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submitted by the-realDonaldTrump45x45 - announcement
Hello The_Donald readers and the entire Reddit community -- this is going to be SO huge and I'm looking forward to answering your questions. I'm doing this in flight to visit the great people of Toledo, OH, so Internet connection might be spotty -- I promise you, I'll answer all the questions I can. I want to do BIG things for America and as your President, I WILL Make America Great Again! Be back in 30 -- 7 pm ET!
Looking forward to answering your questions! We are still in the air on our way to Ohio.
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[–]TheModelRedditor[M] [score hidden] - stickied comment (119 children)
For this AMA we have temporarily taken extra security measures to keep our community free from troublemakers. We built the wall 10 ft taller, you might say.
Comments from brand new accounts are among those that will be removed by the automoderator. Accounts that are less than 30 days old AND that have less than 500 combined karma are ineligible and their comments will be automatically removed. Public figures who support Trump may circumvent this by sending me a private message that includes a link to their verified twitter profile, then following us on twitter (@theDonaldReddit).
Please note that the rules of this subreddit DO apply (see our sidebar) and that our moderators will be strictly enforcing our rules during the AMA. Those who are not eligible to post at /r/The_Donald may still ask questions over at /r/AskTrumpSupporters.
[show replies]
[–]Dusk_Galaxy [score hidden]  (5 children)
MIGA - Make the Internet Great Again!
America's internet costs more and does less than in many other countries. We used to be first. Sad.
We stopped being first when the free market got destroyed for American Internet. Consumers used to have choices. ISPs used to have competition.
You know the great things that free market capitalism can do. But we need a free market for that to happen. The ISPs have local monopolies or duopolies that have strangled the free market. I have seen two proposals for fixing this:
1) Separate ISPs from the "last mile". The companies that physically connects you is separate from the companies that provide service. This way, even if you only have one (i.e. cable or fiber) connection, you will still have access to multiple ISPs (providers). This strategy has been used successfully in the alcohol industry. See the three tier system. This would restore competition and the free market.
2) Regulate ISPs as a utility and force them to wholesale services to competitors. This will also create competition. For examples of wholesale services providing competition see the cellphone industry's MVNOs. Also see the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which required the telcos to allow competitors access to their local lines at regulated wholesale rates.
We know competition is the answer thanks to Google Fiber. When Google Fiber comes to town suddenly the incumbents can offer faster speeds and lower prices.
Personally, I prefer option 1 as it gives the government the least power while restoring the free market. There also may be other options I am unaware of.
American voters are very dissatisfied with the poor service and high cost caused by a lack of competition.
What is your plan to MIGA?
[–]CommanderCorvoNY [score hidden]  (0 children)
Mr Trump, you’re a builder experienced with reviving troubled government projects, why are infrastructure projects in America so universally plagued with cost over-runs and delays? What can be done from the federal level to improve the rate of on-time and on-budget completion?
[+][deleted]  (1 child)
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    [–]agentcallistoUT [score hidden]  (0 children)
    [–]ChineseToTheBoneCHN [score hidden]  (4 children)
    You have once tweeted out one particular video, but I wasn't sure if you watched any of the other ones in the series.
    [show replies]
    [–]bladestorm91 [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Mr. Future President Trump
    I know you will have much to do in the oval office and far greater problems to resolve, but could you please reform our Copyright & Patent laws?
    The duration of copyright makes authors works end up in the ownership of big corporations who only exploit them for profit, the expiry date is ludicrous (time of author’s death + 70 years) and it was never supposed to be that long.
    The first Copyright Act was in 1790, it was only for a term of 14 years, with the right to renew for one additional 14 year term should the copyright holder still be alive. Ever since then big corporations did everything they could to extend the expiry date (biggest example is the CTEA of 1998, amici curiae economists in court against the CTEA said that it was highly unlikely that the economic benefits from copyright extension under the CTEA outweigh the costs) and now they stifle creativity in favor of profit for them as owners.
    The duration of copyright is not compatible with today’s economy and the laws were not made with the Internet in mind.
    As for patents, many companies claim patents for inventions they have not even made yet or ever will. Because of this there are many patent troll companies that hold patents ransom, blocking attempts at making an invention and set back many other legitimate companies from technological progress just so they could earn undeserved profit.
    There might be many more intellectual property laws that do not function as they were originally intended, I wish that these problems could be looked at as right now they only serve big corporations, stagnate technological progress and stifle creativity.
    [–]SkittleblendUSA [score hidden]  (1 child)
    How can we manage to get the wall built to secure our country?
    Most of the land along the Mexican border is owned by private citizens. When the fence approved by President Bush in 2006 was built, the federal government tried using the power of eminent domain to get a hold of border-land, but ended up suing hundreds of families after they refused to sign away their rights to the land. How will we overcome this obstacle?
    Another problem: A 1970 treaty prohibits building anything that may cause obstruction of normal flow of the Rio Grande. Because of this and other reasons, the border fence was built considerably inland, leaving American land and citizens south of the border - unsafe. In some places, treaty obligations and river flood zones would require the wall to be built well into the US.
    These problems face our border-wall plan. How can we overcome them?
    [–]mrdarkshineNC [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump, in what ways does political correctness by our leaders weaken us as a nation, and as president, how will your no-nonsense approach to discussing our most difficult problems help make us stronger?
    [–]TrumpGalMOD EMERITUS [score hidden]  (9 children)
    What would you like us, as an online community, to do to help your campaign?
    *posted on behalf of Goderator u/Trump-For-Life who’s busy handling the trolls
    [–]FormalHillMAGA [score hidden]  (12 children)
    Many of us here believe people are misinformed about your views towards the LGBTQ community.
    Could you please tell us some things you would do as President to help the LGBTQ community?
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    [–]Engastrimyth [score hidden]  (1 child)
    This was going to be my question too! I really think Trump is going to bring a narrative that is accepting of the gay community. It really was so amazing that he mentioned the lgbt community in his nomination speech and got cheered for it. He is going to bringing a lot of minds into the 21st century.
    Thank you, Donald Trump!
    [–]TimeHoopin [score hidden]  (8 children)
    Hello Mr. President, what made you decide to run? In many of your interviews in the past you said you didn’t want to run unless you absolutely had to. Was there one event that inspired you, or simply the state of the country due to 8 years of mismanagement?
    [show replies]
    [–]bstas10ARMY [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Hello Mr. Trump,
    Where do you like to get your news and information from?
    I was wondering, since you think most of the mainstream media is biased and incompetent, if you follow any independent news sources, like Breitbart or Regated, that have stepped up to cover your campaign more accurately?
    [–]TalktoberryFin [score hidden]  (12 children)
    Mr. Trump, I can't imagine how valuable your time is and we appreciate you taking a moment to be with us, it's truly an honor! You're the Maestro of this symphony-- we're trying our best to keep pace with your high-energy!
    My question is simple: Once you're at home and out of the public eye, how do you get comfy? Do you own a pair of slippers?
    [–]originalusername99 [score hidden]  (22 children)
    Mr Trump,
    Briefly, what is your stance toward net neutrality?
    [–]likethisandlikethat [score hidden]  (8 children)
    Mr. Trump, as a self-employed young American, my health insurance costs have skyrocketed under Obamacare. Paying close to $300 a month with a $6,000 deductible is a challenge as I try and grow my business. What will you do as President to ensure that myself and others can not only enjoy the security of having health insurance, but also afford to keep it?
    [–]QasaurSWE [score hidden]  (10 children)

    Mr. Trump,

    You stated on Twitter during the primaries that auditing the Federal Reserve System is something that you deem necessary and is something that you could get behind. You may also be aware of the policy of extensive quantitative easing (money printing) that has been pursued by Janet Yellen, the Federal Reserve, and indirectly by the Obama administration as a way to "restart" the economy after the 2008 financial crisis.
    However, we all know that the economy has barely recovered (if at all, just look at the employment and production figures), and there are some economists (who are not affiliated with the Federal Reserve, of course) who believe that the policy of quantitative easing which has inflated the money supply by over 440% since 2008 has made the situation even worse (inflated the bubble) and may be the foundation of an even larger economic crash and depression in the near future. These same economists believe that centrally planning our money supply through the manipulation of interest rates and the money supply will always end like all other times where government has attempted to plan and coordinate a complex market - in total disaster.
    With all this being said, my question to you is the following:
    With the Federal Reserve being a common denominator in major financial and economic crises in the past and present, what is your opinion on the monetary policy currently pursued by the United States and what do you think should be done about the Federal Reserve, if anything at all?
    Thank you!
    [–]uswholeIA [score hidden]  (8 children)
    Hello Mr. President. Donald J. Trump.
    Some people predict the many jobs will be terminated due to the advancement of machinery and robotics running domestic and foreign factories. How do you plan on help creating jobs to replace the lost of manufacturing jobs when the industry itself is becoming less human dependent?
    [show replies]
    [–]doctor__spacemanAL [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Hi Mr. President! It’s an honor to have you here! I just have a couple of questions.
    *How does it feel to go from being a fringe candidate on a stage with 16 other people to being the man single-handedly reinventing the GOP?
    *What policy can we expect concerning NASA? Will you help us be first not only in trade but in scientific progress too?
    *With rumors of voter fraud surrounding the Democratic primaries, how can we make sure the general election stays fair?
    Thank you so much in advance, and best of luck beating Crooked Hillary!
    [–]MScottMilFL [score hidden]  (5 children)
    The world economy is becoming more and more tech and innovation driven. What's your path for America to remain at the forefront of research, development, and science?
    [–]throwawatioMI [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump,
    Have you ever visited /r/the_donald or other pro-trump online communities for ideas? We have seen tweets that contain similar wording to a comment that was made here or elsewhere hours before the Tweet was sent out. We have also seen memes and the "Can't Stump The Trump" video that you have Tweeted before. So my last question is do you think your social media presence has impacted your popularity amongst young voters.
    [–]davidg1996 [score hidden]  (6 children)
    You’ve expressed your support and appreciation for police.
    What would say to a young college student like myself who is considering a job in law enforcement, but might have been discouraged by the recent attacks on police?
    [–]The_J0ker97VA [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I don't know what Mr. Trump will say if he replies, but I for one am in the same boat as you. Don't be discouraged, the silent majority of citizens are always on the police's side. You just don't see it because they aren't rioting or looting or hurting people. And I'm sure everyone important in your life supports you too.
    [–]roisaberCA [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Federal drug prohibition has been a massive failure. It runs families and only increases the violence in the drug trade How would you reform drug policy to keep citizens out of jail and put drug cartels out of business?
    [–]bigmanrunnerTX [score hidden]  (9 children)
    **Mr. Trump,
    Reports estimate that 90% of US media is owned by 6 companies. The US mass media has fused into a gross alliance with big business and big government as this election has shown more than any other. The dishonest media is rigging our democracy with a radical agenda that divides americans and causes nothing but sensationalism and hatred at the expense of the USA. They are killing our country for ratings and profit, with impunity.
    How will you, as president, tackle this protected class of media elites without stepping on the first amendment rights of average americans?
    PS: I went to your Houston rally, it was burning and I was one of the last ones in but it was worth it to see you speak, thank you so much! MAGA!**
    [show replies]
    [–]billbobby21USA [score hidden]  (5 children)
    My question is how soon do you expect construction of the wall to begin once you are President, and how long do you expect it to take to be finished?
    Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions, and I think I can speak for everyone here in that you have inspired us all to be committed to Making America Great Again!
    [–]XoadraMAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Thank you SO much for doing an AMA with the community here. It means SO much to ALL of us! I would be so honored to hear your response to either of my questions as they mean so much to me and for the success of our movement.
    Republican candidates historically struggle to appear compassionate and relatable to Americans in exchange for dry policy speeches that many Americans can't connect with. What will you do to showcase your love and devotion towards ALL Americans, and defeat the Democrats' FALSE narrative of a divisive, hateful, bigoted, and self-interested Republican candidate and party come November?
    And the second:
    Historically, Republicans have done a poor or absent job reaching out to typically Democrat constituencies and campaigning in Democrat districts. How will you reach out to heavily-Democratic groups such as women, and the black, Hispanic, and LGBT communities, and what will you do to change the perception and outreach efforts of the Republican Party to be one of inclusion and prosperity for ALL Americans?
    I also want to thank you for sacrificing yourself for this country. I know it must be tough to endure the vicious and extreme character defamation you've had to endure. It means SO much to ALL of us that you would risk your fortunes and your reputation to Make America Great Again! We love you for it, and thank you again!
    I hope you come to Wisconsin again soon. I'd love to have a chance to meet you!
    [–]MilesofBoobyUSMC [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Mr. Trump,
    As a USMC veteran, I am honored to support your candidacy (and soon to be victory). In the first 100 days, what will you change at the VA to ensure veterans are receiving better treatment than we are right now?
    [–]CENTIPEDE420USA [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    A question about growing our economy-
    How can we have 6% growth in GDP when we have a fiat currency with unlimited inflation potential? How can we hold inflation down as the economy grows during your presidency?
    [–]Eonadari1ARMY [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Mr. Trump, as a veteran and former employee of the NSA, I find the revelations that the agency focused on American citizens to be appalling. When I served (‘98- ‘02), we were specifically instructed NOT to target Americans and if any were involved in our data collection, we needed to contact the appropriate agency (FBI/Local law) and abort our mission immediately. What are your thoughts on the policies set that "allowed" for Americans to be secretly monitored, and what steps will you take to ensure security without compromising the rights of the American public?
    [–]oisin1001IRL [score hidden]  (3 children)
    I'll get straight to the point - how do you see America's relationship with Russia under your presidency?
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    [–]rozz_toxFL [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Mr. Trump, it's truly an honor.
    What are your thoughts on electronic voting machines and the potential for election fraud? It is well-known that the two major manufacturers of electronic voting machines in the U.S. —Dominion Voting and H.I.G. Capital—are supporters of Hillary Clinton and donate to the Clinton Foundation.
    I believe this represents a conflict of interest unprecedented in U.S. politics, and the only potential threat to your candidacy. Do you have plans to shine light on this issue for the rest of the country?
    [–]TiggerTheTiger1999VA [score hidden]  (0 children)
    First of all, I want to thank you for being such an energizing candidate. You have single handedly changed the right wing political field in a way nobody has since Ronald Reagan. You are the first candidate i've had the opportunity of voting for and I couldn't be more happy. Here are my questions:
    Has your stance on whistleblowers and internet neutrality changed at all after having seen the good that can be accomplished by organizations such as WikiLeaks?
    Would you consider reviving the Fairness Doctrine to counteract the collusion and bias that have clearly infected America's mainstream media?
    Will you change anything about the presidential primary process to make it less of an uphill battle for future non-establishment candidates?
    [–]Syncode [score hidden]  (3 children)
    How confident are you that Hillary will actually debate you? I think it would be a glorious thing to behold, but she's not stupid and I can't see any benefit for her. I can easily see her finding excuses to refuse a debate. (Such as "Until Trump apologizes for xyz, it's obvious we can't discuss things like civil adults." etc.) What do you think?
    [–]BmoronMD [score hidden]  (9 children)
    What has been your favorite meme so far?
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    [–]exmuslimmaga [score hidden]  (0 children)
    We can all agree this is the most important question
    [–]platypapayaCT [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump, as you may know there are a lot of young Bernie Sanders supporters out there who have become disillusioned by both the conduct of the DNC and by the policy positions of Secretary Clinton (many of these Bernie Sanders frequent this site). What is the most important thing you would like to convey about yourself and your policy positions to the people who voted for Bernie in the primary but are now considering either staying home or voting third party in November?
    [–]interspaceninjaNZL [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Have you visited /r/the_donald before? If so, has it helped with your political campaign? If not, do you plan on visiting here again?
    [–]musefanplCT [score hidden]  (11 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump. Thank you for taking time to answer our questions, we love you.
    During your Inauguration speech, will you say "Obama, you're fired!"?
    [–]clickfishh [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Besides accepting the Republican nomination, what has been your favorite moment of your presidential campaign so far?
    [–]dirtrangerGA [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Both Bernie supporters and Trump voters discovered how corrupt our two-party system is. It took a billionaire TV star and strategic mastermind to defeat the GOP game while Bernie succumbed to the carrot and stick of the DNC and Crooked Hillary. When you are President, what will you do to reform the crony U.S. political system so that real Americans will have a chance to serve as, and vote for, elected officials who actually care about our country?
    [–]spekkio4321 [score hidden]  (7 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    I am a computer programmer and H1Bs are a near and dear issue to me. I initially started supporting you because you seemed to be the only candidate that actually care about this and understand that there is not a real shortage and that companies are abusing them to replace American workers for cheaper labor (I.E. Disney). You haven't spoken much about H1Bs recently and it was not part of your speech during the RNC. Could you share your plans on how to handle H1Bs and corporations that abuse them?
    Also, not a question but as a father of two young daughters I just wanted to thank you for your strong and reasonable position on immigration from countries compromised by terrorism. You give me hope for a safe America in their future.
    Thanks and lets MAGA!
    [–]pm_me_brown_girls [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    As a manual laborer I have seen repeated mass layoffs/terminations of staff that were born here, only for the jobs to be filled with the cheapest immigrants management can find.
    My question to you as someone who's seen our blue collar jobs go from middle class Americans to our factories going overseas and the ones remaining getting filled with the cheapest labor they can find.
    What do you see as the future of blue collar work in America?
    [–]jenkemhuffer [score hidden]  (9 children)
    Will you and the RNC prepare a plan to prevent and counter any electoral fraud / vote rigging that is committed by the Crooked Hillary camp?
    Knowing how corrupt Clinton is, and how this extends to almost everyone who associates with her, in combination with the huge amounts of funding behind her from her shady owners, I believe this to be a real threat and it would be the only scenario in which you would lose the election to her.
    [–]FirAvelOK [score hidden]  (2 children)
    This is such a big concern of mine right now. I can't imagine the Democratic Party at least not trying to rig the election.
    [–]TheUsername2015WI [score hidden]  (9 children)
    What are your thoughts on Rand Paul? Can you foresee working alongside Mr. Paul in a Trump Administration?
    [–]PM_ME_YOURBROKENHARTHUN [score hidden]  (0 children)
    "There is plenty of subject matter to work with, believe me"
    [–]epicgrowlFL [score hidden]  (10 children)
    Hello Mr. 45th president,
    What was the last straw before you decided to save America?
    Also, what is the one feature of your presidency that you are most excited to make a reality?
    MAGA, good luck, your what America needs.
    [–]demonic_hampsterMD [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Mr. Trump-
    I'm a college student who was a democrat until this election. I want to thank you for being someone I trust with the future of our country, and someone I'm excited to vote for.
    My question is: in your opinion, what was the greatest period in American history? When was our country at its greatest?
    Thank you and MAGA!
    [–]drayam [score hidden]  (2 children)
    When you are elected president will you go after Hillary and prosecute her for at least one of her many criminal acts that she has committed?
    [–]GodEmperorDonald [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Which US president do you admire the most?
    [–]nowaygregTX [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    I was born in the United States, have no criminal background whatsoever, and have no ties to any terrorist organizations. However, the US government still collects my texts, emails, call logs, etc. through the NSA. Do you believe this information helps fight terrorism? Why or why not? Do you believe this violates my Fourth Amendment right against warrantless searches of my property?
    Thanks and MAGA!
    [–]SeikalysTurnTablesUSA [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Hello, Mr. (Future) President!
    In a 1988 interview with Oprah Winfrey, you said you wouldn't run for president unless "Things got so bad, I could never rule it out completely." My question to you is, what was that seminal moment? The exact moment when you could no longer sit on the sidelines and watch America continue to go down the tubes.
    [–]apspiderboy [score hidden]  (13 children)
    What will you do concerning the funding of space programs when you become president?
    [–]SteadyOperativeUSA [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Hello Donald, my question concerns NASA. I feel NASA is an important program to keep the United States competitive with the rest of the world. They are under constant fear of being defunded, and we are using the Russians for rides to ISS. Can you clarify your stance on NASA?
    [–]RealToonMA [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Hey Mr. Trump,
    When did you first find out about our little domreddit (this subreddit)? And what was your first reaction that came in your mind when you saw it?
    [–]Sup3rKyl3LA [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Mr. Trump, you've been on record saying the "war on drugs" has failed. The "war on drugs" has cost the US hundreds of billons of dollars over decades. Building the wall is one way to stop the crossing of hard drugs into our country, but as some states have shown legalizing marijuana or medical marijuana has lead to tax and tourism revenue. Under a Trump administration, what will the federal stance be on recreational marijuana/medical marijuana and is there any possibility of legalization for much-needed revenue?
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    [–]bingi101IRL [score hidden]  (8 children)
    Hello Mr Trump. Just one question, what is the first thing that you want to do when you become the president of the United States?
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    [–]bladestorm91 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Future President Trump
    What do you think about the current Internet infrastructure of America? I believe it could be better and greater, however the Internet service providers (ISPs) cannot or will not upgrade it. Is there anything you could do as president to make it great again?
    [–]johnnyhammer [score hidden]  (9 children)
    Mr Trump, Obama said the UK would be at "the back of the queue" if it voted for Brexit.
    What is your take on this blatant slap in the face for one of the USA's oldest friends?
    [–]Meth_Damon [score hidden]  (0 children)
    What are you going to do to end the corrupting influence of money in politics during your presidency?
    [–]kidpostUSA [score hidden]  (14 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    I’d like to address the elephant in the room and say that you LIED sir! You told me I would get tired of winning and I’m NOT EVEN CLOSE!
    My question is related to nuclear energy: I’ve watched nearly every rally but I haven’t seen you mention nuclear energy too much. What do you think about aggressively building nuclear plants in this country so that we can be completely energy independent?
    Also, I’d like to say, from the bottom of my heart, that we’re with you. When you said that “we’re a team” during the convention it felt genuine. I hope you know that we’re with you 100%. We ARE a team. We’ve got people at this very moment manually going through the DNC e-mails looking for felonies, we’ve people manually looking through Hillary’s e-mails, we’ve got people analyzing and mapping out all the connections of the Clinton Foundation, we’ve got people posting and sharing your tweets everywhere - everyone is doing their best to get you into the Whitehouse. We’ve got your back Mr. Trump! We’re with you until the end!
    [–]Past_Tense_DrawMS [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Almost got deported with that opening line. Keep navigating, centipede. NO BRAKES!
    [–]DrProfRabbitUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Watch out, fam. I was very close...
    [–]earlymusicaficionado [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    I am a family physician. Many physicians are becoming increasingly frustrated as we watch government regulations and mandates invade the physician-patient relationship, to the detriment of healthcare. Insurance and hospital corporations have been just as damaging for the same reasons, chasing out the traditionally independent physician, and eroding physician autonomy. How will you return control of medicine in the United States back to the physicians, so that we can spend more time treating our patients, and less time being mired in red tape?
    [show replies]
    [–]ron_mexxicoUSA [score hidden]  (16 children)
    What do you think about private prisons for eligible inmates and having a program that puts them to work in the community or learn skills such as welding, plumbing, repairing streets, building houses, etc? They could be paid a wage that they can bank for release and learn new skills in order to hit the ground running.
    [–]77jamjamGBR [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Good evening Mr. Trump! You have said how the election process is rigged and corrupt and everyone here agrees with you, what I want to know is are you planning on making a reform to the election process? Thank you.
    [–]CommanderSporkFL [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump. Over the past few years, the future of space exploration has come into question with the cancellation of the Space Shuttle, the rise of new aerospace companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin, and the race to Mars. Additionally, NASA and its latest project, the Space Launch System, have been criticized as inefficient and wasteful because the program is costing billions while being delayed for years.
    What are your thoughts on the current state of the private space industry? What are your plans as president for NASA, especially in regard to the question of its current role in space exploration?
    [show replies]
    [–]GhoulishManFL [score hidden]  (0 children)
    How should we tackle the war on drugs? Undoubtedly, it's been pointless and is a huge waste of money and leads to many nonviolent people in prison. Do you believe we should end it?
    [–]KayJustKay [score hidden]  (9 children)
    Mr Trump,
    I am a legal immigrant who is currently awaiting his green card. I came here through the L then later E visa. I refused to use the H system (though it would have been cheaper and easier) as I see it as morally bankrupt and severely harmful to both the economy and the job market of America.
    Do you intend to overhaul the H1 system and what will you do to the current biased visa system to encourage more immigration from developed nation to bring in educated workers who intend to commit to America?
    Also, on a completely non rational point, as a Scottish American, I hope your YOU smash it.
    [show replies]
    [–]DonotclosetheblindsGA [score hidden]  (15 children)
    Mr. Trump, My husband will leave for his 6th deployment early next year. We recently found out that they will deduct from his paycheck his BAS (Basic Allowance for Subsistence…$368 monthly). He will not get paid combat pay, his pay will be taxed. He will receive Family Separation Pay ($250 monthly).
    This means that my husband’s check will be $108 less monthly while being overseas, then it would be if he were back home, not missing our 15th wedding anniversary, our son’s 11th birthday, and countless other events. What are your plans to help rebuild the military so those that volunteer to keep this country safe can deploy knowing that their families aren’t having to worry about money or safety? I’m excited to see you on Friday in CS, CO! Army Wives for Trump! MAGA!
    [–]TheGreatestPaniniAZ [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I'm not Trump but I wish the best of luck to your husband on his deployment! #WE LOVE OUR TROOPS!
    [–]ButteredPastryTX [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Mr. Trump, I know that you have met (and presumably were friends with) Crooked Hillary Clinton in the past so my question is: How is Crooked Hillary really like when cameras are not around? Is she really the way she is described in the book "Crisis of Character"?
    [–]Cub_xDMAGA [score hidden]  (25 children)
    Hi Mr Trump, I am a gay supporter that is 15. I have a very simple question.
    What will you do to help low income families like mine?
    My grandfather died almost a year ago and now it's just me and my grandmother (who severd in the Air Force) and we're broke by the end of every month, if not 2 weeks prior. I agree that welfare needs to be limited in some cases, but how will that work in families of a retired elder (who is 75 years old) and a child who can not yet work.
    [–]oldie101NY [score hidden]  (28 children)
    Mr. Trump, on behalf of /r/asktrumpsupporters we would like to ask you the following questions:
    Question 1: We firmly believe Hillary will try and steal this election through vote fraud, especially given recent events. What is your campaign doing to ensure that we have a fair election?
    Question 2: What role should NASA play in helping to Make America Great Again?
    Question 3: How do you feel about WikiLeaks? Does it change your opinion on Snowden?
    Question 4: What is your opinion on Net Neutrality?
    Question 5: Has your campaign ever gotten any ideas from the_donald?
    Thank you for taking the time to join us today and we look forward to continuing to Make America Great Again with you.
    /r/asktrumpsupporters- A subreddit dedicated to explaining to non-supporters why we are Trump supporters and why they should be too.
    [show replies]
    [–]pk3marossMO [score hidden]  (11 children)
    /r/asktrumpsupporters voted on these questions. Upvote to raise awareness. I know a lot of work went into organizing these questions.
    [–]fnvmaster [score hidden]  (8 children)
    Hello future president Trump,I was a strong Bernie supporter from the start but after seeing the corruption of the DNC and his DISGRACEFUL endorsement of Hillary nearly gave me a brain aneurysm so now I look to you to lead our country back on the right path. My question is what is the crucial action that must be taken in order to wipe ISIS off the planet and end their reign of terror?
    [–]BeatrixCid [score hidden]  (8 children)
    I know you are pro NASA, will you put a man on mars?
    [–]thejoyfulkangaroo [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Knowing him he will let private companies compete and create jobs to get there
    [–]chimp_in_a_kiltIA [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Mr Trump, thank you for taking the time to do this AMA. I just want you to know that I’ve been with you since the very beginning. My whole family voted for you in the Iowa Caucus, and was proud to be part of swinging our precinct to your camp. I was wondering, however, if you can shed a little light on your personal life. It’s always amazed me how high energy you are (and how low energy your opponents are, am I right?), and how good of physical shape you are in for a man your age. Do you participate in any exercise routine, or play a sport in your downtime? What’s the secret to being as high energy as you are? Thanks, and MAGA
    [–]TrumpGalMOD EMERITUS [score hidden]  (11 children)
    How do you decide what to retweet?
    [–]dmiller9964 [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Hey Mr. Trump I just want to say that your wife Melania seems like a wonderful and brilliant person who will make a fantastic first lady. First ladies focus on something like Obesity, Healthcare, Childcare, etc. What will your wife be focusing on as the Future First Lady?
    [show replies]
    [–]Birdorcage1USA [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Mr Trump, never did I think we would have a major candidate running for president who was opposed to globalist practices such as NAFTA, TPP, and open borders. Could you expand upon when you first began to be skeptical of these ideas, and what lead you to being pro-American sovereignty? Would a Trump Administration place the United States Constitution above any international agreement, including the UN Charter?
    [–]yiannopoulos_mDangerous Faggot - MILO [score hidden]  (22 children)
    Just before Hillary Clinton's failed campaign in 2008, she pushed for a reinstatement of the 55mph Federal Speed Limit, which had been repealed through a provision in a 1995 Highway Bill from the newly-elected Republican Majority Congress, despite protests from then-President Bill Clinton.
    During her speech to the National Press Club in Washington DC, Hillary (who has, by her own admission, not driven a car herself since 1996) said "The 55-mile speed limit really does lower gas usage. And wherever it can be required, and the people will accept it, we ought to do it."
    Will you protect the freedom of states to determine their own proper speed limits? Bringing back the Federal Speed Limit would be a disaster for travellers and commuters, but even more so for truckers and the people who rely on them, many of whom are small business owners just barely getting by.
    [show replies]
    [–]oralqna2pt0NC [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hi Milo, good on you for stopping by. Good luck with your fight against Twitter.
    [–]wew-lad [score hidden]  (33 children)
    The pictures of Americans landing on the moon is one of the most widely knows photos in the world. It shows American strength, power, and achievement.
    Will you give NASA a bigger budget and allow them to to make even greater achievements, like going to Mars or building a moon base?
    [–]PM_ME_YOURBROKENHARTHUN [score hidden]  (2 children)
    I'm eager to learn his stance on the space industry!
    [–]bta324 [score hidden]  (4 children)
    God I hope so. Space travel is so important.
    [–]MunghamWinsCAN [score hidden]  (2 children)
    more up votes please! this is an incredible question. Since Mr.Trump is a builder, I am keen to see space exploration under a Trump Presidency.
    [–]wcb98 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    like going to Mars or building a moon base?
    I agree, we have neglected space exploration too much lately. It would be nice to see more on it
    [–]ValkonnCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
    And it gave us a shit-ton of awesome improvements in technology that were later refined for use in the public sector.
    [–]SnowMansonCO [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Newt for head of NASA!
    [–]hornedJ4GU4RSIL [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I think we've found the location for the next Trump Tower.
    [–]HighEnergyBritUK [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Hi Mr Trump!
    Just a quick question: Are you going to strengthen your relationship with the UK? Obama came over here and threatened to put us at the bottom of the list when it comes to discussing US / UK trade deals if we voted to leave the EU!
    Can't wait to visit the US again when you're in the White House!
    [–]yiannopoulos_mDangerous Faggot - MILO [score hidden]  (26 children)
    Net Neutrality is a controversial issue with internet users, particularly here on Reddit. Some believe it is an innovation-crippling step towards allowing the government to control and regulate our dearly-beloved internet, but many see it as necessary for protecting consumers from monopolistic corporate practices, especially those of Internet Service Providers who charge more and more, provide less and less, and refuse to seriously invest in new technology infrastructure that other developed nations like Japan and South Korea take for granted.
    Even as more and more businesses rely on high speed internet for everyone, America is falling behind in a field that America invented in the first place.
    You have said little on this issue, aside from a tweet several years ago that suggested you were against Net Neutrality.What is your position on current Net Neutrality rules? Will President Trump make America's internet great again? Can we solve these issues without giving even more power to government officials?
    [show replies]
    [–]Studio1417MI [score hidden]  (5 children)
    President Trump, I’m a recent graduate of Michigan State University and Bernie Sanders voter turned Trump supporter. I took a job in state because I wanted to make Michigan great again and I feel like we need your help. Can we count on you to help fix Detroit, aid in the Flint water crisis, and restore manufacturing jobs to Michigan and the rest of the Midwest?
    [–]DialamoCAN [score hidden]  (1 child)
    How do you feel now that the system is literally proven to be rigged?
    What will you do to get Bernie voters over to your side against Hillary Clinton?
    [–]WHAT_WOULD_JOAKIM_DOJPN [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump
    With the concern of climate change increasing among many Americans and many (and I mean many) conflicting reports from the media regarding your stance on the issue, can you tell us what is your official position (or opinion) on climate change?
    [–]bk112 [score hidden]  (3 children)
    He answered this last night in his interview with Bill O'Reilly, skip to 7:25 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKNHMRnLhOo)
    TLDW: He supports clean air and clean waters but believes much of the environmental regulations in America stifles companies from thriving.
    [–]trexroarroarPA [score hidden]  (7 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump. I'm 29 years old, registered Libertarian and have voted that way my entire life. I feel closely aligned with what the party stands for, and am passionate about it. However, this election I am starting to think that, while I think a Libertarian candidate is what's best for America long term, that you may be what America needs right now. I also feel like you care about this country so, so much, and you want what's best for it. This is a difficult decision for me, because on the issues I seem to either firmly believe or strongly disagree with what you have to say. I think you may be the best possible candidate for our economy, but I do fear some of your international policies,
    I know that I am not the only 3rd party voter that feels this way. So my question to you is, what do you say to people like me who are on the fence about voting 3rd party(Johnson/Stein) or for you?
    Thank you very much for doing this AMA.
    [show replies]
    [–]MAGATBHFAMFL [score hidden]  (1 child)
    How big of a priority will auditing the Federal Reserve be for your administration?
    [–]Engie_TX [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Mr. Trump, thank you very much for taking the time to do this AMA with us.
    My question to you is in what ways will border states like Arizona, Texas, and California begin to see economic improvements after the wall is built? Having lived in a border state for most of my life so far, it's hard to picture what they would be like with a REAL protected border.
    [–]badoingleNAVY [score hidden]  (2 children)
    What was the final straw, Mr. Trump? What was the final weight that tipped the scales towards your running for president? If I'm not mistaken, you've been considering it in some form or other for quite a few years now.
    [–]AlthebartenderNJ [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Mr. Trump,
    My name is Emily Banach and this will be the first time I will give my vote to this country’s office and help elect the 45th President of these United States. You and your policies are plainly what this country has been looking for, for the past 8 years but never had an embodiment of our combined voices to speak. There is no doubt in my mind that you will win, and that you will win “Big League.”
    As I understand, you will have many issues to discuss and many to rectify and as the President you will strive to live up to what you promised. However, you may find that in between these moments people will ask you for your input or your favor. Today, I am one of those people. You will have a lot of power as the President. One of them will be to pardon someone of their crime.
    You are a great father, your children seem to absolutely adore you and are proud of all you achieved. As a father, you must know what value it holds to protect your children. I hope then, that you will understand what I’m asking of you.
    My father’s name is David Banach and about 10 years ago he was tried in court for shining a laser at helicopter. I was about 8 years old. A few days prior, someone had done the same at an airport, but escaped. The police, assuming my father was the culprit of both crimes, came to my home. What they didn’t understand at the time, was that it wasn’t my father at all who shined the laser that night, it was me. Although he tried to explain this, our family was hushed by the outcry of the media and they called my father terrible names for trying to “pin the blame on me.”
    I’m not sure of everything that transpired after that, my parents aren’t fond of talking about that time although we’ve grown stronger as a family through it. All I am asking is that you look into this particular event and help make it right again. I know my father would have voted for you if he had the ability.
    Thank you for coming to this subreddit today,
    My father has no idea that I've written this and he's not a man to ask for help, that being said, I do believe in trying.
    (P.S. Thank you for not choosing Chris Christie as your VP Pick)**
    [show replies]
    [–]pancakeesMAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
    What does your administration plan on doing to address the blatant Ethical & Moral violations in politics? A la Iron Triangle/Revolving Door, Congress Insider Trading, and so on?
    [–]OceanicSkyNY [score hidden]  (11 children)
    A couple questions for you Mr. Trump:
    1.)You get called racist, sexist, and plenty of other words by the dishonest media, does it ever get to you?
    2.)What is your opinion on term limits for congress?
    3.)Will we be able to pay, let's say, $75 to have our name etched onto the wall to help cover the costs?
    Thank you in advance.
    [–]Wakingupat9IA [score hidden]  (0 children)
    What do you think it will take for Europe to actually deal with its Islamic terrorism problem, rather than just continuing to sweep it under the rug?
    Thanks for the AMA Mr. President!
    [–]HencleyWI [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump, it is an INCREDIBLE honor to have you answering questions tonight! I've supported you even when there were 17 candidates running!
    I'd like to ask a simple question if I may. Do you think the American Government needs to be more transparent with it's people? I know you believe that we need to stay unpredictable to take out the bad guys (ISIS,) but sometimes I feel that our government hides FAR too much from us.
    In light of the recent email leak showing how corrupt the DNC is, do you think you would try and expose the corruption in our country and create a more open government for our people?
    [–]_Seditious_ [score hidden]  (7 children)
    The Cold War ended years ago, and yet our politicians think that a healthy relationship with Russia is impossible. What are your thoughts on this subject?
    [–]ThisIsBigCatNJ [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump,
    I am currently an undergraduate college student. In recent years, free speech on college campuses have quickly become an issue. Political discourse is dominated by liberal-minded thinkers and colleges have become increasingly hostile towards right-leaning students like myself. We have seen this madness with the student protests in Mizzou and Yale last year. My concern is that we might be seeing the start of a disturbing political trend. Some of these students will be our future politicians and I’m afraid that our civil liberties will be compromised in the future for the sake of political correctness. My question to you is what can you do as president to help mitigate the growing polarization in our country, especially in environments like college campuses?
    [–]StingraidTX [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Thank you for spending the time to answer our questions tonight.
    You have been vocal about your desire to potentially audit the Federal Reserve. Do you see this as a high priority for your first few years in office? To that end, do you have any specific steps in mind at this stage of your campaign? As President Trump, will you consider enlisting the help of former Congressman Ron Paul in an advisory role to accomplish this?
    Thank you for running and thank you for putting America first. Make America great again.
    [–]ZeusAlansDog [score hidden]  (11 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    Was there a singular moment when you thought to yourself "that's it, I have to run for President and fix this"? If so, what was it?
    [–]EchoesOfADistantDayTX [score hidden]  (8 children)
    Mr. Trump I thank you for taking the time to visit the most enthusiastic and motivated place on internet when it comes to making you the next President.
    My Question is one that gets left behind in the politics of today. IF WHEN you become the next President what are your plans on improving the funding to NASA and revitalizing our space program?
    Thank you! -Mike
    [–]SelfAwareMoleculesNJ [score hidden]  (0 children)
    As an astrophysics graduate student, and a huge Trump supporter, I also would like to know Trump's answer to this.
    [–]independentbystanderUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
    [–]frank_13v [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This is a great question, i think this is super important and trump should look at it as a space race 2.0
    [–]sadrisVA [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Did you know Russia is obligated by a Treaty signed by her husband to return Hillary's emails if they have them? https://www.congress.gov/106/cdoc/tdoc22/CDOC-106tdoc22.pdf
    [show replies]
    [–]SANDERS_SHRIVELED_PE [score hidden]  (7 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    I'm a legal immigrant and a US citizen for the past 10 years. My entire family was so happy to finally see someone talking about the illegal immigration issue seriously on the national stage.
    Obviously the most glaring problem is the nearly open Mexican border, but I want to know if you have plans to deal with the other avenues used by illegal immigrants. For example, nearly 500k people overstayed their temporary visas in 2015. That number is sure to increase massively once the border routes are cut off.
    What are your thoughts on dealing with this issue?
    [show replies]
    [–]tomasz555POL [score hidden]  (18 children)

    Hello Mr. (future) President!

    I have 3 topics I would love to hear your thoughts on! Feel free to answer all or some!

    Space Exploration

    What are your thoughts about America’s future in space exploration and what role will the Trump administration have in it? Assuming budgeting allows it,
    • 1) Would the Trump government be open to expanding manned or unmanned American space exploration?
    • 2) What about projects like the Orion spacecraft?
    • 3) Would work towards a Mars (or another moon) mission be accelerated?

    Breaking up Trusts

    Do you have any plans for antitrust laws? In the past, America had laws aimed at preventing a small number of hands from pulling the strings of very large monopolistically competitive corporations. These companies, such as Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, crushed competition and held far too much power. So, then president Roosevelt enacted antitrust laws to break up these monopolies as best he could. Today, we have multiple monopolistically competitive corporations that are far bigger than Standard Oil ever was and hold far more sway over the public psyche than any of the monopolies of the past ever could. The essence of Capitalism is healthy competition so,
    • 1) As president would you consider bringing back real antitrust legislation against monopolistic companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc? They have no loyalty to any nation and many are run by megalomaniacs that will do anything to line their pockets. They may be private companies but they provide a public service.
    • 2) Would you consider enacting antitrust laws against media conglomerates such as News Corp? A few men and their friends control a massive number of media outlets all over the world and they get to decide the narrative. Would you be willing to support bringing back legislation that limited the number of media outlets that one person/group could be allowed to own?
    • 3) Your campaign has pointed out that The Washington Post has been used by Jeff Bezos of Amazon for political purposes. Would you be willing to support independent journalistic integrity by restoring past legislation restricting the owners of big businesses from using their own media holdings for their own political/financial purposes?


    This is an issue that is not very well know or discussed by politicians because it doesn’t provide much political capital with voters, but it is nonetheless very important to our national and personal security. Chinese (and others) hackers routinely hack American companies involved in science, research, and engineering and steal technologies developed by them. Our government does little to prevent this. Many companies collect and store personal data from customers and don’t enact proper security protocols to maintain its privacy. Just look at the DNC and Crooked Hilary!
    • 1) As president would you support legislation defining some sort of security protocols that companies would be obligated to follow to insure the security of their data?
    • 2) Do you think methods like personal encryption make us safer from malicious individuals (or governments) or do they make us unsafe by preventing law enforcement from doing their job?


    What do you think about /r/The_Donald?
    If you haven't figured it out, this subreddit consists of a lot of young folks and the immaturity clearly shows. What are your thoughts?
    Thank you for doing this AMA. MAGA!
    [–]spacelemonOH [score hidden]  (13 children)
    Mr. Trump. I know you've said that things like gay marriage and marijuana are states issues. Would you overturn gay marriage laws and leave it on a per-state basis? Would you remove marijuana from schedule I and leave that to states as well, much like alcohol is?
    [–]goldenfidelityNY [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hi Mr. Trump,
    Your activity on social media has been essential in influencing millions of voters who otherwise may not have participated in this year's presidential election. Do you plan on continuing this activity as president, and do you foresee social media as a viable platform for "official" correspondence with the American people?
    P.S. - Thank you for your tireless efforts to Make America Great Again. Regardless of this election's outcome, you have forever reshaped the landscape of American politics for decades to come.
    [–]ExplosiveFanny [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump, what are your thoughts on the continuous terrorist attacks in Europe? There has been an attack every day for the last 5 days.
    Why can’t the Democrats put political correctness behind them and realize enough is enough? Innocent people are being killed and the media doesn’t seem to care.
    [–]homerj123USA [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Mr. Trump, Ivanka has been a prominent figure and voice in your campaign efforts. Hillary is playing the only card she can (the woman card). Will Ivanka become a integral part of your administration and spokesperson for women's rights in our country? And possibly the first female President 8 years from now?
    God bless America and may God bless you and carry you to the finish line! Thank you for your time.
    [–]Sugnoid [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Thank you for doing this AMA. This has really been an exciting campaign season and I was so excited to see you will be doing an AMA right here on /r/the_donald These are the questions I have, feel free to answer as many or as few as you would like.
    1. How do you feel about doing debates on networks that have proven to be colluding with the DNC / Hillary Campaign? Will there be any push to ensure the debates are more fair?
    2. In the future debates do you plan on bringing up older issues that the media seems to ignore, such as the speech transcripts or the lack of recent press conferences?
    3. Why do you believe your movement has gained such a tremendous following online?
    4. You have said before that you plan to deport the illegal immigrants currently in the United States, but many have criticized the difficulty of this task. Once president would you consider a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently in the country if they meet certain criteria?
    5. What is your favorite food at Raising Canes?
    On a side note, would you consider tweeting the link to the Clinton Cash documentary; after watching this today I believe it is extremely important for all voters to be aware of this.
    Finally, as an Ohioan I strongly believe this state will vote Trump in a landslide. Thank you again for granting us this opportunity; MAGA!
    EDIT: Mods please tell me /u/the-realDonaldTrump will be joining this subreddit's mod team!
    [–]MedicallyMAGA [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump,
    In the past 7 months, we've had mutliple major terrorist attacks occur in the US. All of these attacks resulted in the deaths of many US citizens, and have instilled fear into the American people. We all know who is causing these attacks, and what their motives are, but the media chooses to ignore the truth in order to further push their globalist agenda. We have Obama in power, cabinet members, so many people, yet no one wants to stand up and say who is responsible for these chaos except you, and your supporters. We know it is radical Islamic terrorism, but the media insists that they can't "untangle the motives" of the terrorist. What is keeping the people that are supposed to keep us safe from recognizing what is causing this chaos? Why can't they be honest? Is it simply political correctness at play or is it something more?
    [–]British-GuyUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump,
    You correctly predicted Britain's vote to leave the European Union. What are your thoughts on the "Brexit aftermath" so far and the new prime minister, Theresa May? How do you think British and American relations will be under your leadership?
    [–]HexezWorkCA [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump and welcome to /r/The_Donald.
    In an interview 20+ years ago with Oprah Winfrey you said you would only run for President if things got "really bad" in the US.
    Knowing that my question is what was the event (the straw that broke the camel’s back as they say) that made you realize things were now "really bad" in the US and it was time to run for President?
    [–]yiannopoulos_mDangerous Faggot - MILO [score hidden]  (26 children)
    The Democratic primary fight saw huge discrepancies between exit polling and the actual results, well beyond what is statistically probable. These discrepancies occurred almost entirely in states with electronic voting and minimal paper trails. Some believe that Bernie had the nomination stolen from him with electronic voter fraud, how will you make sure the establishment don't work with Crooked Hillary to cheat us all out of a Trump presidency?
    [show replies]
    [–]yiannopoulos_mDangerous Faggot - MILO [score hidden]  (32 children)
    America has a proud tradition of stealing the most brilliant and talented people from countries around the world for ourselves. Albert Einstein, Wernher von Braun, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Melania Trump... the list goes on and on. In recent years, however, H-1B visa abuse has become rampant.
    A program meant bring truly exceptional talent to America has been twisted by globalist politicians and corporations, allowing low-cost, short term labor to steal jobs from everyday Americans and take everything they learn back to their home countries. Will you curb H-1B abuse and make sure visas are going to people who want to become American, stay American, and make America great?
    [show replies]
    [–]GiveMeTheMemesCA [score hidden]  (8 children)
    Mr. Trump, thanks for doing this! Now my question is concerning Russia: How will you improve US-Russian relations as President, and Why?
    [–]rupok2NJ [score hidden]  (7 children)
    As president what will you do about the blatant censorship from powerhouses like google who "coincidentally" remove negative things from search suggestions for the candidate (Hillary) that they support? And pushes negative articles about candidates they don't like?
    google is almost monopolistic in how much power it has and can sway many people intentionally on any subject. We have proof as google's Eric Schmidt pumps money into startups that are helping Hillary.
    [–]MicahGhost [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hello future President Trump! This question is about both the public and private sectors of the space industry.
    First, what are your thoughts on NASA and the budget of NASA? Do you believe that with better management NASA could accomplish more with its 19+ billion budget, or do you have something else in mind about NASA.
    Secondly, what are your thoughts on the private sector of the space industry(SpaceX, ULA, Blue Origin, Virgin, etc.)? Many have said that the future of space is not in government agencies but in corporations? Do you believe so and how would you encourage the growth of the private space industry as President?
    Thanks! November can not come soon enough!
    [–]TheIceMannUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Thank you for doing this AMA Mr. Trump. Many in the dishonest media say that your tax plan will create a larger deficit, but fail to report that your tax plan would be implemented along with a massive reduction in government spending. What reductions in government spending do you plan on making?
    You are an inspiration to us all Mr. Trump. MAGA
    [–]butmuhfeefeesUSA [score hidden]  (13 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    As a Police Officer and Iraq War Vet, I want to personally thank you for showing so much incredible support towards law enforcement officers and military personnel. It means a lot!
    My question: If (when) you’re elected to be the POTUS, what will you do about the Fraud, Waste and Abuse in the military? As a 10 year veteran of the armed forces, I can assure you that BILLIONS of tax payer dollars are wasted due to the unnecessary red tape and hoops the military must jump through to accomplish their mission(s). I’d rather see those billions be invested into our nation’s infrastructure! What will you do to ensure this happens?
    Bonus Question – I’ve emailed your campaign and my states Republic party representatives to figure out how to get involved in your campaign to turn my blue state red and I’ve received no response! Is there someone I can reach out to? I want to do everything I can to support you to ensure we can MAGA!
    Bonus Statement – Your children are very articulate and impressive speakers. I hope they consider getting involved in politics. They would represent the US very well. Extremely impressed by them.
    [–]robertocommendez0202NJ [score hidden]  (1 child)
    What is the most memorable moment of your campaign so far?
    [–]bka1USA [score hidden]  (11 children)
    During your rapid fire Press Q&A this morning, you mentioned the hundreds of days it's been since Hillary's last press conference.
    What do you think is/are the reason(s) for Hillary refusing to hold any press conferences for such a huge amount of time?
    follow up,
    Do you think Hillary will attempt to decrease the number of times she has to debate you like she did to Bernie during the Democratic Primary, or even avoid debating you altogether like she's avoided press conferences altogether this year?
    [–]nelsonfeelsgoodman [score hidden]  (2 children)
    She's sick, and it needs to be adresses: she's not even at her own convention!!!!!!!!!
    [–]DeepThought007 [score hidden]  (2 children)
    My prediction is there will be no debates, Hillary could never handle a round in the ring with the Donald and she knows it.
    [–]one-hour-photo [score hidden]  (12 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    1. I noticed that occasionally, ideas or concepts that were discussed on this page were picked up by your team shortly after they were posted here on /r/The_donald. Do you or your team keep an eye on this page for inspiration at all, or was it just coincidental.
    2. I graduated college in 2009 and was welcomed by a cold job market, after struggling for year working menial jobs, I eventually gave up working "jobs", channeled my inner Trump, got a real estate license, and started putting all of those funds toward what I wanted to do. Radio. I started my own podcast, that was quickly picked up by a local FM radio station. We reached the front page of reddit with our previous Donald Trump episode, and I was wondering if you, Donald J. Trump, would be willing to come on our little show for a short interview about how a presidential race is somewhat like a sporting event (our show is sports related), and how you developed your drive to be the best at all you do.
    Thank you for your time Mr. Trump.
    Edit: a phone interview or Skype interview would be more than acceptable. We would also fly to wherever is convenient for you if need be.
    [show replies]
    [–]0fficerNastyND [score hidden]  (3 children)


    QUESTION: What steps can be done to combat the national debt, approaching $20 trillion, and leave a visible impact? A balanced budget, cutting fraud, reducing abuse will help lead to shrinking it over time, but realistically, that would take decades. What else can be done?

    Thank you for visiting us and answering our questions!

    God bless and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!

    [–]ariotofmyownNY [score hidden]  (9 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    Everyday, when I leave my Manhattan office, I stop to have a friendly talk with our front desk/security manager, Larry. Larry is an African-American man in his early 50’s, a lifelong democrat, and of the true “salt of the earth” character that makes this city and, indeed, this country, great.
    For the past few months, Larry has talked almost exclusively about the election and routinely expressed fear and doubt about you as a candidate. Today, however, for the first time, Larry said that he “liked how Trump sounded today” and now thinks "this guy could win”.
    Mr. Trump, if you were to speak to Larry, a working class African-American man in his 50’s, what would you tell him as to why he should vote for you? I promise I'll pass it along to him tomorrow.
    Also, are we having the victory party in front of Trump Tower in November?
    Thanks, and MAGA!
    [–]blatherskiterWA [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Great question. I think Trump has a great opportunity to show the black community that he represents law and order and American pride.
    [–]WhittlingDixi [score hidden]  (0 children)
    What role should scientific research play in the decision making process for your future administration?
    [–]darth_nilhilusOH [score hidden]  (8 children)
    For how long have you known about places like this community and your HUGE online following, Mr. Trump?
    [show replies]
    [–]cheeeeeesePA [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Mr. Trump, monetary policy is important to many of your supporters, as President will you audit the federal reserve?
    [–]PedroIsWatchingMO [score hidden]  (8 children)
    Mr. Trump, do you think that there is going to be issues with voter fraud on election day? And if you do, do you have any plans to counter it?
    [–]iamaAMAfan [score hidden]  (12 children)
    Hello Mr. Trump,
    Are you getting tired of winning?
    [show replies]
    [–]BillyMaysIII [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Dear Mr. Trump,
    My name is William, and I am a Nuclear Engineering student at North Carolina State University. The Democrats have treated nuclear power horribly. Nuclear power struggles to compete in the market because of unfair subsidies placed on solar and wind energy by the Democrats. Many of our plants have been shut down, and many more are expected to close in the next 20 years. The Democrats have opposed the construction of new plants, which would create many high paying jobs in construction and engineering, because they believe nuclear power is not safe, even though there have been no deaths from over 60 years of nuclear power in the United States. I want to be a part of America’s nuclear future, but I am worried about finding a stable job with all these obstacles.
    Do you support American nuclear power? What are your thoughts?
    [show replies]
    [–]LucidThump [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Mr. President Trump, I'm a lifelong fan and current supporter of you this election. Thanks for doing this AMA on this wonderful forum.
    Unlike many at the impressive age of 70, you have immensely high energy that is just incredible to witness for all of us.
    Today in the morning I saw your news conference in Doral, Florida and just a couple of hours later you're at a rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania with no visible sign of fatigue whatsoever.
    Not to mention your healthy appearance at an age where many look frail and weak. (your hair is immaculate too)
    What is your secret to this high energy superiority of yours? If I am even half as energized as you when I reach your age, I'll be more than happy.
    Yours truly, LucidThump
    [–]nearxbeer [score hidden]  (13 children)
    Hey Trump. I remember reading that you only sleep 4 hours a night; that's impressive for how energetic you are! How do you manage? Is it something genetic, or maybe part of a lifestyle?
    [–]yes_no_yes_yes_yesMI [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    As a student at the University of Michigan, I was sadly unsurprised when students called the police after seeing chalk slogans in your support on campus. Such reactions are the pathetic results of a college culture now seen across the U.S. in which students are encouraged to feel safe rather than challenged and truly educated.
    Do you believe that we should work to eliminate this new trend? If so, how and why?
    Thank you for doing an AMA.
    [–]smarvin6689 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This is just stupid. If people want to be somewhere where their own views will never be infringed, then college is definitely not for them.
    [–]PM-ME-UR-BEST-PHOTOMD [score hidden]  (9 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    Reports estimate that 90% of US media is owned by 6 companies. The US mass media has fused into a gross alliance with big business and big government as this election has shown more than any other. The dishonest media is rigging our democracy with a radical agenda that divides Americans and causes nothing but sensationalism and hatred at the expense of the USA. They are killing our country for ratings and profit, with impunity.
    How will you, as president, tackle this protected class of media elites without stepping on the first amendment rights of average Americans?
    [show replies]
    [–]k0sr [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump, I'd like to thank you for being here with us tonight! Is there anything in particular that you have planned regarding the Federal Reserve? Do you support a thorough and transparent audit of the system? Thank you for your time, I know that you're tremendously busy trying to make America great again!
    [–]SwathedEwe4OH [score hidden]  (9 children)
    Mr Trump,
    As a high school student who has had a strong disdain for common core education and is horrified at the thought of a Clinton presidency, I'd like to know what specific changes you would propose to our faulty education system?
    [–]SmokehTheBearUSA [score hidden]  (15 children)
    Dear Mr. Trump,
    Thank you for taking time out of your extremely busy day and life to come here and answer some of our questions! It's very much appreciated, and this transparency you're bringing is one of MANY reasons I've jumped on the TrumpTrain!
    I'm a disabled American, who's been unable to work fulltime in over 6-7 years. I have a very debilitating stomach disease which prevents me from enjoying the basics of life, such as eating or sleeping. After years of going through pharmaceutical products in hopes that something will help(nothing has), I've found the one thing that's been able to truly help this 24/7 pain, cannabis/marijuana.
    My question for you, Mr. President; what are your plans for the legalization of cannabis, whether medicinally or recreationally? Are you going to hinder the current progress made by almost half the country(who currently have either medicinal laws or full recreational laws on the books) https://i.sli.mg/PoTdNp.jpg or will you help propel this new lucrative business opportunity for our country into new heights?
    Take Colorado for example, https://i.sli.mg/U73Stu.jpg in one year since legalizing cannabis, their economy is booming better than ever, there's more money for the school systems, crime rate is down, traffic fatalities are down, the drug cartel's revenue is down, and even opiate deaths are down! https://i.sli.mg/2owZaa.jpg Imagine this type of growth for the entire country!
    Even a new poll out today shows that positive interest in Cannabis Legalization is increasing in not only everyday Americans, but Republicans as well https://i.sli.mg/DEVGYs.png
    And the best part about this wonderful plant which helps me get some semblance of a life? It has never, EVER killed anyone from an overdose, it's literally impossible to die from using this plant, no matter how much you take https://i.sli.mg/2ca8Fr.png
    Will you help push for legalization of cannabis as President?
    I know that on the list of priorities in this country, with ISIS threats and disgustingly horrible attacks happening in the Western world almost everyday, with a crumbling infrastructure, with many Americans not having fulltime jobs(me included), with even more jobs being sent away overseas to other countries, etc etc, I know that legalizing this plant may be on the lowest end of the spectrum of priorities. But for me, and many other sick Americans who rely on this plant, this issue is as important as life itself.
    Thank you so much for your time in doing this AMA for all of us, thank you for taking the time to campaign around the country and giving the silent majority a voice, we all know you never had to do this, so thank you for stepping up when the time was right to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AND SAFE AGAIN!
    [show replies]
    [–]Moon__StarESP [score hidden]  (3 children)
    President Trump, thank you for doing this AMA. My question for you is regarding your stance on NASA and space exploration in general. I know Newt Gingrich feels strongly about this topic, and I hope you may have spoken about it because the scientific revolution involved in the exploration of space in the past century are perceived as one of those details that made America Great in the first place. As president, would you favor increasing the budget for NASA? Would you help and collaborate with private companies such as Spacex to achieve their goals, such as colonizing Mars in this case?
    [–]wcb98 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I am hoping we put more focus on space exploration- I would really like to see a manned mission to mars.
    [–]Tennoji-hs [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Dear Mr. Trump,
    I'm a big fan of yours and want to praise you for many things, but out of respect for other people's questions, I'll get straight to my own:
    Edward Snowden leaked US secrets to the world and endangered national security by doing so. However, some people argue this is ethically justifiable by ulterior motives. Sometimes the system is so crooked that you need to do something drastic to straighten it out again. Snowden tried to fix the problems he saw via legal ways first and only resorted to illegal ways when the system failed him. I understand you value loyalty a lot and what Snowden did was very disloyal to the US. But in some way it also seemed very loyal to the American people.
    Do you believe what Snowden did can ever be justified, for instance if he had opened the people's eyes to the corruption running rampant in the Democratic Party?
    How would you treat him if he were to return to the US, legaly of course, under your presidency?
    Would you agree that what Hillary Clinton did with her e-mails was in many ways worse, since her motives were purely egoistic?
    Kind regards and good luck in all your future endeavours,
    [–]rickster67CO [score hidden]  (2 children)
    President Trump, it has become apparent over the past year of your campaign that one of the most treacherous obstacles to American liberty and safety is mainstream media. Your instincts at managing media are inspiring. What advice do you have for other aspiring Conservative/America-1st Nationalist leaders who must navigate the hostile and biased treatment from journalists & reporters?
    [–]Get-Em-OutTX [score hidden]  (9 children)
    Mr. President Trump, sir. His Nimbleness. 2017-2025, His Golden Lionself. Thank you for gracing us with your presence.
    My question is about:


    The war on drugs has been a total disaster, particularly the war on marijuana. Colorado has seen great success with legalization and regulation of recreational weed. History teaches us that prohibition only makes things worse by creating black markets. "Medicinal" weed would only serve to make billions for the pharmaceutical industry/lobbyists. Do you agree or disagree? And how would you tackle this issue on a federal level?
    [–]mobiusstripsearchMI [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    Our political process is broken. The Democrats cheated Bernie. The Republicans played many dirty tricks against you. Many cooked politicians have easy elections in safe districts with no competition. Americans feel trapped by our two party system. Campaign donations enslave politicians.

    Will you do anything to reform our electoral system?

    [show replies]
    [–]WVUmeUSAF [score hidden]  (24 children)
    Good Evening Mr. Trump,
    Air Force Officer here. The proposal by the Senate Armed Services Committee, and championed by Sen. McCain, would drastically cut Basic Allowance for Housing for our Active Duty troops of all branches.
    Many young Airmen that I have talked to would seriously consider leaving the service if these cuts were made.
    Our troops are relatively under-compensated compared to their civilian counterparts, especially in non-combat roles such as contracting and engineering.
    The politically correct culture now has infiltrated the Armed Services, and frequently acts as ankle weights for those in leadership. It keeps good ideas from being shared and acted upon and penalizes troops for very small missteps.
    Mr. Trump, my question to you is, what is your plan to support and retain the fine folks serving in our military?
    Lt WVUme
    [show replies]
    [–]Gazza07 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hello Mr Trump, what is the very first thing you will do when you're elected POTUS?
    [–]mikegus15PA [score hidden]  (7 children)
    Mr. Trump, I’m very excited to see you as our 45th President of the United States and I truly believe this will be the case. Your views, while strong, are what this country needs to steer us away from an otherwise bleak and ‘politically correct’ future.
    My question to you is: As President, how will you handle Edward Snowden? Do you still truly believe he’s a traitor to the American people or do you see how he’s been able to expose just how totalitarian our federal government treats our Citizens’ privacy?
    Thanks so much for doing this AMA with us today!
    [–]FiiluFIN [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Hello Mr. Trump! I am a big fan from across the globe, Finland! For quite some time I have seen tremendous violence and other attacks being committed by unintegrated migrants that have arrived to Europe in great and ever increasing numbers. And it seems that the entire leadership of Europe had gone insane, they ignore and excuse these terrible acts! And then they ask for even more migrants, despite the previous ones being a huge burden!
    The biggest and one of the only political forces calling this out is you, Mr. Trump. And the media is so dishonest, they hate you for saying the truth so they must try to stop you, but they must also lie because you have reasonable policies! And this isn’t only happening in the US, the media is dishonest everywhere, in Europe especially!
    My question is, if (or when) you become the president of the USA, will you use your political power to try to be a positive influence for us Europeans as well? If so, how do you plan to help?
    [–]fitzrays [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump, you have run an exceptional campaign that has highlighted the corruption of "Establishment Politics" during the primary process. This was further exemplified this week by wikileaks publishing emails that highlight the internal corruption at the DNC (possibly leaked by a disgruntled DNC staffer).
    Sadly, we all know this corruption reaches much, MUCH deeper within the government itself and that many government workers are afraid to speak out since they risk severe repercussions.

    Would you consider creating an independent taskforce (and strengthening whistleblower laws) to allow government workers to submit evidence securely and confidentially in order to help eliminate corruption across all aspects of government?

    [–]uberfella [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump, you're the only candidate who directly says "I love you" to America. This isn't a question, but I just wanted to say, we love you too.
    [–]Duncs11UK [score hidden]  (7 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    Third Party candidates are tipped to have a much larger role in this election, with Governor Johnson on the edge of getting into the Presidential Debates, the first third party since Perot.
    What are your thoughts on the role candidates like Governor Johnson will play in this election? Do you believe they will play a large role?
    [–]ShadowParade [score hidden]  (5 children)
    President Trump, the great people of Colorado have earned a huge growth in there economy and a lower crime rate because of legalization of marijuana. Would you consider legalizing marijuana at the federal level, to use that revenue for improving inner city schools, infrastructure, and etc?
    [–]horby2 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Mr. Trump,
    Thank you for fighting the good fight. Your historic presidential run has been an inspiration to me. I am a mid-thirties middle class American whose goal in life is to provide for his family so that my children can grow up in a better place than I did. Working in the IT industry, one of the biggest challenges to that goal is H1-B visa abuse. Your tough stance on this solidifies my vote.
    However, another big threat I see is the outsourcing/offshoring of back office jobs to other countries. I’m not just talking about IT support and call centers. Recently, I’ve seen entire accounting and even HR departments being sent overseas for no other reason than to provide more value to an already healthy stock price. Do you have anything in your platform to address back office offshoring?
    [–]Audrate [score hidden]  (4 children)
    President Trump,
    I have 2 questions:
    1. I think that one way to make America great again is to improve the American education system and to help out teachers, would you agree with this?
    2. Can you clarify your thoughts on global warming/climate change?
    [show replies]
    [–]Clear117USMC [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Did establishment corruption in anyway influence your run for office, and when did you realize it was as bad as it is?
    [–]shadow6463FL [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump
    What is your plan for reducing or removing the influence of money on politics?
    [–]someone_from_AF2 [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Do you or people in your campaign browse this sub?
    [–]xtreme1461RI [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    My family legally immigrated to this country and we are all voting for you. We think that immigration is a very important issue and we want everyone coming in to follow the rules just like we did. However, the legal immigration system is currently a mess and encourages illegal immigration. What is your plan to reform the legal immigration system?
    [–]LPGreen [score hidden]  (4 children)
    How do you feel Melania has contributed to turn you into the great man you are today?
    [show replies]
    [–]apspiderboy [score hidden]  (7 children)
    What do you think is the reason that liberals such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton refuse to use the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism,”?
    [show replies]
    [–]electromotivediesel [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump. It's an honor.
    Outside of spending literally thousands of hours at this point spreading your message and arguing against the lies that have been spread about your campaign (to the cost of quite a few friends and family, sadly!), what can I (and everyone else here) do to take a more official position in helping your campaign? I'd love to do more.
    Thank you, and let's Make America Great Again!
    [–]Waffle_BatNV [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Mr. President, thank you for taking the time to do this! We love you!! Can you please give us your thoughts/stance on CISPA, CISA and similar measures that seek to force private companies to share internet traffic information with the government? This is a Big League issue that doesn't seem to get the attention it deserves. Thanks.
    Also, please make sure to avoid thecold Chai.
    [–]kissesGrils [score hidden]  (11 children)
    Hello Mr Trump What's your stance on H1Bs?
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    [–]StarDestinyGuy [score hidden]  (9 children)
    Mr. Trump, what can we (your supporters) do to help you win this election?
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    [–]sryii [score hidden]  (0 children)
    What do you consider important factors in deciding who to select for a Supreme Court Justice?
    [–]MorticaeOR [score hidden]  (12 children)
    Dear President Trump,
    We all saw how much Governor Kasich liked to eat on the trail.
    What is your favorite kind of pizza and what's the best place for pizza in NYC?
    What type of cuisine do you enjoy eating the most?
    Thank you.
    [show replies]
    [–]FreshRoastedTasteCA [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Good morning Mr. President,
    My question involves legal immigration to the USA. I married my wife in November 2014. I am a natural-born US citizen, and she is from and was living in South Asia at the time of our wedding. After we were married, I worked on getting all the information needed to the appropriate offices (USCIS), and it took TWO YEARS for her to finally get the chance to come be with me here in the USA.
    There were no issues with my application, the problem was the bureaucracy. After a document was sent to the Department of State, or DHS, they would acknowledge receipt, and then it would be six months or longer until any further action was taken with no support or explanation of what the cause of the delays were. This process grows longer and longer for immigrants to come to the USA lawfully, while it seems illegal immigrants are given instant access to the country, and provided with government programs for which legal immigrants are unable to obtain, e.g. medicare or food- stamps. When you are elected, what will you do to improve the legal immigration process to make sure that immigrants who are qualified to enter the country are able to come and reunite with their spouse or family without unduly long delays? Also, what will you do to make the prospect of coming illegally less appealing to potential illegal aliens, or once they’re here, how can you ensure once they are sent back they do not return?
    Thank you Mr. President,
    My wife and I are rooting for you, and you had my vote since the Arizona primary. MAGA
    [–]AddissonM [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Hi Mr Trump, Do you know about the openly gay conservative pro Trump Breitbart reporter Milo Yiannopoulos and his college campus tour and recent Twitter ban? If so what do you think about him and/or his permanent Twitter ban and would you ever consider using him in any way for your campaign?
    [–]earlymusicaficionado [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Mr. Trump,
    I am concerned that the anti-gun movement is gaining traction recently. How will you protect the full and complete second amendment rights of Americans from those who seek to erode our Constitutional rights?
    [–]ltzmacdaddyMD [score hidden]  (14 children)
    Thank you so much for doing this AMA, Mr. President! I have three questions I would like to ask you:
    1) When did you first settle on using President Reagan's 1980 campaign slogan "Make America Great Again"? Long before you announced you were running or leading up to the announcement? An absolutely brilliant choice given the immense number of similarities you both share. Button for reference http://i.imgur.com/5hs2skW.jpg
    2) Do you think Ivanka Trump will ever run for president? After her speech at the RNC, I would love to see her become the first female president of this amazing country!
    3) Will you ever get tired of winning?
    [–]ManlyGoogoo [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Hi Mr. Trump, thank you for doing this AMA, thank you for standing up against awful free trade agreements, and thank you for standing up to the establishment. Also, congratulations on winning the Republican nomination!
    My questions: As someone who ran for president as an outsider without much prior political experience, what has been the most powerful thing you have learned during this campaign, either about yourself, the country, or the political process?
    [show replies]
    [–]shschief15GA [score hidden]  (2 children)
    First I would like to thank you for taking the time to come visit our DomReddit and answer some of our questions. As you have stated in many different interviews and speeches, you are interested in the power of the states against the Federal Government. Whether it is gay rights, Common Core, or even gun laws, you have consistently stated that you believe the individual States should be able to decide what they want. My question is how exactly will the Trump administration move such powers from our overpowered Federal Government back to the individual State?
    Thank you for your time.
    [show replies]
    [–]PM_ME_RARE_DONALDSUSA [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Huge supporter from the Bay Area here, Mr. Trump. Thanks for taking the time to join us. My question is:
    Are there any lessons or major events that influenced your current campaign from when you were looking to be the nominee of the Reform party?
    Also, my Dad is an 80 year old veteran that lives in Oakland. He wears his Make America Great Again hat everywhere he goes. He tells me more often than not that he met the nicest people that all have positive things to say about his hat and your candidacy. November is going to be a landslide and the Trump Train has no brakes. My Dad and I can't wait for you to come back to the Bay Area for another rally. Thank you, Mr. President!
    [show replies]
    [–]CptPipedreamUSA [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Mr Trump, congratulations and thank you for all that you inspire. Space Exploration has been making tremendous strides providing hope and knowledge to the international community. NASA eliminating their shuttle program was a tough but necessary decision to avoid destroying their current budget. Their honesty to face when they were wrong is exactly how we expect agencies to operate. You are clearly the man who will be able to clean up waste, fraud, and abuse in our country but how do you plan on rewarding the agencies who remain responsible and efficient through difficult times? Specifically those based in science and discovery.
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    [–][deleted]  (7 children)
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      [–]1707BestYearOfMyLifeUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Good evening Mr. Trump, I am a big fan of yours from across the pond.
      Unlike Barack Obama and Crooked Hillary Clinton, who tried to scare the British people with obvious lies and fear-mongering, you came out in support of Brexit - a movement which in many ways echoes the sentiment of your presedential campaign. So..
      1 - If you are elected president, will you strenghen the 'special relationship' between Britain and the USA which has been severely undermined under Obama?
      2 - Does the Brexit vote give you a sense of momentum that this is a movement across the western world away from globalism and back to the basic principles of sovereignty and fair trade?
      [–]FingersoupTN [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Mr. Trump,
      Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton you have laid out viable America-first policies for fixing the messes that we find ourselves in today.
      How will you overcome public apathy/partisanship, the influence of special interest, Congressional stonewalling and media demagoguery to actually implement your policies?
      [–]yoshi061CA [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Mr. Trump, what is your stance on marijuana? Are you going to leave it up to the states to decide?
      Thank you! You will be getting my vote!
      [show replies]
      [–]ashlerrrWI [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Hello Mr. Trump,
      I have loved watching you own the media while simultaneously calling them out on their dishonesty. Do you have any plans for restoring integrity and credibility to the journalism profession once you become President?
      [–]TheIslander829FL [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Hello Mr. Trump!
      We all know what your plan is to make America great again, and we thank you for being here for us.
      My question is this: what can I do to make America great again, aside from casting my vote for you this November?
      A less serious one: do you ever get tired of winning?
      [–]nikozolo [score hidden]  (2 children)
      What an honor to have you, the next President of the USA, and the father of the first woman to be President of the USA, Ivanka Trump. Thank you for your time tonight.
      My question is simple as I've seen you make recent comments pertaining to student loan debt. Can you please elaborate on whether your initiatives on the matter include those of us that have graduated with degrees but are still struggling to wipe out our debt having just recently entered the workforce? Or will the program only include those that have yet to or currently are attending higher education institutions?
      Edit: Not wipe with a cloth
      [–]agent26660NM [score hidden]  (3 children)
      When you become President do think you'll take over the @POTUS Twitter handle?
      If so will you post to both @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS?
      [show replies]
      [–]ThinkMaliciouslyUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Hello Mr. Trump! For most of my life I have leaned slightly Democratic. Like most of the country, the state of today's politics in general has me disgusted. I understand you are a candidate that will certainly shake things up, but the mainstream media has me afraid to vote for you. Can you explain to some of us left leaning voters why we should ignore the media and vote Trump? Thanks!
      [–]yum_strawberriesCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Mr. Trump,
      I'd like to first of all offer my sincere gratitude for sacrificing time away from your successful businesses and beautiful family in order to help Make America Great Again. You are a great man and it's a shame that the corrupt media has to paint you to be such a bad guy.
      My question is: Taking into account the true extent of corruption and lies that Hilary is utilizing to further her campaign, the threat of voting fraud during the general election this November is a real concern that people have been discussing in this subreddit recently. Are you worried about this, and what can we do as Americans to help mitigate it?
      Thank you so much for taking the time to answer questions for us today. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
      [–]CrystalShadow [score hidden]  (2 children)
      Hello Mr. Trump, I have two questions for you.
      First, do you believe Scott Adams is accurate about your campaign strategy? He thinks that the seeming "gaffs" you make are intentional as to generate free media coverage, saying things that can easily be taken out of context and then corrected.
      Second of all, one thing that I feel has been taken out of context is your statement that we need to "Go after" terrorist families. Many have taken that to mean killing them, wheres I take it to mean you would prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law (And not lose track of them like the FBI did for Orlando shooter’s wife). Would you clarify what you meant here? I would like to have something to reference when correcting people about what you mean.
      I pray that you win this November so you can Make America Great Again!
      [–][deleted]  (3 children)
        [show replies]
        [–]SaltyIceMI [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Dear Mr. Trump,
        Your 2016 campaign has been absolutely revolutionary in part due to your business background, branding genius, experience with the crooked media, and tremendous wealth. These are all very unique among politicians. Do you envision future republican leaders as increasingly needing this skill set? In short, do you think your campaign will go down as a phenomenon or as the model for a new political era?
        [–]melapot8MD [score hidden]  (1 child)
        Dear President Trump, savior of America, My fiancé and I are in EPS manufacturing on the east coast. We were wondering whether your import tariff system would focus more on individual industries (i.e. China vs European steel), more on individual countries' trade deficits, a flat rate, all of the above, or something totally off the wall? You are testament to the fact that anything is possible. And believe me, you have our attention, respect, and our vote. MAGA
        [show replies]
        [–]bocaburger [score hidden]  (0 children)
        The MAGA hat is so iconic and will forever symbolize your legacy. Was it your idea?
        [–]ShabdanovMO [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Other than receiving the republican nomination, what has been your favorite moment of your campaign?
        [–]jackarooh [score hidden]  (7 children)
        Hello to the next President of the USA, Mr Donald J. Trump:
        Although it may not appeal so much to the social conservatives in the Republican Party, would you ever offer bringing Milo Yiannopoulos on the campaign trail with you?
        [show replies]
        [–]TheGingerMomARMY [score hidden]  (2 children)
        Mr. President,
        First, we are thankful for you taking the time to bless us with this opportunity. For many of us, this is the only place we can openly express and discuss our support for you without fear.
        Many of your supporters are the silent majority. We are threatened with violence as well as destruction/vandalism of our home and vehicles if we publicly express our support. My husband and I both wanted to attend a rally but it was made clear that we could not do so safely, especially not with our 2 year old without fear. While many of the rioters at these events have been known to be paid, many others are not. They have demonstrated violence at the mere idea of you being a candidate. My husband and I are both veterans and discuss history and politics a bit together and one thing we fear are these same people after you are elected.
        My question is, do you also worry about riots and violence from these same extremists immediately after you are elected and do you have a plan of attack for it if so?
        Signed, Anxiously Awaiting You To MAGA.
        [–]PM_ME_YOURBROKENHARTHUN [score hidden]  (5 children)
        Hello, Mr. Trump.
        I am a fan and supporter of yours from Hungary. The Hungarian PM, Viktor Orban endorsed you last week, a first from a world leader. What are your feelings and opinion about his endorsement?
        Thanks ahead for the answer and good luck on November 8th!
        [–]PresNimbleNavigatorUSA [score hidden]  (15 children)
        Welcome President Trump!
        I started a little Trump Museum to drive my liberal friends crazy! It includes my 4 rally signatures, thank you!
        • 1. How deep will The Greatest Wall go underground?
        • 2. You graciously signed my $500 Bill in San Diego and my friend's $1000 Bill and Gold bar! What has been your favorite item to sign at a rally? https://youtu.be/oiB-G6mCCo4
        • 3. Would you ever travel into space once space tourism is viable and very safe.
        Thank you and MAGA!
        P.S. please do an aerial photo/video shoot with Trump Force One and Pence's MAGA 737! It's too badass to pass up!
        [show replies]
        [–]bonadzzIL [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Mr. Trump, I first want to thank you for doing this AMA, and thank you for everything you have done for our country already. You're my inspiration, I've read your book, "The Art of the Deal" and it is fantastic.
        So to my question. As small business owner who manufactures everything in the USA, as well as the son of 2 wonderful small business owners themselves, What is your plan with IRS audits and shakedowns?
        My parents just went through a 3 year shakedown from the IRS which at the end the IRS found absolutely nothing. Though my parents didn't have to pay any fines or anything, all of the accounting and lawyer costs were so massive that they almost made my parents' business go under. It's horrible that the government themselves came and almost destroyed my parents business even when they did nothing wrong.
        Any comments on this subject would be great!
        Thank you Mr. Trump
        [–]pancakeesMAGA [score hidden]  (1 child)
        I couldn't believe my eyes when you retweeted a rare pepe - what gives you the edge and how did you become the first social media candidate to run for president?
        [–]mivvanMAGA [score hidden]  (2 children)
        Mr. President, as recent weeks have shown the policies of open borders advocates produced deadly consequences in Europe and elsewhere. Do you have a message for Europeans concerned about illegal mass migration and the terrorism and security issues this process seems to generate ?
        [–]E-rockCommentSWE [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Hello Mr. Trump. Thanks for taking time out of your busy campaign schedule to answer questions on /r/the_Donald. We are proud to offer our continued support as you nimbly navigate your way to Presidency of the United States. Who would you say is your biggest political influence and why? In what ways has their philosophy helped change or shape your own political views?
        [–]CitationDependentCAN [score hidden]  (0 children)
        Mr. Trump,
        Question highlighted below.
        You gave another epic speech at the RNC, but I have reservations with "the law and order candidate".
        That’s a given seeing as you are running against a criminal, but could you clarify? For example, during Hillary’s last failure in the White House, she pushed the “Tough on Crime” bill. She called her constituents “super predators” and the impact of the bill lead to cases like Ted Cruz prosecuted to the Supreme Court where a man stole a calculator and was sentenced to 16 years. It lead to fatherless children, some nasty policing practices, harsh sentencing for the poor and diverse, and high rates of recidivism: Hillary’s “prison to prison pipeline". This isn’t law and order, but apparently, that’s what it means to Hillary - as long as she isn’t the suspect.
        I understand that Obama has made some terrible leadership decisions in regards to prosecuting certain criminals, and he was just as heartless as the Clintons when it came to prosecuting marijuana. To pander to Bernie supporters, Hillary will apparently “look into” decriminalizing/legalizing marijuana. Being that it had been an issue during their first stay in the White House, while she was a senator, and Head of State, suggests it takes Hillary quite a while to look into it, long enough for 15,000,000 arrests for marijuana to take place.
        As the law and order candidate, what will you do to address America having the world’s highest incarceration rate (apart from Seychelles, population < 90k), thanks, in part, to Hillary Clinton?
        Thank you.
        [–][deleted]  (3 children)
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          [–]DeadnJazzy [score hidden]  (2 children)
          Great to have you here, this is a huge day for us! I have three questions I'd like to ask. Answer any of them you like.
          When can we expect to hear names of potential cabinet members?
          When you are elected President, would you reconsider having the Department of Justice prosecute Crooked Hillary Clinton?
          And of course, the question we've all been dying to know the answer too, do you, people from your campaign staff, or any of your children lurk among us on this subreddit?
          [show replies]
          [–]HIGHLY_VENOMOUSMD [score hidden]  (3 children)
          President Trump, were you expecting Hillary Clinton to be this easy to defeat? Her campaign so far is a dumpster fire.
          [show replies]
          [–]RasputinKvasTX [score hidden]  (0 children)
          What steps need to be taken to have a healthy relationship between the US and Russia?
          [–]MillennialforTrump16AZ [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Soon to be elected President Donald J. Trump, it is a truly an honor sir. I have been with you since day 1 and you have inspired me and millions of others to take back our country. It is clear that most Americans now believe that the system is rigged for the political elite. As President, what do you think are the best ways to fix the special interests and foreign control over our government? Also, what is your message to Independent voters on the fence and Bernie supporters who are hurting and eager for campaign finance reform? Thank you!
          [–]finest_pirate [score hidden]  (5 children)
          What is your biggest goal when you become president?
          [show replies]
          [–]originalusername99 [score hidden]  (2 children)
          Mr Trump,
          To me, and to millions of others, you are an absolute role model, an American patriot, and a hero. As a 17 year old, what can I do to make sure that you are the next President of the United States? As a young American, what can I do to help get the word out about your movement? More than anything else, I would like to show people the real, honest, loving, hardworking Donald Trump, which tragically, many people don't seem to know due to such harsh rhetoric put forth by your opponents. Through every speech and every new poll, millions of us are standing right behind you. What can we, young America, do for your campaign?
          [–]MAGA_Europe [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Dear Mister Trump,
          I'm 20 years old and a big supporter of yours from Germany. I pray everyday that you will win this election and become the next president because I truly believe that you can Make America Great Again! And besides: If Crooked Hillary wins, I think it might well be over for you guys, too. She will be just like Angela Merkel. Europe is going down the tubes because of the insane policies of her and other crazy politicians. I am doing everything I can to fight it and save Europe but it doesn't seem to work out.
          (TL;DR) (TL;DR) (TL;DR)
          So here is my Question:
          Will Germans and Europeans be able to "seek asylum" in the United States if you become president?
          My continent seems to be lost (we are living in an environment of islamic terrorism after all), but I would be more than happy to help Make America Great Again and have my future children grow up in an environment of safety and freedom and I truly believe that you can provide that as the President of the greatest nation on the face of the earth: The United States of America.
          God bless you, your family, and everyone around you!
          [–]KryzoidFL [score hidden]  (0 children)
          President Trump, what are your plans for day #1 in office?
          [–]Fastman99USA [score hidden]  (0 children)
          On inauguration day, will you tell Obama “YOU’RE FIRED!!!” ?
          [–]fattybommbatty [score hidden]  (3 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump. Thank you for doing this AMA and I am with you all the way! Lets MAGA!! As for my question, I am a RN and have had the pleasure to work at many different hospitals and work with different types of patients. The most concerning thing to me is the lack of mental care in this country and how a lot of things could be done better if we had better funding for mental health care facilities. What are your thoughts on this and plans to attack the growing number of mentally ill people in America?
          [–]OverTheHillary [score hidden]  (0 children)
          I don't think most people want to attack the mentally ill, whether their number is shrinking or growing.
          [–]_Grace1983_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
          I am very interested. I hope he answers this.
          [–]RAPIN_BILLYUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
          I know your comment is very serious, but I giggled at how the last sentence is worded
          [–]mismanagerMD [score hidden]  (5 children)
          President Trump, aside from voting, what can we do to help your campaign? I did political canvassing in the past, was a top door-to-door rep in the nation selling cable and Internet for a telecom, and eventually started my own company selling service for a large telecom and managed/trained over 25 employees. I want to put my talents and expertise to use so we can MAGA. THANK YOU AGAIN!
          [show replies]
          [–]YaCrooksCT [score hidden]  (3 children)
          Mr. Trump,
          I propose to you, during your presidency, a monthly get together where 6 to 8 citizens of this great nation are chosen via random lottery and are invited to voice their concerns over dinner at the White House. This will be a great way for you to not only keep in touch with the American people, but also keep citizens active and excited about what is happening in their government. It can be likened to a more intimate fireside chat where you can get invaluable feedback from the people you will hopefully be representing come 2017. After seeing so much special treatment towards celebrities and other high profile guests during the current administration, it would be outstanding to see some average, hardworking Americans invited to the White House. The White House is the peoples house. It is a symbol of our country, and perhaps one of the most influential buildings in human history. I hope that you will be our tenant come this January, as we are drawing up eviction papers for the current tenants right now.
          Thank you Mr. Trump for your time,
          A Concerned Citizen.
          [show replies]
          [–]jon_gisNJ [score hidden]  (4 children)
          Mr. Trump, do you support legalizing recreational marijuana?
          [–]wild_cat_attackIL [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Mr. Trump - What has been your most treasured memory of the election so far?
          [–]bobtheengineer314159 [score hidden]  (4 children)
          Good evening, Mr. Trump.
          I know many former Bernie supporters here on Reddit are disgruntled with both the DNC’s nominee, as you call her, Crooked Hillary and with the DNC itself over the recent leaks. Many of them to the point that they absolutely refuse to vote for Clinton and instead are beginning to support a third-party candidate such as Jill Stein or Gary Johnson. Some are even considering throwing their vote your way. As a former Bernie supporter myself, I am currently undecided on who to back, whether it be you, Clinton, or a third-party candidate. To put my question simply, why should I vote for you?
          [show replies]
          [–]_Trump_Not_StumpedNH [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump!
          Who would you say are are the best five and worst five presidents in United States history?
          [–]sandyfaginaPOL [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Mr. Trump, with all due respect, you haven't even started on Crooked Hillary.
          We are aware of her egregious corruption through the Clinton Foundation, her involvement in North Korea getting nuclear weapons, her actions as Secretary of State that killed thousands, and of course, her corrupt collusion with the DNC against Bernie Sanders. When are you going to go on the offensive?
          [–]haolecoderUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Mr. Trump, as a software engineer who's been in the industry for 15 years with a bachelor's degree in computer science, I have a question related to the high tech industry. The H-1B program is supposed to help fill the void of qualified tech workers, but from personal experience it feels like more of a way for companies to commoditize the labor force and buy it for a cheaper rate.
          What is your opinion of the H-1B visa program?
          [–]gu4po [score hidden]  (1 child)
          Mr President-Elect, thank you for taking the time to do this AMA.
          What do you think is to be done about Edward Snowden? Your earlier remarks on Snowden were a bit vague.
          [–]tfredr16MN [score hidden]  (1 child)
          Donald, thanks for doing this AMA.
          You have tapped into the feeling of many Americans that this country isn’t as great as it once was, and has the potential to be much, much greater. One of the reasons this feeling is so prevalent is because we really don’t do anything awe-inspiring anymore. I’m only 18, and when I was much younger I was fascinated with space exploration, science, and technology in general. I learned all about NASA, the Apollo missions, and the vastness of the Universe above our heads. Most of all, I looked forward to the new advances and discoveries that humanity would achieve in my lifetime. I felt lucky to be a part of the country that had led those discoveries in the past, and would lead in the future.
          Now that I’m older and have a better understanding of this country’s attitude towards space exploration, I’m incredibly disappointed at the spiritlessness of our leaders. They’re even worse than All Talk, No Action. They aren’t even talking about the future that space holds. They probably don’t even think about it. Investing in NASA would be a great move financially, and beginning a new era of space exploration would boost the morale of this country, especially the younger generations, a TREMENDOUS amount. And.... while it may be a long, long ways off, eventually humanity WILL need to leave this planet. It’s better that we start preparing sooner rather than later.
          So, with that in mind, Donald, what will you do to rekindle the awe of exploration that gripped our country back when JFK (one of the last good Democrats) announced that our great country would land a man on the moon?
          How much would you expand the budget of NASA? Are there any space-related or technology-related projects that a Trump administration would push?
          I firmly believe that action on these issues is crucial to Make America Great Again.
          [–]originalusername99 [score hidden]  (1 child)
          Mr Trump,
          What is your stance or position on dealing with global warming as it affects our environment?
          [–]-Richard [score hidden]  (4 children)
          Mr. Trump, would you rather fight one Jeb-sized Rand, or one hundred Rand-sized Jebs?
          [show replies]
          [–]Coregame3CA [score hidden]  (0 children)

          What's your take on Hillary Clinton's Armenian Genocide denial, and will you use it against her?

          Please help us Christians in the Middle-East because Clinton sure as heck won't.

          [–]RotatedTacoUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Good Evening Mr Trump, I am from the United Kingdom and as you know we have recently undergone Brexit and I am wondering whether this changes your ideas of trade between our two nations when we (hopefully) officially leave the E.U. during your term. I am also curious to your opinion on Theresa May.
          [–]BeardBurn [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Mr. Trump, as a European, I can confirm lots of people see you as the last hope for the Western world, here in the old continent. As the next POTUS, will you try to shift Europe's current route towards self-destruction?
          [–]BlueDeadpoolUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Hello, Mr. Trump! Welcome to Reddit!
          First of all, what do you think of the DNC leaks of Mrs. Clinton and also what are your thoughts on BREXIT?
          [–]Misogynist-bydefaultOR [score hidden]  (2 children)
          Dear Donald J. Trump,
          I represent a srinking minority of middle class union building tradesmen in the United States of America. My brothers and sisters assure me that the route success for unions is behind the Democrats and Hillary Clinton. I know that they are dead wrong.
          What i want to know, from our next President of the United States of America, is how to convince a 100 year old institution that you are what is needed for America AND skilled labor Unions.
          So i ask you; what will you do for the builders of this great nation and what will you do for the union workers across the country who are the best of the best.
          Thank You, Anthony J.
          Make America Great Again!
          [–]AramosinNC [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump.
          First I would like to just say thank you for running. This is my third presidential election I am voting in and the first time I am ecstatic to vote. This is such an important election for so many reasons as most of us here are aware.
          Crooked Hillary’s email server was hacked, the wikileaks prove emails were obtained by intrusion. I have yet to hear anybody else talk about this possible topic. What in your opinion are the chances that there are emails being held to be used as blackmail against her should she get into office?
          [–]CrossCoderCA [score hidden]  (7 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump and thank you for doing this AMA,
          As president, what would you do for persecuted Christians in the Middle East?
          [show replies]
          [–]Rigodzinya [score hidden]  (5 children)
          Doesn't Donald Trump have a non interventionist policy. To mind our own?
          [–]Rand_alThor_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Nope he just will pressure allies and regional powers to actually deal with it
          [–]dcmc6dMO [score hidden]  (3 children)
          Would you prefer to stand back while homosexuals are being pushed off buildings, people getting their heads cut off for their religious views, and women/children being raped and kidnapped?
          [–]Brobi_WanKenobiSC [score hidden]  (1 child)
          I'd rather make sure our homosexuals and women and children and religious people are safe first
          [–]dcmc6dMO [score hidden]  (0 children)
          That's a given
          [–]Pjerelly [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump! My question is about the current and future status of the SCOTUS. Do you believe that it would be better for a dominant conservative/liberal supreme court or would you say that a moderate supreme court would be better?
          P.S. Thank you for running! MAGA!
          [–]ypash [score hidden]  (2 children)
          Hello Mr President!
          Just a very quick question, do you browse Reddit, and if so how frequently?
          [show replies]
          [–]hgt678CA [score hidden]  (3 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump,
          Do you support removing suppressors from the NFA as the Hearing Protection Act (H.R. 3799) proposes? Also, would you support lifting the ban on civilian ownership of newly manufactured machine guns?
          Thank you.
          [–]Blix-TX [score hidden]  (0 children)
          I really want to know the answer to this. Taking silencers off the NFA list should in theory be bipartisan. It's just common sense ;)
          [–]1stGenRexCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
          What really sucks is that even if this passed, it wouldn't affect either of us in any way, other than making other states that much more appealing.
          Kudos though for supporting legislation that would win back rights for others. Quite the opposite of what we see from all the others in "muh free states"
          [–]dasbooth [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Mr. Trump, what is your opinion on making U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico and Guam states? Would it benefit our economy or bring more of a downfall?
          [–]HatchRawerBerylAL [score hidden]  (6 children)
          Mr. Trump, I’d like to start by saying thank you for running for president. Without you it’d probably be Jeb! Vs Crooked Hillary. I can’t imagine. Here are my questions:
          1. Do you think Donald Jr. will run for president someday?
          2. What does your diet typically consist of? You’re incredibly healthy, and you look great, while others like Bernie Sanders and Crooked Hillary look like they’re a few steps from the grave.
          [–]ApplePeacanMA [score hidden]  (5 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump! It's an absolute honor to know you might be reading this question with your own eyes. As a moderate Liberal who now is leaning more towards the conservative side of this election, I have a few general questions you might want to answer... I'd like to get to know you more!
          1. What's your opinion of General Flynn, and would it be a possibility that he could be included in your cabinet?
          2. What do you do to relax?
          3. Can you make a simple, persuasive case why capitalism is preferable to socialism?
          4. What's your favorite type of sandwich?
          5. Would it be possible to receive a signed picture of you? It would make my very lack-luster room spectacular!
          Thank you so much Donald Trump for taking the time to acknowledge me even if you don't reply, it will hold a special place in my heart knowing you read my words. Thank you so much for working to Make America Great Again! and I will be voting for YOU in November!
          [–]PutLotionInTheBasket [score hidden]  (1 child)
          Greetings Mr. Trump! Congratulations on your nomination and thank you for taking the time to answer some of our questions.
          As someone who works in production for film visual effects and games, I have seen a huuuuuge chunk of our jobs move up to Canada over the past several years due to their policy of offering tax subsidies to their studios. Are you opposed to this practice on the same level as you do currency manipulation and would you fight to end this practice by Canada in order to level the playing field with US studios and help bring jobs back? Additionally, Would you be willing to consider tariffs or addional taxes on US film/game studios that partake in subsidized Canadian labor markets as a way to discourage this practice?
          [–]ShionKaito438 [score hidden]  (5 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump!
          What's your favorite food?
          [show replies]
          [–]Ein326FL [score hidden]  (3 children)
          Mr. Trump, First I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for treating myself and my fellow minorities as people and not props. Also I want to thank you as a Orlando native for the love and support you've shown my city, my LGBT brothers and sisters that we've lost and that you haven't forgotten us. The media and the world may have moved on but I know we're on your mind constantly.
          Now onto my question: Where in your opinion is Omar Mateen wife, Noor Salon? Do you believe that she is still in the country or has she been smuggled out?
          [–]GodEmperorDonald [score hidden]  (3 children)
          What are your thoughts on Libertarian presidential candidate, Gary Johnson, and what nickname do you believe would be most fitting for him?
          [–]ArminscopyofSwank [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Nicknames are for taking the high and mighty down a peg, not for kicking the little guy, IMO.
          [–]nonestumptrumpNJ [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Hello Mr. Trump,
          It is a tremendous honor to have you here today. You may never truly know how YOOOOJ of a deal this is for us nimble navigating centipedes who regularly roam this subreddit.
          I have the following question:
          Do you believe it is still possible to create a lasting rightward shift in this country, i.e. undo the damage of the 75+ year leftward shift we are still experiencing as a result of FDR's New Deal (and by extension LBJ's massive welfare state expansion; the "Great Society")? We now have generations of people, mainly poor, literally born into welfare who've never known anything else. Essentially, Democrats have created a self perpetuating voter bloc by keeping these people dependent on welfare while "forcing" them to keep voting Democrat in order to maintain their government support. This has also led to the horrors of identity politics, ravaging our democracy, by pressuring people to vote purely based on their race, religion, etc. (Personally, I view this as "21st century slavery" since these policies essentially deny their recipients of the American Dream by keeping them poor and dependent - all in a disguised effort to keep the Democrats in power, while demonizing the Republicans for trying to curb said entitlements.)
          My fear is that there will be a continued, unstoppable increase in Democrat voters due to this alone, unless this half century+ policy is addressed/reversed, and that your presidency will simply be a rightward "blip" in an overall hopeless Leftward direction.
          Assuming you win (and you will!), how will you perpetuate these right wing values (of being self-made and hard-working) beyond your term in office?
          Thank you, again!
          [–]GezoraNY [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Mr. Trump,
          Your run to retake Washington from the deep-seated corruption has been phenomenal. Many of us watch your rallies online and we get to see the compassion and respect you hold for all of your supporters.
          What advice would you give students on taking risks? The world of business is so fascinating but many opportunities come at a high risk. Personally, I’m interested in a career in finance but accounting can be a much safer (but very linear) path. I think this translates well for many different fields and would love to hear your message to students who feel lost.
          [–]CgcghostFL [score hidden]  (1 child)
          Mr. Trump, it's an honor to get the opportunity to have an AMA with you.
          What do you think the media reaction (especially leftist) will be when you win?
          Has your family always supported your decision to run for president, or were they skeptical in the beginning?
          Thank you for doing this!
          [–]lets_get_hyyerrNJ [score hidden]  (0 children)
          They aren't going to broadcast a lot of it. Maybe a "Donald won. in any news, france blah blah blah"
          [–][deleted]  (2 children)
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            [–]hardcorebrowserAUS [score hidden]  (3 children)

            Thank you President Trump for doing this AMA

            As one of your many Australian fans, we are watching your success with great pride and wholeheartedly support our Ameribros and Amerigals smash through the conditioning of decades of regressive establishment policy.
            A very prominent coin phrase of the 1990s was "America sneezes and Australia catches a cold", can you perhaps speak to some of your proposals in regards to relations and interactions with long standing allies and friends?
            As my fellow centipedes can attest, this is now an international movement. Do you believe that the new standards your administration will undoubtly set for prosperity, patriotism and virtue; will become once again the level that other nations will endeavour to seek?
            Thank you again for your time, God bless you and Mike Pence, God bless America and her allies.

            THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE TRUMPIRE /r/the_donald

            [–]PDXMB [score hidden]  (2 children)
            I think you've been hit in the head with one too many drop bears.
            [–]hardcorebrowserAUS [score hidden]  (1 child)
            Troll somewhere else, clown.
            [–]PDXMB [score hidden]  (0 children)
            Your upside down words are hurtful.
            [–]CustosClaviumAZ [score hidden]  (2 children)
            Welcome, Mr. Trump!
            How do you stay positive and upbeat, relentlessly striving for success, when so many are working against you? What is the key to your optimism?
            I voted for you in the AZ primary and was at the Tucson rally (But I am a proud daughter of South Carolina, so shoutout to my homestste!). I'm looking forward to voting you into office this November. Thank you for reading this!
            [–]dfpagamUSA [score hidden]  (1 child)
            Upvoted. I want this answered!
            [–]djpcofficialNY [score hidden]  (0 children)
            Hello Mr. Trump! Just like everyone on this subreddit, I'm a huge fan! I had a great time at your rally in my local town of Poughkeepsie, NY!
            But my question is one that is on EVERYONE's mind.
            When you become president, what exactly are you going to do about Crooked Hillary and the corruption of the DNC?
            [–]Dwights_Bobblehead [score hidden]  (3 children)
            Hi Mr Trump.
            Your comments today in reference to China and Russia passing emails to the FBI have caused quite a stir. I didn’t personally read it as an encouragement to “hack”, but could you clarify these comments and your standpoint on Russia and China getting involved in American affairs in general?
            [show replies]
            [–]AutoModerator[M] [score hidden]  (0 children)
            We suspect your post is a troll post. Your post has been removed.
            I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
            [–]RP-on-AF1MO [score hidden]  (0 children)
            He baited the Democrats into admitting they were a national security risk. Right?
            [–]comcast_ebola_tyson [score hidden]  (0 children)
            I'm not Trump obviously, but I think he meant it's a shame we have to rely on Soviet Communist Russia to bring transparency to the most corrupt political party in American history.
            [–]TrumpshakerMAGA [score hidden]  (2 children)
            I have heard that you are a fan of "The Fountainhead". In your opinion, what is the most positive lesson from this book?
            ♥Thanks so much for agreeing to do this AMA!♥
            [–]catala7FL [score hidden]  (1 child)
            I would love for him to come out as an Ayn Rand fan. That would really trigger liberals.
            [–]TrumpshakerMAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
            He has in the past!
            [–]SwifticalTX [score hidden]  (0 children)

            Greetings Mr.Trump!

            What impact has social media had on your campaign positively? Are you looking forward to utilizing it more in the future? Also what do you miss doing that you have no time for anymore?

            Also thank you for coming here and recognizing us, it really means a lot!

            [–]Helyqy [score hidden]  (0 children)
            Greetings Mr. Trump!
            I went to your rally in Greensboro, North Carolina and it was incredible! I know you will make America so great again!
            What is the best way a citizen under 18 like myself can help show support towards you and your movement?
            Thank you and I love you!
            [–]Love_SyrupFL [score hidden]  (0 children)
            Mr Trump, thank you for taking the time to do this AMA whilst on your quest to Make America Great Again and congratulations on the recent poll numbers. A couple of questions, if I may:
            -Did you see the recent seizure/stroke episode Hillary had while speaking to reporters inside a Starbucks? Do you believe she is healthy enough to hold office?
            -Why do you suppose Hillary refuses to hold a press conference?
            -Why has the media been silent about Hillary selling 20% of our uranium to Russia?
            Thank you for exposing the mainstream media for the frauds that they are. I’ve been following your campaign for months and I didn’t understand your bias towards them initially. As time went on, I witnessed firsthand how the MSM controls the narrative. The recent #DNCleaks further proved that you were right about the media, as well as other corruptions. Thank you for being honest and fighting for America. #TrumpPence16
            [–]MoocanoeCAN [score hidden]  (0 children)
            Thank you for doing This AMA Mr. Trump
            My question for you is, How do you think Justin Trudeau’s Stance on Immigration and Refugees will affect Canada, as well as The United States of America?
            [–][deleted]  (2 children)
              [show replies]
              [–]favelaGoBOOMTX [score hidden]  (2 children)
              Mr. Trump, you've said one wrong thing to us during your campaign. Let me explain.
              You said that we'll win so much, that we'll get tired of winning. Well you were wrong, we're NOT tired of winning, we want more!
              MAGA USA USA USA USA
              [show replies]
              [–]Powerass [score hidden]  (1 child)
              Mr. Trump, why are so many people infected by political correctness, and how are you going to combat this?
              [–]Breakless_TrainTN [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Donald J. Trump,
              Given this timeline of events:
              2008: Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS) was the co-chair of Hillary's 2008 presidential run, where Hillary lost the nomination to Obama.
              2009: Tim Kaine Becomes the Chair of the DNC.
              2011: Tim Kaine steps down from his position as DNC chair.
              2011: DWS appointed as the DNC Chair.
              2016: Tim Kaine Selected as Hillary Clinton’s Vice President.
              2016: Email leak shows DWS help rig the system to get Hillary selected as the Democratic Nominee. DWS steps down from her position as DNC chair.
              2016: Hillary Clinton hires DWS as “honorary chair” to her 2016 campaign.
              What would you say would be the best way to expose this kind of corruption? And, how do you plan to help us hold the media accountable?
              Thank you for being with us,
              The humble citizens of the United States of America
              [–]theroitsmithUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr Trump. As a Brit I want to thank you for supporting our democratic decision to leave the European Union unlike some other crooked people. So I want to ask what sort of relationship do you envision with the UK post Brexit?
              [–]Shrub_530WI [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Recently universities have implemented policies that, while intended to protect people from harassment, have actually become a mean of censoring conservative points of view. As well as this, certain companies like Facebook and Twitter have started to ban certain conservative voices on their platform. As president, what action would you take to prevent this, and better protect our freedom of speech not only on campuses, but in a modern digital age where most online platforms are controlled by private companies. Thanks for answering.
              [–]DrinkourwayoutofitPA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump,
              As President, what actions would you take in your first 100 days in office to foster a pro-economic growth domestic energy policy?
              Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions tonight!
              [–]Jaberworky [score hidden]  (0 children)
              1.) Are you worried electronic voting boothes are rigged?
              2.) With all of the controversy around emails, why is technology such a minor topic in elections? You've vaguely mentioned security and how easy it is to get a website, but it really only scratches the surface. It's impossible for strong candidates to get jobs in the government because the government is a terrible job provider. They short sell people on their skill and in tech that's just not feasible. Interviews are often done by managers with project requirements, but lack the technological background to tell the bullshitters from the strong candidates. Projects are slow, because no one needs to be accountable, because the people in charge don't know how much effort it even SHOULD take. (source: I'm a softwar engineer)
              Speaking of which, next time you're talking about the emails, don't forget to bring up Hillary's remote administration port for her server was literally on a DMZ. That means the same thing on a computer as the military, a DEMILITARIZED ZONE.
              3.) I'm up for promotion in October, if given the opportunity what is your most simple advice in terms of negotiating the best deal for myself as possible?
              [–]ZilpzalpDEU [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hello Mr. Trump!
              I'm one of your supporters from Europe and I hope that your presidency will set a precedence, and your successful presidency will make Europeans dare to think rationally again, rather than submitting to political correctness.
              Personally, I would like an answer to the following: I'm German, but my parents are Turkish (and therefore muslim). I am not a muslim, but I fear I might be classified as one. I'll soon get my Master's and I want to migrate to the US eventually. Will I face problems when I want to migrate because of my descent? I agree with putting restrictions on immigration, but I fear that I might (falsely) be affected by it. How will I be able to prove that I'm not a lunatic terrorist?
              [–]segasaurusVA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Dear Mr. Trump,
              I wholeheartedly support you and I think you are the best choice for the USA. However, I'm Lithuanian. My country has a small Russian population, about 5%, most are well-integrated. My country is also actively working on reaching the 2% spending NATO requires, and has already come close. Despite all this, I must admit your recent comments about the Baltics really concern me, considering how much bloodshed and struggle our newfound independence cost us.
              My question is, do I really have any reasons to worry that my country will cease to exist under your rule?
              Thank you.
              [–]yerPalSalTN [score hidden]  (8 children)
              What can we individuals do to help get you elected?
              [–]RP-on-AF1MO [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Post dank memes!
              [–]danknissanTUR [score hidden]  (1 child)
              [–]worldnewsragerMS [score hidden]  (0 children)
              [–]gologologolo [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Vote? Or I guess you could post dank memes too
              [–]twodollazUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              MEMES AND VOTES.
              [–]catala7FL [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Make sure you vote and make everyone around you vote for him.
              [–]independentbystanderUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              GET OUT AND VOTE lol <3
              [–]Nice_guys69 [score hidden]  (0 children)
              How are you going to balance civil liberties of American citizens and National security threats?
              [–]mallowciraptorME [score hidden]  (1 child)
              Mr. Trump, thank you for taking time out to speak with us here. I’ll try and keep my inquiry brief, but my question for you today is related to foreign policy.
              I find it to be very interesting that so many people look at Russia as a problem country that must be dealt with instead of a country that should be at the forefront of leading Europe and Asia. Part of your campaign has touched on doing one of the many things that Obama could not do: improving foreign relations with Russia. In your opinion, what should be done to help strengthen our bond with a country like Russia to make us stronger allies and help work together to bring stability to the Middle East?
              Most importantly, I cannot wait to check the box next to your name in November and do my part to assist you in making this country the gold standard once again.
              [–]Tactitowawayz [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Has running for president changed how you view politicians? if so, how?
              [–]KaineandUnable [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Once elected, what are your plans regarding Hillary Clinton's crimes? Will justice be served? In addition, are you planning on putting someone more honest in charge of the FBI?
              [–]ragnarokroboFL [score hidden]  (0 children)
              President Trump, it's well known you're one of the few residents of NYC to have a concealed carry license. What gun(s) do you carry, which are your favorite and do you carry on the campaign trail?
              [–]ShaolinSupermanMN [score hidden]  (0 children)
              What steps will you take to improve US-Russian relations, and would you be willing to seek a formal alliance with Russia?
              [–]QuiottUSA [score hidden]  (1 child)
              If someone currently owns land on the border with Mexico - what can they do to prepare for the wall? What would be most helpful?
              [–]Sir-CoffeeNY [score hidden]  (2 children)
              1). Do you support term limits for members of the United States Senate, members of the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court Justices?
              2). Bernie Sanders wanted to overturn Citizens United so the wealthiest people and corporations can't outright determine elections. I may disagree with him on a number of issues, but after you're out of office, we will be left defenseless again(So I can agree with Bernie here). I know you can't personally overturn it, but would you appoint Justices who would be willing to?
              3). Would you be open to having Ron Paul as Treasure Secretary so you could properly audit the Federal Reserve or have him as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board?
              [–]LavenderGoomes [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Unfortunately, it's not just a Supreme Court issue. The Supreme Court doesn't create laws. They can be helpful in this regard, but they aren't the full solution.
              [–]2016Politics [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Oooh, good questions!
              I like the idea of Ron Paul for Chairman of the Federal Reserve!!!! Please President Trump?
              [–]GlockInboundNV [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hello (future) President Trump. We're all humbled to have you here in our decent little chunk of the Internet. Here are my burning questions for you:
              How does this election compare to your run in the Reform Party in 2000?
              What is your vision of the next four years under your presidency?
              Thank you and God bless.
              [–]Fearless619CA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Donald J Trump, Thanks for your service to our country. Has this subreddit helped your campaign at all during this current election with things like information? What do you hope to be remembered for during your term as POTUS?
              [–]Ukcareerguy [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hi Mr Trump, first of all thank you for doing this AMA, I'm a foreign national (UK) and my question is regarding your immigration policies. I have always wondered about the ideal of The American dream and as a result I have considered moving to the USA, however I have always felt that it would be easier for someone that overstayed their visa to obtain residency than someone who is highly qualified (Masters/PhD) and thus discouraging to take this risk. What will be your policies regarding highly qualified applicants that could otherwise emigrate elsewhere or stay in their homes but would consider the USA their home. How would you make America competitive in this regard
              [–]pinzoi1OK [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Dear Mr. Trump, I want to say thank you for inspiring teenagers like me to take interest in politics and the direction America is headed. Make America Great Again!
              [–]detroiter67MI [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump, Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this AMA. It was an honor and privilege to meet you and get your autograph by your Warren, MI rally in March.
              My two questions are regarding foreign policy.
              1) Regarding Russia, you have said multiple times that you no longer want to be in a conflict with them, instead you'd like to have them as allies in our fight against ISIS and Radical Islam. While I agree with you whole heartedly, I would like to know what steps would you take to normalize relations with Russia? Would the sanctions be lifted?
              2) Regarding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, you've said that you would love to get a deal done. However, we clearly see that one side (the Israelis) are very much open to a deal, whereas the Palestinians instead of promoting peace incite and commit violence against innocent Israeli citizens. What would President Trump do to force the Palestinians to denounce terrorism and come back to the negotiating table in good faith? Is cutting off aid an option on the table?
              Thank you very much.
              [–]SterlingPoundUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr Trump,
              I love what you’re doing with your campaign and I’m wishing it the best of luck from here in the UK!
              But now for my question. How committed would you be to America’s Special Relationship with the UK and would you consider a trade deal with the UK when it leaves the European Union?
              Thank you, and...


              [–]ItsATedAndRandPartyTED [score hidden]  (0 children)
              CHOO CHOO ALL ABOARD!!! Greetings from your most loyal fan base and thank you for spreading some Meme Magic over at r/The_Donald!!!!!!
              1. How would you describe the media's desperate attempt to deflect away from how corrupt Hillary Clinton and the DNC are? They somehow think blaming Russia will place the blame elsewhere. In my opinion it doesn't matter who did it. What matters is what was revealed. Between Clinton Cash, the deleted emails, the Clinton Foundation and the "Clinton Body Count", idk how anyone in their right mind could vote for Hillary Rotten Clinton. Everything she says is a lie and the media shills for her 24/7. Also, I look forward to the U.S. working WITH Putin and the Russians under your administration. The media makes Putin out to be a super villain when he's not. Putin is defending Assad from yet ANOTHER illegal regime change.
              2. Please consider Ron Paul for president of the FED and consider bringing Rand Paul on as part of your foreign policy advisory team since you both have similar views on foreign policy. Hell, I was for Rand at first but quickly got on board the Trump Train after you demolished Guac Bowl in the South Carolina debate!!! We love you Mr. Trump!
              4. Today you got Hillary to admit her "yoga emails" are a national security issue. Seems like you are playing 4D Korean Starcraft and Hillary is playing checkers!
              5. Ivanka will be the first female president!
              [–]brandog484 [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Thank you for doing this AMA, Mr. Trump. When you're not managing businesses or fighting to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, what do you do? What are your hobbies or interests?
              [–]NotASqueakerNC [score hidden]  (2 children)
              Mr. Trump, Is it hard to drive the trump train since it has no brakes?
              [show replies]
              [–]whatever_rows_boatUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              "Mr. Trump, Reports estimate that 90% of US media is owned by 6 companies. The US mass media has fused into a gross alliance with big business and big government as this election has shown more than any other. The dishonest media is rigging our democracy with a radical agenda that divides americans and causes nothing but sensationalism and hatred at the expense of the USA. They are killing our country for ratings and profit, with impunity. How will you, as president, tackle this protected class of media elites without stepping on the first amendment rights of average americans?"
              [–]IllinoisdelegateTrump Delegate [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hello President Trump. I was a delegate bound to you from the state of Illinois! I don't have a question, I just want to say thank for how awesome the RNC was and mention that it was incredibly high energy, all thanks to you
              [–]PanPizzMA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hi Donald, What location in NYC is your favorite except Trump Tower and Central Park?
              [–]worldnewsragerMS [score hidden]  (0 children)
              President Trump, you are one of the most vocal persons regarding the directed attacks by Islamic Jihadists against U.S. service-members and our Ally service-members (Ft. Hood; Tenn. recruiting; Navy Yard; et al), as a (non-combat) Veteran I ask the following:
              DoD Directive 5210.66 has been in effect for excess of 70~ years, propagated through time under various titles, but was written in an era with a very different security situation and when the U.S. was involved with more conventional military opponents. Exploitations by Islamic Jihadists, of the de-arming provision within 5210.66 have shown to present a deadly security flaw in the modern age.
              When you are officially recognized President, will you either yourself, or through direction of your Defense Secretary appointee, allow DoD Directive 5210.66 to expire, or specifically have removed the provision within which bars persons, under the authority of the DoD, from carrying otherwise Constitutionally protected arms as a means of self-defense, on properties leased or otherwise managed by the DoD?
              [–]FlareKRPD [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Dear Mr. Trump, First off thank you for all you are doing for us and this great nation! You’ve mentioned many times about building the railroads of tomorrow, our current infrastructure is rated a D+ by the American Society of Civil Engineers and building these bullet train system or "railways of tomorrow" as you say, will bring in TONS of jobs as we have seen happening in China, Japan, and Germany – countries we rebuilt! Do you currently have a plan, which will put millions of engineers, designers, construction workers, businessmen and women, and more to work on these railroads?
              P.S. A personal thank you to you and your staff at the Trump Tower whom years ago, helped a little Hispanic kid when he got lost at Trump Tower 5th Ave. He grew up to be me.
              [–]The_Real_Donald_TRUM [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hey Donald! As you may have heard and experienced, social media conglomerates like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit itself have been routinely suppressing conservative discussion online. Do you feel that these companies have a responsibility to maintain political neutrality? If so, what can I as an individual user do to help counter the mass censorship that these mega corporations are forcing on us?
              [–]BaseBornBanditNH [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump,
              As a young and hard working professional, I've begun to accumulate wealth for the first time. I've been thinking recently of purchasing properties in Boston and getting into the real estate business.
              Do you have any advice for people like me that are looking to invest in real estate?
              Thank you for your time and I look forward to voting for you AGAIN in the great state of New Hampshire!
              [–]lord-helmet [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump,
              Thank you for taking the time to join us today, it is much appreciated by everyone in r/The_Donald. It's pretty awesome actually.
              I'd like to ask your thoughts on providing police departments with military surplus items. I don't have any problem with giving officers the necessary tools to protect themselves and be able to fight crime more effectively. My concern is a lack of training on de-escalating situations. I realize there are situations that officers will have to discharge their weapons but there have been situations where mistakes were made. Since these surplus items are federal, would you be in favor of setting up a standard where de-escalating training would be mandatory in obtaining items? I feel that better training is vital for officer and public safety.
              [–]TheLastDudeguy [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hello Mr. Trump the future President of the United States. I and many others here greatly appreciate you having chosen to spend a moment of your precious time on the campaign trail to grace us with an AMA. I have a few simple questions. They are for my benefit and the benefit of a few nevertrumpers I know. 1. Do you feel that the welfare system is a failure and needs to be fixed/done away with entirely and replaced with an altogether different type of system? 2. What if any fix do you have or hope to propose for the current failures of the American Education system. 3. When elected how soon do you expect you will seek an indictment of Hillary and all those connected to the Clinton Foundation?
              Bonus: As you are aware, the DNC and HRC have essentially kicked the bucket so to speak as of this week due to the leaks that were released. At this point are you just tired of winning so much?
              Thank you again for answering our questions.
              [–]Steezy_Gordita [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump, I'm 23, a soon to be ex-democrat, and a now-undecided voter.
              I know you don't personally feel climate change is a threat, but for many people my age it is seen as something that could one day pose the biggest threat to ours and future generations.
              My question to you is: if elected president would you be open to changing your view on climate change? And if not do you plan on making any cuts to conservation efforts and funding?
              Thank you.
              [–]infinitemileCAN [score hidden]  (1 child)
              President Trump,
              The media portrays you as an outlandish clown to uneducated consumers. This is unfair, unjust, and wholly incorrect. This is also an act committed by the corrupt DNC, who pays off the media to twist them in a good light.
              As President, what will you do to make sure this media corruption never happens again?
              Thank you for reading this, and #MAGA!
              [show replies]
              [–]CertainWinNOR [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hello mr. Trump. It's an honor having you with us tonight.
              My question is:
              What do you think of the Federal Reserve system and its crazy money printing under Obama?
              When elected president, would you consider abolishing it?
              [–]cretzle [score hidden]  (1 child)
              Mr. Trump, I have one question. What is your ideal meal for breakfast?
              [–]AnindoorcatBotNC [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Opponents & enemies.
              [–]RELEASETHEHOUNDUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Good evening Mr. Trump and next POTUS!
              Following my country’s (The UK!) successful Brexit vote I firstly hope that it is now time for the America to take back control from the disaster of two terms of Obama, and now be Made Great Again! Especially considering the scaremongering from Obama regarding being “sent to the back of the line” how would you see the UK and the US’ relationship flourish under your presidency and the great prosperous future for both of our nations? I very much agree in not giving in to the false song of globalism and wish a prosperous future for both our nations! I truly hope you are successful in your bid for the presidency and you crush Crooked Hillary’s corrupt campaign! Would love to see you in the UK at some point to sign my MAGA hat as well 


              [–]onepride81MI [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump, what is going to happen on your first day of office?
              [–]ChanguitaShadowCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump, Given the current, tenuous atmosphere surrounding our incredible police forces across the country, I’m curious to know how a Trump administration would interact with local police forces. I have seen people saying you would federalize police and I don’t like the idea of larger government, even if the idea is to “keep me safe.” Ben Franklin said that, “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one,” and I agree. What do you say to those who believe you would create a military state with government-run police forces? Is that even in the plan or is it a scare-tactic and another lie from the MSM? If a form of ‘government police forces’ is going to happen (for instance, to remove illegal aliens currently breaking our laws) how is it going to happen and how long will it last?
              Thank you in advance for your time and answering my question! I am a woman, a millennial, and business-owner who is very excited to vote for you and make America GREAT again!
              [–]Ronin_oniTX [score hidden]  (0 children)
              We love you Mr. Trump. You have an amazing family to your very talented staff (Katrina Pierson and Dan Scavino Jr. are fantastic) and are the last chance America has to save it's self from the Globalism that has been tearing us down. How quickly would you repeal and stop the disastrous Affordable Health Care Act (ObamaCare) from continuing to ruin both the job opportunities for small business it bottlenecks (the 50 employee rule) and the healthcare many Americans are already enjoying. I'm losing my plan in March because of rising costs (Blue Cross Blue Shield TX is going up in cost +60%) and don't want to waste my money on a garbage plan the United States is forcing me to buy. Please be safe and Make America Great Again!
              [–]The_J0ker97VA [score hidden]  (1 child)
              Greetings Mr. Trump, thank you for all you're doing and I'm very proud to say I'm voting for you this November.
              I've seen your plan to get Mexico to pay for the border wall, and it's a very good plan, but like all plans it may not work. What is your backup plan if Mexico refuses to pay for it?
              [–]michigan_state_man [score hidden]  (0 children)


              We are very gracious that you are answering my our questions here on r/The_Donald! Are you aware how important memes are to spreading your message this election season?
              [–]5MCNC [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hi Mr Trump,
              Thank you for doing this AMA. Do you think Ivanka will run in 2024 to become America's first female president?
              [–]tribblepuncher [score hidden]  (0 children)
              The overreach of copyright law is an important and often overlooked issue for the youth vote, innovation, and business. It is dangerous to freedom of speech and technological advancement. It is expanding to the point where it endangers personal property rights and is behind parts of TPP and damaging bills such as SOPA. How will you address these abuses of the copyright system by a relatively small group of elite stakeholders?
              Thank you for the AMA.
              [–]TheToolMan [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Thank you for joining us, Mr. Trump. Like many of my peers, I am a young person who has been saddled with student loan debt after being told repeatedly as a child that going to college was a necessity, no matter the cost. What is your plan to alleviate the burden shared by millions of Americans struggling with student loan debt both private and government-backed? Additionally, what are your thoughts on the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, signed by President Bush in 2005, that prevents even private student loans from being discharged in bankruptcy?
              [–]HaudNomenGA [score hidden]  (2 children)
              Mr. Trump, what are your thoughts on this image of Hillary Clinton embracing Robert Byrd?
              [show replies]
              [–]cheeeeeesePA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Please show people this photo at the first debate.
              [–]PhilMcCoq [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Any advice for Western Europe right now? If you were in charge there, what would you change?
              Thanks for the AMA.
              [–]Imgur_LurkerOR [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump, what is your favorite Lie that people have said about you?
              [–]ThatNYguyNY[🍰] [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Thank you Mr.Trump for coming to answer our questions. I’d like to say that you are an incredible role model and an inspiration to all of us here at the r\the_donald. You are the kind of man that I would be honored to fight and die for. I have two questions:
              1. Are you afraid that you may be assassinated? Have there been serious attempts against your life that have not been reported in the media?
              2. Do you think the mainstream media is indirectly encouraging people to make an attempt on your life by rationalizing the thought of such an act?
              Thank you for fighting us, the silent majority. May GodandKEK bless you and your family.
              [–]Piplup15MAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hello Donald I am a cancer survivor so I was wondering about your new healthcare system. We all know what a disaster Obamacare is and I really like your plan, but will you keep the preexisting conditions mandate of Obamacare that allows people like me to get health insurance?
              [–]_Seditious_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
              If (when) elected President, on a scale of 1-10 how likely is it that Hillary will be put on trial?
              [–]TrumpPenceWillMAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hi Mr. Trump, first of all I'd like to thank you for this movement you started and helping to Make America Great Again.
              How long do you expect it to take to build the wall and what will the name of the wall be?
              [–]eWilly1414CAN [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hi Mr Trump, I was wondering what you think of the current prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau? Do you think you would have good relations with Trudeau if you become president? Also, there has been some talk of a particular person by the name of Kevin O’leary possibly running for the position of prime minister in the next Canadian election and was wondering if you think he would make a better prime minister than Trudeau?
              [–]dcmc6dMO [score hidden]  (0 children)
              President Trump, how do you handle the lies and cover ups from the liberal sides of the media? Do you ever expect this to change?
              [–]Ntwopencil [score hidden]  (0 children)

              Good evening Mr. President,

              Even through I've lived in Canada all my life, I've always been an American at heart. In the past, my family had tried to immigrate to the US, but had no luck.
              My question to you is: As the 45th President of the United States of America, will you make it easier for God-loving, hard working people who genuinely love this country, to LEGALLY immigrate to America to stand up for American values and to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
              [–]tipsygiant [score hidden]  (2 children)
              Will you arrest Hillary?
              [–]tipsygiant [score hidden]  (0 children)
              That would be even grander! I'll settle for the FBI carrying her off in cuffs in a media circus outside her home though. An example should be set for blatant disregard to the laws of America. There should be no such thing as too big to jail.
              [–]westerncivilisationNZL [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Thank you for this recognition Mr Trump 45th President Sir. I couldn't find any honest news about your run for POTUS anywhere until I found The_Donald. My question(s):- Will you list the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation, seize all assets, clean out the infiltration of gov agencies, and deport? This may well include all Wahhabi assets, schools, preachers, Abedin and more, yes? I don't want you to reveal your hand, however, can you indicate if this might be a possibility? God Bless YOU and your family, and THANK YOU !!!
              [–]DuckPolica [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hey Mr. Trump, love your books.
              With the most recent leaks from the DNC we've learned that the democrats are violating federal law and offering donors positions in government for their donations. If we look at the law:
              "Promise of appointment by candidate: 18 U.S.C. § 599 Whoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."
              we can see that the maximum sentence carried for such a despicable crime is less than that for a federal charge on the sale of marijuana, which is legal in many states! Will you end the federal prohibition on marijuana?
              [–]AnonPaul_DeviantartCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Very important question, Mr. Trump:
              Will I ever get sick of winning, sir?
              [–]Salivon [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Trump, Like most here I am a big fan. My brother and I are both big supporters since late last year when we jumped on the Trump Train.
              1. What is your opinion of these moderate Muslims? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anar9vIGGiY
              2. I do not wish to have to pay the national debt that my parent's generation accrued. How soon do you think you will have balanced the budget and how soon do you think we as a country will pay off the national debt of $19+ trillion?(that will likely be $21 trillion by the time you get into office.)
              3. What is your opinion on net neutrality and its effects on free speech in America?
              4. How will you balance your promise to defeat the biased and corrupt media with your love of the first amendment? I assume being a nimble navigator has something to do with this.
              5. Do you own any of your own guns today? Do you regularly practice your second amendment right?
              [–]H-WoodNV [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Mr. Trump. I am looking forward to your first debate with Crooked Hillary. I am wondering if you've realized that you're not just a better candidate for president than she is, but you're also a more progressive candidate than she is. While she may say anything to get elected, her voting record and bills that she and her husband helped pass have ruined lives in the black community, the gay community, and have completely eliminated the working middle class with bad trade deals. First NAFTA and now TPP. The Clintons have also never met a war they did not like. Crooked Hillary is now using fear mongering to scare the public into voting for her, so you need to show the entire country that you're not just the greatest Republican nominee since Ronald Reagan, but you'd also be a better nominee for Crooked Hillary's own Democratic Party. So my question to you is....is a hotdog a sandwich?
              [–]helcolCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Hello Mr. Trump, soon to be Mr. President, My question pertains to net neutrality and the internet, just like the second amendment, being used as a tool to defend our freedom.
              What will you do, as president of the United States of America, to ensure that net neutrality is not taken away?
              [–]akaran01 [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Its truly a pleasure Mr. Trump! Thank you for taking the time out.
              As a Philadelphian watching the DNC tear my hometown up my question for you is: What is your favorite memory or place from your time in Philly as a student?
              Also how do you eat your cheesesteaks? is the Philly Fanatic the best mascot in sports? And who makes better cheesecake Philly or New York?
              [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                [show replies]
                [–]theffxAZ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, how do you keep your energy up so high? I'd especially love if you can offer any tips for us to increase our energy.
                Thank you for running for president, and for blessing us with this AMA. We will elect you in a landslide this November!
                [–]natlantis56CA [score hidden]  (3 children)
                [show replies]
                [–]ebonymessiahMS [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump(our next President of these great United States)!
                All of these recent hacks of the DNC and Hillary's email are, at the moment, quite helpful as they have shown us the deep corruption of the left, and the democratic part as a whole.
                My question is: do you have any plans on increasing our nation's cyber security so that more harmful hacks, from more credible threats, can be averted in the future?
                [–]Mashmoll [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Good evening Mr. Trump! What was the final push that got you to realize that you wanted to run for the President of the United States? Also, do you believe in meme magic? Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA and I hope you keep winning!
                [–]TheNarwhalJockey [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, I'm sure sure by now you've heard of Milo Yiannopoulos , He is a very controversial figure and a vocal supporter of yours. Would you ever consider appointing him press secretary like he always talks about? Thanks in advance. Mike.
                [–]TheMostEqual [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, are you concerned about Hillary Clinton’s human rights record in Honduras? In 2009 there was a military coup to overthrow democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. She prevented him from returning to power, and then she endorsed sham elections which strengthened the Honduran military’s hold on power. After that, she continued to fund the military regime as it committed human rights abuses. Her Department of State also funded a Mexican initiative to torture and kill central American migrants trying to reach the United States who fled the chaos she caused.
                [–]100000feethigherMD [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                Currently, I am attending the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY. We are right up the road from NYC on Long Island and are huge supporters of you here.
                My question is if our Academy could be added in the rotation for presidential speeches at graduation? We are the only federal academy that does not receive this great honor due to our smaller than normal population. To have you speak here eventually would be incredible and truly a HUGE experience.
                Thank you so much for being not the leader the U.S. deserves, but the one it needs.
                [–]Don_The_God-Emperor [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Thank you very much for taking time to do this AMA, future president of the United States, Mr. Trump.
                I think you have a lot of great ideas to take our country back, put American first, and all around make this country a safer placer for it's citizen. In short make American great again! My question is, how do you plan to work around democrats to get your bills and agendas passed through congress?
                [–]SECAggieGuy14TX [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Dear Mr. Trump,
                THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS AMA!!! I think I speak on behalf of this whole community when I say how thankful we are that you took the time out to come and visit with us, WE LOVE YOU!! Welcome to /r/the_donald !
                A lot of the users in this community are in the "millennial" age range, including myself. So, my question is this: many "millennials" are facing the prospect of massive student debt, sometimes more than six figures, before even actually entering the workforce. This, coupled with the reality of many field's job prospects falling exponentially (especially entry-level) while the cost of living continues to rise. What, if anything, would the Trump Administration do to address this problem?
                More generally: any advice for us twenty-somethings who are fresh out of college/grad/professional school and are about to/trying to enter the workforce?
                THANK YOU AGAIN MR. TRUMP!!! I will be voting for you (again) this November! Stay nimble, stay high energy, AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
                [–]HG72 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump! Can't wait to vote for you in November. My sister is a die-hard conservative, but try as I might, she just won't board the Trump train. Do you have a message for people like her who still question your commitment to conservative values?
                [–]timbromanNH [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump! I will be a first time voter come November and I cannot wait to cast my vote for you! My question is was there anything about the DNC leaks that surprised you?
                [–]chunk_le_funk [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, thank you for taking time out to answer our questions. What are your thoughts and possible plans to address the rising cost of colleges and the student loan epidemic.
                [–]WhispraOR [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Mr Trump, this question comes respectfully from a user who wasn't able to be here today but really wanted to ask:
                I am a Constitutional Conservative, and former Ted Cruz supporter, what is your method of convincing me, (and others like myself) to support you?
                Thank you for your time!
                [show replies]
                [–]SenatorWB [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, I thank you too for taking the time to do this AMA. I think Whispra brings up a point that many conservatives are discussing, the hesitation by some Cruz supporters still to back you in this election. First, let me say that these numbers could be crucial in several of the swing states and they could help turn the electoral map for you this November, or add to your margin of victory (which would offer you a greater mandate to effect change immediately), so I do think it is important to win them to your cause. What do you believe will be the most effective way to win their support? Thank you again, I look forward to your response.
                [–]DiliosUSMC [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, your HIGH ENERGY and work ethic has empowered me so much. I wake up every day thinking what would Trump do? I’m more productive than ever and I’m ready to Make America Great Again with you! I have never seen you flustered (we call that stumped here). How do you maintain such a cool demeanor and deal with the stress of the campaign?
                [–]TaepodongToiletNukerNAVY [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Good Afternoon Mr. President!
                What are your thoughts on the rising default rates of sub-prime auto mortgages and the continued offering of CDOs on sub-prime mortgages (both auto and real estate) by smaller credit unions that are exempt from the regulations imposed on big banks?
                [–]mmbepisUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, what is your long term plan for combating Radical Islam?
                I am not looking for specific details, and I wouldn't expect them from you anyway since you aren't Clueless Barack, but do you have a general strategy for permanently eradicating Racidal Islam, even once it slinks back to shadows after you crush ISIS?
                [–]OnOrderNY [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, numerous studies have shown that both Congress and the American are becoming increasingly polarized. As the 45th President of the United States of America, what will you do to unite the American People, as well as make Congress productive again?
                [–]OniiYig [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, you have said that under your leadership you would raise the budget of NASA. What would the Trump administration like to see NASA accomplish with its increased budget?
                [–]raging_dope_fiend [score hidden]  (1 child)
                What is your favorite book, and why?
                [–]catala7FL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                He responded this in an interview somewhere. He said it was: All Quiet on the Western Front. I Highly recommend it.
                [–]apspiderboy [score hidden]  (1 child)
                What you going to do to promote American ingenuity and new advances in medicine, science, and so on when you become president?
                [–]_Seditious_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hey Donald! As President of the United States, will you still be using your own Trump airliner, or will you use Air Force 1?
                [–]masternarf [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Good afternoon Mr. Trump;
                As you are a busy man, I will cut right to the chase right after saying that I am great fan of how you`ve turned the world of politics upside down, overcoming each opponent that mocked you when you started your campaign.
                With that being said, there is an enormous amount of misinformation concerning your stances on Free trade, and other policies for our great nation, and it is very hard to dig online to find unbiased sources. The website you have in place is great, but it does outline all the policies you`ve explained so well in rallys (Such as the 7 points on the economy that you intend on acting when you are President)
                Will there be a platform that clearly explains without biased the precises policies and stances you have on economy, immigration, and foreign policies for the general election starting next week officially ?
                I would love to use such a tool to be able to clearly explain and convince people to vote for you in November
                Thank you!
                [–]ATryHardTacoWA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Thank you for doing this AMA, Donald J. Trump Future president of the United States of America.
                My question is; What is your stance on Net Neutrality? Because for better or worse, the internet has become an important part of our lives, and, like certain civil rights, some people want to control it and take it away. Without Net Neutrality, we might not be able to have /r/the_donald, or the recent leak of emails from the DNC by Wikileaks. We might have to pay more for monthly usage of the internet. It's something big businesses and special interests want to control so they can censor and control whatever people read online, thereby allowing them to control the media even more so than they do now. So that's my question; What is your stance on Net Neutrality?
                Together we can Make America Great Again.
                Once again, thank your Mr. Trump.
                [–]CunchMuncher [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, I do not have a question for you. I simply have a statement to make.
                Thank you, Mr. Trump. Thank you for allowing me to be proud to be an American and not feel ashamed about it. Thank you for allowing me to have faith in our political system and leadership that I know will represent me and what I believe in. Thank you for exposing the corruption, bias and hypocrisy of the establishment and the media. Thank you for giving a voice to the silent majority who feel shunned by the globalists. Thank you for allowing me to believe in the American dream again.
                That is all I have to say, Mr. Trump. Thank you.
                [–]StarbuckPirateFL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Thank you for doing this AMA!
                I want to offer myself to your administration to help overhaul the heathcare system. I’ve worked in the industry for 25 years at the two largest health insurers in the world. I am not a company officer and this is not a pitch for inside baseball, I genuinely want better care and a better system for all Americans. My family is getting older too, man.
                Here are a few things we can change immediately:
                • Seeing a Doctor costs way too much: We can lower today’s outrageous deductibles with smart pooling in conjunction with Medicaid for those not able to afford coverage. This way those who need financial help receive it, and those who can pay for coverage are not overly burdened with the astronomical deductibles of today.
                • Industry Pricing must be controlled: I think we can make this a system where corporations (such as prescription drug manufacturers) realize reasonable profits without gouging consumers by setting profit to investment standards. If a drug costs xx to develop, we can help subsidize development costs of that company to make the actual drug affordable to consumers when it hits the market. We can also help companies offset development costs through tax incentives after a drug is on the market (everyone wins).
                • Remove all State Barriers: consumers need to be able to buy the best plans for themselves and their family. They need access to quality, cost, and convenience. We can help by allowing all insurers to compete for the consumer’s business across state lines, ending network and care monopolies which grew tremendously when Obamacare was enacted.
                • We’re Losing Good Doctors: I also want to see an incentive system for medical students and others wanting to go into the industry, where their college tuition is subsidized or even paid in full in exchange for xx years of service as a provider – much the same way our military incentivizes those who enlist.

                My question is if someone like me wants to help your administration, where can we go to get involved? And I mean really involved - at a level to help shape policies that Make America Great Again.

                Donald J. Trump you are the GREATEST, and thank you!
                [–]taurthos [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hi Mr Trump,
                What has been the most memorable moment of your life?
                [–]mobiusstripsearchMI [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                Privacy and encryption are a huge concern for many Americans. Many Americans can not support you publicly for fear of losing their jobs. Our government wants back doors to stop terrorists, but governments already have the information needed to stop terrorism. Back doors only eliminate our protections. Anonymity is just as crucial today as it was for the Founding Fathers.

                What are your thoughts on encryption protections for average Americans?

                [–]bantertrainchoochooUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Good evening Mr. Trump!
                Here in the UK some of us are very proud to have voted to exit the ticking time bomb that is the European Union, and we are very excited to work with a new USA under the Trump banner.
                What are your thoughts on our new PM, Theresa May? Do you think she will prove to be a valuable ally?
                [–]chickencreation23 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Donald Trump, How do you feel about NASA and the space program? Do you think that we will stop relying on Russia to get into space in the near future?
                [–]ChanguitaShadowCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                Will you be suing the DNC for defamation?
                [–]evenastoppedclock [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, what does it mean to you to be American?
                [–]DrMarioLutherKingNY [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hi Mr. Trump,
                Do you love me as much as I love you?
                [–]PossiblyAudreyKS [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                You said in your RNC acceptance speech that you would "do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology." As a hardworking transgendered American, I would like to ask, will you offer that same protection to us from hateful domestic ideologies?
                Thank you for your time.
                [–]zjl3USA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Have any media organizations treated you very unfairly?
                [–]RonaldHMexicoEsqAZ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump:
                How do you plan on applying the lessons you have learned over your career in one of the toughest businesses in the world to your presidency? Just like the Wollman Rink, can you get our great country “ahead of schedule and under budget?"
                [–]ivo09 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, I'd like to congratulate you on an excellent campaign. Under budget and ahead of schedule. Great job!
                The war on drugs has widely been regarded as a failure. Billions of tax dollars are spent every year with very little to show for. What are your plans for the war on drugs? Are you in favor of removing Marijuana from the schedule 1 drugs? Do you support recreational use of marijuana( think Colorado, Washington)? If no, do you think people should be jailed over small amounts of marijuana?
                From a purely economic standpoint, aren't we much better off legalizing and taxing it instead of what we are currently doing?
                Mr. Trump, thank you for your time. MAGA and godspeed!
                [–]__Clever_Username__IRL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello from Ireland Mr. Trump! You have many supporters here, and indeed across the rest of Europe that fully support your ambition to Make America Great Again! My question is simple: Many Hillary supporters that I've spoken to cite her years of political experience as one of her main advantages that she holds over you. As a successful and experienced businessman yourself, what unique skills will you bring to the presidency that Hillary would not or could not, that will benefit the American people?
                Thank you very much for taking my time to read my question, I'm awaiting a landslide victory in November! MAGA!
                [–]HenggelerzMAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I've seen all kinds of ridiculous lies spread about you. Which ones have been the most entertaining to you so far?
                Also just want to add in that I've been a supporter since day one of your campaign. Keep up the good work!
                [–]Taylor814MAGA [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Who can people reach out to in order to volunteer and work with the campaign?
                [–]dinosaur_laser_robotCO [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I would like this info also.
                [–]QuiottUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Have you seen "Hillary's America" or "Clinton Cash"? Do you recommend we watch these movies?
                [–]Moojuice4AZ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello, Mr. Trump. I am a long time supporter and I can't thank you enough for taking the time to visit here. It means the world to us.
                Do you intend to offer any additional protection to whistle-blowers under your administration? Recent events have shown the horrible corruption at work in the government and the power of bringing it to the attention of the public. If someone discovers corruption or illegal activities at ANY LEVEL of government, I want them to be able to run to YOU for protection and not into the arms of a foreign government. It's shameful and we can do better. We need a new era of candor with the American public.
                Also, is there any chance of you softening your position on Edward Snowden? I know he broke the law, but I believe with all my heart that the American people are better off knowing the information he released. I would like to see him come home, either with a pardon or to reduced charges. This is by no means a deal breaker for me and I support you 100% regardless. This is something I feel strongly about though.
                Thank you for your time. Let's make American great again!
                [–]Loeb08_09USMC [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. President, when will you unleash your attack ads on the most corrupt candidate ever?
                [–]hunterchillerFL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Dear Golden Donald and Silver Mike,
                Any advice for supporters who are afraid to publicly support your campaign due to public pressure? People who don't like you do nasty stuff like vandalize cars with Trump stickers and lawn signs.
                Also please do a rally near Sebring Florida!
                [–]ashroofy [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Dear God-Emperor, Your presence is a present. I have two (four by extension) questions. Please answer as you wish :-
                1 - Have you seen any of the "Can't Stump The Trump" videos ? What do you think of the self-assumed titles of "Centipede" and "Nimble Navigator" ?
                2 - Have you noticed the controversies surrounding Facebook, Twitter & Google's omissions of key words critical to Hillary Clinton & the DNC ? We know the media is biased but biased tech firms concern me much more. Do you have any comments ?
                You're funny and tough-as-nails and we love you. I'm not American (African from a Muslim family) but I so wish I was so I could vote for you.
                [–]MAGATBHFAMFL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Has your stance on whistleblowers and internet neutrality changed at all after having seen the good that can be accomplished by organizations such as WikiLeaks?
                [–]jpopham91 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Good evening, Mr Trump.
                Thank you for taking the time to respond to our questions tonight, and congratulations on your incredible success so far! Much of your success has been attributed to bringing in voters from outside of the traditional Republican base. At the same time, third party candidates like the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson are polling at unusually high levels. Given that historically there is considerable overlap between the Libertarian and Republican platforms, is there anything you would say to reassure voters on the fence between these two parties that a vote for you is a vote for liberty?
                Thank you, and I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your campaign!
                [–]jarfIy [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Goofy Gary is draining more support from disaffected Democraps than Republicans!
                [–]lemonattackUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Dear Mr Trump!
                Thank you for doing this AMA!
                I’m from the UK, so sadly won’t be able to vote for you this November. However, I would love to know what you think about the UK’s vote to leave the EU, and how you think it will affect our relationship with the US, our place in the world, and our political and economic standing.
                [–]NimbleCanuckCAN [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. President Trump what were thinking about when posed a pensive hand on your chin during your acceptance speech?
                [–]IgnatiusCorba [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I know MSM censorship has been a problem for a long time, but how do you feel about the new phenomenon of internet media censorship? So far Twitter, Google, and Facebook have all been caught censoring you. Even this very site we are on now went through huge pains to keep us you of their front page, even rewritting their algorithms.
                Do you have any plans to tackle this (who knows, maybe a Trump internet media company)? Is there anything we can do to help tackle this?
                [–]mobiusstripsearchMI [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                Whistleblowers don't get enough protection in this country. Edward Snowden was wrong to endanger American lives, but he did expose agencies that were being kept from the public. We've all seen how Julian Assange is exposing the Crooked Democratic Party -- his reward is exile. We need whistleblowers to expose corruption.

                Will you do anything to protect whistleblowers?

                [–]Dystopian13 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, once elected President, what steps will you take to curb corruption in Washington?
                [–]DEEPSIX1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Do you believe that all gun laws are an infringement if not what gun laws do you support?
                [–]dHarrow [score hidden]  (0 children)
                THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME
                DOMESTIC POLICY (SCIENCE):
                1. Can we considerably increase our science budget?
                2. Should we remove some restrictions on embryonic stem cell research?
                1. Do we need more thorough money laundering checks when it comes to luxury real estate purchases made by foreign entities in cities like NY and LA?
                2. Should we rethink the legality of offshore tax havens that not only avoid paying taxes but serve as proxies for anonymous purchases within the United States?
                3. Should we impose restrictions on some foreign-funded organizations operating within the United States to reduce national security threat?
                4. What is your take on American historical figure Joseph McCarthy?
                FOREIGN POLICY (PART 1):
                1. Should NATO suspend Turkey's membership following political purges initiated by Erdogan and that country's deteriorating human rights record?
                2. Are you open to arms trade with Saudi Arabia?
                3. Should we expect any holding hands with Saudis (Bush) or bowing to Saudis (Obama) moments from you?
                FOREIGN POLICY (PART 2):
                1. What should we do about Russia's annexation of Crimea and Russia's continuous support of rebel forces in Eastern Ukraine?
                2. What is your take on Obama's Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and nuclear non-proliferation in general?
                3. What should we do about China's proprietorial behavior in South China Sea?
                4. Should our military still stand on the forefronts of Japan's defenses or is it time for Japanese to step up and take the lead?
                WITH APPRECIATION,
                [–]Jack_sosaSC [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Come to Columbia, SC!!!
                [–]Brobi_WanKenobiSC [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Or Greenville, Greenville is good too
                [–]Goose31MA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump,
                While you've made it a campaign stake about taking on the dishonest press - what news outlets do you like? Are there sites like Breitbart, the Drudge Report, REGATED, or others that you do enjoy reading?
                Thank you!
                [–]Virtual-Info-DeskUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr Trump,
                I am a massive fan of yours from the UK and I am appalled at the negative coverage you are getting over here. What's your opinion on it?
                Brexit made Britain great again, let's hope you can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
                [–]donald-duck-trump [score hidden]  (0 children)
                [–]Zyxn4NY [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Dear God-Emperor: Most of my "millennial" generation are easily influenced by the liberal media and are sometimes shamed for not believing their agenda. How can we stop the lies and biased views of you that are easily spread throughout the media?
                [–]CommentBomber [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, I have complete confidence in your ability to win a fair race this November. My only concern is that the Democrats will commit grand scale voter fraud. Do you have plans in place to minimize the chance of battleground states being stolen?
                Thank you for your time, and thank you for working so hard to make America great again.
                [–]cinn-e-monNJ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Future President Trump,
                Do you have any plans to endorse policies to increase/decrease funding for NASA?
                P.S - What do you like on your pizza?
                [–]TriflingGnome [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hi Mr. Trump,
                As a research scientist, my primary concern when it comes to policy is whether or not there is going to be funding for critical, necessary research. How will you personally steer policies concerning funding for institutions such as the NIH?
                [–]ADHD-WOOHOO [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, I'm a YUGE fan of your support for the 2nd Amendment! When I read that a National Carry Permit was a part of your platform I was very excited. Could you please elaborate on how you plan to implement an NCP?
                [–]Raym_30 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump congratulations on all the success you have gotten during the election, you have a ton of supporters and to many people's surprise you are doing extremely well and have a very good chance at winning this election and you will definitely be getting my vote this November. With that being said I am a eighteen year old Hispanic American Republican from Florida and I have a major concern for the future of the party. It is very clear to anyone who pays any attention to politics that most of the mainstream media is very biased to left. This includes everything from television to most of social media. My concern is that people around my age and younger are going to see the overwhelming liberal biased coverage and believe that to be the superior party. Most of all I am worried about is that young voters will accept all of the stereotypes that the left is trying to portray of conservatives and vote for democrats in the future. Essentially my question is, is there anything that you or anyone in the party is going to do to combat the monopoly of the left winged media?
                [–]DlibertTX [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hi Donald,
                First of all we love you. Secondly, most of us would like to see improved relations with Russia. Will reforming NATO potentially have a positive impact on US/Russian relations?
                PS- I'm a recent comp sci grad. Do you guys have any jobs available on your campaign? I'd be willing to mop the floors in Trump Tower if necessary.
                [–]David_10101 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Have you known of /r/The_Donald before and will you stay here?
                [–]Occams-Blazer [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump, how will you make sure that the US will lead the world in space travel once again?
                [–]Pteryx86 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                I just wanted to say thank you for getting me excited and interested in the political process again, and for producing the most fun campaign I’ve ever seen!
                You have declared yourself an advocate of the 2nd amendment, and I was hoping you might elaborate on your policy regarding the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. I’m not a huge gun enthusiast, but as a former resident of the greater NYC area it was not possible for me to attain a carry permit. I have since moved to Massachusetts, and have found that the 2nd amendment if pretty heavily infringed here too, with regulations that are intentionally obstructive for law-abiding citizens and which limit the variety, availability, and capabilities of firearms that are in the state. Just a week ago, the Massachusetts Attorney General unilaterally reinterpreted the current laws to make them more restrictive: http://www.mass.gov/ago/public-safety/awbe.html
                • How do you plan to ensure that states and cities uphold the constitution regarding the 2nd amendment, and to prevent/reverse the increasingly obstructive and restrictive local legislation?
                • Will you ensure that Supreme Court justices who you appoint are pro-2nd amendment?
                • Would you support legislation towards nation-wide reciprocity for concealed carry permits, similar to what we have with driver’s licenses?
                • What is your favorite every-day carry?
                [–]pppetekSVN [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello President Trump #SLOVENIAforTRUMP
                1- Are u going to visit Slovenia when elected? 2 - as we know u support 2nd amendment, do u own any guns and if, which one? 3 - legal marihuana law ( colorado style) for whole US?
                Greets from Slovenia

                SLOVENIAforTRUMP #TrumpTrain #MAGA #TrumpAMA

                [–]HeirsToEmptyThronesUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr Trump,
                As a British citizen who was delighted by the UK’s recent decision to leave - “Brexit” - the European Union, it is an exciting time for me and many of my compatriots. However, this has made our future a little uncertain as we will now need to renegotiate individual trade deals with many countries, and it is unclear how easy or difficult this may prove to be.
                My question to you is this:
                Should the UK proceed with activating Article 50 and eventually leave the EU, how do you anticipate this affecting the relationship between the United States and the UK? Will the “special relationship” still be valued and a trade deal with the UK be made a priority, or will we be put to the back of the queue as Obama had originally suggested?
                Congratulations on officially securing the Republican nomination, and good luck for the coming months.
                [–]flydigh [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Thank you for joining us for an AMA Mr. Trump, I look forward to seeing you in Cedar Rapids, Iowa Tomorrow.
                I am a recent college graduate and campus culture is I feel a major issue at the moment with how anti-free speech the college campus in America has become. Fortunately my university was fairly mild, although biased, but you see place such as in Missouri where faculty have openly called for censorship of journalists. One think I noticed is that in the faculty there are very few differences in opinions and ideology. Liberals are extremely entrenched in the administration of our universities. Do you think there is a free speech or diversity of ideas problem in the university, and if so you have any ideas or recommendations to change it?
                [–]skribber [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Good Evening President Trump!
                I'm 25 and stuck in the state of New Jersey for the foreseeable future. I (along with most of my fellow law-abiding citizens in the state) do not have a right to carry a firearm for personal defense. There is no castle doctrine or "Stand Your Ground" law here.
                While I'm fortunate enough to never had been mugged or assaulted, my close friend was robbed at knifepoint in Atlantic City in broad daylight. We are NRA members and we have been fighting for this state to recognize our 2nd Amendment rights for so many years, to no avail.
                So Donald, after you take the Oath of Office in January, how can you help law-abiding gun owners like myself, who want to protect themselves and their loved ones from those who would do us harm? Do you think we can institute something like a nation-wide CCW permit?
                Thank you so much for doing this, it means a lot to all of us!
                [–]frank_13v [score hidden]  (0 children)
                what do you have to say about the situation in Venezuela?
                [–]SupSupportSona [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                Once elected president, how do you plan on addressing Americas need for more students to be getting degrees in the fields of STEM? Along with this, do you have any plans to continue to support and grow the community college system that provides primarily two year direct job training degrees?
                [–]Simonov [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                It seems that Hillary Clinton and the DNC do not understand the importance of strong cybersecurity and information security. What will you as President to ensure our nation has a strong cybersecurity/InfoSec policy to prevent attackers from damaging information systems and stealing top secret information?
                [–]LoLHelixROU [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Dear Mr. Trump,
                I am one of your supporters from Romania (currently living in Netherlands) and I personally love your whole campaign and your courage and love for your country through fighting the establishment. I would like to ask you a few questions:
                1: Considering you said you would like to have the US and Russia on good terms what would you do regarding the current US anti-rocket shield in Deveselu, Romania? Russia has threatened Romania (along with Poland for other US and NATO related activities).
                2: What do you think of zionist control of western society? What will you do regarding the private owned Federal Reserve of the US and other Zionist and Pro-Israel groups that are constantly pushing gun-control, Israel first policy, anti-Christian messages etc.?
                3 (Less serious question from a friend of mine): What do you think about anime (Japanese animated cartoons) and its legal status in the US?
                Thank you, and good luck in your further endeavours to Make America Great Again!
                • Luca
                [–]baconatorX [score hidden]  (0 children)
                President Trump,
                Can you promise to look for any methods to help states that have fallen victim to "gunpocalypse" style highly restrictive laws? Such as California, New York, Minnesota.
                [–]seeing-eye-bitchMAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr President! Did you enjoy the high energy in Scranton today?
                [–]bender3600NLD [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Good evening Mr. Trump. I would like to ask if you would repeal the Hughes amendment/NFA? or if you would modify them in a way to make it possible for American civilians to own select fire guns registered after 1986?
                [–]SwedishBanditoSWE [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr Trump, I have a question for you. What is your say on the developing migrant crisis in Sweden and other small easy to access countries, do you think there could be a turning point for the 2018 elections?
                [–]what_do_you_meme [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hi, Mr. Trump,
                • How often, if at all, do you browse /r/The_Donald?
                • What is your opinion on the glorious memes of you, such as this fine piece of art?
                • What should I do about friends who are apathetic to politics in such an especially important election as 2016?
                • Can you clarify your stance on immigration?
                [–]globbyy [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Trump I love you, do you love me?
                [–]Frathard919NC [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, what advice do you have for those of us struggling to find work as recent graduates?
                [–]CalamariRPTX [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                I live in the great state of Texas where a few years ago I was diagnosied with bipolar disorder. Due to the laws here I am by my diagnosis ineligible to obtain a concealed handgun license. I've been a gun owner for years now and as you can imagine have no criminal record or history of violence. I have no gaps in my resume or history of being committed to a hospital. Every day I wake up and see mental illness scapegoated as the cause for gun problems in this country. It took me a year and a half to seek treatment because I knew my 2nd amendment right as an American would come under threat by having any sort of diagnosis. I am every bit as capable and friendly as every other American and would like to what your administration could do for the Americans with mental illness who frequently rub elbows in secret with those who distrust us?
                [–]G19Gen3 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. President.
                Would you veto any legislation seeking to ban so-called assault weapons (semi automatic ar-15s or similar)?
                [–]chainbullet [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, I'm honored that we all have the privilege to support you in your bid to lead this country, and I actively encourage and work with other supporters of yours to further your campaign.
                My question is, as President, what are your plans regarding manned space flight and NASA in general? Currently, NASA is testing a new launch system and spacecraft to send humans to mars. Do you plan to increase funding for NASA to assist them in sending humans to Mars by the 2030s?
                [–]konrad-iturbeESP [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Question from /u/theorymeltfool on the other thread,
                The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are expected to cost between $4-6 TRILLION. Let's take the high number for sake of argument because we all know government expenditures never come in under budget.
                The 7 buildings in the World Trade Center complex cost around $2.3 BILLION (inflation adjusted)). That means we could've built around 18,200 more buildings that size instead of going to war. Of course, it could've also financed any number of things instead of a prolonged war. (Note: this included the 7 buildings in the WTC Complex, not just the twin towers).
                That comes out to 6 WTC buildings in each of the ~3000 counties in America.
                Assuming each person had 750 square feet of living space, each WTC could house 18,000 people. 18,200 x 18,000 = 327 million people. The current population of the United states is 322 million. The cost of those wars could have been a house for everyone in the US.
                Put another way, that could've funded about 50-100 trips to Mars. We could've had a colony on Mars by now if that debt wasn't spent on War.
                I made this post as an updated version of Eisenhower's "Chance for Peace" speech, where he outlined the true costs of war.
                Here's a New York Times article that updates it with a modern B2 stealth bomber and the amount of goods that could be purchased instead.
                EDIT: Added links!
                [show replies]
                [–]theorymeltfoolGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Thanks BASED Centipede!!
                [–]JolivegardenTX [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Net neutrality is a big issue for many reddit users. May I ask why you are against it?
                [–]NotAllGamers [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hi Mr Trump! Thank you for doing this AMA. My question for you is:
                What can the average American do to Make America Great Again, apart from voting for you?
                [–]trumptriggeredme [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr Trump, we're all very excited about your stance on trade. But typically trade only deals with goods. What about services? Countries like India, Vietnam, Pakistan and many others are hurting wages in I.T. Foreign programmers, designers, writers, and even lawyers are putting their services online at many freelancing sites, for pennies on the dollar. Americans cannot compete with $4/hour wages from these countries. Do you have any ideas how we can prevent Americans from having to compete with these wages? Thank you.
                [–]PantSuitForPrison [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hey President Trump, God bless you for saving this country! Are you worried about voter fraud and what actions are you looking at to prevent it? Thanks for doing this AMA, can't wait to read all your replies!! MAGA 🇺🇸
                [–]Jbidders [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr Trump Congrats on the nomination firstly, my question is how do you feel about people saying you're the God emperor of mankind?
                [–]_Demon_Deacon_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                President Trump! Can you please endorse us as the official late night crew? We love you and believe in you!

                P.S.- I'm big league and I'm excited for my package from the 200$ donation!
                [–]bostonfan148 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Do you think the dishonest media went too hard on your wife during the convention?
                [–]wolflambert [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Dear Mr Trump,
                First and foremost — congratulations on winning the Republican nomination! Many people thought you would never get this far, and yet here you are. It really is going to be huge.
                My question is: you have famously said that you want to build a wall to keep illegal Mexican immigrants out, and that Mexico will pay for this wall. But if Mexico refuses to do this, how do you plan to finance this wall? I would be interested in knowing your plans behind this.
                [show replies]
                [–]adueppen [score hidden]  (0 children)
                He has claimed that he will use our trade deficit with Mexico, but doubts have been raised over whether he'll be able to get that money from them.
                [–]TylaDirt [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. President,
                if you had access to a time machine, which political figure from the past would you love to meet, and why?
                [–]BenTheUltimate [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump can you make a sketch on what the wall will look like?
                [–]cole20200 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, thanks for your time. I'm a combat vet. living in Texas. I think one of the greatest assets a modern nation can have is it's military and scientific prestige.
                How do you feel about NASA and other government funded scientific organisations?
                Thanks, I hope to see you in the oval office come the fall! Let's make America something we can be proud of again!
                [–]NonTranquil [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                First off, thank you very much for doing this AMA. I think it is fantastic to be able to ask the next president of the United States a question.
                And now for my question: what would you say to those on the left who claim that you are a racist, and what can we as your supporters do to combat these bogus claims?
                [–]Made_in_the_Shade [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hey Mr. Trump, what did you personally think of the DNC?
                [–]B-VOLLEYBALL-READY [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, can I ask you about what your policy will be, with regards to government interference in regulating the content of video games - particularly video games which feature violent or sexually-explicit content and are aimed at an adult audience?
                Also, as a regular Twitter user yourself, I'm sure you're aware of the recent controversies surrounding certain popular users being banned from the service as a result of their comments on social media. Obviously, social media companies, as private entities are free to administer their sites as they see fit - but as President, would you consider it a good and beneficial thing to encourage social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to permit their users to speak freely, as permitted per the First Amendment?
                Thanks for your time.
                [–]jakebreakND [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Greetings Mr. Trump!
                Firstly I would like to say on behalf of me and my family, thank you so much for everything it is you are doing for us and our Country! You have given me a feeling of hope, a feeling of pride, and truly the inspiration to be a better person. You embody the very essence of the American spirit of determination to do the right thing, no matter the odds.
                I know you have a lot on your plate when you plan on getting into the presidency and a lot of TOUGH, BIG issues I know you will tackle head on. The issue I wanted to ask you about may seem to many like a small one, though I wish to argue it is not. Here in America we love to talk about our many freedoms, but I feel like there is one we are being withheld from for a very "special interest" reason. That is the criminalization and schedule I listing of Marijuana. I KNOW you are of sober mind and like it that way, as I also am. I run a business operating trucks on our nation's highways so I don't ever get reckless when it comes to people's lives and mine. Having said that i would like to read you a quote from Thomas Jefferson: “Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country.” and also by our first great president George Washington: "Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere."
                There are more benefits to decriminalizing marijuana than one may think. Firstly we spend a lot of money running a system where we incarcerate Americans for possessing the very thing our forefathers praised. We split up families, fill prisons, and give people drug charges that affect their future negatively. There are thousands of industrial uses for hemp such as: clothing, paper, building materials, food, medicine, paint, detergent, varnish, oil, ink, and fuel. All that hold significant higher and cleaner qualities than today's similar products. The medicinal uses of Marijuana are very beneficial and often a life-saving to millions of American's, this plant is proven to be about as harmless as any other drug we are given by BIG PHARMA.
                I CANNOT ACCEPT that this law is in effect for our own health, as we see millions of Americans troubled by problems stemming from Tobacco, Alcohol, and the list of prescribed drugs that are constantly killing our youth. Marijuana is shown to help those with alcohol/drug abuse, ease anxiety, can treat PTSD with veterans, and a helps with a wide range of certain diseases. When I think about the enormous benefits of decriminalizing and descheduling marijuana, I wonder why ,in the land of the free, we are stripped of our freedom for possessing a plant? Changing this law will take the massive burden off our taxes we use to house and incarcerate our fellow citizens. Instead we would collect tax revenue from legal sales and offer new industries, millions of jobs/businesses, better products, economic growth, great prosperity and wealth for Americans everywhere. Why is it that the worst thing about marijuana is getting caught with it?
                So Mr. Trump my question is: What is your stance on the legalization, decriminalizing, and descheduling of Marijuana?
                Thank you so much for taking the time! God bless. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
                [–]Chicken_McNiggerMS [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, This election year we have faced two kinds of revolutions. On the democratic side, we witnessed the unfounded promise of free college, criminal justice reform, campaign finance reform, and an unlimited supply of chicken tendies. Instead, we saw all of those ideas shot down by their party, straight down to the confiscation of the tendies.
                On the republican side, we saw tangible promises of a wall, jobs, and American unity regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and even tendie consumption. With this in mind, I thank you for working for an excellent...no.. GREAT America
                [–]kevinarefunnyUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump,
                I have a few questions to ask you. How will your family play a part in your presidency? I know Ivanka and Milania are very pro women and pro women rights and equality, and Ivanka is an exceptionally good speaker. I have heard that your family helps a lot with not only your business, but also with your running for president, and I am just really curious what their roles would be during your presidency.
                Also, what are your thoughts with all that is going on at the DNC convention with Crooked Clinton and the Bernie supporters? They say the Bernie supporters need to fall in line and unify the party, but there's a difference between unifying the party and subjugating the party. It seems that the Democratic party is falling apart pretty hard, but the Republican party, for the most part, is stronger than ever. How do you think the election will turn out when the Bernie supporters vote for someone like Jill Stein or Gary Johnson? In my estimation, you would most likely win, especially considering you're already ahead in the polls, not only after the Republican convention, but also during the Democratic convention.
                Thank you for taking your time to read and potentially answer my question.
                [–]Bireme713 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Besides Mr. Obama, what do you think is the greatest blunder our country has made to lead us down this path towards A Brave New World?
                [–]FluffyKyubeyCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                When you become President will you tell crooked Hilary and Obama "You're Fired"?
                [–]ReptilentOH [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump! First off, I'd like to say that you are amazing and it's great to have you here!
                Here's my question:
                Common Core is ruining our schools and forcing our teachers to teach their students the way Common Core wants them to and revokes control from schools.
                For example, I had a History teacher last year who absolutely hated Common Core because he was forced to teach how Common Core wanted (he tried everything he could to alter it so the class didn't make you want to fall asleep and keep it involving and fun, which it was) and it's making him consider quitting.
                It's ruining schools across our country and restricting teachers from teaching in a way they feel comfortable with. Also, Common Core is designed in a way that sees every student as the same and can limit the learning capabilities of some students.
                What are your plans for Common Core?
                [–]bambiixUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello Mr. Trump!
                With the growing threat of terror across the pond, and many of us feeling like we are past the point of no return, do you have any advice on how to make Europe great again? We really hope you and your message can help us out (after America first, of course).
                Lots of love from the UK.
                [–]tehJimstaTN [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Dear Mr. Trump - Thank you tremendously for your sacrifice in deciding to run, and your spectacular attitude in doing this AMA. As a millenial and recent college grad, jobs and opportunity are of the utmost importance to me right now, and it concerns me that even if I can find a job, my opportunities for wealth growth could be limited by the government profiting off of me for the rest of my life on federal student loan interest repayments.
                In short: What is your administration's approach going to be towards the student debt crisis?
                [–]boygenieous [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, I LOVE YOU!!! I've been rooting for you since day one of your announcement last June, and have always been proud to say "I'm with Trump" when everyone would say they were with Lyin' Ted. I am proud that your well deserved triumph came to be a reality. My main question for you is (and I'm sure this bothers the hell out of you) what do I say to people who call me a racist and you a racist because I support you? Obviously you're not a racist and you've made that clear and we do need a wall (that's 10 feet taller than usual), but I'm tired of people who STILL bandwagon and call you a racist. What do I say to them? I got laughed at for supporting you in my rhetoric class when we were analyzing Lyin' Ted's speech at the RNC... But im proud to still stand tall for you in your defense. Thanks for fighting for me and every American like none other!
                [–]jackdonkey [score hidden]  (0 children)
                The veneer of politics seems to lack pragmatism, do you consider yourself pragmatic?
                [–]FoolishGuacMerchantCAN [score hidden]  (4 children)
                Mr. President, who would win in an election: 1 Ted Cruz sized rat OR 100 rat sized Ted Cruz's??
                [show replies]
                [–]I_typ_lyk_disMAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Oh god, I hope he answers this!
                [–]JacksSmirkingAnusOH [score hidden]  (1 child)
                All of your questions are gold.
                [–]FoolishGuacMerchantCAN [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Thanks mate, appreciate it
                [–]lalicatNAVY [score hidden]  (0 children)
                100 rat sized Cruz's then he could savor the pleasure of crushing them each 100 time over again!
                [–]ancap4trump [score hidden]  (0 children)
                What's your opinion on the recently released 28 pages of the joint congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks?
                [–]iamalaxative [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Are you aware of Scott Adams?
                [–]GreatWallofSound [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, thank you for taking time out of your day to answer questions here.
                Recently, with the leaks of DNC emails surrounding the nomination process, it has been shown the Democratic party is willing to unlawfully collude in order to reach the ends they want. This level of corruption is unacceptable in a democratic nation and society. What steps would you take to combat this widespread corruption?
                [–]ChineseToTheBoneCHN [score hidden]  (0 children)
                You have once tweeted out a particular video, but I wasn't sure if you watched the other ones in the series as well.
                [–]Jsensi [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump. Great to have our next President back in Scranton today! As a startup entrepreneur, I would like to know how you see life differing or improving for small and new businesses under your leadership. Thank you!
                [–]Big_Don2016COAL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well for California???? This is so fucked
                [–]sabansaban [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump,
                What is Kaine's nickname?
                [–]JolivegardenTX [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, thank you for doing this AMA. My question is this: what is your opinion on global warming?
                [–]COW_BALLS [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr Trump and future president.
                What do you think of this video that has 4 million views regarding the refugee issue using your speech on the "snake lyric".
                I believe more people should see it.
                [–]Redfel [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hello future President Trump! Newt Gingrich has spoken about expanding space exploration, including the prospect of humans on Mars. If elected, what is your plan for NASA?
                [–]apop99 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, this is from my dad who doesn't have a Reddit account
                "Over last four years more Puerto Ricans have moved to florida. They vote democrat. Can you use Paul Ryan and the Puerto Rico bailout as a way to show Puerto Ricans that you are going to help them. Because they went bankrupt on Obama's watch."
                [–]JolivegardenTX [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, thank you for doing this AMA. My question is this: when was the time that America was great, as said in your slogan?
                [–]TheLastDankWizardNJ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Good afternoon, Mr. Trump!
                My question for you is what exactly are your plans for NASA, science-funding in general, and projects to restore national pride in the American people? I feel as though the democrats and the Obama administration's constant refusal to fund NASA properly and relentless attack on the American sense of pride has really demoralized the populace. Much of the world is catching up to us or even surpassing us in scientific advances, education, etc. Here I feel like we are just told to feel ashamed of our past and feel ashamed of what our ancestors have accomplished. I'm proud to be American but seeing the direction things are going is almost sickening. Do you plan on providing NASA and other science projects proper funding? Do you have any plans or projects in mind to restore the sense of national pride in our citizens?
                [–]AceInsanityUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. President,
                What is your favorite thing to eat from McDonald's?
                [–]disllexiareulsNJ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                President Trump
                One of your supporters was recently shot when someone overheard his conversation saying he supported you. He's expected to make a full recovery, but I wanted to let you know. Maybe you can send him a card or a phone call. His name is Paul Jones Jr. A 60 year old Vietnam vet if you or your team can contact him. He's currently at University Hospitals in Cleveland.
                [–]musicology4thepeople [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump, thank you so much for doing this AMA. You mentioned earlier today in your press conference that we need to take care of our students - how do you plan to reform higher education?
                [–]TheUnicornDinosaurKS [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mr. Trump! We're all excited for you to be with us tonight and I wanted to thank you for your authenticity, consistency and spectacular successes so far this political cycle. We all appreciate the work you do and are very grateful that you are with us!
                I wanted to ask your opinion on how politics is currently in America. How do you plan to set the standard for future leaders to act more in the interests of the American people, rather than what we are seeing today, where we see EVIDENCE of blatant corruption that goes unpunished?
                [–]JohnDelmont [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Do you think Hillary's benign approval of her husband's many extramarital affairs, including one with his current girlfriend Julie Tauber McMahon, makes her unfit to be president?
                [–][deleted]  (2 children)
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                  [–]BinghammerUSA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Mr. President. Excuse me, I mean Mr. Trump,
                  • Realistically, with the current polls you will be the next president.
                  • Are you ready to live in Washington DC for the next 8 years?
                  • Respect is something earned not just given. Would you agree?
                  • Everything you do is for this country! USA! USA! Thank you!
                  • Please know that the majority stands with you!
                  • Even those who are silent will be there for you in November!
                  • Politically speaking, did you have to make any concessions to the RNC for them to accept you as the nominee?
                  • Enthusiasm for politics is something I never thought I'd feel. Thank you for giving me and my generation a voice and helping us belive that anything is possible. FeelsGoodMan
                  Thank you for giving America your HIGH ENERGY! Let's MAGA!
                  [–]njoijoioiuh98y98hyi [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Mr. Trump, did you expect for the media to come out so unfairly against you? If not then what low energy media attack went too far in your book?
                  Thank you for taking the time to answer questions here. I went to one of your high energy swing state rallies and you reinforced my resolve for you. The whole event was fantastic, but it was the large amount of time you took at the end that did it for me. I have never seen anyone take the amount of time after a late event to talk and sign memorabilia like you did. As I waited for you to get down to us time was getting short and you walked past me and I thought I missed my chance, but with almost omnipotence you turned around looked at me and signed my sign. That small act was something I will remember and I can’t wait to tell people I have an item signed by one of our greatest presidents. Thank you again for taking time from your life for America. For many you are seen as the last vestige of our trust and we are behind you.
                  P.S. Your son owns and runs a fantastic winery!
                  [–]mrdarkshineNC [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Mr. Trump, of all her demonstrations of incompetence and corruption, what one thing most disqualifies Hillary Clinton from the presidency?
                  [–]Semi-Delusional [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Hello Mr. Trump,
                  Thank you for taking the time to visit our subreddit.
                  1. What motivated you to run for president again in 2016, after withdrawing from the 2000 election?
                  2. Does Radical Islam present the same kind of threat to the free world as Communism and Facism did?
                  3. How do you have such high energy, even though you only sleep four hours at night?
                  4. Can you start playing this song at your rallies? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSemARaqGqE
                  [–]MAGA_WAWA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Mr. Trump, Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to be here!
                  Many politicians talk about their support of the second amendment but few will back legislation expanding the right for legal gun owners. Would you ever consider support any of the following legislation:
                  1. Grant those who are licensed to conceal and carry a weapon to have 50 state reciprocity for their permit.
                  2. Remove sound suppressors from the National Firearms registry making them no longer federally registered and subject to a $200 tax (considering these are nothing more than mufflers).
                  3. Open up the import of low cost Russian ammunition so that law abiding citizens of all economic backgrounds have the ability to exercise their second amendment rights.
                  Thank you and god bless you, your family, and most of all the United States of America.
                  [–]jinc1019 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Mr. Trump,
                  I’m the executive editor of The Heartland Institute, a 32-year-old free-market, libertarian-leaning think tank headquartered near Chicago and a conservative writer for Townhall.com and other outlets. I know a ton of people who are considering voting for you, but they are concerned about your potential Supreme Court nominees. What assurances, if any, would you like to give to traditional constitutionalists that you’ll only nominate Supreme Court justices who will interpret the Constitution as Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito do now? Are you willing to pledge that you’ll only consider a strict constitutionalist for the bench, regardless of which party controls the Senate?
                  Thanks for your time!
                  [–]BalesofCocaine [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Hello Mr. Trump! Proud supporter of yours who has been actively following your campaign since early this year. Attended one of your rallies and loved it!
                  Onto my question, what has been the most defining moment for you during your campaign so far? Was there any point in particular where you realized that you were onto something huge, or anyone you met on the campaign trail that stood out to you in a way you didn't expect?
                  Thank you for taking the time to do this! I can't wait to call you my president! Make America great again!
                  [–]qwetrumpasdkljUSA [score hidden]  (1 child)
                  Mr. President, will you take a stance against the federally mandated minimum drinking age? In my opinion, this should be a state decision without funding tied to it (21st amendment and all) but no politician ever brings this up. If you denounce it, you will effectively motivate millennials who support you to actually vote and it will help you frame Clinton as a low-energy old woman who hates other people's freedom. (rotten!)
                  [show replies]
                  [–]Homozygoat [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Technically, there is no federally mandated minimum drinking age. There is a law though that says the gov. will decrease road spending in any state that has a lower drinking age.
                  [–]CaptainDynamiteTX [score hidden]  (1 child)
                  Hello Mr. Trump!!! First of all, I wanted to thank you for being such a great patriot, and since this will be my first election I will be voting in, I couldn't be happier for it to be the 2016 election.
                  I do have a few questions, since you proposed to bring back more jobs in the US, does that mean that we will see more American made products compared to years past?
                  What are the chances of Ivanka running for POTUS in the future?
                  What are your stances on NASA, and space travel? Will there be an increase in the NASA budget or an interest?
                  Also, what is your opinion on the DNC so far?
                  Thank you so much!!!!!
                  P.S. WHAT HAPPENED TO JOHN MILLER??
                  [show replies]
                  [–]grizzlyhardonMD [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  John Miller for VP!!!
                  [–]MassaF1FerrariGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Future President Trump, I've done my part and opened many peoples' eyes on your true message.
                  As a millennial, I've noticed many of my generation say "they don't listen to the media" but when it comes to you, many listen to the lies. If you could say one thing to all millennials that would encourage them to vote for you, what would it be (especially Bern-outs)?
                  Give me more ammo to combat this racist/bigot rhetoric the media is falsely painting you!
                  [–]fuckitoutthewindowUK [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Hi Donald! My only question is: Do you think it is likely that the audit of the Federal Reserve will end up in the bank being abolished, and in that case would the same thing happen to the Federal Income Tax which I understand was setup the same year the Fed was to pay the debt?
                  [–]oralqna2pt0NC [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Mr. Trump, I would like to thank you for joining us today here on /r/The_Donald, which I'm sure is quite time consuming, considering your busy schedule and the need to prepare for your next rally coming up shortly.
                  As we all know, especially you Mr. Trump, that a large portion of your opposition comes from the fact that you're not only an American first and foremost, but a businessman with no time spent in a political position. Do you believe that your campaign, this historical story you are currently developing on a second to second basis, will expand the chance that we as Americans and even the rest of the world, will see candidates or even elected leaders that have no political background?
                  For decades, a lot of us have watched as you've been asked if you'll ever run for President of the United States. Taking the step and announcing your Presidential run shows the confidence that we the people need in a leader of our nation. Thank you once again and on behalf of /r/The_Donald and every supporter across the nation, I believe my following statement can be held true to all of us; We cannot wait to see you in the Oval Office, as the President of the United States of America. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
                  [–]highenergysectorVNM [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Supreme Commander, Donald J. Trump:
                  1. Why are none of our elected officals talking about militarization in the South China Sea, aren't politicians privy to this info?
                  2. Why are you, President Donald Trump, the only person talking about what is going on in the South China Sea?
                  3. My family is still in Asia, and have been sending me news on the militarization of the South China Sea for 2 years, our media is not informing the public enough on this matter -- somebody must have your ear in this regard (foreign affairs), who has been telling you what's going on?
                  [–][deleted]  (3 children)
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                    [–]ThraShErDDoSUK [score hidden]  (1 child)
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                    [–]Hulier117MI [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    AYE AND A HISTORIC MOMENT THIS IS !
                    [–]Michelanvalo [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Mr. Trump,
                    How disappointed are you that your friend Tom Brady will have to serve out the 4 game suspension he was unjustly handed by the NFL?
                    Second question, do you think it's unfair that some sports media members are using Tom's personal relationship with you to insult his character?
                    [–]TheDarkAgniRises [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Dear Mr. Trump.
                    Where are your tax returns?
                    [–]earthtokeebs [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Hello President Trump,
                    I know that you are a man who is about hiring people based on merit, and not any other factors such as race, skin color, ethnicity, etc. I think affirmative action is a good system in theory, but I think it would be much more effective if the policy was based on the student's socio-economic situation rather than race since there are poor white people and rich black people. Do you have any plans to work on this once you enter office?
                    Thank you!
                    [–]skiman71PA [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    Mr. Trump, I'd first like to thank you for doing what nobody else had the guts to do by standing up for the American people who have little to no say in how our country is governed. Thank you also for doing this AMA!
                    Mr. Trump, what made you decide to run for president of the United States? Was there a specific event that made you want to run, or was it something that you've considered over a long period of time?
                    [show replies]
                    [–]jhouston85FL [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    Hi Mr. Tump. First off, THANK YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this AMA. I don't have a question, just want to say how great it is to have a nominee who is a REAL person, and not a political robot. The weak democrats don't seem to care about the safety of America, and they are allowing RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS to run free and do as they please. Your no nonsense mentality and willingness to bring LAW AND ORDER back to the American people will get me to the polls this year to make sure that YOU are the 45th President of the United States! Can't wait for you to annihilate CROOKED HILLARY, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! Thank you!!
                    [–]jjjaaammm [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Mr. Trump. You and your family did a wonderful job at the RNC. Congrats.
                    I believe it is imperative to drive home the, "Pay Bill, get favors from Hill" narrative laid out in "Clinton Cash." What is the simplest way to get this point across to average voter who is not paying attention?
                    P.S. I went to school with Ed Brookover's son. Say hi.
                    [–]12ipFL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Mr. Trump,
                    Thank you for joining us, you being here is truly a testament to how in-touch with your supporters you are, we appreciate it. On to my question:
                    Efficiency and productivity are clearly tenets of your campaign. Under budget and ahead of schedule, as we like to say. Now that you are in full-swing general election mode, do you plan on expanding your campaign’s hiring? I am a Hispanic-Millennial-Attorney living in South Florida and have been doing my damnedest to get noticed by your campaign. I have been in touch with Breitbart’s editorial staff, Infowars’ editorial staff, and was reasonably successful presenting my interest to Roger Stone when he joined us here for an AMA – I was the top question. Please see my question to Roger Stone.
                    I am fully committed to the cause of Making America Great again through common sense conservative policies, informed by your lifelong experience as a successful businessman. I am willing to relocate, take a leave of absence, or even quit my job in order to get on board and join the team. I feel called to use my talents and gifts to get you elected, including leveraging my position as an attorney and emphasizing my Hispanic heritage. Can I come work for you? When do I start?
                    Thank you
                    [–]TurtleDuFromage [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Hello Mr. Trump. What is your favorite part from the Art of the Deal? :)
                    [–]The_DongaldDiscord Admin [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Hello Mr. Trump, I am very excited for you to be here.
                    I have several questions, so answer whichever you like.
                    1. Do you think the internet and the power of memes has been a significant factor in this election?
                    2. When you win the presidency will you switch over to the existing Air Force One or will you make the Trump Jet the new Air Force One?
                    3. How do you plan on designing your Oval Office?
                    Thank you for coming, we love you.
                    [–]DontleaveMA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Dear Mr Trump (Soon to be Mr President),
                    You have run an incredible campaign, a true underdog, and have been such an inspiration to so many hard working Americans who, like yourself, only want the best for this country and I want to thank you for this.
                    I have two questions for you and I would be honored to have you read or possibly answer either one of them:
                    • The Attorney General of Massachusetts (Maura Healey) recently unconstitutionally and unilaterally changed the law regarding the state's assault weapons ban. This decision was done without any research, and has the potential to turn good productive members of our society into felons. As President, what do you intend to do to protect the rights of good, law-abiding citizens in the great Commonwealth and our country as a whole, from knee-jerk reactions from uninformed lawmakers like her?
                    • As I'm sure you are aware there have been many recent police involved shootings across the country, my belief is that these are not caused by racism or hatred but by underfunded and under-trained police departments who are unable to buy the best equipment on the market. For example, in Louisiana where one of the more controversial shootings occurred, the average salary for a police office is $39,000 as opposed to the nationwide average of $57,000. What are your thoughts on increasing funding for these police departments to ensure that we have the best equipped and the highest trained police officers in the world?
                    Thank you so very much Mr Trump for taking the time to do this AMA and I look forward to seeing Crooked Hillary's concession speech in November!
                    [–]Reluctant_swimmerVA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Mr. Trump, what is your position on nuclear energy? Thank you for the AMA, and thank you for working so hard towards making America great again.
                    [–]NoBreaksTrumpTrain [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Mr. Trump, as a young conservative I was excited to hear you comment on your support for protecting LGBT rights during your acceptance speech. I believe in order to win we need a big tent, and you have indeed been going after that big tent. What can we expect in the future when it comes to reaching out to the LGBT community in order to win votes and protect their American interests? I think we stand in a position to take a portion of the demographic away from the elections moving forward if we play our cards right and stand up for our LGBT brothers and sisters.
                    [–]Alaba27DEU [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Dear Mr. Trump,
                    If you can tell us this: many of us have wondered if you or someone from your team checks out this subreddit? Two cases come to mind where something landed on our front page and you tweeted it shortly after:
                    Thank you for being such a

                    HIGH ENERGY

                    candidate and an inspiration to us all. Make America Great Again
                    [–]jb567 [score hidden]  (3 children)
                    You should join /r/MHoC and the Nationalist Party!
                    [show replies]
                    [–]irelandballIRL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Good bunch of lads
                    [–]Cameron271 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    Hey :) I'm part of the Labour Party on /r/MHOC, a simulation of the House of Commons online. We stand for opposition to austerity, democratisation of the workplace, and a strong public infrastructure (here is our manifesto). We're currently having an election, and we'd greatly appreciate it if you would consider voting for us. It'll only take a minute of your time, and it would mean the world to us. You don't have to be British in order to vote! We'd greatly appreciate it if you were to click on this link, choose a constituency, and vote for the Labour Party candidates. If you're interested in joining the Labour Party itself, feel free to click on this link, and comment that you'd like to join Labour. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a nice day :) thanks /u/Cameron271
                    [–]nonestumptrumpNJ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Hello Mr. Trump,
                    It is a tremendous honor to have you here today. You may never truly know how YOOOOJ of a deal this is for us nimble navigating centipedes who regularly roam this subreddit.
                    I have the following question:
                    One thing this election has mobilized more than any other has been the young/millennial vote. However, the candidates we have come out to support in droves are, for the most part, on total opposite ends of the spectrum. In your opinion, what does this polarization say about upcoming elections and the future of the country, as this demographic will become more and more relevant with each election cycle?
                    Thank you!
                    [–]TrumpspiredMAGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    God-Emperor Trump,
                    I would like to ask how you would manage the science and research budget. I see several issues with the science budget
                    1) Money is often wasted but it is difficult to oversee the waste
                    2) The money is often spent in bad ways without a long term objective
                    3) Not enough coupling between industry and academia
                    4) Bad communication and duplicated resources in universities
                    5) Too much red tape
                    How would you tackle these issues and improve the R&D capabilities of the US?
                    [–]olater3IL [score hidden]  (0 children)

                    MR.TRUMP, I LOVE YOU.

                    Could you please let your secret service and security know that I love them for protecting our only real hope.
                    Thank you.

                    We love you!

                    [–][deleted]  (1 child)
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                      [–]lord-tomatoESP [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Good afternoon Mr Trump, it is 1:00am here in Spain but I stayed up just to try this one chance of getting an answer, the thing is, I was wondering if there are any chances you'll be doing an official, or unofficial, visit to my country after you win the election. I wish to be able to tell my grandsons that I shook hands with Mr Donald J. Trump. I can not express how grateful I will be if I get this one doubt answered
                      [–]USApwnKoreanNY [score hidden]  (0 children)

                      Donald J Trump,

                      • Is energy independence our answer to combating climate change?
                      • How would you convince potential voters that energy independence is a national security priority that combats not only breaking the chains from the Middle East, but also creates jobs here at home?
                      Thank you
                      [–]ryandaflyin [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      How do you plan on dealing with countries like China who use the excuse that they “are still developing” as a means to pollute their environment and country, and ultimately the world? Do you care about this issue?
                      [–]AMatterofTrust [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Hello Mr. Trump. I am a republican who did not support you during the primary (I supported Rubio) but I was considering supporting you for the general.
                      However, though I like most of your positions, what gave me pause was your opposition to the H1B visa program. I, who is the son of two immigrants, find this position, based off of what I have heard, to be hurting this country by denying the United States extremely highly educated labor and also bad for the people in other countries, who are suffering for a variety of reasons, such as lack of opportunity. I am Indian American, so for me, one of those reasons is radical islamic terrorism.
                      I have two questions:
                      1. How will you serve to eliminate radical islamic terrorism abroad?
                      2. If your position stands on eliminating the H1B visa program, how will you reform the legal immigration process to bring and keep educated people in the United States, as well as encourage people to come into this country through legal means as opposed to illegal ones? Can you further clarify your position on the program?
                      [–]Deus_G [score hidden]  (0 children)

                      TPP/TRADE DEALS

                      Mr. 45th President.
                      I work on the floor of a poultry processing plant as a newly promoted manager in Pennsylvania.
                      According to the pre ratified version of the TPP, it will cost even less than ever to ship containers of live poultry from our farmers in the USA , have it processed across the world in Vietnam (because of cheap labor/low transport costs), and shipped back to the US as a final product with extortionate profit going to our friends in Vietnam.
                      I, like you, believe in global trade. Free trade is something else. BUT it should be FAIR trade.
                      I am tender hearted to the plight of the folks in the emerging economies, but we should protect our workers first like our mothers were decades ago.
                      The only way other countries should benefit from us, is if we are strong. We should be winning. We are tired. We dont want to be tired anymore.

                      Thank you for the response.

                      [–]MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Hi MR TRUMP!
                      How would you get rid of the influence of globalist special interest and lobbyist in the Washington?
                      [–]Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Mr. Trump, you've stated a desire to lower our federal corporate tax rate to 10%. Do you currently feel like there is a large appetite for a cut like this within congress?
                      Also, has Jeb "Guacamole" Bush spoken to you since he dropped out of the race?
                      [–]IvesisbanksyCA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Thanks for taking the time to do this Mr. Trump - we all hope you love it here and stay in touch with this HUGE community who love you and can't wait to MAGA!
                      1) Entrepreneurs in American manufacturing
                      As an entrepreneur and consumer, I’m intrigued by your platform of bringing jobs back to America. The platform suggests Made In America manufacturing will soon be globally competitive.
                      How do you view the entrepreneurial space in American manufacturing growing over the next 4+ years and will you develop any specifics to revive the American factory economy?
                      2) Student loan debt
                      You’ve mentioned crushing student loan debt several times and it hits me hard. Private lenders continue to recapitalize my principle and interest after every bout of unemployment / deferment. And if I paid my loans back with the wages I’m making now I’d be living under a bridge.
                      How can you change this system so I can build my dream rather than working to build someone else’s?
                      3) Living Large
                      Let’s face it, you live a brilliant and lavish lifestyle. Being president seems almost mundane in the need to well, be presidential for the next 4 years. Have you considered the necessary lifestyle changes you will sacrifice when elected? Anything you’ll really miss?
                      [–]CaliforniaLiberty [score hidden]  (1 child)
                      Dear Mr. Trump,
                      I am a sophomore at San Jose State University, the son of a Desert Storm Navy vet, and the grandson of a witness to the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. My grandmother was one of your biggest fans. She would compliment my mom by saying “You look like Melania!” instead of merely calling them beautiful. Throughout my childhood, I was raised on her stories of American exceptionalism. In the kitchen or in front of the television, she would remind me daily of how immensely she appreciated her American liberators and how proud she was to have become an American citizen. She would lament with tears in her eyes at not being able to talk in front of Congress to vouch for better care for America’s veterans, who I have seen thrown into the streets and ignored like garbage.
                      Two years ago, she suffered a heart attack and her health began to fail. We knew that the end was near, and I made an effort to visit home from college as much as possible. During one of these trips, I brought back a copy of my school newspaper, which was a page-after-page hit piece on American patriotism and your campaign, calling patriots “Islamophobes” and justifying the burning of American flags. The cover was a photoshopped version of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, where Old Glory was replaced with Muslim crescent moons. My father was a Navy Corpsman, and this enraged him. My grandmother was heartbroken, and I could see how much it pained her to see what the country she so dearly adored had become.
                      My 82 year old grandmother died in my arms on May 9th of this year, and I almost regret showing her the repulsive filth being spewed on my college campus from communists, jihadist apologists, La Raza, and Black Lives Matter during her final days. I absolutely regret not being able to take her to a Trump rally to let her know that there were still young people who loved this country and everything it stands for. And, to rub salt in the wounds, I got to watch as Trump supporters were sucker punched, beaten, and spat on by people in San Jose who very well could have been my classmates. The sidewalks of America have already been splattered with the blood of patriots, Mr. Trump. I cannot manifest into words how infuriated, heartbroken, and saddened I am by these vermin.
                      Mr. Trump, what will you do in your administration to combat the suppression of free speech for conservatives on college campuses, and to combat the anti-American hatred of leftists utilizing public universities to push their agenda?
                      I am desperate. This is not the America my grandmother loved. She died thinking this country was falling apart. Please, take action and prevent my millennial generation from putting the nail in its coffin.
                      P.S. As a member of the LGBT community, thank you for your support.
                      [–]erikfinman [score hidden]  (5 children)

                      Hello Mr. Trump

                      I want to speak at one of your rallies and give you the highest turnout of millennials EVER to vote for Trump. I am turning 18 before the election and I’m a successful entrepreneur that left High School at 15, and have been an invited speaker to over 20,000+ millennials.

                      My school was terrible, and the year they instituted Common Core, it got worse. I left High School when I was 15. Since then I’ve made an absolute killing on all the deals I made. Today I’m living on my own in a $6000 a month apartment in NYC.

                      I grew up on a Llama farm, my neighbors were living in a trailer park. My dad is a veteran and today my parents make technology which protects the troops from IEDs. I’ve seen the failure of the system first hand. Middle class people being taxed to death, not enough support for our veterans, and the failure of the education system.

                      I read Art of the Deal and was inspired to THINK BIG and not participate in the bad deal that was my High School.

                      I started an education business where people can get access to the best teachers.. And all my fellow students loved it. The co-founder of reddit personally told me how great of a job I was doing.

                      When I told my teachers. They said: “No 15 year old in the history of business has ever started a successful business. And only 1% of businesses actually make it.”

                      I made a 100k from investing which I put all back into the students & teachers on the website. And in a few short weeks we’re allowing people to start their own school.

                      I’ve also been working with this group of high schoolers to build a satellite that’ll be a hub for creating and collaborating on the re-invention of the system that had failed. The satellite will virtually drop money to people in the US that have bad medical conditions, homeless people that need to get on their feet, and fund American businesses.

                      I raised a 100k in crowdfunding for a brand new Virtual Reality computer and I’m also working with my amazing brother at MIT, to build holographic doctors or teachers that are so affordable and so fun.

                      I came from a Scottish mother that immigrated legally. So I resonate with your message.

                      I used to appreciate Bernie’s honesty, my friends were all Bernie supporters, and I have seen that you will make a greater and re-invented system that isn’t full of lies and sellouts. I SWORE I would never vote, ever! But I will vote for you as I turn 18 two weeks before the election!

                      I will convince every millennial to vote for you in this nation. I know how millennials feel about Bernie. And I will get you the highest Youth vote in the history of not just the country, but the world. And use my incredible business intelligence to make sure that happens. Speaking at one of your rallies would be a great start to that.

                      If you want to know more here is a few of my many press articles:

                      http://time.com/3486048/most-influential-teens-2014/ - TIME MAGAZINE'S MOST INFLUENTIAL TEEN

                      http://mashable.com/2014/06/10/botangle/#dVi1y2vxxkqD - 15-Year-Old Makes $100,000 on Bitcoin, Launches Startup

                      http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/magazine/article4628952.ece - Is this the cleverest boy in the world?

                      http://www.cbsnews.com/news/erik-finman-botangle-after-100k-bitcoin-score-15-year-old-creates-startup/ --- CBS News - Charlie Rose

                      http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/12/bitcoin-boy-erik-finman.html - The Bitcoin Boy: 16-Year-Old Erik Finman Is in His Silicon Valley Prime


                      http://mashable.com/2016/05/04/marvel-vr-headset/#Jb6Tul9W8aqG - The Marvel headset is an early attempt at a VR operating system for your phone

                      http://mashable.com/2016/05/04/marvel-vr-headset/#Jb6Tul9W8aqG - This teen made $100,000 in bitcoin and now he's crowdfunding a VR headset

                      [show replies]
                      [–]Prancing_LansingTX [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Hi, Mr. Trump!
                      Many of us on /r/the_donald are huge fans of Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay conservative journalist and editor for Breitbart News. Our love for Milo is rivaled only by Milo's love for you!
                      Milo is an expert on destroying liberals in debates and has an extraordinary amount of experience with the media.
                      On many occasions, Milo has stated he would love to be your Press Secretary and, BELIEVE ME, he'd do a hell of a good job!
                      Would you be willing to get in contact with Milo regarding the possibility of him working as your Press Secretary?
                      [–]World_ChaosFL [score hidden]  (1 child)
                      Hey Mr. Trump, I’ve been a long time supporter since last September since you showed me that Rubio is a fraud. I’ve been active on this forum since, then checking every single day and learning so much about the fraud in this country. Thats all thanks to you, your energy and love for the American people wouldn’t have brought an 18 year old like me into the politic process. Living in Florida is tough sometimes. Theres no jobs here for a young kid like me and every place where I apply they tell me they are looking for older individuals, some who just migrated here, so that they can have a long term employee that won’t leave their company like a kid going off to college. Publix, Walmart, Mcdonalds, and etc. have all given me that same answer since I was 16. After applying every single month I just gave up, the rejection was too much, but then I found your campaign and its given me hope again for this country and my economic future. I even put together some money when you said you needed to meet a goal, thats how desperate people like me are for REAL change. I’m very happy you and your campaign have stumbled upon this forum because we really have been your fighting force on the internet even changing media narratives like seen today when Fox News pulled a story from here.
                      So heres my question, have you looked into any opportunity with high speed rails and faster transportation between our cities? I know you have address our crumbling infrastructure and I know our bridges, highways, and airports need fixing, but on top of that we should really expand our infrastructure to further promote growth. High speed rail wouldn’t cost much more than a wall and I feel like this is a campaign promise that would really sell and more importantly promote extreme economic growth.
                      Thank you for you're time! When I saw you in Boca Raton in Florida not far from where I live you were incredible, along with the crowd. The University that I am going to in the Fall, Hofstra University, is hosting one of the debates and I wish that I could see you again. Specially to take on Crooked Hillary in first person but they are barely reserving any seats for students. All the seats are going to the dishonest media and lobbyists. A real shame!
                      Thanks again Mr. Trump!!!!! For everything! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
                      [–]TheRealRobMontyGA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Who would win in a fight - 100 rato sized Hillaries or 1 Hillary-sized rato?
                      [–]RICHB0YWINST0NAR [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Mr. Trump, thank you for accepting the invite to our AMA. Our little corner of the Internet idolizes you, and I am not being hyperbolic when I say you have saved many of us. Before your campaign, I felt hopeless about the future of our nation. All that has changed now. Watching you speak the truth as you see it no matter the consequences, stand your ground, and counter punch twice as hard when attacked has shown me how to be a man.
                      I read somewhere on here that you are the step-father this bastard country needs to whip it into shape. You have already began "whipped me into shape" so to speak, so I agree with the sentiment and it has resonated with me. Mr. Trump, what is the single most important piece of advice you would give to those watching you who want to follow your lead in Making America Great Again?
                      [–]Seahawksfan13AZ [score hidden]  (3 children)
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                      [–]petrolfanatic [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Hey Donald Trump what will you do concerning the censorship/bias against the conservative movement with Facebook, Google, and ect.?
                      [–]Kerbologna [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Mr. Trump, the federal government has crippled our nuclear energy industry by refusing to build a permanent disposal facility for nuclear waste. Ronald Reagan signed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, promising to build such a facility, but the Congress has dragged their feet, failed to meet every deadline, and bungled the entire operation. They even built Yucca Mountain, and then shut it down before it became operational thanks to Harry Reid and the special interests of Nevada. The Obama administration appointed a blue ribbon commission to study this issue, but they have taken no action.
                      Right now, nuclear waste is sitting at nuclear power plants all over this country, increasing costs for power plant operators and stifling growth, investment, and innovation. Even worse, these growing levels of waste are creating ever-larger targets for would-be terrorists. No one will invest into expensive nuclear power plants because they have nowhere to store the waste, and the federal government refuses to act.
                      Mr. Trump, what will you do to fulfill the federal government’s obligations under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act to ensure that the nuclear energy industry in our great country does not die?
                      [–]Rampantlion513OH [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Hello Mr. Trump.
                      In your inauguration speech, will you take the opportunity to say "Obama, you're fired!" or will you be taking a more professional approach?
                      [–]shadowbananawarenessIL [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      President Trump, would you consider either of these people to be your White House Press Secretary:
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