Gary Johnson: Trump watching Olympics to see how high Mexican pole vaulters go

Moriah Ratner

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary JohnsonGary JohnsonClinton up by 8 points in national poll Assange: Third-party supporters have chance to 'build a movement' Third-party candidates in late push for debate stage MORE on Friday mocked Donald TrumpDonald TrumpCotton: Clinton had emails about nuclear scientist executed in Iran Clinton opens up wide lead in Virginia; races tight in Ariz. and Nev. GOP senator still doesn't support Trump after meeting with Pence MORE's plan to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, joking that the businessman is worried about Olympians pole vaulting over.

"I hear that Donald Trump is watching the Olympics tonight. He's seeing how high the Mexican pole vaulters go," Johnson quipped an interview with the Reno Gazette-Journal.

A central proposal of the GOP nominee's campaign involves building a wall along the southern border and deporting those in the country illegally.

Johnson said the deportation of 11 million undocumented workers "starts with misinformation."

"They are hardworking people that have come into the United States and they have to come in illegally because the government can't provide them an easy way to get in legally," Johnson said.

The Libertarian nominee called Trump and Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonCotton: Clinton had emails about nuclear scientist executed in Iran Clinton opens up wide lead in Virginia; races tight in Ariz. and Nev. Giuliani: 'Everybody should calm down' about Trump's poll numbers MORE "the two most polarizing figures in American politics today."

"If Clinton is elected or if Trump is going to get elected, I think the polarization in Congress will be greater than ever," Johnson said.

"Nothing is going to get done. it is going to be so ugly, so partisan, so back-biting. Well what if you elect a couple of Libertarians?"

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