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[–]Nightmare-bitch 22 points23 points24 points  (10 children)
Spend 10 minutes reading why Sandy hook was a hoax. It'll blow your fucking mind.
The liberals really want to take away the black rifle (AR15). It's used in less than 1% of shootings but it's the one they hate the most. It also seems to be the weapon that would even the playing field against a tyrannical government.
[–]schnykeees 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
You mean like against the one we have now?
[–]sleepinlightLA 8 points9 points10 points  (6 children)
Do you have a good resource for this? (Meaning reading more about Sandy Hook).
[–]TheHighestEagleFL 8 points9 points10 points  (2 children)
It's more of a do your own research and decide for yourself but there is plenty of proof.
This isn't some tin foil hat-reptilian shit guys. I can't believe people are finally waking up to this. Fuck yes.
[–]STARVE_THE_BEASTUSA 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
I've been here for almost a decade, teaching and praying.
[–]Cytria 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
So here's where I'm at, and maybe you can help me out on this. I looked this stuff up and found a decent article on 10 reasons the whole shooting was a hoax (https://memoryholeblog.com/2016/07/25/top-ten-reasons-sandy-hook-was-an-elaborate-hoax-2/) Although this whole thing sounds fishy to me all of a sudden, I still can't get past the fact that a conspiracy theory around this shooting is, like mentioned above, a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. The part of me that feels that way though, I believe, is really only pushing back on accepting this evidence because it involves shooting schoolchildren, and that's just all sorts of fucked up. Again, though, that article was a phenomenal read and made some very good points. After the DNC leak, I've been having a hard time accepting the fact that these conspiracy theories might be more than plausible.
[–]Nightmare-bitch 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
Podcasts https://thoseconspiracyguys.com/sandy-hook-school-shooting/ This podcast is really good. I love these guys.
http://www.richardsyrett.com/component/content/article?id=108:sunday-july-20th-2014 This podcast is short and really dense. The guest went to the town, and everything was a little off. I would listen to this one second.
Blog from Jim Fetzer in the Richard Syrett podcast, they went to the actual town http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2015/05/sandy-hook-wolfgang-halbig-goes-for.html?m=1
[–]MisogynistSh1tl0rdIN 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
See, I love conspiracies as much as the next guy. I probably like them more than the next guy because I think they're fascinating as fuck and I always give them the benefit of the doubt - I'm not the type to just immediately dismiss something because it "sounds crazy". But
and the majority of the town of Sandy Hook was in on the event.
This just doesn't seem to be in the realm of possibility to me. There's just no way they could get an entire town of people in on a conspiracy.
[–]Nightmare-bitch 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
A town being involved would be hard to pull off. When I hear "why has no one come forward?" I assume it's easiest to get a group of people who believe in their cause to participate, or keep quiet. Similar to hired protestors and such against Trump. If you were to post a Craigslist ad looking for anti gun Hillary supporters, how many of them do you think would participate in a false flag event if they knew it would help shape America to their vision?
That's just the way I imagine it goes down usually. I can't really back that up. A whole town would be hard, but just involving actors and any locals who are far left and hate guns? More plausible. Plus cash.
[–]cj35001NC 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Oh man! This is my forte!
You guys also need to be looking HEAVILY into the Tavistock Institute. I won't say why. This is the kinda thing that needs its own digging, and I'm just here to start you off. Peace
[–]Nightmare-bitch 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
God dammit! Rockefeller in the first paragraph! Imagine that!
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