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[–]DigitalScetis -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

The whole "bitter, blue pilled losers who can't get laid" argument is so old already, as if playing the pussy game is some great feat of accomplishment that not every man can attain.

In truth, if you look at TRP, the shit is not rocket science. You just have to do three things: remain rational when it comes to women (don't get too emotionally attached), work out, and when you aren't working out, make money. That's the entire PUA philosophy in a nutshell.

I could do it. You could do it. Everyone on these boards could do it. But what is it really worth?

Part of the reason I go my own way isn't that I cannot get women; if I wanted women, I'd spend less time reading and writing, and put all the time into working out and making money.

But I happen to like reading and writing, enjoying my freedom, living within my means and doing what I want. Part of the price you pay for it is you start to calculate what is and isn't possible if you make that choice, and the thing that isn't possible is women by and large. It's a tradeoff, but it is a tradeoff that makes sense.

There are those among us who would say that I don't have the right to make that choice for myself, that if I'm not spending a quarter of the day working out, spending the rest of the time in high risk, high stress, high hour professions, and attracting these women by the truckload, there's something wrong. But that sort of lifestyle isn't, for me, fully human in the sense that it appeals to the human condition.

There has to be something more than pushing iron, counting calories, working like a dog in some high-paying, but banal, pursuit, just to play the pussy lottery. That's why I go my own way.