Becerra: 'Immigrant basher' Trump won't explain how wife became citizen

Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) on Sunday slammed Republican presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald TrumpBill Clinton, Gary Johnson to speak at Asian American and Pacific Islander forum Clinton fundraising email: 'He may still beat me' Pro-Trump super PAC attacks Clinton on finances, foundation MORE for not revealing how his wife became a United States citizen.

"The immigrant basher is unwilling to explain how his wife, an immigrant, gained her status," Becerra, a supporter of Democratic nominee Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonBill Clinton, Gary Johnson to speak at Asian American and Pacific Islander forum Clinton fundraising email: 'He may still beat me' Pro-Trump super PAC attacks Clinton on finances, foundation MORE, said on "Fox News Sunday."

"It's great for Mrs. Trump to have her status and her citizenship, I have no problems with that. I'm the son of immigrants. But what does concern me, is some guy who goes out and bashes immigrants ... and won't explain how his wife gained her legal status."

A report last week raised questions about whether Melania Trump had a visa allowing her to legally work in the United States when racy photos republished last weekend by the New York Post were originally shot. It also called into question when she came to the United States. 

Melania Trump pushed back against the questions, saying she has always been in "full compliance" with the immigration laws.

When questioned on Sunday about the controversy surrounding Clinton's use of a private email server when she was secretary of State, Becerra shifted focus to various documents that Donald Trump has declined to release.

"What we don't yet know is one tax return from Donald Trump," he said.

"We don't yet know how his wife gained her immigration status."

Becerra said it's time for Trump to start providing documents.

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