全 12 件のコメント

[–]Chump_No_More 5ポイント6ポイント  (7子コメント)

Abundance and Scarcity... the only time you can say,"There's two types of people in this world" and you'd be right.

I can watch/listen to any person for just a few minutes and accurately predict which world/mindset they live in.

Make no mistake, the people who live in an abundant mindset thrive and rule.

[–]TheFamilyAlphaPro-Masculine Evangelist 5ポイント6ポイント  (5子コメント)

I'm working on a post about Yes People which touches on exactly this.

People that say Yes I can their default to everything is Yes, I can do that, get that, make that work, etc.

Obstacles are merely steps to higher ground. Nothing can be taken from them because they have everything they need in themselves and it can't be stripped away.

[–]Chump_No_More 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

People that say Yes I can their default to everything is Yes, I can do that, get that, make that work, etc.

Wife & I deliberately approach everything with a 'Default Yes!' attitude... Marriage, sex, family, work, leisure, new experiences.

With one caveat... 'default yes' means saying YES to YOU. And saying yes to you may mean saying no to others... relationships, activities, bad behaviors, etc. If it's not adding value, then it's not worthy of your most precious commodity.

Obstacles are merely steps to higher ground. Nothing can be taken from them because they have everything they need in themselves and it can't be stripped away.

Exactly. Understanding that life experiences are nothing more than learning opportunities to gain mastery is the key. Fail better. Always.

[–]TheFamilyAlphaPro-Masculine Evangelist 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

Absolutely there is a difference between saying yes I can do that and saying yes because I'm afraid of the conflict that will come from saying no

[–]ScurvemuchMRP APPROVED 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

"How to say NO, while Saying Yes, and not being a faggot about it"

I can touch that if you want after your post... But I believe its in WINSFIG

[–]Chinchilla_the_HunMarried 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Seemed to work out pretty good for this guy.

[–]alphabeta49MRP-APPROVED 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Good, fucking cheesy, Carrey movie. Also shows the blind, white-knuckle noob just following orders, who learns the "why" behind the rules. I.e., MRP noob pussy vs. "MRP approved".

[–]RedDreadWolverineRed Christian[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's a lot of nuance to the subject. The abundance mentality coupled with a lack of self-discipline can be disastrous. If you always believe it'll be there later it might not but if you're always harvesting that abundance and building up value then it is very rewarding. Even if you have an abundance you still have to put in the work to enjoy it. A scarcity mindset this one made out of fear and usually relies on the benevolence of others meaning you receive nothing unless one is kind enough to give it to you.

[–]TheFamilyAlphaPro-Masculine Evangelist 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've been saying it for years, "Limitless & Irrational Levels of Self Confidence" IDGAF if what I say or do is fitting in with what is 'expected' or the norm. I do me, if that means I don't fit the labels of Red Pill, Blue Pill, Purple Pill, etc I don't care. It's not about fitting into labels or molds that have been forged by others, forge yourself.

As for what is left unsaid being more powerful, this has been written about and discussed by men far more invested in the why this is than myself, but I will say this.

When making the movie JAWS, the mechanical shark kept breaking down. This caused several of the scenes where the shark was supposed to be seen, to be edited to where it wasn't seen, but you knew it was there.

This was one of the key reasons the movie is so terrifying, it's because what you don't see you imagine, and your imagination is far worse than reality.

What you don't say is worse than anything you could spout out.

[–]FriedHayek 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't give a crap about her misguided assumptions if I clearly told her what I mean and what I expect my time is too valuable.

I don't sit around and worry about whatever she's thinking about because my time is too valuable and it's probably not that interesting.

I don't play this game by the same rules as everyone else because my time is too valuable.

I don't worry about the concepts that weak people come up with such as the concept of being fair because my time is too valuable.

I don't even bother to tell my wife to get lost I just leave because my time is too valuable.

The reason my time is too valuable is I've invested myself into adding value to myself over and over and I've allowed it to compound and now my time is valuable.

As I've added value to myself me as a resource causes panic and dread when I become scarce.

Thank you for catching these thoughts, these elusive, butterflyish, unreliable thoughts, for catching and flattening these thoughts into a set of concrete and visible maxims on the wall. Thank you.

[–]Chinchilla_the_HunMarried 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I know beginners are usually told to "fake it til you make it," but being a source of value or having priorities is not something one can fake. I imagine this is where most newbies fall short in early implementation because you can't give what you don't have.

[–]RedDreadWolverineRed Christian[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah this is something I see that I feel is a disservice and I do not do this for any of my men I work with. I don't want anyone faking anything. I want them to put in the hard work up front or stop wasting my time. I will never be the kind of person who posts lots of technical data about how to look like a man of value I'd rather teach you how to be a man of value.