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Reddit Involved In Massive Cover-Up Of Clinton Cash, DNC Disaster, Wasserman Schultz And Wikileaks News

Reddit, a website that claims to be ‘the front page of internet’, is officially dead.

The soon to be link graveyard has continued to destroy itself by censoring information by the way of bot fraud, shadow bans, political payoffs, and comment suppression.

With 99% of Sundays news focusing on the DNC disaster, Debbie Wasserman Schultz , The Clinton Cash documentary, and the WikiLeaks dump, I would think the front page of Reddit, a reader based news aggregate, would be full of stories about these important events.

Well, think again…

Here is the so-called ‘front page of the internet’ at around 1 AM EST….

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25 front page stories and not one mention of the DNC, Clinton, Wasserman Schultz or WikiLeaks.

Lets check the subreddit /r/news…There has to be something there..

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NOTHING……Talk about a total news blackout….The number one story is about the Olympics?

Give me a f***ing break….

I wonder how much cash Reddit received from shadowy Clinton groups to keep this news from the front page?

Not enough, because all the cash in the world can’t save Reddit from becoming the next…..


One of the few places on Reddit that had some good coverage was /r/conspiracy.

Ironically, all of the important news comes from a group of “tin foil hat wearing” conspiracy theorists who think the Government was involved in 9/11 and the war on drugs is a fraud.

reddit conspiracy

reddit conspiracy

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reddit conspiracy

Unfortunately, Reddit just committed political suicide, just like their co-founder Aaron Swartz. The only difference is Swartz was a champion of free speech and the free flow of information, while Reddit, on the other hand, has become the proverbial ‘gatekeeper’ like Google, Facebook and Twitter.

aaron swartz


To no ones surprise a Reddit MOD killed the story labeling it ‘off topic’ which is hardly the case.


Welcome to Digg…

reddit 2

You can view the thread here…..

Reddit Involved In Massive Cover-Up from politics



  1. WhyWhyWhy WhyWhyWhy

    They are still better than the MSM. As we all learned through the Wikileaks DNC emails, the media is in collusion with the Clinton campaign, even gets marching orders from them. Unbelievable.

  2. Please come on over to

    Real news is desired, and paid for….

  3. Chris Stubblefield Chris Stubblefield

    You’re almost right. If you want the real political news you have to go to
    on reddit. It even discusses the censorship that you only think you understand.

  4. burt wonder burt wonder

    It took me almost no time to discover that r /politics (moderators) are full of visceral Clinton supporters, I read lots of their “old” posts and it was very clear. Reddit is also wholly owned by a mass-media company, and we all know how that works.

  5. Hoyeru Hoyeru

    oh yeah and REDDIT has been moderating and refusing to post ANY comments about RT. But somehow you gotto rave against Clinton. An obvious Trump lover.

  6. Hoyeru Hoyeru

    REDDIT moderates their comments to you know.

  7. Hoyeru Hoyeru

    Nobody in their right mind would go to REDDIT to get any real news. That’s like going to McShitty and expecting a quality meal. REDDIT is just more sophisticated looking version of 4chan anyway, what d’ya expect? Want real news, read RT and Sputnik.
    Stupid article is stupid.

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