Putin's Internet Trolls Are Stoking The Vitriolic Fire By Posing As Trump Supporters

from the disinformation-nation dept

Over the last year we've repeatedly noted how Putin's Internet propaganda efforts go well beyond flinging insults in news story comment sections. Thanks to whistleblowing by the likes of Lyudmila Savchuk, we learned how Putin employs multiple factories operated by a rotating crop of shell companies whose sole purpose is to fill the internet with Putin-friendly drivel twenty-four-hours a day. Early reports noted how these efforts focused on what you'd expect from Putin: discrediting reporters, distorting Russia's invasion of the Ukraine, or opposing Finland's entry into NATO.

But a little more than a year ago, New York Times Magazine's Adrian Chen decided to see just how deep that particular rabbit hole went.

What he uncovered was a global, not-at-all subtle disinformation network of well-constructed hoaxes, heavily-produced YouTube videos, fake Wikipedia entries, and tens of thousands of bogus social media accounts -- many of which were designed to pollute the global discourse pool here in the States. The report went so far as to highlight one disinformation effort where Putin-paid trolls posed as Americans online, directing users to a fully-realized museum in Chelsea, Manhattan professing to show the "other side" of the Ukranian conflict (you say invasion, I say tomahto).

That Putin's trolls have extended these tactics to the US election is more than likely. In fact, in an accompanying podcast discussing his story, Chen notes that he also discovered that a number of Putin's disinformation pugilists have been posing as Trump supporters for some time -- something New Yorker contributor Ben Taub was quick to highlight this week just as the DNC e-mail hack hysteria began to peak:
Obviously this insight begins to carry new meaning as Russia's involvement in the DNC hack becomes clearer. Many of course have spent significant calories trying to suggest a direct Putin to Trump connection; that's certainly the narrative being pushed by a DNC with a vested interest in avoiding any real conversation about what the e-mails actually say. But it's equally possible that Putin's simply using Internet propaganda to pour gasoline on a rolling dumpster fire that's already veering out of control.

This level of propaganda is something the United States -- already effectively at war with itself -- is not only very good at, but incredibly susceptible to. As a nation we're already prone to over-reaction in tech policy (ban all encryption!), adore responses that make already bad situations worse (immediately launch a cyberattack on Russia!), have an echo-chamber media for whom fact checking is often optional, and an ongoing, passionate relationship with cybersecurity hypocrisy.

During election season we're additionally susceptible to this type of attack; sportsmen in our color-coded onesies and ear plugs -- ready to pounce at the faintest suggestion that our preferred punishment candidate has anything other than the noblest of intentions. We're wading into some very dangerous and ugly territory during what's already been one of the most divisive years on record. Enter the latest expanded claims that the DNC hacker was likely under Putin's employ:
"The researchers, at Arlington, Va.-based ThreatConnect, traced the self-described Romanian hacker Guccifer 2.0 back to an Internet server in Russia and to a digital address that has been linked in the past to Russian online scams. Far from being a singly, sophisticated hacker, Guccifer 2.0 is more likely a collection of people from the propaganda arm of the Russian government meant to deflect attention away from Moscow as the force behind the DNC hacks and leaks of emails, the researchers found."

“These are bureaucrats, not sophisticated hackers,” Rich Barger, ThreatConnect’s chief intelligence officer, told The Daily Beast. In blog posts and in interviews with journalists, Barger said, Guccifer 2.0 has made inconsistent remarks and given a version of how he penetrated the DNC networks that technically don’t make sense. For instance, the hacker claims to have used a software flaw that didn’t exist until December 2015 in order to break into the DNC networks last summer.
Given countries are busy hacking each other every god damned day, Russia's involvement here -- if true -- shouldn't be a shock. Neither should Russia's use of propaganda and hybrid warfare, a response it believes is justified retaliation to decades of this country's own information warfare efforts. Enter the U.S. media stage left, not only hysterically surprised that nation states hack each other, but immediately losing the forest for the trees; happily insisting the actual content of the e-mails are meaningless -- when they're not busy pushing op-eds advocating all out cyber war. If this is a test of things to come, it's one the press is already failing.

We're already up to our necks in our own marketing, political disinformation and propaganda, leaving us incapable of differentiating Russian disinformation from home grown vitriol. We're barely coordinated enough to agree on what cybersecurity should mean -- much less differentiate hostile Russian propaganda from the vanilla rancor and bile pervading the internet on any given afternoon. Ill-prepared, poorly informed and confused as hell, there's numerous possible responses from the United States here. Given our history with abysmal cybersecurity policy and even worse media dysfunction -- none of them are likely to be any good.

Welcome to the post-truth era's disinformation wars, ladies and gentlemen. Team "level headed" is going to need all the help it can get.

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  1. icon
    Ninja (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 7:29am

    Welcome to the post-truth era's disinformation wars, ladies and gentlemen.

    When being totally cynical actually seems sensible.

    I can't wait until this shit backfires in a very ugly way.

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  2. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 7:30am

    Host: Who's paying for that?

    Chen: I don't know (and then he goes on to say other things)

    If it was Russia, wouldn't they expect this to come to light, and when it does come to light, will put Trump in a bad light? So if it was Russia, was it done not to support Trump, but make him look bad?

    Either way, seems Hillary and the DNC doesn't do a good job of protecting email.

    All the talk now is about the aftermath, not what was actually in the emails. Two thoughts here, Hillary used a private server for her emails to keep the public from being able to know what she is doing and to subvert the FOI process. The DNC worked against a candidate to subvert the democratic process.

    These are people we should support?

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  3. icon
    Chris ODonnell (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 7:42am

    ""These are people we should support?""

    If the alternative is the guy Putin wants as President of the USA, then probably yes, we should support these people. The real question is why in a country of 300+ million do we have to choose between these two?

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  4. icon
    DannyB (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 7:42am

    Is this the best use of taxpayer resources?

    Should the government really be worrying about geopolitical concerns when there are more important pressing matters such as: potentially other people like Aaron Swartz who might make public documents available to the public (gasp!). And shouldn't the government be busy acting as Hollywood's private police force?

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  5. identicon
    Wes, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 7:48am

    Psychologic Subterfuge

    I'll just point out, this lost confused attitude (not personal, no animosity whatsoever intended) is the designed outcome that Putin has perfected and for which the internet is the perfect millinial platform:

    "We're already up to our necks in our own marketing, political disinformation and propaganda, leaving us incapable of differentiating Russian disinformation from home grown vitriol. We're barely coordinated enough to agree on what cybersecurity should mean -- much less differentiate hostile Russian propaganda from the vanilla rancor and bile pervading the internet on any given afternoon. Ill-prepared, poorly informed and confused as hell, there's numerous possible responses from the United States here. Given our history with abysmal cybersecurity policy and even worse media dysfunction -- none of them are likely to be any good."

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  6. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 7:59am

    But does Russia really support Trump? Wouldn't they know this would be uncovered? Wouldn't they know that the American people wouldn't get behind a candidate that Russia supports? Is this just misdirection, making the American people think that Russia supports Trump, thus hurting Trump?

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  7. identicon
    Rana, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:00am

    ...this country's own information warfare efforts.

    You reap what you sow.

    Meanwhile, various elements of the US government (FBI director Comey, et al) are doing everything they can to make US citizens *more* susceptible to hackers, especially of the state-sponsored type. It almost makes one wonder if Comey himself is on Putin's payroll.

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  8. icon
    orbitalinsertion (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:12am


    The point, assuming it is Russia, would be to sow confusion and discord. It doesn't really matter if Russia supports either one or not.

    As for hurting Trump. Lol, nothing really hurts Trump, which is why he is where he is. People with sections of completely contradictory ideologies, including those that conflict with Trump's personal behaviors, love him. You could show him palling around with Bin Laden and hugging him, post 2001-09-11, and people would say it just proves that the terrorist attacks were false flag ops.

    Not that we don't put up with all sorts of atrocious behavior from nearly every politician ever.

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  9. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:23am

    Re: ...this country's own information warfare efforts.

    thank you for pointing out the original sinners here...
    further, doesnt hillborg not only have her own legions of online shills, have not they alresdy employed mercenary posters to burnish their image, doesnt she have several libtard 'news' sites like huffpoo running anti-trump bullshit 24/7 and pro- hillbot bullshit ?
    but releasing REAL emails that are less than flattering, but REAL, is the sin, here ? NOT the anti-democratic actions of the dem'rats ?

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  10. icon
    Hephaestus (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:26am

    the hacker claims to have used a software flaw that didn’t exist until December 2015

    Didn't exist or wasn't discovered until December 2015? That is a very big difference.

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  11. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:27am

    Re: We're barely coordinated enough to agree

    What do you mean by "We" white man?

    HRC is to the Internet as Trump is to illegal aliens. If they make this a popular topic to vector hate at the Russians the fallout is going to be on the DOMESTIC tech sector, and it will be oh so unpleasant.

    So please put down the can of gasoline and the lighter. I don't know what motivated you to set this fire. But if you agree with the other positions that TD takes, you really, really, don't want to do what you are doing by posting what you just posted.

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  12. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:29am

    A significant omission

    Trump's campaign announced today that they will NOT be releasing his tax returns. I suspect that this is because there's at least one smoking gun buried in them and given the level of scrutiny they'd face, it'd be found.

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  13. icon
    That One Guy (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:32am

    Re: ...this country's own information warfare efforts.

    It almost makes one wonder if Comey himself is on Putin's payroll.

    No need to toss around unlikely maybes when the more likely answer is much simpler:

    Comey wants to undermine encryption and public safety and security not because he's on someone's payroll, but because he doesn't give a damn what happens to anyone but himself and weakened encryption makes his job easier. It's likely that simple, weaker/broken encryption means he has access to more information with less work, and since he isn't likely to be directly harmed by the fallout he doesn't care in the slightest what damage will result from broken encryption.

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  14. icon
    Richard (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:46am

    hostile Russian propaganda

    What exactly do you believe the Russians are trying to achieve here?

    It's not as if they were trying to win the world for communism anymore.

    In other words why do you think Russia doesn't like the west and - equally what is there about them to dislike?

    After all Russia's interest in what it regards as its own backyard (ie Ukraine - incidentally Kiev was the original capital of Russia) is really no different from the US meddling in South and central America and the Caribbean ( Chile and Grenada spring to mind in an instant.

    Also why do we complain about Russia's actions in Ukraine whilst turning a 40 year blind eye to Turkey's blatant military invasion of North Cyprus, Saudi Arabia's bombing of Yemen etc etc etc

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  15. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 8:55am

    Re: Re: ...this country's own information warfare efforts.

    "releasing REAL emails that are less than flattering, but REAL, is the sin, here ?"

    I know better but here goes (and this would apply to 'leaked' emails/communications affecting either side):

    How do you know they are REAL and not doctored? How would you YOU prove that you didn't send an email with unsavory/'crooked' content within the timewindow of the hack? Say the hacker released a doctored/invented message from 'you' which reveals you plotting insurrection in conjunction with known terrorists? How would YOU prove that you did not do that? Quick, quick, quick!!!! The press is doorstepping you, your career is getting vaposized, your kids are being threatened at school, your wife got fired, your name is mud. Quick - prove you didn't do it !!

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  16. identicon
    Rana, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:00am

    Re: Re: ...this country's own information warfare efforts.

    I said "almost".

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  17. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:02am

    And the other shoe drops...

    ...at a press conference minutes ago, Trump asked the Russians to hack the computers of a former US Secretary of State in order to help him win the election.

    Yes, really. Go watch the video, if you didn't see it live.

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  18. identicon
    Avior, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:12am

    Re: ...this country's own information warfare efforts.

    What? Someone in the FBI on Russia's payroll? That could never happen!

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  19. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:14am

    About that invasion.

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  20. icon
    That One Guy (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:16am

    Re: Re: Re: ...this country's own information warfare efforts.

    Fair enough.

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  21. identicon
    Deputy Dickwad, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:24am

    Is there a difference between Trump supporters and Russian internet trolls?

    Doesn't that Venn diagram just look like a circle?

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  22. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:25am

    Isn't it just a tiny bit hypocritical to complain about anything Russia may or may not have done in Ukraine when the entire coup in Ukraine was the result of interference by the USA in Ukraine to begin with? Have you forgotten about Senator McCain's little speech in Kiev a couple months prior to the coup? He wasn't shy about supporting such action and what was done in public is no doubt only the tip of the ice berg in terms of American masterminding and facilitation of the coup. If it weren't for these actions by the USA, Russia would have never been in a position to annex Crimea and none of the military hostilities in east Ukraine would have even happened! I suppose it's all a matter of how one CHOOSES to frame the situation, but pretending that Russia is the bad guy seems only possible from a Cold War mindset.

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  23. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:26am

    Re: About that invasion.

    ok where did my comment go.
    Russia has not invaded the Ukraine.
    I know that it is pure sophistry & fig leaves in my explanation but at this level of diplomacy that is all that counts.

    So the US instigated the coup in the Ukraine. Don't ask me why, they'd gotten everything (what they lost by starting that coup, that is the control of the gascrossing of Europe and the ability to kick the Russians out of Sebastopol) in the elections coming up a month or two later.
    Russia retaliated by suggesting that Crimea hold a referendum. Pointed towards what happened during Bill Clintons term in the Balkans (oh yes the US gave this trick a veneer of legality) as showing that both the referendum and their response to it was legal. Then they used the twenty thousand or so soldiers they were by treaty entitled to have in Crimea to follow the will of the people of Crimea.

    Still bothers me that the US didn't wait until the elections in the Ukraine though; They didn't spend billions for nothing on making sure that the only people electable would be moderately to enthusiastically in favor of relations with the US & the EU while wanting to get rid of the relations with Russia.

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  24. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:44am


    Russia IS a bad guy to the people in power in the US.
    It was defeated in the cold war so why doesn't it behave like a defeated nation. You know like the Europeans do who basically follow any diktat coming from Washington (See what happened to Evo Morales during the Snowden hubhub).

    And then the hubris of Russia of daring to diplomatically intervene in US business. It is the US who owns the world and it didn't say you (Russia) is allowed to play on it's stage. That mindset has been in effect since the end of the cold war. I remember that Russia made some treaties with a spec of dust sized post USSR nation, which was rabidly pro Russia since it's big neighbor was rabidly pro US and eying to annex said spec of dust, the US basically threw a tantrum about the Russian not having asked the US permission for concluding those treaties.

    And that mindset is still in full force.
    You could basically hear the group of people, who instead of walking softly while carrying a big stick are looking for a dog to beat with, go: "fuck they tricked us" when Russia managed to get Iran back into the diplomatic game then kept the US honest. And you could almost hear Kerry whine that Russia should stay the hell out of US business in Syria (after the rebels used chemical weapons) instead of stopping the planned invasion.

    So yes Russia is the bad guy for not listening to the diktats coming from Washington and actively interfering with US interests internationally when it, Russia, thinks it suits its own interests.

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  25. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:45am

    Re: And the other shoe drops...

    Is that really needed?
    I mean don't they already HAVE the entire content of the personal e-mail server?

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  26. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:57am


    If Russia could make the choice between Trump and Clinton it would be Trump 100%.
    Aside from behaving friendly. You know things like I can talk to Putin on the same level, he's a good buddy. There is the notion that Trump seems to want to go slightly isolationist meaning removing sections of the armed forces back to the US & stopping this one up manship of which US president can invade more countries.
    This compared to Clinton who is inherently hostile to the Russians. Her, and the clique she is part of, greatest setbacks are courtesy of Russia. Some of which were very public. And she holds a grudge. Further she's never met an invasion of a country she would not support. Or take over a proxy war to do the real fighting with US soldiers when the proxy can't make progress. That last one is what worries the Russians a bit seeing the current proxy war in the Ukraine (there is an unspoken agreement that the US & Russia NEVER fight directly with each other since that is the start of WW3).

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  27. icon
    Karl Bode (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 9:58am


    Please note that when someone criticizes Russia, it is not automatically an endorsement of anything the United States does. That's phony logic. One can easily believe both countries have a strong genetic disposition to bullying and jackassery.

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  28. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 10:06am


    Shadowrun wasn't meant to be a manual.

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  29. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, Jul 27th, 2016 @ 10:09am

    Please explain how this is any different than what MSNBC, ABC, Fox, CBS, TimeWarner, Google, Comcast, Disney et do.

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  30. icon
    John Fenderson (profile), Jul 27th, 2016 @ 10:09am

    Re: Re:

    Yes, this. I doubt if Russia would care about who the president is as much as it would care about increasing the amount of distrust between the US government and US citizenry.

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