I'm a New York-based editor, writer, and director, interested in narrative storytelling to contextualize data and information. Offline passions are theatre, vegan food, and listening to how others see the world. I live with my wife and our furniture in Harlem. Follow me @oriondjones.
For the first time since the Vikings sailed, the Icelandic public will soon be able to worship classical Norse gods like Odin, Thor, and Frigg at a public temple built in their honor.
Anyone not wanting to accept Syrian refugees should really consider this historical analogy.
The online vigilante group says it has located personal information belonging to ISIS recruiters living in Europe.
NASA is getting really serious about its mission to land humans on Mars in the 2030s.
These findings are extremely helpful.
Younger siblings generally have a lower IQ than their older brothers and sisters, according to three large national surveys from the US, UK, and Germany.
There are apparently some high-stakes moral implications to taking selfies.
Baby giraffes can stand within hours of birth and zebras can run in the first 45 minutes of life.
Coloring books for adults are an intriguing new hobby, breaking into the mainstream like the young-adult fiction boom before them.
Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Joel and Ethan Coen are bringing it all together.