全 2 件のコメント

[–]Zombocom1911 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think its unhealthy at all, monks have been doing it for thousands of years. I enjoy sex, it brings me joy and am happy to live in a hypersexualized world, as long as I am able to get regular sex from attractive women. I have used whores when I am not able to.

[–]paperlion60 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Projection. I mean think about it. Society has indoctrinated us,especially men, that if you don't have sexual access to women you are a loser. That if no woman finds you attractive, you are a loser.They have a point, you are loser... if getting a woman pregnant is your ultimate goal in life. Humans have the inate need to continue reproducing.And if you are in no way attempting to do this, there is reason for your existence, in their eyes. This is why it's frowned upon and even mocked if you admit to being a virgin.This why we cannot be left alone as MGTOW; we are disrupting the process of indoctrination in society of men being used in any way possible to further the needs of women.

This might sound circle-jerky, but it's the truth.