Post Match Reaction: Jose, Zlatan on winning the Community Shield 2-1 vs Leicester City


Interviewer: One game in charge, one trophy. That’s not a bad start, is it?

Jose: Yeah, I have to thank the players. I have to thank Mr. van Gaal, because without the victory in the FA Cup, we wouldn’t be here today. So, I’m getting a trophy to the club and to the boys, and to the fans and to myself. But, I played this match not because I won the FA Cup. I played this match because Mr. van Gaal won the FA Cup. So, congratulations also to him, because he’s a part of this. But I think it’s nice, and the spirit is good. And to play against a team that is an end product, a team that is working together and plays exactly the same team as they had last season, just without Kante and King – playing King for Kante. So, they know the team they are, and they are very automatic. We are in a process. We are changing the manager, we are changing a few players, we are trying to change the style of play, the principles of play – so, I think that it was good. First half was really good – very solid, very dominating, very comfortable in the game. In the second half, we felt the change of speed. We felt Musa, Gray, Vardy all together against a team a bit tired. But then, we recovered the control of the game when Mata and Herrera comes on. Specially them, we recovered the control of the game, and we scored an important goal to win us the match.

Interviewer: Two new signings – one got the winner, and one got the man of the match, I think, in Eric Bailly – pretty happy with how they’re coming on?

Jose: Eric is working since day one. He started pre-season with us, he played matches. He is fit. So, I knew that with him, it is just a question of his personality allowing him of this big move from Villareal to Man U to Wembley – it was just that. He was super comfortable, so no doubt that he’s the man for us. Zlatan is tired. I think he’s tired even before the game starts. So, a bit slow, a bit – lack of sharpness. But – one cross, one header, one goal, one cup.

Interviewer: Fourth new signing is hopefully on the way. Is that going to be the missing piece of the jigsaw, do you think? The club has said that a medical’s taking place.

Jose: He is a fantastic player. If everything goes well, he’s a very important player. But, we have a great squad. We left today seven players out of the group, and – very good players. Some players that work so hard to be there. So, we have options, we have the players, we have the squad. I think we are getting the mentality, and the most difficult thing is the principles of play. That we are changing step by step. But, I saw today – specially the team as a defensive unit – very compact, understanding the zonal game, not following man-to-man all over the place. Not opening any gaps, I think the team was very compact by the defensive point of view.

Interviewer: And finally, would the free week that you have got now mean you’ll be ready for the Premier League?

Jose: Ah, very important. One day to rest, one week to work. The fact that we play Sunday gives us one extra day. It is a very important week  – we have no injuries. Of course, we have a suspension with Smalling but we have no injuries. I think Lingard must not be anything serious. So, we are in a good condition to work, but a long way to go.

Interviewer: Congratulations and Thank You.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic


Interviewer: Well, here with Zlatan – the main man, eh? Scoring the winning goal. How does it feel to do that at Wembley and win some silverware under your new manager?

Zlatan: It feels amazing, it feels amazing. First official game, and I’ve been a couple of weeks and I get to win my first trophy with United. I mean, this is what we play for – we play for the trophies, and I’m super happy, super excited – not just for the goal, but specially for the win. This is a trophy for the team, and this is what we work hard for, and sacrifice for. When you can win it, it’s even more amazing but all the credit to Leicester also, they did a good game, and they had a fantastic last season, and you can see – it’s a strong team.

Interviewer: This is a kind of dream scenario for you, isn’t it? You’ve hit the ground running, scoring against Galatasaray in Sweden, scoring here the winning goal as well today, it must be pretty good to be Zlatan right now.

Zlatan: I mean, it feels good to be in Manchester United. This is what counts. My individual performance will come – we are in the beginning, building up my physique, my condition, and get to know the team mates, and when every thing, these things, are settled, things are going to get easy. Just to play your game and enjoy.

Interviewer: And you feel everything’s coming together now ahead of the new season, after pre-season? Getting together with everyone, and winning this today?

Zlatan: Absolutely. We’re in the beginning, we’re just getting to know each other, specially me that is new, and we win today! Hopefully, we can win more.

Interviewer: Well done today, thanks a lot.


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