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Rick Klein
Priebus "furious," per . Senior GOP officials "actively exploring" how to replace Trump on ballot if he drops out.
sherean 4 時間
Wait, what? Do they actually think he might drop out? He's shown no indications of that. Ego too big.
Jake Sherman 4 時間
was this on at the top of gma?
Rick Klein 4 時間
maybe 7:05
CTIronman 4 時間
does the concept of day late, dollar short work with these people?
Habs Fan 4 Ever. 4 時間
his ego will make him drop out if he falls more in the polls, he will say it's rigged and then leave the race.
Saved By The Blood 4 時間
should've gone for the roll call vote and he might not have this problem. But noooo.
sherean 4 時間
You think? Cuz he just keeps digging in to bad positions.
lorbe 4 時間
MickieMo 4 時間
Is he mad because he's figured out he can't just buy an election?
Ana Romanik 4 時間
Can you post the video of the segment...?
Katy 4 時間
after the convention it would go to the VP candidate, with approval, I think?
Habs Fan 4 Ever. 4 時間
People are seeing his true colours, he will continue to drop in polls then he will drop out and blame Dems for rigged election.
B. Ghost 4 時間
You think he's gonna let Hillary destroy him? He'll find some excuse to quit and say I would've won.
sherean 4 時間
I think he'll blame the GOP and burn the whole house down.
sherean 4 時間
I see your point. But wow. His supporters will go nuts (justifiably). Who would run in his place?
Debbie Do 4 時間
Either that or his bone spurs will flare up.
B. Ghost 4 時間
They won't go nuts on him. They'll go nuts on whoever/whatever he blames for him quitting. I'd say Cruz. He was easily 2nd place.
NYTNarrative 4 時間
I think it goes to some sort of vote. Someone posted it yesterday, can't remember where tho
B. Ghost 4 時間
Plus, with Cruz you can throw up a proven 2a/constitution backer that says he'll kill isis. He'd smoke her.