If a student can hack the school system, that means that anybody on the planet could have hacked the school system.
If someone hacks into the system and tells the school, for example, the school can fix it, the school can become more resilient.
例えば、もしも誰かがシステムに侵入してみて、 (侵入できた状況を) 学校に伝えてくれれば、学校は (その状況から判断して) システムを直すことができ、学校(のシステム)はもっと早く回復することができます。
It depends on how you look at it, either you look at it productively or if you look at it victimizing. This will definitely change our mind-set.
EUフィルムデーズ2016 上映作品 『イマジン』 アンジェイ・ヤキモフスキ監督インタビュー
Why did you name this film "Imagine"?
I thought about the title a long time. The original title was even different. It was "Blind Watching." We also considered other titles, but "Imagine" says strictly about the idea we are going to convey in this film.
We don't need perfection in our seeing, in our behaving. We don't have to ... have perfect bodies or perfect knowledge or whatever. Imagination is something that allows us to understand many things which surround us. And this is very simple but, I think, original. This was the main idea of the movie.
I suppose many of the blind children don't have experience acting?
Well, my way of working with kids of that kind is that I never direct too much. I only explain what is the situation. I usually accept their improvisation. In fact, that gives a lot, that puts a lot into the film. Because with their spontaneous behavior, spontaneous ideas, I get very natural behavior in the film.