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[–]mosmo123Non-Trump Supporter[S] 4 points5 points6 points  (19 children)
So if Mexico doesn't agree to build us a wall, we should drop Atomic Bombs on their cities? A few thoughts : A. Do you think that Congress would ever agree to that? B. What do you think the UN would think of that? C. How do you think this would effect our reputation and alliances abroad? D. Do you really think that would be necessary or a smart idea?
[–]RemingtonBrowningNimble Navigator -8 points-7 points-6 points  (18 children)
A: Doesn't matter. Presidents have carried out military interventions in foreign countries without congress's approval before. I see no reason why Trump would not be able to order nukes to be dropped on Mexican cities.
B: Who cares? The UN is a useless and corrupt institution. We should care about the interests of America, not the interests of globalists.
C: Who cares? Again, we should be putting America first, not our allies.
D. I don't think it will be necessary, because Mexico would rather pay for the wall than get nuked. And yes it's a smart idea. The only thing that's a dumb idea is to let Mexico continue to humiliate us while we do nothing.
[–]mosmo123Non-Trump Supporter[S] 7 points8 points9 points  (17 children)
A. Presidents have carried out military interventions in foreign countries before too, but normally, Congress has to declare war first. B. How do you think this would effect global trade and our own economy? You saw what happened to the British stock market a few days ago. Do you not think something like this could have a similar effect. C. If we sent nukes to Mexico, it could potentially start another cold war, damage our reputation internationally, hurt our foreign trade, kill millions of innocent people, and piss off the vast majority of the American Public. Do you honestly think that is worth having a wall? I hope you aren't fully realizing the implications of sending nuclear weapons to Mexico, because otherwise, I would be forced to accept people that dumb are allowed to vote.
[–]RemingtonBrowningNimble Navigator -34 points-33 points-32 points  (16 children)
but normally, Congress has to declare war first.
Nope. There have been at least 125 cases where the President initiates a military intervention without the approval or declaration of war from Congress. I suggest you educate yourself and read the US constitution before you continue spouting off ignorant nonsense.
How do you think this would effect global trade and our own economy? You saw what happened to the British stock market a few days ago. Do you not think something like this could have a similar effect.
No. If we nuked Mexico, the peso would go down, not the dollar.
If we sent nukes to Mexico, it could potentially start another cold war, damage our reputation internationally, hurt our foreign trade, kill millions of innocent people, and piss off the vast majority of the American Public.
I don't see how it would damage our reputation, seeing as currently we have a reputation for being spineless and weak. We need to demonstrate strength to the international community for them to take us seriously again.
As far as killing innocent people: if we're being honest here the Mexican people are hardly "innocent". They are complicit. They are intentionally sending rapists and criminals to the US so that they don't have to deal with them - and it's about time we did something about it.
Do you honestly think that is worth having a wall?
I would be forced to accept people that dumb are allowed to vote.
So in other words you're just a garden-variety liberal, who's so close-minded and smug that they can't imagine that other people have different opinions from them. Like I haven't heard this PC bullshit before.
[–]mosmo123Non-Trump Supporter[S] 20 points21 points22 points  (9 children)
If you'd read the US constitution, you would notice that Congress is granted the power of declaring war.
No. If we nuked Mexico, the peso would go down, not the dollar. Proof? Pretty sure this would screw us out of a lot of international trade agreements.
It's not about you having a different opinion about me. Its about you saying we should kill millions of innocent people so we can have a wall. That goes beyond party affiliation. You are saying Mexican people are so evil that we should just kill millions of them, men, women, children, families. And then you wonder why people think that Trump Supporters are racist? Really?
Edit : The US has one of the most interventionist militaries in the world. We spend more on our military then the next top 7 world militaries COMBINED. If you honestly think that the US is viewed as spineless and weak, then you're a damn fool.
[–]RemingtonBrowningNimble Navigator comment score below threshold-21 points-20 points-19 points  (8 children)
Its about you saying we should kill millions of innocent people so we can have a wall.
You apparently didn't read what I wrote: those vermin are not innocent.
And then you wonder why people think that Trump Supporters are racist? Really?
I'm sorry if this makes you "offended" or "triggered", but facts can't be racist.
[–]mosmo123Non-Trump Supporter[S] 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
If anyone is a "vermin" it is you. I sincerely hope that this is a troll account.
[–]a17pNon-Trump Supporter 15 points16 points17 points  (2 children)
As a Mexican living in Mexico i fucking despise you.
Fucking piece of shit.
[–]That_Guy381Nimble Navigator 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
Welcome to Trump's hardcore minions. Stay a while.
[–]abesrevengeNon-Trump Supporter 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
You are a disgusting person.
[–]GoofiestGooberNon-Trump Supporter 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
You're so unbelievably lucky I didn't hear you say this shit in person. You'd be breathing through a tube.
[–]takahachi1Non-Trump Supporter 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
Do you seriously believe what you post or are you trolling? Nuking mexico is a bad decision. Don't you realize just how much the US profits from the mexican market due to NAFTA? I bet you don't even know mexicans and you live in some small rural town. You just blame your own failures and problems on others and you know it.
[–]treebard127Non-Trump Supporter 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Wow, Americans are legitimately mentally ill.
[–]tbroch 14 points15 points16 points  (0 children)
Do you understand how Trump supporters might get the reputation for being racist hicks?
[–]TotesMessengerNon-Trump Supporter 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
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[–]symberkeNon-Trump Supporter 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
you're a fucking idiot. shocking that trump's rhetoric has affected some people this strongly.
[–]Robertovilla88Non-Trump Supporter 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
Having a war with Mexico is not even a remote good idea, having the us border compromised is a very dangerous strategy, even if Mexico doesn't have the military resources to damage the US, they can ally with any other country that can nuke U.S., like ie, north Korea, also, you should consider the incredible high amount of Mexicans living in the us, what would they do as soon as they realize their families are dying? The amount of terrorism will be out the charts. Mexico have a lot of ways to get in the USA most of the border patrol officers are latinamericans, trust me, I live in the border, Mexico narcotrafficantes have hundreds of tunnels made for drug traffic, they can be used for war purposes too. Having a war with Mexico is the worst idea ever, but bottomline, why would they nuke Mexico, and spend hundreds of billions going to this war. Oil? Is not worth, Mexico is a giant landscape impossible to colonize by USA, maybe they can set some kind of trade agreements that benefit the us, but they don't need to nuke Mexico in order to obtain something like that.
A war is not proficient with Mexico, trying to insult and humiliate Mexicans is also a very bad idea for americans, and I hope trump stops this nonsense to Mexico soon, before Mexican stupid president starts the war himself to USA.
[–]a17pNon-Trump Supporter 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
north korea?
fuck that, ally with russia.
1962 all over again.
now russia uses it as a bargain and leverage to make the USA back down.
enough time for Mexico to develop their own nukes and ICBM.
and there goes Mexican diplomacy for 40-50 years.
[–]PlsDntPMmeNon-Trump Supporter 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Damn if there's a hell you'll probably end up in it with that kind of mindset.
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