How to Export Content for GSA SER

UPDATE: Since the release of KontentMachine’s API you can upload campaigns to the cloud and pull content from there directly in GSA Search Engine Ranker. See how to do that here: Building GSA SER Campaigns the Smart Way

In this tutorial, you will learn how you can export files from KontentMachine and import them directly to GSA Search Engine Ranker

Assuming you have set up your campaign, and you are on the Link Settings window.

1. Click on the Build & Export button.

2. From the Template drop-down menu select GSA Search Engine Ranker (premade)

3. Click on the Change GSA Settings button and fine-tune the output according to your preferences.

3.1. Replace all URLs with %url% - KM will replace all URLs with the %url% token

3.2. Replace all keywords with %anchor_text% - KM will replace all the keywords with the %anchor-text% token

3.3. No Links In "About Me' - KM will remove all the links from the "About Me" snippets in the resource box

3.4. Use anchor text instead of naked URLs - By default KM will place naked URLs in the GSA "About Me" sections. If you check this option, it will use the above tokens to construct the anchor text.

Example: <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>

3.5. Use resource box links instead of tokens - KM will use whatever URLs/keywords you have defined as Resource Box Links instead of the default tokens.

4. In the File Settings panel select the number of files you would like to create

5. Click Export

In GSA Search Engine Ranker

1. Select the platforms you would like to post to

2. Press the Tools button, select Auto Fill, then Use KontentMachine and Import

3. Browse to the file that you exported from KM and select it

4. Select the fields you would like to import

All the fields in GSA Search Engine Ranker will be populated with the content from KM

  • Hi – I saw you posted a comment on my website with a link to this article; hence I am having a look and a read. My website is: and I write my own content focused on our local market.

    I need to read more to get my head around what this software does and how it can benefit me.


  • The Oracle

    Forgive me. I am new to the blogging world. So how does it help me?

    • Georgi Georgiev

      I’m not sure what you’re asking.

  • amoyastudio

    Hello , thanks for the tutorials

    i dont know though how to export data without the urls or keywords ( for tier2 ) how to use the token check in KM ? ( what to write in the Urls,Anchor Text, Tokens fields )

    I need to make a tier2 in gsa and the target url should be from gsa also i want to control the keywords and so on from gsa , how to config it right ?

    thanks alot!

    • Georgi Georgiev


      This is exactly what this tutorial is all about. Please, read point number 2 and 3.