Report: People in red states super into cuckold porn
On Monday, the GOP released a fiscally and socially reactionary platform that defined porn as a “public health crisis” and conflated it with child porn and sex trafficking. Now porn is fighting back by outing Republicans as super into cuckold porn.
According to a report from the porn site xHamster (link NSFW), the two most viewed porn categories in our nation’s red states are currently “cuckold” and “mature.” Texas is particularly porn-hungry, consuming the second most of any state in the union. (Granted, it’s also one of the most populous.) The top categories in Texas are cuckold, ebony, and amateur.
For those not in the know, “cuckold” (or “cuck,” for short) refers to men — generally submissives — who are turned on by the idea of their wives cheating on them with other men. Many are into the humiliation aspect of it. There’s also a racial element to it much of the time, with virile black men being the preferred partners with whom white adultresses cuckold their white husbands. In recent times, it’s become a favored insult members of the Trump-loving “alt-right” hurl at conservatives who are less racist and xenophobic than they are. Example: “Jeb Bush speaks Mexican-ese with his ferner wife. What a cuck!”
Absent more detailed information, it’s hard to know if this report is further evidence moderate Republicans are cucks, an ironic comeuppance for the ones doing the cuck-calling, or some mixture of the two. One thing is certain: These people have some racial issues to work through, and they’re trying to do it by jerking off to cuck porn.
[h/t Gawker | map: xHamster]