@igorbobic Oh how much better we would all be if he had gotten it the hard way.
@igorbobic@aterkel Trump CAN'T be for real. He just can't!! -
@igorbobic Is this a joke, or for real? I cannot tell any more. -
@igorbobic must be the 1st Vietnam draft dodger in history to receive on.. which foot was it again Donald? -
@igorbobic@aterkel He's a walking parody account -
@igorbobic source link? This feels like a bit from a satire article, though who can really tell anymore? -
@igorbobic I hope and pray this was misquoted. If not, when coupled with his comments to the Gold Star Family, he is unfit for the office. -
@igorbobic did he get his Purple Heart for bone spurs? -
@igorbobic this person does NOT want 2 B#potus! He's making a mockery of this and wants out! His ego won't let him! -
@igorbobic always thought you were awarded not something you aim for but only true American heroes are awarded. Not a jackass with toupee. -
@igorbobic is there a video -
@igorbobic dear God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ help us all this man!