georgia’s largest news organization shows Hillary Clinton slightly leading Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup – a surprising development in a state where a Democratic candidate for president hasn’t won since Bill Clinton defeated George H.W. Bush in 1992.

In recent elections, presidential candidates of either party have spent little time campaigning for the state’s 16 electoral votes, since it has been assumed to be a solidly red state.

The poll of 847 registered Georgia voters, released Friday by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, found Ms. Clinton winning 44% of those polled compared to 40% for Mr. Trump. The margin of error was plus or minus four points. A similar poll by the AJC in May had Mr. Trump ahead, with 45% to Mrs. Clinton’s 41%.

Friday’s poll also found that in a contest including Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, 41% of those polled backed Mrs. Clinton; 38% supported Mr. Trump; 11% supported Mr. Johnson and 2% were for Ms. Stein. The poll was conducted between Aug. 1 and Aug. 4.

For several years, Democrats in Georgia have argued that the state was shifting from a red state to a “purple” state, with more young people and minorities, who traditionally support Democrats, moving here.

But President Barack Obama only won 47% of the Georgia vote in 2008 and 46% of the vote in 2012. In 2014, Georgia Democrats launched a well-financed push to elect Jason Carter, grandson of former President Jimmy Carter, as governor and to elect Michelle Nunn, daughter of former U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn, as a senator. Those efforts failed, with each candidate losing 53% to 45%.


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David Soto
David Soto subscriber

I don't think Southerners take too kindly to Melania Trump's nekid Lesbian pictures.  First Tramp doesn't sound too good to Southern Baptists.

Donald DeWitt
Donald DeWitt user

Trump decided the US does not need Japan as an ally today....if only I were making this up

His candidacy is a threat to every trade treaty and alliance the US has.

Gregory Worthington
Gregory Worthington subscriber

I am sick of these liberal polls. They are obviously not patriotic polls.

The only polls that matter are the patriotic polls that poll actual patriots who support Donald. The Georgian legislature will outlaw voting for anyone but Donald so all these pools are moot.

Patriotic polls will make Donald great again so Donald can make America great again.

Donald 2016!

James Schloemer
James Schloemer subscriber

The --  HC received a “pants on fire” verdict from the Politifact website  - HC has admitted that she may have “short-circuited” her answers to media questions about the way she handled classified emails. 

I assume that DT has had similar exchanges resulting in similar ratings and similar responses.

I don't know the religion of HC and DT.  Since the web is not always correct, what are your religions? There is no right answer.

Since you handle classified material, the government asks you if there are any issues that a foreign agent could use to blackmail you (sexual preference, marital affairs, ...) or entice you with money (gambling debts,  loans coming due,  ...). 

The answers to the questions above should not be considered as right or wrong.  The citizens in this country are placing their trust for the next four years in a President who works for them and deserve to know who they are electing. Better to learn from the candidates than the web or during the upcoming debates.

Ken Ross
Ken Ross

Even if Trump continues with his shoot-from-the-hip, fact-free style, there will be times when the attention is drawn away from him and people assess the corrupt, war mongering nature of Hillary Clinton. Americans should no longer accept the deceit and manipulation by the political establishment and the media establishment that has continued for decades. Of course, they also should not accept giving power to an unstable and egocentric man-child.

Read "Ross Rambles: Don't sit this one out."

Robert Womack
Robert Womack subscriber

Georgians should listen to Clinton's BS speech today. They'll soon change their support for her.

Subs Raman
Subs Raman subscriber

@Robert Womack but then Putin's ego maniacal puppet will come right back and say something stupid to set their minds right again

Bob Acker
Bob Acker subscriber

This poll is pretty amazing, but I can top it.  In a four-way poll, including Johnson and Stein, among voters under thirty Trump finishes--FOURTH!  Behind both minor party candidates.  With NINE percent of the vote.  Way to build for the future!


I live in Georgia. I don't see it. There is a lot of this state that isn't Atlanta. Even the blue districts are heavily gerrymandered. I don't think all the red people are going to cozy up to Hillary. Even Obama lost in 2012 here by a respectable margin.

Recent polls likely reflect some recent negative actions and resulting press about Trump. He can be his own worst enemy.

And it seems that no matter how negative the news is about Clinton, like her recent manipulation of the federal justice system to avoid indictment, it is  never played up by the press with the same fervor as Trump issues. There is no clamoring to have a press conference for her to respond to any questions about this. She laughably told the country in a recent interview that the FBI essentially exonerated her!

It will be interesting to see what happens when Clinton is forced to be unscripted in debates or open news forums. I suspect that her support will drop quicker than Bill's pants at an intern convention.


@James Couture @DANIEL MCDEVITT Seems unlikely. Her recent foray into the realm of somewhat unscripted press activity this past Friday really did not highlight any of those debate skills. The "short circuited" comment was priceless and equally irrational. I can't see her performing better in a tougher venue.

If real questions are asked and substantive answers are the only ones accepted, she will fail. She struggled against a rambling, unfocused opponent whose only appeal was "free everything". She resorted to cheating to win.

Trump is reckless with his speech but he stays on attack and does not back off. She doesn't have the stamina to keep up and that makes her an even worse choice for president.

James Couture
James Couture subscriber

@DANIEL MCDEVITT The problem with relying on an unscripted Clinton in a debate is that she has years of top-quality debate experience. And Trump, well he'll be unscripted with only one opponent. He did OK in the looney Republican shout-fests, but I don't see him being coherent or un-scary when given sharp questions and minutes of uninterrupted time to speak. 

Clinton ain't appealing, but she isn't going to show up crazy and angry to the debates. Trump has already tried to weasel out of the debates once, for a reason. 

Gregory Worthington
Gregory Worthington subscriber

I don't trust this poll.

I just received the Trump University newsletter and based on the work of the best and brightest Trump University graduates Trump is presently wining Georgia with 127% of the vote.

That extra 27% has to do with extra votes given to patriots who love this country.

Trump 2016!

bob greenstone
bob greenstone subscriber

Get your burkas ready ladies

Sharia law here we come.

Gregory Worthington
Gregory Worthington subscriber

@bob greenstone  Is that what they told you at Trump University?

Funny you talk about religion being shoved up everyone's derriere when that's Pence's entire existence.

William Gromme
William Gromme subscriber

The commercial that has DT mocking the disabled person, blood coming out everywhere and go F ... yourself , etc with the young kids watching has been running on the local stations , MSNBC. Some money is being spent in Georgia. Some DT commercials but not as many as HRC.

Art Council
Art Council subscriber

Mrs. Clinton is done ~ she just doesn't know it yet.

Gregory Worthington
Gregory Worthington subscriber

@Art Council  Yup. She's done having to run for President as all she has to do is let Donald do all the campaigning for her. Hillary Clinton has issues but at the end of the day she is sane.

ROBERTO MUNOZ subscriber

I thought Trump was smarter.  He played the media SO well during the primaries... he got away with many surprises that would have sunk others but instead lifted him up.  IF he had changed his tone after Kasich dropped, he would have won many undecided voters.  He had the lead after the RNC and lost it with his lack of self control.    

Here's how to grow the gap: give a special interest person a microphone to speak against Trump and watch Trump's reaction trying get revenge and thus alienate that group and all who sympathize with it.

Gregory Worthington
Gregory Worthington subscriber

@ROBERTO MUNOZ  Or maybe the media just wanted to step back and let him destroy the Republican Party. Because you do realize that is what he is doing; right?

James Couture
James Couture subscriber

@ROBERTO MUNOZ "Special interest person?" You know, if you add up all of the special interest people, you have America. You have your own particular special interests, as does Donald and the rest of us.

William Fitzpatrick
William Fitzpatrick subscriber

I strongly encourage Hil-LIAR-y to campaign and spend lots of phony foundation foreign contributions on trying to win in Georgia. The AJC is literally the most bottom of the barrel, far left wing rag in "journalism". Complete garbage.

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy subscriber

@William Fitzpatrick One feels your pain, William, when having to confront reality.  Georgia is clearly joining most sensible, thoughtful Americans who reject Donald Trump aka Don the Con.  Russia might give you permanent resident status should you request it.

ALAN LANCTOT subscriber

No, but Trump University is now offering their followers an honorary GED for the low price of $49.99....for an extra $25 it will be signed by Donald Trump


Georgia hill billys lie a lot! flat landers too

Mike McDaniel
Mike McDaniel subscriber

More Trump bad news.  Investigative journalists are uncovering evidence that his wife lied on her filings to get into the US.  Revolves around whether she was working at the time.  Her statements are not consistent with the immigration filing and there are legal and citizenship repercussions.  Bet DT is now wishing he never ran for president.

Steven Weisbrod
Steven Weisbrod subscriber

@Mike McDaniel  Maybe if she gets deported, Trump will quit and go with her.  No, he'll probably just get a divorce and set her up in a villa in Slovenia.

Steven Chen
Steven Chen subscriber

This is a very good development

Which shows GA is within reach

Thanks to Trump

HRC campaign will surely try to invest some precious campaign capital in this state, focusing on Trump being "unfit, abnormal" that is easily for everyone to see

Probably can also strike in the hearts of many staunch conservative Republicans 

Mario Bacalla
Mario Bacalla subscriber

Saying that Georgia is even thinking of voting Blue is unthinkable. That is like if you are running for office and your parent and family vote for your opponent.  A disaster.

ALAN LANCTOT subscriber

The same used to be said in as a fire engine......

Today???? Looks like Hillary is going to easily win here.

Tom Channing
Tom Channing subscriber

Come on Texas! You can do it! Flip blue and show the country we all reject hate!

Lan Sluder
Lan Sluder subscriber

Having many friends and much family in Georgia, and knowing Georgia as I do -- especially the small towns and rural areas and the suburban areas around Atlanta -- I would not put too much faith in this one poll. 

However, it does suggest how off-balance the Trump campaign and how off-kilter Trump himself have become in the last couple of weeks. If Georgia were to vote against Trump in November, anything is possible.

I've even noticed that some of the most rabid Trumpsters on the WSJ comment boards have been quieter than usual of late. Perhaps even they are having second thoughts about giving a narcissistic, egomaniacal, pathological liar with the emotional maturity of a second-grader access to thermonuclear weapons codes.

Steven Chen
Steven Chen subscriber

@Lan Sluder

Those Trumpsters are in the mode of "hibernation" currently

When any news bad for HRC campaign or Obama administration occurs

They will spring back to like arctic mosquitoes, thirst for blood

Janet Cordingley
Janet Cordingley subscriber

@Lan Sluder Agreed.  After all, it was just two years ago that pollsters were sure Michelle Nunn  was just a few points within reach of Perdue for the Georgia Senate seat, yet she was soundly defeated by double digits. 

Still, Georgia has strong military ties and their former Senator Sam Nunn is well regarded for his work on anti-nuclear issues.  Maybe, as you say, that is just enough to give them pause about Trump carrying the football.

jennifer raineri
jennifer raineri subscriber

This is an unmitigated disaster. This means not only will you have a forcibly left leaning democrat in the white house, but your senate and house of reps will go blue.The dems will control the country.In my opinion the president is just a figurehead.Usually.Because the house and senate keep him/(and now her) in check. They hopefully belong to ‘the other’ party. But not so this time.They will go blue and wild.And watch them stab Wall Street in the back (including Bill Gates and Warren Buffett).Altho some in the know say she won’t because she wants their money for the Clinton foundation. They may throw her out after 4, especially if she moves left....but the damage will have been done.

Carmine Montalto
Carmine Montalto subscriber

@jennifer raineri The damage is being done right before our eyes. Donald Trump is a demagogue who's fomenting hatred among Americans coast-to-coast. You're kidding yourself if you think a Hillary Clinton presidency will tear the country apart. It's being torn apart every time that racist pig opens his mouth!  

ALAN LANCTOT subscriber

The bible thumpers will tell you that "it's God's will"

.....guess we're being punished for something....

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