politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Well if my edit was in your original comment, then your post was made after my edit, which means you should have been aware of the edit. Yikes.

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You contradicted yourself in your own comment haha I can't

I said

Not a single homeopathic medical treatment has ever been found to be more effective than a placebo

You want me to prove

provide a quote from Jill Stein stating homeopathic medicine is more effective then traditional medicine

Ouch. This is really too easy at this point.

politics 内の EmbraceTheFlummery によるリンク Whatever your politics, a woman winning a presidential nomination is a big fucking deal

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

How weird would it be if we chose people based on their merit, instead of choosing people based on the amount of melanin in their skin or what genitals they have.

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You understand that if it has never been proven to be more effective than a placebo, it's not effective, correct? I'll leave you with that. Educate yourself, don't be a low information voter

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If you reject basic science which you do from your comments, this discussion is over.

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

We support the teaching, funding and practice of holistic health approaches and, as appropriate, the use of complementary and alternative therapies such as herbal medicines, homeopathy, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and other healing approaches.


We support the shift in modern medicine to include healing through complementary therapies and engagement with the Great Hospital (Nature). We seek, in short, to facilitate the healthy unfolding of the person within the unfolding story of the family, community, bioregion, state, nation, and Earth community.

Thanks for playing

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Never claimed she's in favor of removing traditional medicine first of all. Regardless.

We support the teaching, funding and practice of holistic health approaches and, as appropriate, the use of complementary and alternative therapies such as herbal medicines, homeopathy, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and other healing approaches.


We support the shift in modern medicine to include healing through complementary therapies and engagement with the Great Hospital (Nature). We seek, in short, to facilitate the healthy unfolding of the person within the unfolding story of the family, community, bioregion, state, nation, and Earth community.

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Not a single homeopathic medical treatment has ever been found to be more effective than a placebo. The burden of proof is on your end.

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Moratorium on GMOs until they are proven safe

That clear enough?. Proving somebody wrong =/= trolling. Source

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Saying that you trust a single person's opinion (Jill Stein) instead of hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers isn't really something to be proud of.

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If you think her approach to reaching universal vaccination coverage is disagreeable, I'm genuinely curious about which candidate in this election you support.

Other candidates have nothing to do with the fact that her policies reject science.

Jill Stein is a medical doctor who graduated from Harvard Med and ...

Her credentials don't change the fact that her policies reject basic science.

Am I glad that I can vote for someone who opposes the TPP...

Her other policies don't change the fact that she has policies which reject science.

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The Green Party calls for elimination of subsidies for fossil fuels, nuclear power, biomass and waste incineration and biofuels

She's anti nuclear. source

To prevent perverse incentives arising from higher carbon prices, the Green Party mandates clean fuels in addition to pricing carbon. Otherwise dirty energy sources like nuclear power, biomass and biofuels that are not subject to carbon pricing will become economically competitive.

Again antinuclear source

We support the shift in modern medicine to include healing through complementary therapies and engagement with the Great Hospital (Nature). We seek, in short, to facilitate the healthy unfolding of the person within the unfolding story of the family, community, bioregion, state, nation, and Earth community.

Pro alternative medicine. source

We support the teaching, funding and practice of holistic health approaches and, as appropriate, the use of complementary and alternative therapies such as herbal medicines, homeopathy, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and other healing approaches.

pro alternative medicine source

Applying the Precautionary Principle to genetically modified organisms (GMOs), we support a moratorium until safety can be demonstrated by independent (non-corporate funded), long-term tests for food safety, genetic drift, resistance, soil health, effects on non-target organisms, and cumulative interactions.

anti gmosource

In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. In the US, however, regulatory agencies are routinely packed with corporate lobbyists and CEOs. So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who wouldn’t be skeptical? I think dropping vaccinations rates that can and must be fixed in order to get at the vaccination issue: the widespread distrust of the medical-industrial complex.

anti vaxsource

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Thank you for proving my point. She's not saying she's for mandatory vaccinations. She's using vaccines as a way to fear monger about Big Pharma. Do whatever mental gymnastics you need to, that's still fucked.

politics 内の CarrollQuigley によるリンク 'Jill, not Hill,' Sanders crowd chants at Green Party's Jill Stein

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_COAT [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)



Pro "alternative medicine"

Anti mandatory vaccinations
