North Korea gave a glowing endorsement of Donald Trump in the US election


The North Korean dictatorship is clear on who it wants to lead America: Donald Trump is their man. It said so in a column published in May in 조선의 오늘 (DPRK Today, link in Korean), a news site that often functions as government propaganda, Reuters reports.

The column, allegedly written by Han Yong Muk, a Korean scholar living in China, recommends that Americans vote for Trump in the upcoming election.

“It turns out that Trump is not the rough-talking, screwy, ignorant candidate they say he is,” notes the column,”but is actually a wise politician and a prescient presidential candidate.” Trump, the column says, could free America from “living every minute and second on pins and needles” in fear of a nuclear attack from Pyongyang.

The site refers to Hillary Clinton as “thick-headed Hillary,” because of her proposal to impose sanctions to North Korea over its nuclear program. It lauds Trump for his comments on withdrawing US troops from South Korea, which North Korea—a country whose nuclear program has been subject to UN sanctions for many years—welcomes as a helpful step in unifying the two Koreas. (North Korea has been threatening the South, as well as the US, with nuclear strikes.)

Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated the date of the North Korean column’s publication. It was published on May 31, according to Reuters.

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