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[–]AceyJuan -4ポイント-3ポイント  (5子コメント)

Knowing that so many people could overpower me and harm me however they see fit is disconcerting to say the least.

And yet nobody ever does (I hope). That's because your super-power is social networking and most men being eager to believe you and help you out. Not only is your super-power better than ours, but you're allowed to use it without going to prison and probably getting raped there.

If you think you drew the short stick, think again.

EDIT: antisocialmedic is a liar. Don't believe a word "she" says. If you don't recognize the signs, notice that she's victimized over and over again and nobody ever believes her, including the police. It's too perfect and too extreme. I've known enough people like this to recognize it quickly.

[–]antisocialmedic 3ポイント4ポイント  (4子コメント)

I mean, I've had some bad things happen in the past, but it's been several years. Molested as a kid, sexually assaulted again as a teenager, had some weirdo chase me down in his car because he thought I was a prostitute and got upset when I told him to fuck off. I had this kid in my class in middle school (a boy) who did things like slung bookbags filled with books into me as hard as he could and pushed me down stairs.

But nothing bad has happened since I moved to the city I live in now. Still, those experiences stick with me. I really would have preferred to have had a fighting chance in those scenarios.

[–]AceyJuan -5ポイント-4ポイント  (3子コメント)

They knew you were the type who wouldn't talk. If you were a talker, each of those acts would have serious repercussions for the men involved. Super-powers aren't so super when you don't use them.

[–]antisocialmedic 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

I talked but no one took any of it seriously. I don't know if it was apathy on the part of my parents and friends or a corrupt police force or what. But none of it really went very far. No one supported me or even really believed me. Justice doesn't always happen, even if you want it to.

[–]AceyJuan -5ポイント-4ポイント  (1子コメント)

They didn't believe you? Perhaps it's your penchant for making up stories. Corrupt police force my ass.

Edit: If you're downvoting, look at her story. It's too perfect. Everyone is against her all the time. I've known enough chronic liars in my life to see these obvious signs.

I wouldn't even believe that's a woman posting, unless it was proven.

[–]antisocialmedic 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're an idealist. In your world, bad guys always go to jail and victims always get their justice. That simply isn't reality. If I had to guess, it would be that you can't stomach the truth that our world can be pretty ugly and unfair at times.

I came from a shitty, crime and poverty ridden place. I was my parent's fifth kid and they were exhausted by the time I was in my formative years. I don't know why you think my story is "perfect". I had to go through years of therapy because of that shit.

The fact that you are calling me a liar kind of proves my point, though. People don't believe rape victims. You're just as bad as they were.

I wouldn't even believe that's a woman posting, unless it was proven.

Well I sure as hell ain't sending you a picture of my vagina with my screenname written next to it. Really though, I don't owe you any proof. It would be an elaborate lie, though, for me to have told the same stories consistently and said that I am female consistently and unwaveringly for the past six years on this account.