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Newt Gingrich
Scheduling 2 out of 3 presidential debates opposite NFLGames makes me think the commission is rigged to help hide Hillary from the voters
Wayne 7月31日
How long ago were these scheduled?
Kevin Ring 7月31日
even though the dates were chosen last September by the commission?
Michael Donato 7月31日
You are irrelevant Newt. Retire, please
NYC Infidel 7月31日
The NFL is mostly a stronghold of thuggish criminals and Black Lives Matter supporting cop haters who vote Democrat.
Trumpster Fire 7月31日
Seriously, Newt, what do you have to gain from encouraging this? You used to be a leader, not a follower.
Paul Stojanovich 7月31日
anything that involves Hillary and Trump speaking in the same room is a net loss for Republicans.
Brian the @VUGymRat 7月31日
Trump is stupid enough to believe this shit. You're not. Just stop.
Chris in D.C. 7月31日
jmurray829 7月31日
That matters why?
joel r. connelly 7月31日
Debates were scheduled before NFL schedule worked out. Are you learning from Trump how to be better fabricator?
Danny Figueroa 7月31日
Hey Newt, your dignity called. It said you lost it the same place lost his.
PatWoke Kenzie 7月31日
. You know he already chose a running mate and it wasn't you, right
Fingertip K 7月31日
or, you know, you can ditch a football game to watch the next President of the United States
Kevin Ring 7月31日
is there evidence the commissioners from both parties sought to protect her? I'm a GOPer. I just hate conspiracies
Jupiter13 7月31日
Its ALL that matters. The debate schedule was made before the NFL scheduled its games.
Paul Weimer 7月31日
. Mr. Gingrich, you do realize the debates were scheduled before the NFL schedule was announced, right?
Steve Zorowitz 7月31日
2 Romney-Obama debates were during NFL games. But Trump is afraid. Sad!
BrokenFiction 7月31日
Debates were scheduled a year ago.
!El Gato del Boxeo! 7月31日
yeah, because of all the stupid shit that flies out of her mouth, like insulting war dead & giving Putin the Crimea