Dave J McWeasely
United States Louisville Kentucky
A day or two ago there was a huge post, of high quality, in the strategy section by a "new" user. It was apperant that the new user was in fact "magic geek", a user who has been banned from the geek multiple times for his idiosyncratic views on the nature of forum postings.
Basically, he wishes BGG had wikis instead of forums. Nevermind that it does have wikis, he doesn't really understand what those are, even though he wants them. He gets mad when other people don't respect his strange views and pollute his posts with replies, causing him to do things that aren't good practice for forums. This irritates the BGG admins to no end.
The downside of this kerfuffle is, that he produces good strategy articles. Before he got banned he literally rewrote the strategic book on War of the Ring. He was winding up to give Starcraft the same treatment, but alas, perceptions have hardened and he's being banned even more quickly than before.
The losers here are the people who want to engage in an actual discussion about board games. I was quite keen to read his post, and saddened when it was gone today.
BGG is a content site, which relies on content from its users. Magic Geek produces high quality content that drives traffic to the site. Magic Geek also doesn't "get" forums. The cure of banning Magic Geek is worse than the disease. Can we somehow reset here, and hammer out a treaty where MG agrees to use the forums or the wikis in some way consistant with internet customs, and in exchange BGG gets content he cares to post here.
Matt Davis
United States New Concord Ohio
Is this the guy who recently re-posted his "How to Play Tassadar" that was forever long? Or someone else?
Matthew M
United States New Haven Connecticut
513ers Assemble!
MrWeasely wrote: BGG is a content site, which relies on content from its users. Magic Geek produces high quality content that drives traffic to the site. Magic Geek also doesn't "get" forums. The cure of banning Magic Geek is worse than the disease. Can we somehow reset here, and hammer out a treaty where MG agrees to use the forums or the wikis in some way consistant with internet customs, and in exchange BGG gets content he cares to post here.
He has been given multiple chances already. His constant deleting and editing of his own posts is what caused him to lose those privileges in the first place. He had been advised on multiple occasions that the forums are not for works-in-progress and that he should instead compose his articles off site and only submit them when they were completed.
His response was to instead continue with his posting half-finished work, but instead of editing it he would just create new threads every time he wanted to add something. That is, when he wasn't making new accounts to circumvent the restrictions placed on his other accounts - an act that is not taken lightly.
Despite that, Glenn has been given multiple chances to redeem himself and every time it ended the same way. I'm all for giving second chances, but fourth chances? As Einstein said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
He is welcome to post his work elsewhere and others are welcome to submit the link to the links section.
Matthew M
United States New Haven Connecticut
513ers Assemble!
I don't think you understand the scope of what Glenn was doing. The initial post would be maybe a few introductory paragraphs followed by an outline of what was to come and a demand that no one reply in the thread until it was finished - which of course didn't happen. So he would get belligerent with the people who didn't follow his request and eventually delete the old post to post an updated (but still not complete) version. Of course doing so also deleted discussion that spawned from the initial thread and that pissed off some of the contributors to said discussion.
There was also at least one time where he maliciously edited his posts in a discussion thread so as to change the context of what the replies were responding to.
Mind you, all of this lead to only the edit functions being disabled and a request that he not post anything until it was rather close to final form. And he was also given a clean slate with a new account after that.
I should also point out that he can still post using his second-chance account (magic gecko) - but refuses to as he feels he cannot live without the ability to edit or delete his posts. I believe he may also have earned himself some suspensions by trying to complain about his other suspensions in game forum threads, including hijacking the threads of others, rather than the general forums - but that has long since expired.
Sithrak - The god who hates you unconditionally
Still, if his strategies are really as good as the weasle suggests, I'd really like to read them, perhaps moving them back from the deleted threads subforum so that we can have a look at them could be arranged? I'm always fond of some tactical advice for my favourite games... Seeing how he seems to have been banned again, he should be unable to disrupt the thread further...
Anyway, without having read any of his articles, it is always sad to see a combination of usefulness and Erkenntnisresistenz (I'd translate it as realization resistance or unability to understand, is there any specific english word that carries a similar meaning? It's admittedly somewhat tongue in cheek...)
Matthew M
United States New Haven Connecticut
513ers Assemble!
MrSkeletor wrote: Was he the person who actually discovered the DEW north strategy in WoTR. Assuming it was his discovery (and he wasn't just regurgitating stuff someone else found) he was fantastic at strategic thinking, if rather excentric.
He was, and I agree. In the end it was deemed that the headaches he caused weren't worth the effort.
As I said - he can still post using his magic gecko account if he wishes, and people (or even he himself) are welcome to link to his content in the Links section should he wish to post it elsewhere.
Dave J McWeasely
United States Louisville Kentucky
Yeah, DEW-North was him. He got quite a reputation as a troll because everyone dismissed the strategy as unworkable (example: "DEW is too far from Mordor"), and he stuck to his guns. He was rather impolitic, I might add, but he needed to shock to break the groupthink. I think that's really the genesis of his unpopularity.
Part of the problem is that MG makes huge, huge posts, with lots of supporting information. 17 screens is nothing to him. He uses the save/edit cycle as a backup strategy against a browser crash. Wouldn't you, if you were writing something that long? I tend to do the same thing in my longer posts, but in a text editor, but previewing back and forth is definitely an error-prone pain, and I'm a semi-professional programmer. I think he's challenged by computer technology, so he uses the pragmatic approach of editing stuff that's backed up on the bgg database.
I was going to write more, but alas, BGG went down for maintenance while I was typing, and I lost it!
Stephen Schaefer
United States Columbus Ohio
Maybe he should publish a blog or something. He can edit that all day long without consequence, make a name for himself as a go-to site for strategies, and everyone wins.
As an added bonus, once he has finalized a strategy post, he or someone following his work can transfer the content of that post from the blog over to here.
It just seems like he's trying much too hard to do things the way it seems right in his head, without regard for the wasted effort involved. It's like swimming a half-mile upstream in order to walk a mile downstream. Just get out of the water and walk the half-mile difference.
Justin Ziegler
United States Connecticut
i think i also read a strat he had, how to play tassadar, and in my opinion, it wasn't that good, just saying. wait, so he basiccly said "i made an intro, next day the next paragraph, and so on and so forth and noone post!" kinda thing? also, what prevents him from just making a new account and pisssing you guys off all over again, cause i wouldn't want him to tick you guys off, cause you didn't do jack to him that he didn't deserve!
Darren M
Canada Fort Vermilion AB
What? Eccentric geeky characters on BGG discussing and writing about boardgames in esoteric geeky ways? We can't have that on a geeky niche website like this!!!
... this all reminds me of Green Lantern episode #43 when....
ronaldinho @boardspace.net
Octavian wrote: I don't think you understand the scope of what Glenn was doing. The initial post would be maybe a few introductory paragraphs followed by an outline of what was to come and a demand that no one reply in the thread until it was finished - which of course didn't happen. So he would get belligerent with the people who didn't follow his request and eventually delete the old post to post an updated (but still not complete) version. Of course doing so also deleted discussion that spawned from the initial thread and that pissed off some of the contributors to said discussion.
There was also at least one time where he maliciously edited his posts in a discussion thread so as to change the context of what the replies were responding to.
Mind you, all of this lead to only the edit functions being disabled and a request that he not post anything until it was rather close to final form. And he was also given a clean slate with a new account after that.
I should also point out that he can still post using his second-chance account (magic gecko) - but refuses to as he feels he cannot live without the ability to edit or delete his posts. I believe he may also have earned himself some suspensions by trying to complain about his other suspensions in game forum threads, including hijacking the threads of others, rather than the general forums - but that has long since expired.
That's not all that bad, in my opinion.
magic gecko
Australia Melbin Oz
Magic Geek is Evil!
Q .. So, why do Afghanis like watching Television?
A .. Because the Americans got rid of the Teleban.
I really like this joke, for all sorts of reasons. Topical, political, and clever. Yet polite, short and not at all crude.
It gets a lot of laughs because people wonder why other people are laughing, then they figure out what I've said. It's great. Try it out. No one gets offended. I reckon even the Talaban would find this joke funny. It can lead to serious discussion about the nature of the world. Or fart gags, depends on the audience. I have told this joke to naked hippies, little boys and grandma's.
Seriously, The Joke is amazing. It laughs at the situation, announces an interest, and an informed view. And allowing television is obviously a good thing.
The Talaban first earnt my hatred by blowing up beautiful monuments in 2001. Yes, thats right, the Bamiyan Bhuddas. To intentionally destroy such beauty is unforgivable.
Months later I had some bizzare telephone monologues. "Hello My Friend's Mum. Yes, I know what time it is, Sorry I woke you. Turn on your television. Just turn on it on. It doesn't matter which channel"
I had been to the World Trade Centre. Watching them explode was just plain wrong.
There are many, often stated reasons as to why strangers would hate the US from afar. All of them are just as applicable to Australia. Often more so. But noone ever knows this. And that's just great. Makes life much easier when travelling. So does knowing a few jokes.
Once, a woman walked up to me in Germany and tried 4 times to tell me "The bush is shrinking" Huh? Why was she talking about Australian landscapes? "Yes, the Bush is shrinking, in Colorado" My dinner companions explained I was Australian. Comprehension lit up her eyes and she fled in embarrassment. She was going on about US politics. I thought she was talking about cutting down trees.
Funny how everyone has lots of rights in the US of A. Except the foreigners. Guantanimo Prison is the obvious, and best example of this.
Since Guantanimo is not in the US, US law does not apply. Cuba does not get a say in this foreign prison, for foreigners, so it is outside Cuban law. At the end of a normal war, prisoners go home and there can be peace. When do these nutters go home?
The only completed Guantanimo prosecution was of an Australian. He was assigned a US Marine for a lawyer, as the laws against him were being written. He pleaded Guilty, and now walks the street in Australia. His crimes were a political construction, as was his punishment. He is not able to speak any truth that does not conform. Anything he says is "written down and used as evidence against him".
"Freedom of Speech", "Fair Trial", "Evidence" and "Justice" appear endlessly on US TV shows. (Australians dont have guns, so our TV crime shows suck.) I have felt the cold steel of police handcuffs in Kansas. I had a great big bag of Cocaine. Well, actually we were trafficking someone else's Amway Washing powder. But it certainly looked like cocaine, and I didn't know.
I will not accept my orange suit and go quietly into the night. Let me explain the cycle of how I get banned.
Magic Geek says "Wahey! This seems a bit strong!" Ignorant One says "No it isn't." Ignorant Two says "And it doesn't work" Octavian says "Haa-Haa" Informed One says "Actually, Magic Geek is right" Magic Geek says "Octavian is being rude, and wrong" Octavian bans Magic Geek
This has happened THREE TIMES! Dew North in War of the Ring Obey Me! in Queens Gambit Aldarchons in Starcraft.
Dew North is foussed, efficient and simple. Obey Me! is foussed, efficient and simple. Aldarchons is foussed, efficient and simple.
The rest of the Universe must stop Aldaris, together, or Aldaris win. Mr Weasley, the initiator of this thread, plays with 2 Tassadar. No Aldaris. Sounds broken to me.
Sorry, I think I have hijacked your complaint about my censorship, and started talking strategy. And, there may be a way of fighting Aldarchons, using the rarest of all units... . .Gaurdians! But only Overmind Gaurdians.
Overmind Gaurdians is based on and odd rule. The exact same rule that triggered Octavian's public apology, and got me banned, again. No, wait. The apology was public, the threatening and offensive email he sent was private. So I posted Octavian's email, verbatim, under his apology. Octavian deleted his own words and banned me.
Octavian does not speak truth. Octavian does not deliver justice. Funny how the only edited posts on this thread are Octavian's.
I did delete my opening post once, accidentally deleting the entire thread. I did ask someone to play the game before giving out strategy. I did ask to people not to post on a thread I was writing. I did make fun of Gay Monopoly. I did ask people to play variants before condemning them. The crimes I have commited simply dont exist.
I did rewrite the ENTIRE War of the Ring rules. I did post them on this site. Octavian did deleted them.
This entire website told me I was wrong. I kept playing my game, my way. I kept getting the same results. The entire website was wrong, and refused point blank to try out what I said. I went to Europe and proved my point.
I will be going to Europe in September. Anyone want a game? (And a couch for a night or two would be great!)
Matthew M
United States New Haven Connecticut
513ers Assemble!
And yet here you are.
As I said - Glenn has access and posting rights on this account. If I were being as consistent as some have asked this account would currently be locked for creating sock-puppets to circumvent posting restrictions, but I guess I just have a soft-spot for the guy.
And for transparency, I will post this here for all to see: you are welcome to continue posting using this account. If you violate posting guidelines then this account will be subjected to a series of increasing suspensions consistent with BGG forum policies. And rest assured, I will get second and third opinions when possible. Just because I'm the admin that's been tasked with dealing with you doesn't mean it's personal.
James Thompson
United States Amherst New Hampshire
MrWeasely wrote: Yeah, DEW-North was him. He got quite a reputation as a troll because everyone dismissed the strategy as unworkable (example: "DEW is too far from Mordor"), and he stuck to his guns. He was rather impolitic, I might add, but he needed to shock to break the groupthink. I think that's really the genesis of his unpopularity.
Part of the problem is that MG makes huge, huge posts, with lots of supporting information. 17 screens is nothing to him. He uses the save/edit cycle as a backup strategy against a browser crash. Wouldn't you, if you were writing something that long? I tend to do the same thing in my longer posts, but in a text editor, but previewing back and forth is definitely an error-prone pain, and I'm a semi-professional programmer. I think he's challenged by computer technology, so he uses the pragmatic approach of editing stuff that's backed up on the bgg database.
I was going to write more, but alas, BGG went down for maintenance while I was typing, and I lost it!
What I've done on the few occasions that I posted a long article I'd simply type it all up in Word and edit and save there, and then when it was done I'd copy it and paste it into the window on BGG. That seemed to work fine (although nobody liked my article much
magic gecko
Australia Melbin Oz
"What I've done on the few occasions that I posted a long article, I'd simply type it all up in Word and edit and save there,"
I dont have access to a proper word processor on most of the places I type. Also, I type on multiple different computers, with different hard drives. Email to myself can and does work when I am writing something long and creative.
" and then when it was done I'd copy it and paste it into the window on BGG. That seemed to work fine"
OK. Great. Now the rules change, an expansion is made, or you are just wrong. A post carved in stone cannot be changed.
"(although nobody liked my article much " Well People Loved My Articles. For a while they were the most viewed threads on War of the Ring.
When an article is rewritten, the words get better. Spelling mistakes can be corrected. Rulings and opinions can be added and corrected by feedback. Over emotional or insulting words can be mollified and or deleted. Headings can be added. ColoUrs and Fonts adopted. Layout and editing means the words can be put in the right places. Additional information can be absorbed.
See all of those options above the "Subject" Line? The vast majority of users do not use them. They are the bits that I want to use.
Did you know that there are some special characters that the parser does not accept? I found that out when my apology was discarded, and had to be manually added to a following post.
The final "DEW North : Collected Evil" is an excellent example of how the War of the Rings rules would look, if I was given the basic ability to edit. So, instead, the most useful 3rd party thing ever made is not as good as it could be. And yes, it really is the "most useful 3rd party thing ever made" for War of the Ring. No other single place has all of the rules to this magnificent game in one stream.
And on to Starcraft. Aldarchons is broken. You guys will work that out in time. I think I . .might. . know how to fight Aldarchons, but have no joy in posting it. And the longest article on how to play Tassadar is censored, because I am not allowed to improve it.
In a few minutes I will read these words and want to change and improve them. And wont be able to.
Brad Miller
United States Seattle Washington
I'm sorry, I don't believe that you don't have a "proper word processor most places you write". Notepad works fine. Wordpad. Etc. I can't think of an operating system that doesn't have some basic word proccessor bundled with it. Any of those would allow you to do your composing elsewhere. So spare us the pity party.
Sorry you got busted in Kansas, (where I hail from), but they don't believe in evolution there either, so you've take your chances there...
James Thompson
United States Amherst New Hampshire
It's not that I don't believe in editing an already complete post, I just don't see the need for posting something incomplete when you could just save it on your hard drive and post it when it was ready. I certainly s*cks not to be able to edit a post if you want to change it, but your attitude is rather arrogant and isn't going to make me sympathize with you. Your strategy posts may be great (I've never played War of the Ring, so I didn't read any of those) but I don't think you deserve all the pity you seem to think you do.
Don't get me wrong, I'll happily read any strategy article you write if it's good; I love good strategy articles no matter who writes them, and I think having a passion and a talent for strategy in boardgames is a great thing.
Bruce Murphy
Australia Pyrmont NSW
magic gecko wrote: "What I've done on the few occasions that I posted a long article, I'd simply type it all up in Word and edit and save there,"
I dont have access to a proper word processor on most of the places I type. Also, I type on multiple different computers, with different hard drives. Email to myself can and does work when I am writing something long and creative.
Might I suggest Google docs?
magic gecko
Australia Melbin Oz
"Might I suggest Google docs?"
Why do I need to learn a new document system merely to avoid the unjustified abuse of power by administrator?
"I just don't see the need for posting something incomplete when you could just save it on your hard drive and post it when it was ready."
Great! Which of the 4 unconnected hard drives should I save it on?
"your attitude is rather arrogant and isn't going to make me sympathize with you." "but I don't think you deserve all the pity you seem to think you do."
I really dont care for your sympathy or pity. Do try to keep them to yourself. If I called you names my post would disappear. Yes, I am arrogant. I know my strengths.
"Don't get me wrong, I'll happily read any strategy article you write if it's good"
No you wont, try reading my latest on Tassadar. Ooopps, seems to have been deleted.
And my favourite reply. . . "I'm sorry, I don't believe that you don't have a "proper word processor most places you write"."
Awesome. Through sheer disbelief you are able to make .ODT files readable by Word. Through the power of your faith, you are able to unscramble my laptop and make the wordprocessors on it work again. You are a faith healer for computers. I am dumbstruck with the intensity of the power of your disbelief.
"So spare us the pity party."
Ah, OK. Maybe I am not quite getting through. I do not need, or want your pity. What I want is the ability to edit my own posts. I also want Octavian to have his wings clipped.
Have you noticed that Octavain has not actually contradicted a single thing I have said? Could this be because everything I have said is actually true?
How come I can post such ridiculous things as :- "Aldarchons is broken. You guys will work that out in time." and "The rest of the Universe must stop Aldaris, together, or Aldaris win. Sounds broken to me."
And all you guys have to say is "Arrogant", "Pity", and "I don't believe" in the reality of your computer arrangements.
This is a forum about STARCRAFT, right? How come I can break the game, and all you guys want to do is insult me?
You mob are not even remotely interested in the actual strategy and tactics of the game. Why exactly am I bothering?
Try reading it. http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/272657
Tim Gilberg
United States Norman Oklahoma
magic gecko wrote: "Might I suggest Google docs?"
Why do I need to learn a new document system merely to avoid the unjustified abuse of power by administrator?
Because it's more polite than being an ass? Actually, that's probably why you wouldn't do it.
magic gecko
Australia Melbin Oz
Any other names to call me?
Now, regarding Starcraft, Strategy and freedom of speech. Do you have an opinion?
Bruce Murphy
Australia Pyrmont NSW
magic gecko wrote: "Might I suggest Google docs?"
Why do I need to learn a new document system merely to avoid the unjustified abuse of power by administrator?
I don't care what personal problems you have with the administrators. I merely pointed out this online standard office clone (look Ma! nothing new to learn) neatly solves the next problem you bring up.
Quote: "I just don't see the need for posting something incomplete when you could just save it on your hard drive and post it when it was ready."
Great! Which of the 4 unconnected hard drives should I save it on?
The magical Google one. Then you can get at it from anywhere. Wonderful thing technology.
Quote: Awesome. Through sheer disbelief you are able to make .ODT files readable by Word. Through the power of your faith, you are able to unscramble my laptop and make the wordprocessors on it work again. You are a faith healer for computers. I am dumbstruck with the intensity of the power of your disbelief.
Actually, after some fuss by some US states, I believe you can get Word to talk ODT now.
Quote: This is a forum about STARCRAFT, right? How come I can break the game, and all you guys want to do is insult me?
You mob are not even remotely interested in the actual strategy and tactics of the game. Why exactly am I bothering?
I don't know why you're bothering. Personally I think it's a rubbish game.
Woah. Stop the hating of gecko!
Anonymous slagging of gecko because he has a difference of opinion w/r to BBG policies and or actions of admins is not required (or solicited). He has stated what has happened, what he disagrees with and what he would like to have available to him.
Seriously, mob hate is dissapointing behaviour and has an adverse affect on any online community. Its clear that he is done debating the subject matter.
On the topic of broken starcraft, what sort of strategies do you see in countering Aldarchons? As you said, its not a 100% foolproof strategy, just very powerful.
Would multiple tech orders (i.e. combat card cycling) compenstate against the power of the archon? i.e. ensuring science vessal technology cards to try and neutralize the archon and make available strong Tier 3 units.
Due to the high resource cost of Archons, would a rush strategey compensate/slow down Aldarius enough to prevent domination via. archons? (i.e. a zerg rush to put them back on their heals to slow them down).
Where I see flaw in the strategy is how weak the army is until turn 2 and 3 when archons are made available.
I can see why this strategy would work well due to the purity of the combat deck (i.e. not polluting it with other techs to decrease the amount of combat deck cycling and alter the odds of getting archon cards). Protoss also have the advantage of draing 3 cards on a defense, which increases card cycling/availability.
Its a good strategy, definatley powerful. My issue with archons is that they don't require a Tier2/3 building structure.
Are there any good race specific counters to this strategy? The zerg have the Defiler splash and zergling spam to soak up splash damage. Would this be viable?
Bruce Murphy
Australia Pyrmont NSW
What anonymous slagging? I see names on everything.
Everything online is annoymous. If we ran into each other on the street we wouldn't be able to tell each other from Adam.

So what is your opinion re: the Aldrachrons? Do you have any suggested counter strategy?