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Donald Trump has announced the people who are going to be advising him on the economics, even though he totally knows all the economics already himself from having run such a successful business lo these many years. AND SURPRISE! They are all white dudes!

Also six of them are named Steve! And only two of them are actual economists! Which is actually not surprising given that pretty much every economist on earth, including Ben Stein who is endorsing him (and who, you need to know, once wrote a book called LUDES and I own a copy). Probably there are not a lot of economists who want to jump on the Trump train.

Outside of Stephen Moore, the chief economist of the Heritage Foundation of all places, and Dr. Peter Navarro, who holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard and teaches economics at Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine, Trump’s team is made up of a bunch of Wall Street bros (which is SO WEIRD because we thought Wall St. had bought and paid for Hillary Clinton!), and real estate dudes. Mostly named Steve.

Tom Barrack – Real estate bro, founded Rebuild America Now, a pro-Trump super PAC

Andy Beal – Billionaire investor dude who profited off the 2008 recession by buying up undervalued properties.

Stephen M. Calk – Banker dude, whose company had a habit of underwriting mortgages with less than factual information, and is pretty sure bank regulation is unnecessary.

Dan DiMicco – Former Executive Chairman of the Nucor Corporation, a steel company.

Steven Feinberg – Wall Street dude AND a real estate dude, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. FUN FACT: the chairman of this company is none other than former Vice-President Dan Quayle.

Dan Kowalski – former Deputy Staff Director of the Republican staff of the Senate Budget Committee

Howard M. Lorber – Real estate bro, President and CEO of Vector Group Ltd.

David Malpass – Held positions in both the Reagan and Dubya administrations, “founded Encima Global, a consulting and research firm that provides insight and analysis on global economic and political trends.”

Steven Mnuchin – Hedge fund bro, currently serving as Finance Chairman for Donald J. Trump for President.

Steven Roth – investor dude, CEO of Vornado Realty Trust, which co-owns two buildings with Trump.

One of the white dudes on this team not named Steve is a fella named John Paulson! He is a hedge fund guy who made BILLIONS of dollars betting (and hoping!) that people would lose their houses! A practice which — as you probably know — was a pretty big contributing factor to the great subprime mortgage crisis. Yeah! Because that’s the Make America Great way — profiting off the pain of others, and hoping that your fellow Americans lose so that you can make lots and lots of money.

See, Paulson had a buddy, “Fab Fabrice” Tourre, this Goldman Sachs guy who created a mortgage security called Abacus 2007-AC1, which bundled toxic sub-prime mortgages. He sold this to people, while simultaneously making short bets against it, and encouraging Paulson to do the same! Then they both got SUPER rich and a lot of people lost everything!

The SEC had accused Tourre of misleading institutional investors about subprime mortgage securities that he knew were doomed to fail, setting the stage for a valued Goldman hedge fund client, Paulson & Co. Inc., to secretly bet against the investment.

The maneuver ended up making $1 billion for the hedge fund and its wealthy president, John A. Paulson, and millions of dollars in fees for Goldman. The SEC also sought to show that it helped earn Tourre a bonus that boosted his salary to $1.7 million in 2007.

On the witness stand, the SEC lawyers confronted Tourre with a January 2007 email it said deliberately misled another institutional investor about Paulson’s short position in the investment called Abacus 2007-AC1.

Yes, who better to advise Trump on economic matters for the betterment of our country than a guy whose wealth comes not from investing in Americans, or creating jobs for Americans, or doing literally anything for anyone, but in fact comes entirely from betting Americans won’t be able to pay their mortgage, and then profiting when they can’t! Make America Great Again indeed!

[Fortune | Donald Trump | Omaha | ThinkProgress]

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  • BearGHAZI

    Might as well add Steve Gutenberg. Celebrity power

    • Señor Skwerl

      But can he top Scott Baio?

      • Lambsendbeds

        Nope – I’m sure Trump is REALLY a bottom. His baby size weenus wouldn’t make it through the sphincter.

    • Snark Tank

      Word has it that in one hour, he asked three times why he couldn’t get Steve Jobs.

    • Duke

      Steve Austin.

      He was on TV, too.

    • HolidayinCambodia

      And Steve Austin, the Six-Million Dollar Man.

      • Michael Smith

        And Stone Cold Steve Austin, who, like Trump, plays the heel so well that people end up liking him.

    • Jennaratrix

      He forgot Steve Buscemi, Steve Jobs (who might actually be a good choice), Steve Harvey, Steve Carell, Steve Martin, Steve Irwin, Steve Perry, Steve McQueen, Steve Miller, and Steve O. Come on, dude. You failed to fully mine the Steve archives. The Stevechives.

      • Amy!

        There’s a port in New York City. He could get Steve Dores.

  • OneYieldRegular

    Trump hired that guy from the Nucor Corporation just so that he could get advice on our nucor arsenal and when we can use it.

  • Señor Skwerl

    DiMicco, Kowalski. An Italian and a Pole. Who says this team is not AMAZINGLY diverse?!

    • Michael Smith

      Bigots in the 1940’s would consider this to be an insanely progressive bunch.

      • SterWonk

        Obligatory All in the Family:

        Archie: What’s the matter with this? I call this representative government. You’ve got Salvatori, Feldman, O’Reilly, Nelson –- that’s an Italian, a Jew, an Irishman and a regular American there. That’s what I call a balanced ticket.

    • Creepoman

      D’oh – didn’t scroll down before posting. And don’t forget the jew!

  • anwisok

    But it’s ok. He’s his own man. He can’t be bought by Wall Street or the Banks!

  • BearGHAZI

    It’s BECAUSE they are so terrible, they will be the best at knowing how not to be terrible

    • Jennaratrix

      That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works. Although I do point to my father’s wife as the prime example of how not to be a stepmom, and my kids as my proof that I was right, I didn’t ask HER to come be their stepmom.

  • Bear OmNomNom

    It’s Adam and Eve, not Donald and Steve and Steve and Steve and Steve.

    • Vidajroden1

      <<l:y. ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::::!!bx644a:….,.

  • Mpeg

    “Make America Steve Again”?

  • Michael Christian


  • OneYieldRegular

    How did he find all these Steves? Hmm?

  • Crystalclear12

    Now all they have to do is decide who gets what.

    • BadKitty904

      “Dibs on Maryland!”

  • Miss Mnemosyne

    Steve power.

  • AngryBlakGuy

    …how else can you start a Russian style Oligarchy?!?!

    • Duke


      • Msgr_Moment

        You misspelled “tsars”.

        • Duke

          No, no…

          The “Tsarts” are Trump’s mail-order brides.

  • John Iwaniszek

    This is just like lincoln. except it’s a team of steves.

  • Miss Mnemosyne

    I only count 5 Steves; am I missing one?

    • OneYieldRegular

      Yes, you’re missing Andy. He’s a Steve too, but he goes by another name.

      • Miss Mnemosyne

        Ah, stealth Steve!

        • beavertank

          Sneaking it in from behind… classic Steve!

      • sadboy

        Andy? That name’s going to cause confusion. Mind if we call him Steve to keep it clear?

      • Amy!

        “Mind if we call you BruceSteve?”

  • AngryBlakGuy

    …geez this may top Dick Cheney allowing Exxon Mobil to craft our energy policy in 2001

  • Jim Johnson

    What, no Grover Norquist? He knows a lot about the taxation.

    • wide_stance_hubby

      A regular bathtime prodigy, him.

    • Missing Arthur Laffer, also, too.

      • Groundloop

        Q: Mr. Trump, if you’re elected, what will be the primary driver of your economic policy?

        A: I’m an excellent driver to be honest. You heard of the Laffer Curve? Yeah, well, I can get through that in like, well a very good time really. Tremendous actually. Top racing drivers, I won’t mention any names, but you can probably guess, anyway they all tell me that I’m very good in the Laffer Curve. One of the best. Maybe the best. One of the best. I usually don’t even have both hands on the wheel because they’re so big and strong, believe me. So that’s what we’ll be looking into.

        • bupkus23

          He’d even make the Kessel run in UNDER 12 parsecs!

  • Michael Smith

    One of these guys is named Barrack?


  • wide_stance_hubby

    Team Steee-eve. They don’t come any dirtier than them. . .

    (apologies to Robyn Hitchcock)

  • Ms.MLG1979

    I, for one, feel relieved someone is finally giving white men a fair shake! Too long have they dwelt in the shadows, jobless, lacking rights, money, respect and power. Donald Trump is going to elevate white men one thieving Steve at a time!

    • Vecchiojohn

      They’re a credit to their race.

    • tjknight

      “Cheeto Donnie and the Theiving Steves”

  • Scooby

    I guess Charles Keating and Bernie Madoff weren’t available.

  • Royal Ugly Dude, Esq.

    It’s the Tao of Steve (minus the Tao)

    • Vecchiojohn

      It’s the Tao Jones Industrails. Also the new name of the Yankees.

  • mrpuma2u

    These are exactly the kind of fellas that will bring over the disgruntled Bernie voters to Donald! Genius!

    • BadKitty904

      OK, that made me lol.

      • mrpuma2u

        Glad to be of service

  • ViveLaRes

    Today we are all Steve. Evidently.

    • That is my go to name when I need a fake one!

      • Ms.MLG1979

        Mine’s Sandy. Sandy Bajingo.

        • Vecchiojohn

          Dick Hurtz here.

          • Major_Major_Major

            Cause, meet effect.

          • OrdinaryJoe

            Mike Hunt

      • Jim Johnson

        You can use mine. About the same as my real name, Ann Nonamous.

    • BadKitty904

      And/or soon to be owned by.

  • DoILookAmused2u ?

    From Mother Jones:

    Malpass is a former economic adviser to Ronald Reagan whom the Trump campaign touts as having “extensive private sector experience.” That experience includes serving for 15 years as the chief economist for Bear Stearns—the Wall Street firm that was deeply enmeshed in the subprime mortgage market—in the lead-up to the investment bank’s spectacular March 2008 collapse.

    The fall of Bear Sterns lit the fuse on the economic crisis. And perhaps more so than its competitors, the 85-year-old investment bank came to exemplify the excesses and short-sighted economics that led to the financial meltdown. If Trump is counting on Malpass for economic advice, he had better hope it’s an improvement on the wisdom the economist dispensed as the financial system hurtled toward a cliff. Nine months before his company fell apart, Malpass wrote a column for the Wall Street Journal titled “Don’t Panic About Credit Markets.” He derided the “hyperventilation over the coming U.S. economic slowdown” and wrote:

    “The slowdown talk weighing on equities also reflects the Wall Street view that debt, mortgage and takeover businesses have replaced General Motors as the economy’s bellwether. According to the bears: As goes the credit market, so goes the economy. Fortunately, Main Street is not that fickle. Housing and debt markets are not that big a part of the U.S. economy, or of job creation. It’s more likely the economy is sturdy and will grow solidly in coming months, and perhaps years”.


    • Jim Johnson

      He seems nice. Plenty of good advice for our DummFührer.

  • JVisconti

    Steve Mnuchin must have missed the spelling classes at the Yellow Brick Road Academy.

  • ViveLaRes

    I guess Trump didn’t get all those Paul Krugman and Robert Reich books I sent him.

    • schmannity

      Reich. So short. Pathetic!

      • beavertank

        He is just a tiny little man, but with remarkably long arms and large hands.

        I choose not to imagine what that might mean.

        • Vecchiojohn

          Boy, you sure know your economists.

          • beavertank

            Some people watch birds, I watch economists. They tend to be easier to find, but get a lot more creeped out by the binoculars.

    • tehbaddr

      His advisors indacted that he need not read them, pathetic prole blabbering! Really weak, low energy, sad.

  • mackafritz

    Trump doesn’t strike me as one who takes advice.

  • Dr.Zoidberg

    The only Steve I want is Steve Rogers!

  • memzilla

    I see the problem with his campaign now. It’s got a case of Steve-ia.

    • Michael Smith

      Will always make me think of Breaking Bad

  • Cindyinencinitas

    I feel so weird knowing the actual name of an actual derivative that caused so much destruction. It’s creepy.

  • schmannity

    Not a bankruptcy lawyer among them. Weird!

    • Reddishrabbit

      Well, after getting stiffed by Trump they declined unless paid up front.

    • beavertank

      I’d be a little surprised if most of them didn’t feel bankruptcy law was unfair to creditors, though.

    • Duke

      I’m sure they know a few.

      And have their phone numbers of speed-dial.

    • btwbfdimho

      Nor a CPA!

  • Good_Gawd_Yall

    Who needs economic advisors? Under a Trumpenfuhrer dictatorship presidency, the world will have no more than a few months to survive anyway.

    • Jim Johnson

      No worries. They will operate from their secure underground lairs.

  • tehbaddr

    The modern day equevelant of Industrial Robber Barons, what could possibly go wrong?

    • mackafritz

      Nothing, for them.

      • tehbaddr

        Not true! A small hovel and place to piss and shit if they’re lucky, at the cost of 80% of their slave wage!

    • Tio_Doidinho

      I for one miss Ye Olde Days of the Robber Barons, with a massive financial panic every twenty years or so.

    • TJ Barke

      Proletarian uprising? Please? Pretty please?

  • Marla

    White riot, I wanna riot White riot, a riot of my own

  • Robert Weiler

    Worth mentioning that Paulson hit a cold streak after perpetrating the 2007-AC1 fraud making a bad bet on interest rates and another bad bet on several second tier pharma companies. It’s not surprising he would like to see a market that he can rig again.

  • Duke

    Will this crack team be working closely with the head team to create Trump’s policies?

  • beavertank

    Trump’s campaign slogan makes a lot more sense if you actually say the implied “…and fuck you, too” at the end of it.

    • Jim Johnson

      “I got mine, now Fuck off America.” prolly didn’t make it past the focus groups.

      • BadKitty904

        “Too much truthiness…”

  • Zippy W Pinhead
  • Spurning Beer

    I wonder if any of the Steves have any money riding on the outcome of 2016 presidential election.

  • Ezio
    • Groundloop

      Huh. I don’t think that’s ever been tried before. Might be worth a shot.

      • Creepoman

        And when it doesn’t work the first (or second, or third) time, we need to cut them even more.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    I read somewhere that Trump’s advisor on Israel is one of his lawyers. Who wrote a travel book about Isreal. He’s just fuckin’ with us now.

    • Reddishrabbit

      My Israeli policy is the best. The hummus stand on Independence Ave is the greatest, it wins all the Hummus awards.

      • Vienna Woods

        There’s money in the hummus stand!

  • Reddishrabbit

    Cerberus is the group that drove Chrysler into bankruptcy, GMAC bankruptcy. But done well with Freedom, the Bushmaster gun makers.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    I heard Trump promised them cufflinks if he won.

  • Usedtobeyellerdawg

    OT, and you’re welcome:

  • Toomush_Infer

    It’s the Economy Team, Stupid!…

    • mackafritz

      It’s the Stupid Economy Team!

      • DoILookAmused2u ?

        First one was wrong. 2nd one right.

    • Rick Hill

      It’s the Economy, Team Stupid!

      • Toomush_Infer

        I have so much trouble with my commas…

    • Callyson

      It’s the Economy Team: Stupid!

  • ViveLaRes

    Just watched The Big Short again the other night. This is making me nauseous.

    • DoILookAmused2u ?

      You should Trust the former Chief Economist (the only economist on this team) from Bear Stearns. What’s the worst thing that could happen?

      I kid, I did.

  • Creepoman

    Who says there’s no diversity in that group – from what I can tell, there’s at least one dago and a couple kikes.

  • Callyson


    Economists for Hillary

    • ViveLaRes

      Whoa, actual SMRT people.

    • Reddishrabbit

      Please, only one Noble Prize?

      • BadKitty904

        Maybe not this year…

      • Callyson

        So far ;-)

  • Spotts1701

    “In other news, Trump formed a committee of wolves, foxes and vultures to discuss how best to handle the nation’s chicken supply.”

  • Brian

    seems appropriate that Trump takes advice from a guy who works for a multi-headed dog from hell.

  • Iam Reading

    So, more vulture capitalists. Way to not learn, GOP

  • limberrat

    **Raises Hand**
    Wait I thought a Super PAC and a candidate it represents are not supposed to coordinate? Why is the head of his SuperPAC advising him now while still being in charge of said SuperPAC?

    • Jeff in the desert

      Hahahahaha….rules….hahahahaha…….seriously?…..giggle…..These are special people, these are Republicans, these are rich people….hahaha…rules.

    • AngryKatie

      Perhaps you have’t noticed, but Donald and all the Steve’s are both white, and be-penised.

  • exinkwretch

    Mnchin – Calk *Cue Beavis giggle*

  • BadKitty904

    How is this different from any other Republican administration?

    • Callyson

      They usually try to have a token or two around, for the cameras at leeast.

      • BadKitty904

        Since there will be no Free Press under the Trumpenreich, I suppose that won’t be necessary any longer.

    • Major_Major_Major

      This time they aren’t even trying to pretend. Much like errything else with Herr Drumpf, they are shouting from the rooftops “Fuck you all, now give me MINE, bitchez!”

      • BadKitty904

        And still the wingtard voters flock to them…

  • jmhm

    Didn’t Barack also make his nut buying up post-fail houses?

    • CATMAN

      No, he helped set up a non-profit to rehab foreclosed houses and sell them at low prices to low income families–and, no he didn’t make money off them

  • glennisw

    Well, we’re at the “switch” part of the bait-and-switch

    • AngryKatie

      Maybe this is the long awaited pivot?

  • Rick Hill

    So, basically, he put a team together consisting of people who’ve made bank on misleading and lying to people? Sounds like the trump team is going to stay on track all right.

    • weejee

      Gotta stay with what bought brought you.

      • Rick Hill

        Takin’ it up a notch…

    • BadKitty904

      I doubt he knows any other kind of people.

      • kbbaldwin2

        Well, if you were an honest person, would you even admit to knowing him?

        • BadKitty904


  • Jeff in the desert

    A solid team, a wonderful team, my team, they are a great team, best minds, they advise, I listen, I do what I want because I am an independent thinker, a great thinker, with a yuge brain. And a big you-know-what gals…..

  • AngryKatie

    Give him credit, they’re at least more knowledgeable than his Israel team, which is just these few Jewish guys that work for him.

    Edit: This isn’t a joke, that actually is his foreign policy team

    • Jeff in the desert

      Jooooos? Can’t trust ’em with your monay. Ain’t worth a bagel on 5th avenue.

    • BadKitty904


  • btwbfdimho

    Expectable association among Money, Economics and Whiteness.
    Paradoxically, an immigrant woman surviving with $10/hr in Manhattan probably knows more about Economics than rich white dudes, but who cares?

  • Ikimizi

    Is this Donnie’s version of Project Steve?

    • Arolpin

      No, those are the dumb-dumb Steves. Drumpf only has the best Steves, the goodest Steves, the Steves who win bigly. Global Warming is a lie, a dumb lie, very low energy.

      • PubOption

        What was his opinion of Steve Urkel?

  • weejee

    Class divisions in ‘Murica are as American as apple pie and the Klan.

    / tl:dr warning, but you should read it anyway

    • Ezio

      The “white working class” are the ones who get manipulated into thinking that people of color are somehow to blame for all their problems and thus you get the supporters of Trump and the like. Thanks for sharing.

      • kbbaldwin2

        Read “The Redneck Manifesto” He does a good job of exploring this idea.

  • TJ Barke

    Hmm, is it a bad sign that I’ve gotten to the point that I can identify the author of a wonkticle from the writing alone?

    • bupkus23

      Wait’ll you start identifying the (non)commenter from the (non)comment!

  • sadboy

    Were all of these Steves also long-haired bass players in college?

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      except Vai and Winwood and Wonder and Perry and Miller

  • Rick Hill

    And trump’s next speech will feature a spot on how crooked Hillary is a Wall St shill…..

  • Lefty Frizzell

    Isn’t this it? He’s hired the exact people his fans hate, and he claims to be able to defeat on their behalf – doesn’t this put the lie to his entire campaign, philosophy, and populist appeal? Just like his RNC speech – behind the neo-fascist posturing there was the same tired old proposition that everything can be fixed by deregulation and lower taxes.

    He was always a shitty rebel/outsider/insurgent, but now he’s not even pretending to do anything but line his own pockets. Can’t any of his fans see this?

    • mackafritz

      They are stupid?

      • BadKitty904

        How is this a question?

        • Skadi

          I think it’s what we English teachers call a “rhetorical question”, Kitty. *adjusts spectacles*

        • JMP

          Well it’s possible that some of them are actually intelligent but just really, really evil and want the world to end.

    • limberrat

      **Puts fingers in ears and closes eyes**

      • Zippy W Pinhead


    • Rick Hill

      “Don’t worry, trump will play those guys, you watch and see, he is Master at business and guile.”
      Or something to that effect.

    • BadKitty904

      If they had a lick of sense, yes. However…

    • AngryKatie

      Pfft, like his fans pay attention to anything that’s not delivered via yelling.

    • Beaumarchais?

      He doesn’t KNOW anyone else.

    • OneWhiteWhisker

      Trump could come to their house, kill their pets, set their children on fire and then piss on them, and they would still think he was better than Hillary.

      • BadKitty904

        Yup, pretty much.

  • BadKitty904

    TRUMPENREICH: The Stevening…

  • Panika MCD

    OT: just wanted to toss up the link to Capital Tonight from last night because they did fetal funerals at the top of the hour. just look at the difference between the two main advocates they spoke to. it’s hilarious.–4–state–abortion-rights-advocates-spar-over-proper-fetal-tissue-disposal.html?cid=twitter_TXCapTonight

    also in this episode is a little bit of campus carry, a little bit of Drumpf and some talky talk about school funding. if you want to hear relevant information on campus carry, know that Alex is fairly new and had a few too many freudian slips. Patterson’s comments regarding Drumpf are pretty funny and that stuff starts around the 11:50 mark.

  • Zippy W Pinhead

    FWIW Steven Mnuchin is also one of the key executive producers for The Suicide Squad, so he definitely has some experience with rolling disasters

    • BadKitty904

      I wonder if he realized that was fiction…

    • JMP

      I had hoped there was actually a chance this one might be good, considering that Zack Snyder is only an executive producer and not directing, but apparently not. DC, Marvel has managed to make a lot of good films, with even their worse like the second Thor being mediocre, yet you can’t make anything that even rises to that level; why can’t you make a movie that doesn’t suck? Hell, Greg Berlanti has managed to make several decent TV series of your B-list heroes, why do you fuck up the big ones on the big screen so horribly?

      • Master Contrail Program

        Especially perplexing, given that DC’s animated movies are top-notch, especially compared to Marvel’s mediocre ones. Why not use the same writers?

      • Zippy W Pinhead

        FWIW a cinemaphile buddy of mine saw it and told me it was nearly as bad as the reviews make it out to be. He thinks much of the hatred is leftover from BvS

        • bupkus23

          Well,it’s supposedly made $150M on just it’s first Friday of release – so, maybe it’ll make so money the first weekend – but, after that, all bets are off.

          Sink like a stone without a ripple?

          • Zippy W Pinhead

            the advance ad campaign was great, but the movie itself apparently doesn’t live up to the hype.

  • Jeff in the desert

    White Team on Crack.

  • Vecchiojohn

    How many old white guys named Steve does it take to screw up an economy?

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      All of them, Stevie

    • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

      Betcha five could do a pretty good job of it.

  • Hairstrike Alpha

    I wish I could write a book about tripping balls of Ludes….my book about my experiences chewing faces while on Bath Salts has been a major bomb.

    • Vecchiojohn

      Hello. My name is Hairstrike and I’m a Bath Salts and Face Chewing addict.

    • kbbaldwin2

      Maybe it need more pictures.

  • cousin itt

    David Malpass – Held positions in both the Reagan and Dubya administrations, “founded Encima Global

    And a global enema is exactly what Donald would deliver.

    • BadKitty904

      You mean the two administrations that did more damage to the American economy than our nation’s enemies, foreign or domestic, have ever been able to accomplish?

  • Vecchiojohn

    Let’s talk about the real elephant in the room for once. Do we really want Mike Pence one heartbeat away from the Presidency?

    • BadKitty904

      I thought that was the Koch Brothers’ end-game – elect Trump, lose Trump, Pence steps in and America is ruled directly by the Kochs. So to speak. Again? Still? Or something.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Like he’ll listen to anything they say. There’s gotta be a grift angle to this. The Steve’s would be wise to keep an eye on their wallets.

    • Vecchiojohn

      I’m Donald Trump and I’ll be damned if I’ll listen some advisor I hired. Losers.

      • Master Contrail Program

        “I haven’t listened to my barber in decades afterall! In fact, I’m the one who gives my investors haircuts. Now I’m the GOP presidential candidate. Terrific.”

  • Master Contrail Program

    “I have the yoogest high energy economic plans to make america win bigly! Tell ’em Steve-Dave!”

    • Hairstrike Alpha

      Edit: Actually I like “FUCK YOU, FANBOY” better

  • Joshua Norton

    Steel Magnolias quote: “They’re all named Steve and have track lighting”.

  • btwbfdimho

    It’s the Stupid, Stupid.

    • JVisconti

      Donald would discount the failure by saying the casino biz is rigged.

      • MississippiLefty

        And he would be right, for once!

        • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

          Sure, but it’s rigged in the house’s FAVOUR! How did this idiot lose so much money in the casino business!?

          • georgiaburning

            Same way everyone else who “lost” money on casinos did it. He stole the money (or took it in “management fees”) and/or cooked the books

          • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

            Oh, I know that. But obviously he could have skimmed a lot off the top without going bankrupt if he hadn’t been incompetent. So he’s crooked and incompetent. Personally, I think a dishonest president would be better than an inept one…but to be BOTH!? No thank you.

          • Objectifer

            Dow Jones has a casino index?

          • MississippiLefty

            Excellent point.

  • Hairstrike Alpha

    That DIABOLICAL BASTARD! He’s created an army of STEVES! Who is the mad scientist who worked on this? Mengele?!? I must know! It’s okay, this can be fixed…everyone, spray toxic sludge on me and I shall mutate to be 35 feet tall and then I will step on and squash every STEVE Trump has until his supply is exhausted!

    • Vecchiojohn

      Now he’s tampering in God’s realm. Beware!

      I had ambition, by which sin The angels fell; I climbed, and step by step, oh Lord, Ascended into Hell.

    • Count Awesome

      Of course they aren’t “the boys from Brazil” since that would make them foreigners with the zika virus. Their nazi ideaology would fit right in with Trump though.

  • cousin itt

    Second Steve: G’day, Steve!
    First Steve: Oh, Hello Steve!
    Third Steve: How are you Steve?
    First Steve: A bit crook, Steve.
    Second Steve: Where’s Steve?
    First Steve: He’s not ‘ere, Steve.
    Third Steve: Blimey, it’s hot in here, Steve.
    First Steve: Hot enough to boil a monkey’s bum!
    Second Steve: That’s a strange expression, Steve.

    • Vecchiojohn

      Dayum, you’re good.

    • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

      First rule of the Economics Dept. at Trump University: No Pooftahs! Second rule: No manhandling or shagging your daughters, if there’s anybody watching. Third Rule: No Pooftahs! Fourth rule: Now this term I don’t want to catch anybody not scamming the rubes after lights out, Rule five: No Pooftahs! Rule six: There is NO RULE SIX!

  • Master Contrail Program

    “Yes I’m Steve Shady, the real Steve Shady, all these other Steve Shadys are just imitating. Now won’t the real Steve Shady please back Trump?”

  • Six Guys Called Steve < Five Guys Named Mo

  • Skadi
  • Hairstrike Alpha

    Well it makes sense that Trump would stack his economics advisors with fraudsters…that’s pretty much been his business model going back to his first bankruptcy.

    • efoveks

      Birds of a feather!

  • Hairstrike Alpha

    Robyn, okay I must ask…where, why and how did you end up with that book? I feel like there’s a story here…

    • Robyn Pennacchia

      There is, but it is not particularly fascinating? It is entirely the fault of film critic Ray Pride of New City in Chicago, who is a regular at the same bar as me and knows that I like weird things!

      • bubbuhh

        I bet it is on your shelf of shame. We all have one…mebbe more than one.

        • Master Contrail Program

          Shelf! Elitist! My pile o’ shame has served me well.

          • bubbuhh

            I live with a vagina-enabled person who frowns mightily on piles.

          • Master Contrail Program

            Mine too. But the man-yard is my domain! Saves a lot of time on landscaping

  • JMP
  • Paperless Tiger

    Whoomp, there it is! The Trump kleptocracy. Didn’t see that one coming (yeah, we did).

  • TeeRaak

    1. Trump disables burglar alarm at Fort Knox.
    2. ????
    3. Profit!!!!1!1!

  • Jenny

    I recall a tasteless line in a movie about Steves and track lighting. But the details escape me.

    • Angela Ruzzo

      Clairee in “Steel Magnolias” quotes her gay nephew as saying that “All gay men have track lighting, and all gay men are named Mark, Rick, or Steve.”

  • Hairstrike Alpha

    You’re gonna need a lot more chickens….

  • Hairstrike Alpha

    “It takes a village of Steve’s to raise a single Trump”
    -African Proverb

  • UncleTravelingMatt

    Dan Dimicco, formerly of Nucor-Yamato? The guy that ran Nucor — a steel company so proud of their anti-union culture that they mention it prominently in trade literature? Good call. I imagine those rust belt votes will come rolling in now.

  • Parchment Scroll

    I read this as “Trump publishes list of dudes never to trust with anything ever.”

    • Angela Ruzzo

      Quite correct. Like any sane person would ever trust a rich white dude who tells them anything about Economics.

      • Parchment Scroll

        Like any sane person would ever trust financial decisions made by an idiot who can’t even manage to turn a profit running a casino.


    “Stephen Moore, the chief economist of the Heritage Foundation”–because they are the only people who would hire a twit like him with a predictive record rivaling Billy Kristol. I’m willing to bet he is the only one of this crew who didn’t get really fucking rich because he didn’t believe the housing crash was real

  • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

    ♫All of these guys are just like the others,
    All of these guys totally belong,♫

  • Bitter Scribe

    Quayle is the chairman of Cerberus Capital Management? For reals?

    Cerberus owns the Albertsons and Safeway grocery conglomerates. Does this mean Quayle now knows how to spell “potato”?

  • bubbuhh

    So many Steves cannot be random. No. no, no, no. There must be a reason Trump openly acknowledged his fetish for Steves (and Dans!). A perusal of the cracks and crevices of Trumpian topography (I am owed big time for that.) has revealed the why of his sudden need to cover himself in his fraudster buds named Steve (and Dan). It seems that the

    Harvard Republican Club (yes, that Harvard!) Will Not Support Donald Trump. They took a vote. Trump was dumped by a score of 80% to 10% (tother 10% was asleep, possibly, with the aid of medical marijuana.) and announced their determination yesterday. Drastic action was for called, thus the need for Steve comfort (and also too Dans).

    Declan (because of course Declan) P. Garvey, Preznit of HarRepClu, simultaneously announced their opposition to Trump and their willingness “to coordinate’ with members wishing to campaign for Trump. Go ahead. Read that last part again. Yup. That’s what he said. Spinelessness is a trait valued by so many Republicans in official capacities and in all crawls of life.

    • Vecchiojohn

      I thought HarRepClu meant hair club for Republican men.

    • Angela Ruzzo

      Didn’t Clairee say in “Steel Magnolias” that “All gay men are named
      Mark, Rick, or Steve”? I thought that was just a funny line. Perhaps it has a deeper meaning.

      • bubbuhh

        Mebbe, she meant all grey men. But, then there are Declans also too.

      • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

        I thought they were all named Bruce.

        • Angela Ruzzo

          Names are funny things. In the past 40 years, I’ve had THREE bosses named Carl, and four coworkers named Carl, and all of them were psychotic assholes. What are the odds?

        • Mezzaluna

          That might be all Australian men.

          • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

            Only the ones on the faculty of the Philosophy Dept at the University of Wooloomooloo.

          • Mezzaluna

            But aren’t Australian ladies Sheila?

        • Sakonyachen

          And Gary.

      • Gentle Robot

        All gay men being named Steve does not mean all men named Steve are gay.
        No, I’m not named Steve. I am gay for syllogisms though

    • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

      How many Steves will Hillary have in her team of advisers? Is Trump cornering the market? WILL THERE BE A STEVE GAP?!?!

      • JustDon’tSayDittos

        Hello. My name is Steve Gap. I have a market on the corner.

        • Sakonyachen

          There is no number for the upfists this comment deserves.

    • MrCanoehead

      Upfist for “all crawls of life”.

    • Doug Langley

      A very good reason. Trump’s hoping one of them is the bionic man.

  • I Only Like Cats

    Does anyone want to repurpose some of the Tumblr nightblogging memes for Donald Trump needing to leave the presidential race/get off Twitter and take a nap?

    • Sakonyachen

      I think if you take the worst nonsense from Tumblr and replace trigger words with bigly, yoooge, and the best, it would still be too obviously coherent for anyone to believe Trump tweeted it.

  • Vecchiojohn

    Mommy? What does economy mean?

    Well dear, there was this man named Trump who lived long ago …

  • Poly_Ester

    Traders, they know everything. Just ask them.

    • Ducksworthy

      Traders and Traitors and the Russian Mob. How could he lose?

  • Sam Hain

    I’d like to know how in the fuck they created a system whereby it’s even possible to make money off of people losing their homes…betting people don’t pay their mortgages that they bundled and sold to other investors…what a bunch of worthless, fucking scumbag pieces of shit.

    • Bub the Leftwing Zombie

      Read “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis. Infuriating.

      • JustDon’tSayDittos

        Or watch the movie. I was appalled.

      • Ducksworthy

        Currently on Netflix.

    • CripesAmighty

      1) Buy ‘Credit Default Swaps’, which are ‘insurance’ instruments that pay off in the event of a default on a debt instrument. The nifty thing about these, is one can buy a CDS against a debt that one has no position. This creates what is known as a ‘synthetic short’. Kinda like buying a policy on your neighbors house and setting it afire. Nice, huh?

      2)short shares of a bond package containing horrible mortgages.

      3)create an instrument bundling 1 and 2. . This is called a ‘synthetic short CDO’ (Collateralized debt obligation).

      What makes these doubly nasty is that these create liabilities in multiples of the value of the securities they’re pegged to, and can take down the issuing institutions (which you can also short, collapsing their capital structure).

      • Ducksworthy

        And, what’s brilliant about these guys, is that they managed to rip of Trillions through these schemes just by making up technical sounding names for them even though there was literally nothing there but b.s.. So Trump is a good fit.

        • CripesAmighty

          Yup. And took the world economy down with ’em. No joke. The multiplier effect of all this jiggery-pokery is what turned what would have been a nasty, but ordinary cyclical housing correction into a global crash.

    • Calton

      “This American Life” did a story on this sort of scheme (Episode 405: “Inside Job”).

      It includes a bonus show tune written especially for the episode.

  • Jason Freeman


  • Gleem-McShinez

    I feel sorry for the last two Steves on the list. They don’t know how pyramid schemes work, I guess?

  • chascates

    For starters they should look at Hairball’s last ten years’ worth of income tax returns and decide whether he’s shifty, shafty, or just shitty.

    • Markuserektus

      Wait for it…AOT, K.

    • Ducksworthy

      And help him figure out if he can pay off the Russian Mob or will have to go into witless protection.

    • parkii

      Bill Maher had that asshole Assange on last night, and told him he should be hacking into Trump’s tax returns!

  • OrdinaryJoe

    Well it is somewhat better than a bunch of guys named Earl.

    • JMP

      But he’s made a list of everything bad he’s ever done, and one by one is going to make up for his mistakes, he’s just trying a better person.

    • bupkus23

      Or Bubba Ray…

    • Bear OmNomNom

      Yeah, but at least Marianne and Wanda could take care of those.

    • parkii

      One of my bunnies is named Earl, but she’s a girl. She’s probably smarter than any of these guys, I’m positive she does not support Trump.

  • deanbooth

    “The economy is like a garden…”

    • Markuserektus

      A tough row to hoe…

    • bluicebank

      Unfortunately for the GOP, Chauncey Gardner wasn’t running this year.

    • Bad Granny

      A great place to bury the corpses?

      • Parakeetist


  • BMW

    All I know abput Stephen Moore is that he used to be a frequent guest on Bill Maher, where he was always a good sport, despite coming across like total dork with his head up his butt.

  • Randy Riddle

    This will be deemed a victory for the GOP since Trump is acting “Presidential” by not including Scott Baio in his group of economic advisors.

    • JustDon’tSayDittos

      Steve Baio, OTOH…

  • Jay

    And the Steves are there!

    • Parakeetist

      Neil Steve Enko!

  • BMW

    Too many cooks Steves!

  • BMW

    • I feel like he would give the best advice of the whole group.

      • JMP

        But Steve Holt is a bastard – he doesn’t even know who his father is.

        • Sakonyachen

          On behalf of all bastards, I denounce your bastardshaming ways. I’ll have you know that many of us have grown up to be fine upstanding members of our community. Almost as many as have grown up to be drug dealers shysters and scumbags.

  • Markuserektus

  • Calton

    Stephen Moore isn’t even an economist, since the Heritage Foundation stopped calling him that and now refer to him as a “Visiting Distinguished Fellow”.

  • Parchment Scroll

    Wait, wait, wait…

    I skimmed the list. I should not have skimmed the list.

    Steven Mnuchin – Hedge fund bro, currently serving as Finance Chairman for Donald J. Trump for President.

    The… the finance chairman for the campaign fund that is broke despite being super-duper shady about recurring donations? That guy? This is magical.

    • bupkus23

      Trump also made noises about this guy being his Sec’y of Treasury ( at the same time that he was soliciting funds from Wall Streeters for Trump )….

      • jmhm

        Daddy is very, very rich (funnily enough from Goldman Sachs). Junior followed Trump’s preferred path to economic success, leveraging daddy’s money in an economic downturn.

  • malsperanza

    Well, this will certainly reassure Wall Street investors that Turnip is SRS CNDATE.

    That’s pretty much a police lineup of every shady, unindicted financial shyster short of Jamie Dimon. Vornado Realty? Really, Beetman?

  • Ducksworthy

    So a whole gang of crooks and liars. Fitting.

    • dshwa

      Fitting, and entirely unsurprising.

  • phoenix00

    Another fun fact: Cerberus used to own Chrysler after Daimler dumped them in 2007.

    And no Peter Thiel on that list? Is it because he’s not a DanSteve?

  • malsperanza

    Say, you know who else developed crackpot economic theories based on the loony ideas of his loony friends, and destroyed the world economy in the process?

    • John Smith

      Any Republicans you might name.

    • dshwa

      Emperor Nero?

    • Bear OmNomNom

      Barack HUSSEIN Obummer!!1! That extra $5000 of salary and extra week’s vacation cost me $150 in union dues, and it’s all because of him!!1!

    • Sakonyachen

      Ayn Rand?

  • bupkus23

    Gawd, this crew is even worse than I thought, when I first read the headline about them this morning. Why isn’t Arthur Laffer amongst them?

    • subatomic

      Well, I’m certain the Trump policies are still based on his famous curve.

    • georgiaburning

      He’s too busy f***ing up Kansas, working with Brownback

  • Redgyal

    I guess Stephen Baldwin was not available.

    • Sakonyachen

      He may have been overqualified. Or possibly too human.

  • DoctorBill
    • Shan the Libtart

      I don’t know. I think they look like a bunch of poofters.

      • DoctorBill

        deadset you look like a grouse shiela. wanna root?

        • Shan the Libtart

          Hm. Sounds like you’re the type whose idea of foreplay is shouting “BRACE YOURSELF!”

          • Sakonyachen

            Is there any other kind?

  • Mehmeisterjr

    Steven Roth – investor dude, CEO of Vornado Realty Trust, which co-owns two buildings with Trump.

    So a future unpaid Trump creditor?

  • Biff52

    Needz moar Steve.

  • Rick Hill

    A meme, quite appropriately named, Scumbag Seve

  • redarmyzombie

    Steve from Minecraft was unavailable for comment.

  • OrdinaryJoe

    WTF? They don’t know any economists named Stephanie?

  • Alan

    I’m really, really fed up with stupid people thinking that business has anything to do with economics. Or running a business has anything in common with government. Just want to scream.

  • Operation American Jesus®

    “John Paulson made his name — and several billion dollars — on a wildly successful bet against subprime mortgages on the eve of the Great Recession.”

    So Trump’s chosen as one his closest economic policymakers to Make America Great Again a man who knew the crash was coming, who told no one, who didn’t try to stop it and who instead placed a bet at the Wall Street casino and made billions off the utter collapse of America’s middle class and blue collar sectors as tens of millions of families lost their jobs, homes, savings and health insurance seemingly overnight.

    Actually buckles the knees a bit, does it not?

  • cutter

    The greatest assembly of fabulously irrelevant economist and billionaire that rival Reagan and Professor Laffler.

  • dshwa

    OT: FOX “news” found a Gold Star family that supports Trump and hates Hillary. Spoiler alert: They’re so pasty white they make Elmer’s glue look look dark.

    • Sakonyachen

      Good thing they didn’t spend any time on actual news reporting. I’m sure if I looked hard enough I could find a Gold Star family that thinks that contrails are real and that they are a mind control device. Probably the same family that hates Hillary.

  • The Librarian

    To this group, it’s all just Monopoly…..

    Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 2,000,000 dollars……

  • BigCSouthside

    The Reagan guy…also economist at Bear Stearns. In 2007 basically told everyone to chill and the housing market was all good. That firm was sold for pennies on the dollar a year later to help slow the bleeding in the economy.

  • parkii

    Bill Palmer at the Daily News Bin points out that, “although it is a common name, people named Steve are overrepresented on his economic council by six thousand percent.” Also, too, he calls Howard Lorber a hot dog vendor!

  • Sakonyachen

    Okay. That’s it! Now I know Trump is trolling the RNC. Why would you give your opponent such a grand list of people to rail on otherwise?

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