As congressman, Gov. Pence co-sponsored change to birthright citizenship rules

The fight over illegal immigration and birthright citizenship has made its way to the Indiana governor's office.

All children born in the U.S. are automatically citizens under the 14th Amendment, regardless of whether their parents are in the country legally.

But, while serving in Congress in 2009, Gov. Mike Pence co-sponsored a bill that would have changed the rules.

The bill would have limited citizenship to children born to at least one parent who is a citizen, immigrants living permanently in the U.S. or non-citizens performing active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.

ALSO READ | Other countries that grant birthright citizenship | Birthright citizenship is a no-go for these GOP candidates

When asked if he still supports that stance, Pence said he hasn't reflected on the issue in recent years.

"I'm very hopeful the next Republican administration will work with a Republican Congress and craft the kind of solution that will respect the rule of law in this country but also deal with this issue in the right way," Pence said.

He said he's proud to have helped propose what he called "commonsense solutions" to immigration.

The proposal did not receive a hearing in Congress.

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