全 12 件のコメント

[–]2Davidkpa 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

It takes way more than just sex to make me happy. The guys who get hung up on just getting sex are the same guys who refuse to go to the gym, learn a skill, get an education, and get a good paying job.

Increased availability of sex is related to your increased value and worth as a man. Women like men in motion, doing things, and getting shit done that can fuck their brains out. From there it's about whether or not they find you attractive. If they don't find you attractive, no matter what amount of game playing you pull, no pre-wall woman is going to fall for it. Post-wall women might, but that's because they know their window is closing and a small dingy in shark infested waters is better than not even a life jacket after all the yachts have left.

Sex will not make you feel whole. It's just really fun and feels really good. From there it can be about strange and wonderful physical and psychological accomplishments. How many different women of different races can I bang? How many women can I bareback, jizz in, and after cumming, make them suck me hard again as my cock is covered in our juices? How many women can make orgasm over a hundred times in thirty minutes? How many women can I get to have threesomes with me? How many women can I get to eat my ass and blow me for an hour straight?

It's either that or video games, so it's better if it's that. But don't focus on sex. Make money, live your life, get in the gym and at times, be completely absurd and strange so you have really fun and fucked up stories to tell that people love.

Life is short man, fuck it.

[–]corsega 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

From there it can be about strange and wonderful physical and psychological accomplishments. How many different women of different races can I bang? How many women can I bareback, jizz in, and after cumming, make them suck me hard again as my cock is covered in our juices? How many women can make orgasm over a hundred times in thirty minutes? How many women can I get to have threesomes with me? How many women can I get to eat my ass and blow me for an hour straight?

This is basically my life right now, damn. Very well said.

I was perfectly happy not having sex for the first 24 years of my life. Now I'm having a lot of it and it's just another challenge for me to surmount and another spreadsheet for me to put data into.

[–]look4wolfpack[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I agree with the sum of your statements. It all comes down to personal fulfillment, and vitamin P can only ever be one small piece of that puzzle. I believe addictions are formed when a person attempts to satisfy unrelated emotional, intellectual, and physical needs through inappropriate mediums. Like trying to experience a deeper connection through sex, accept yourself through the approval of women, or distract yourself from other failures in life with temporary pleasure that doesn't solve the underlying problem. Sex is the farthest thing from a cure-all. It's closer to a pharmaceutical or food. In order to actually achieve some reasonable level of happiness, you have to have a diverse portfolio of goals and passions, and be hard at work toward them every day.

It always confuses me how so many people even have the time for that much pussy when working 8+ hour days and taking care of themselves properly.

[–]aanarchist 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

the only answer is technology

[–]look4wolfpack[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

I would take a functional and realistic android over a woman any day of the year. It's funny because I actually came to this conclusion days ago and have been pondering the deeper meaning of what that really says about me, men, sex, women, and nature. My answer thus far has essentially been that what we want is not another person, what we want is the fulfillment of our own destiny as we perceive it. For me, the value of a relationship actually goes down as the level of uncertainty rises, so a human with all of her chaotic emotions is a threat to my happiness, not the source of it, while an android is ultimately the ideal companion. It also makes one think of porn, but I think the difference between porn and an android is the potential for emotional and intellectual fulfillment on top of physical. A well written program can (and perhaps some day will) usurp a woman as a better conversationalist (shouldn't be too hard) and source of affection. Some would argue that knowing the response is pre-programmed makes it meaningless, but that discussion is easily refuted with the scientific fact that human beings are just more complicated and less predictable programs.

In the end there IS no difference except the quality and caliber of the aesthetics, and believability of the interaction.

[–]MrBowlfish 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

It's going to be funny/sad when women have to compete directly with droids. They will undoubtedly have to tone down the bitchiness to even have a shot.

[–]look4wolfpack[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think that's an optimistic outlook on how that would go down. More likely droids would be outlawed or something along those lines in order to protect women. Maybe they'd be classified as a drug because men would be addicted. Who knows, but don't underestimate your opponent and assume things would happen the way you want them to.

[–]HombreByTheBay 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Liked the post, but disagree with this. Life is lived in the margins. With emotions and chaotic human nature making up the raw material.

It would be hard to program the "stuff of life" into a program. Rational, logical, cold, programmable input would be too much like talking to Wikipedia, with a joke or two thrown in for good measure.

All yin and no yang. It would fail to stimulate or stretch fairly quickly imo.

[–]look4wolfpack[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm glad you liked the post. If you are interested in reading more about what I mean by a program, I recommend the book "How The Mind Works" by Steven Pinker. For a shorter but less informative version you could read some articles about the Computational Theory of the Mind.

[–]MrBowlfish 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't even consider attaining women that much of an accomplishment. Getting pussy is very easy compared to painting a masterpiece, directing a movie, or building an airplane. The more experience I get, the more I realize TRP starts at getting pussy and expands much, much further.

[–]look4wolfpack[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Would be interested in hearing more about your thoughts on what true happiness or fulfillment are, especially related to the human male. I don't believe a theory of perfect fulfillment can exist, but something to work toward that makes sense would benefit us all. Maslow's hierarchy of needs seemed to be heading in the right direction, but it's not male-specific, and it's too vague. It offers little to actually build on in our actual lives, beyond just a nod of "That makes sense, but how do I apply it day to day?"