全 1 件のコメント

[–]My-Name-Is-No-One 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lucky you! A lot of men have to go through the corpse grinder of modern civilization to get here - hence few people are here at all, not to mention that MGTOW is modern day witchcraft in the vein of good old fashioned heretical thinking based off forbidden knowledge. All I will say for now beyond that is, cheers to you. I'd buy you a drink, if I could.

Ps - the word community implies a connection that ain't necessarily there, and plety of MGTOWs resent it, or think that its just a word that is lacking or untrue. Not to mince words or make a big deal about it, but I think the term "non-community community" is more apt :D