全 3 件のコメント

[–]hackableyou -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

The law only applies to women. Women have to give consent.

[–]oldredder [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

What it means is that most sex is "rape" because most people are turned off immediately by "verbal consent" like a permission form or functionary custom. Which is total bullshit.

Either women are too stupid to understand the consequences or are very horrible people wanting to ruin everything.

Literally every man on Earth except for the hottest will get nothing. The very act of asking is so distasteful women will be insulted by facing the consent question and toss the man out.

And then this doesn't even begin to address long-term couples, married or not, who love to wake each other up with sex. By feminist logic if you're not conscious it's always rape no matter what.

Yet being woken up by great sex from someone you love is in fact one of the most tender and beautiful ways to have sex and be with each other. No one else gets to be that close. It's a special moment.