Markets and Distribution Systems: The Birth, Growth and Transformation of UK Drug Markets
- Author(s)
Tiggey May and Bina Bhardwa
- SubjectDrugs, alcohol and crime
- Year2015
- LocationHoboken, New Jersey
- Publisher/PublicationWiley Blackwell
- Misc infoin H.H. Brownstein (ed) Handbook on Drugs and Society
There to Help: Ensuring provision of appropriate adults for mentally vulnerable adults detained or interviewed by police
- Author(s)
Chris Bath with Bina Bhardwa, Jessica Jacobson, Tiggey May and
Russel Webster
- SubjectCriminal justice agencies and services
- Year2015
- LocationLondon
- Publisher/PublicationNational Appropriate Adult Network
- Downloads2015_theretohelp
Chief officer misconduct in policing: An exploratory study
An Evaluation of the ‘What Works Centre for Crime Reduction’ Year 1: Baseline
Out Of My Comfort Zone: An Evaluation Of The Family Man Programme
Young People and the Secure Estate: Needs and Interventions
Further insights into aspects of the EU illicit drugs market: summaries and key findings
- Author(s)
Trautman, F., Kilmer, B. and Turnbull, P. with May, T., McSweeney,
T. and Skrine, O.
- SubjectDrugs, alcohol and crime
- Year2013
- LocationLuxembourg
- Publisher/PublicationEuropean Commission, Publications Office of the European Union
- Downloadseu_market_summary_en.pdf
Drug Supply and Possession
- Author(s)
McSweeney, T., Turnbull, P. J. and May, T.
- SubjectDrugs, alcohol and crime
- Year2010
- LocationCullompton
- Publisher/PublicationWillan
- Misc infoIn F. Brookman, M. Maguire, H. Pierpoint and T. Bennett (eds.), Handbook of Crime.
Exploring the needs of young black and minority ethnic offenders and the provision of targeted interventions
- Author(s)
May, T.,
Gyateng, T. and Bateman, T.
- SubjectEthnicity, religion and identity
- Year2010
- LocationLondon
- Publisher/PublicationYouth Justice Board
- Misc infoExploring the needs of young black and minority ethnic offenders and the provision of targeted interventions
- DownloadsYJB Final Report.pdf
Differential treatment in the youth justice system