全 6 件のコメント

[–]Jamestaoway 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Both being our only options is an insult to everyone who has an iq higher then 100

[–]project_mayhem_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

regulatory agencies do whatever the fuck they want without regard for the scope of authority they were supposed to have been granted, and all the statutes are pieced together by college student interns. the people you get to vote for don't even waste their time to read that shit. their job is to convince you that no matter what those other people do, it's ok. we don't think any of it is ok.

[–]Happen_On_A_Ciggy -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Its ok. I don't give a shit about either side.

[–]Sn0man79 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I would vote Trump. He would put an end to NATO aggression on Russia, end (or at least bring down to a reasonable limit) muslim immigration, crack down on illegal immigration, put a stop to the debt madness ($20 Trillion and counting, not including unfunded liabilities which brings it up to hundreds of trillions), bring some sanity back to the idea of free trade, among others. Sure he may be a bit extreme, but these are desperate times.

Clinton brings you the status quo, would pander to feminists, would pander to crony capitalist corporations, would bring you more wars, more corruption, more debt. The woman has not a single ethical bone in her body and is a criminal. See this video by Black Pigeon Speaks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfj5s5r7_14. He has a couple of others on his channel about Hillary that are also worth watching.

Then, that's just one Canadians opinion.

[–]nickynad -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trump is a chronic liar, a salesman, a marketer, manipulator, deceiver, opportunist... and at the same time could easily be in conspiracy with the other camp / elites, a "false flag" operation of sorts. ("Look at this terrible, ridiculous candidate... you HAVE to vote for us...") The Clintons are just as manipulative and deceptive, perhaps pure evil; but I wonder, are THEY the evil, are they serving some evil elite council/society, or are they a part of such a group ?

I feel like you guys (I'm Canadian)(and perhaps the rest of the world, actually...) are severely slapped in the face and shown an immense disrespect in intellectual honesty with either Clinton or Trump. It's a game, a staged spectacle... I'm still feeling the Bern and I think Bernie's integrity is inspirational. The guy is for real; that is not superficial, but deeply all-encompassing and encouraging in terms of creating a greater and hopeful future and present. He can be REASONED with, not purchased... However you can be DAMN sure that the elite are trying to silence/eliminate him, be it via threats (against self or loved ones), assassination plots, or gradual poisoning... ? I really hope he can survive through the treacherous path he faces, and encourage anyone out there with spiritual inclination to send him your loving and positive vibes and prayers (divine protection is maybe the only chance against this overwhelming evil). Sanders was and obviously IS the choice of the people, because it's really the only one that makes sense. Love over all (love is truth, honesty, compassion)... I don't know how I would vote if I were American. I'd hate to give Clinton such an undeserved power/position, but it looks like either way, she wins; it's rigged. As such, I'd probably follow Bernie's plans for long term vision and revolution. Good luck, my cosmic brethren ~

[–]JStheHammer [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

There is the evil party and the stupid party. Pick one.