@lyon01_david 'custom randomizing'
@lyon01_david I'll make the popcorn. -
@CiPHPerCoder@lyon01_david "Non-standard and difficult to cryptanalyze" There ain't such things...
Analysis of Ethash, Ethereum's Proof-of-Work puzzle https://github.com/LeastAuthority/ethereum-analyses/blob/master/PoW.md …
#ethereum#ethdev#gamedev#IoT#FinTech#bitcoin@lyon01_david -
@lyon01_david Ah, I see now. I wonder how their design will hold up to recent cryptanalytic work in this space, e.g. https://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/attacking-data-independent-memory%20hard%20functions.pdf … -
@lyon01_david connection btwn PoW mining & this democratic principle was expressed as "One-CPU-One-Vote" in the original Bitcoin whitepaper. -
@lyon01_david is held by a small number of individual entities, could be made far simpler & cheaper, such as by using standard voting tech. -
@lyon01_david If decentralization were not the goal, then systems with concentrated power, where influence over the system -
@lyon01_david is 2 establish incentive structure that leads towards decentralized, effective participation from diverse population of miners -
@lyon01_david The "Fair Mining'' property is the fundamental underlying design goal. fundamental role of PoW puzzles in all cryptocurrencies -
@lyon01_david thus the high-level design goals of Ethash were not considered a reasonable direction 2 take in the face of this uncertainty -
@lyon01_david Ultimately, Ethereum Project believed the controversial arguments for or against ASIC-resistance remains inconclusive. -
@lyon01_david of the motivation along w/the leading counterarguments. This should serve to provide a clear background 4 the puzzle design. -
@lyon01_david such as ASIC-resistance & memory-hardness. EP goal was not to thoroughly validate rationales, just 2 give coherent explanation -
@lyon01_david In discussing the proposed POW function in detail, EP set out some of the basic high-level rationales underlying design goals. -
@lyon01_david Wait, what are they doing with these 'custom randomizing' functions exactly? Are they part of the ETH proof-of-work? -
@lyon01_david@CiPHPerCoder Quick, name and shame! -
@geggleto@lyon01_david He did. Ethereum.
@lyon01_david I did this in the 90's, it's just not the same type one fun in 2016.