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[–]sciencehatesyou 4ポイント5ポイント  (3子コメント)

Do you realize that anyone can fork at any time? Some bitcoiners could create a fork right now at some random block, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

This is just an ideological attack. Ignore it. As they run out of ETC coins to purchase, the price might even go up. Not sure how much of its investors money Blockstream will spend on this, but when the attacker's funds become mobile again in 48 days, the ETC price will crash. In the meantime, the price will go up and down, hashpower might go up as the price goes up, and none of it matters. It's like the idiot kids on the street decided to make up a new game, where there are so called "not-losers," but all they win is the money donated by the chief idiot kid. Just ignore it entirely.

The only way they can win is by pretending that the hard fork failed. It didn't. My ETH holdings are doing well. I don't care about what happens in ETC or even BTC (I used to be an early miner, until I got pissed off at that community) at this point.

[–]barnz3000 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So.... given I have two sets of coins now...

How do I go about selling my ETC to these lunatics... Without potentially compromising my ETH?

I would quite like to know.