Hillary Clinton is SICK. Seriously. I can prove it, and the American people need to know about it.
In 2012, Clinton had a cerebral venous thrombosis (blood clot in her brain). The story went like this: Clinton supposedly had an intestinal infection and got severely dehydrated. She fainted, fell, and hit her head, which resulted in a concussion. A few weeks later, she was found to have a cerebral venous thrombosis (blood clot in her brain). Her doctors claimed that she was “making excellent progress” and they were “confident she will make a full recovery.” Source
Has she made a full recovery? What are the odds that she truly has no neurological deficits from this injury?
- CVT Prognosis: According to a large international study in 2004, after an average of 16 months, 57.1 % of CVT patients had no symptoms or signs, 22% had “mild” residual symptoms, 7.5 % had mild impairments, 2.9% had moderate impairments, 2.2% were severely handicapped, and 8.3% had died. So, 42.9% had difficulties after their CVT, ranging from mild impairments to death. Source
Has Clinton shown any signs of impairment? I submit that she has. I submit that much of her “lying” is actually confabulating (or making things up). Confabulation is believed to result from damage to the right frontal lobe of the brain, including the ventromedial frontal lobe. Clinton’s clot was on the right side.
- This Breitbart article has a good summary of her health problems, as well as a neurologist discussing these very issues. It’s long but worth a read: Breitbart
Want to build the WALL even higher? Here's some MORE HIGH ENERGY EVIDENCE:
“She is often confused” - Hillary’s own top aide (and possible lover?) Huma Abedin said in an email, “She’s often confused.” Note the date: Jan 2013, just 1 month after her CVT. Source
Debate Bathroom Breaks and Cheating: In late 2015 at a democratic debate, Clinton returned from the break very late, and joked that “it does take me a little longer.” Source. Now, there have been reports that she was meeting with campaign staff during these breaks, which was against the DNC debate rules Source. Why was she meeting with staff against the rules? I submit that she was likely being “refreshed” on talking points because her memory is poor.
Nancy Reagan recast as AIDS hero: Source. Seriously? Anyone alive at the time, knows the Reagans were far from AIDS heroes. They actively denied the health crisis for years and were much maligned by the HIV community for doing so. Why would Hillary say this, unprompted? Memory problems or confabulation. She “misspoke.”
Bosnian Sniper Fire: We’ve all heard this story a hundred times. Why would she make this up in an age where there are cameras and the internet? Again, she’s mis-remembering events. Confabulation. It has been pointed out that this was from 2008. Based on this and her history of inappropriate laughter (see below), I submit that she likely had neurological problems BEFORE her concussion too. Source
No Press Conferences: As Trump hammered her on recently, she hasn’t had a press conference in 6 months. In an election year during a hotly contested primary! Why? It’s because she can’t answer unscripted, impromptu questions appropriately and they’re trying to obscure this fact. Source
“Chill pills”: An anonymous campaign aide, claims Clinton has “been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work.”. A campaign advisor says, “We’re having some success in giving her some chill pills.” This is a serious allegation, which would further explain her memory problems. Benzodiazepines (commonly referred to as "chill pills" can cause serious memory problems like she's been showing signs of. It’s worth noting that these tantrums sound similar to the types of tantrums reported by two different FBI agents. Source
4 days of Gaffes: These are just more recent memory lapses of hers that are worth reading. There are hundreds of these. Source
EDIT: u/swiss_neutrality has reminded me of $hillary's bouts of uncontrollable laughter Source. This can be a sign of "pseudobulbar affect" (PBA) which often accompanies strokes and other neurological conditions. According to PBAINFO.org:
PBA outbursts can be inappropriate
The crying or laughing episodes are inappropriate to the situation in which they occur. Sometimes these are spontaneous crying or laughing eruptions that don’t reflect the way a person is actually feeling.
PBA outbursts can be exaggerated
Another characteristic of PBA episodes is that though the crying or laughing may be appropriate for a given situation, they’re exaggerated – they’re more intense or last longer than the situation calls for.
I could go on and on, but I think I’ve made my point. This is a big deal and the American people deserve answers to HARD QUESTIONS (not pre-scripted softballs) about these issues.
Coughing: How did I forget this one. We've all seen the endless videos of Hillary's coughing fits. I propose that these are likely due to damage to her cranial nerves. Humans have 12 cranial nerves, 6 are involved in swallowing, mainly nerves 9-12. These are often damaged in cerebrovascular events. Also, this cough is new. I cannot find ANY reference in the media to her coughing prior to 2007 and the reports of these coughing fits increased dramatically after her CVT event.
Bill Clinton Timeline
Bill Clinton claimed that it took Hillary 6 months to recover from the CVT, saying it “required six months of very serious work to get over,” and that Hillary was fine now. source
We've all seen her crazy head movements. I am in the minority, I think, but I do not think these are seizures. They could be, but there's a much more likely medical explanation:
CERVICAL DYSTONIA. See this video. Cervical dystonia would be an expected consequence of her CVT, as would her coughing, which is a sign of an impaired swallow reflex. Her cervical dystonia is triggered by turning her head ~45 degrees to either side. Her right might be worse than her left, but pictures clearly show she turns her body more than her head. As they point out in the video, people with cervical dystonia correct by turning their body not their head. Hillary does this all the time. Let's look at some pics of her from Bernie debates:
Pic 1 Looking left, turned body
Pic 2 - Looking Right, turned body.
Stroke Glasses
Don't forget the glasses prescription with a prismatic effect meant to counter double-vision (another post-stroke symptom), and another sign of cranial nerve injury. See here for explanation of Fresnel prismatic lenses. This one has a very clear picture of the left lens.
No Press Conferences: As Trump hammered her on recently, she hasn’t had a press conference in 239 days. In an election year during a hotly contested race! Why? It’s because she can’t answer unscripted, impromptu questions appropriately and they’re trying to obscure this fact. Source. Is this why the DNC has to collude so heavily with the media and sends them scripted questions before interviews (see Wikileaks emails)?
I think I've made my point.
I issue a direct challenge to Hillary Clinton: Drink an entire 8 oz glass of water, live, on camera, then speak a sentence "My name is Hillary Clinton and I think this test is absurd" will suffice. Then post it online for all to see.
If you truly have no lingering effects from the stroke, then prove it. In someone with swallowing difficulty, this sentence will sound garbled by the remaining liquid in your throat. In someone with normal swallowing it will sound clear. Prove to the American people that you don't have any swallowing difficulty or cranial nerve damage from your stroke. I bet you won't, because you can't.
- Find evidence of when her coughing fits started.
- Confirm coughing worsened after her CVT
- Find more evidence of Cranial Nerve Dysfunction. Read the Wiki and scour pictures for evidence of Winged Scapula.
- Find more evidence of Cervical Dystonia
- Find more evidence of Confabulation
- Look for more evidence of eye muscle dysfunction (off center eyes, etc).
- Bring this to the MEDIA
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[–]rocktorwho[S] 11ポイント12ポイント13ポイント (6子コメント)
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[–]emkat 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント (1子コメント)
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