Kasich confirms report that Trump Jr. offered to make him 'Most Powerful VP in history'

      Ohio Gov. John Kasich addresses the 2016 National Convention of the NAACP, Sunday, July 17, 2016, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/Gary Landers)
      In July, an anonymous source told the New York Times that Donald Trump Jr. reached out to Kasich and offered to make him "The most powerful Vice President in history."

      According to the story, Trump intended to put Kasich in charge of both domestic and foreign policy, while Trump would remain in charge of "making America great again."

      After the story came out, Trump's Communication Adviser, Jason Miller, called the claim "Absolutely Ridiculous." In an interview on the Morning Joe show, Trump Jr., stated that the story was created to push an anti-Trump narrative.

      However, in a CNN interview that aired Sunday, Jake Tapper asked Kasich whether he received such an offer.

      While Kasich emphasized that he did not personally receive such a call, an aide did tell him that Trump Jr. had offered to put him in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

      "That's what one of them has told me, yes," Kasich said in the interview.

      The offer was reportedly made in March, when Kasich worked with candidate Ted Cruz in an attempt to deny Trump the nomination. Kasich did not attend the GOP convention in July, has declined to endorse Trump, and has even indicated that he may not vote for Trump in the presidential election.
