@DavidAmoyal @w_jwd have they matched the fee to get pogba and is Utd still a good bit Infront?
@rdjmills12@w_jwd they have yet to talk to Juve - その他の返信を表示
@DavidAmoyal@rdjmills12 Your personal view - who does Pogba prefer? Raiola has not always been a fan of Madrid's way of handling players. -
@w_jwd@rdjmills12 I don't know
@DavidAmoyal Oh, so they matched the 120m Euros? Interesting. What are the wages Utd are offering again? -
@WhizKidTV I didn't say that, they have yet to even talk to Juve. Let's not embellish what I tweet -
@DavidAmoyal Ok cool. It's firing up a bit now though! -
@WhizKidTV this is our last updatehttps://twitter.com/davidamoyal/status/757160388928516098 … -
@DavidAmoyal Nice one, cheers.
@DaveHendrick_AI don't know to be honest -
@DaveHendrick_AI I think they are serious CL contenders with or without Pogba
@DavidAmoyal@w_jwd wage offer? Thought the amount to agent was a problem as well? Great work by the way -
@DavidAmoyal@w_jwd sorry, mean from Madrid POV…the problem was paying club and agent? -
@johnkent1991@w_jwd so far problem is the wages -
@DavidAmoyal@w_jwd so despite some being adamant he wants Madrid (not sure), he won’t drop wages for them? Do you think eventually he will? -
@johnkent1991@DavidAmoyal Really only the Madrid media that states that he wants them. Not so sure. Raiola not Madrids biggest fan either. -
@w_jwd@DavidAmoyal Raiola not being Madrids biggest fan won’t affect PP’s feelings tho. Not saying RM 1st choice, but wouldn’t be suprise