Kasich: Trump campaign contacted me about VP job

Donald TrumpDonald TrumpAmerican Nazi chairman says Trump win would be great for white nationalists Cotton: Clinton had emails about nuclear scientist executed in Iran Clinton opens up wide lead in Virginia; races tight in Ariz. and Nev. MORE's campaign reached out to John Kasich about being the Republican presidential nominee's running mate, the Ohio governor said Sunday.

Donald Trump Jr. contacted Kasich's office about the position, Kasich said, rebutting claims from Donald Trump that those discussions never occurred. 

Kasich, Donald Trump's former primary rival, has refused to endorse the nominee but confirmed Donald Trump Jr. contacted one of his aides about the vice presidential spot. 

"That's what one of them has told me, yes," Kasich said on CNN's "State of the Union." 

The New York Times reported last month that Donald Trump Jr. offered to make Kasich the most powerful vice president in history by putting him in charge of all domestic and foreign policy. 

The Trump campaign denied that report, with spokesman Jason Miller telling CNN it was a "completely ridiculous" claim and that Donald Trump Jr. never made such an offer. 

Kasich said Sunday he was never interested in being vice president.

"I never considered it. ... I'd be the worst vice president. I have too many opinions," he said.

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