Some of you may laugh but I actually grew up believing that a woman looking for a man had his attractiveness as a low priority. As if they were just more virtuous beings, more spiritually attuned to see the persons personality and be drawn to that. That's really the narrative I was fed.
Life experience obviously snuffed out this lie bit by bit. But yesterday it really hit home for me. You can think you're totally deprogrammed but when it's been shoved down your throat since the beginning of your life it's hard to have that reference point so that you can say, okay, now I see the truth, this is reality.
I found a thread about a fake tinder account of a guy posing as Chad Thundercock. Of course he got every match, apparently this was a literal statement, but it was amazing how the conversations went. This guy could say anything and get a number from everyone. It could be lewd, sexist, beta as fuck, creepy, or even borderline psychotic, he was forgiven and excuses were invented by the girl, and he would say "#?" and lo and behold a number appeared in the next response.
I'm not mad or bitter about it, I know how I look and how that effects peoples reactions to me, but this is just one of those fairy tales that for me had to have the final nail driven into the coffin. Women are not spiritually superior, they don't inherently have better and more compassionate personalities, they aren't smarter (tho they do have an affinity for certain tasks and talents that men generally do not, obviously), they're just not what they are all trumped up to be in western culture.
[–]Jamestaoway -1ポイント0ポイント1ポイント (0子コメント)