@newtgingrich | |||||
Scheduling 2 out of 3 presidential debates opposite NFLGames makes me think the commission is rigged to help hide Hillary from the voters
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich How long ago were these scheduled?
Kevin Ring
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich even though the dates were chosen last September by the commission?
Michael Donato
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich You are irrelevant Newt. Retire, please
NYC Infidel
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich The NFL is mostly a stronghold of thuggish criminals and Black Lives Matter supporting cop haters who vote Democrat. #Boycott
Trumpster Fire
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich Seriously, Newt, what do you have to gain from encouraging this? You used to be a leader, not a follower.
Paul Stojanovich
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich anything that involves Hillary and Trump speaking in the same room is a net loss for Republicans.
Brian the @VUGymRat
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich Trump is stupid enough to believe this shit. You're not. Just stop.
Chris in D.C.
7月31日 |
7月31日 |
@KevinARing @newtgingrich That matters why?
joel r. connelly
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich Debates were scheduled before NFL schedule worked out. Are you learning from Trump how to be better fabricator?
Danny Figueroa
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich Hey Newt, your dignity called. It said you lost it the same place @ChrisChristie lost his.
PatWoke Kenzie
7月31日 |
.@newtgingrich You know he already chose a running mate and it wasn't you, right
Fingertip K
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich or, you know, you can ditch a football game to watch the next President of the United States
Kevin Ring
7月31日 |
@jmurray829 @newtgingrich is there evidence the commissioners from both parties sought to protect her? I'm a GOPer. I just hate conspiracies
7月31日 |
@jmurray829 Its ALL that matters. The debate schedule was made before the NFL scheduled its games.
Paul Weimer
7月31日 |
. @newtgingrich Mr. Gingrich, you do realize the debates were scheduled before the NFL schedule was announced, right?
Steve Zorowitz
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich 2 Romney-Obama debates were during NFL games. But Trump is afraid. Sad!
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich Debates were scheduled a year ago.
!El Gato del Boxeo!
7月31日 |
@newtgingrich yeah, because of all the stupid shit that flies out of her mouth, like insulting war dead & giving Putin the Crimea