
CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Devotes Segment to Explaining Why He Called Trump a ‘Bullshit Artist’


zakariaCNN’s Fareed Zakaria recently called Donald Trump a “bullshit artist” on live TV, and he devoted the top of his CNN show this morning to explaining why.

He said he was “not using that label casually,” because he genuinely believes that Trump “at his core, he is a BS artist.”

Zakaria invoked the famous essay On Bullshit [PDF] and how the difference between a liar and a bullshitter is that the bullshitter doesn’t care what’s true.

Zakaria that this “has been has been Donald Trump’s mode all his life,” and his boasts about his business are “a concoction of hyperbole and falsehoods.”

He went through a list of times Trump has bullshitted people and concluded that “the stench is now overwhelming.”

Watch above, via CNN.

[image via screengrab]

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