Does Leaked Spreadsheet Show Donald Trump And Family Receiving Payments From DNC

The DNC is going to be having a hard time explaining this one, how did Donald J. Trump and his son, Trump Jr., end up on a DNC spreadsheet of expenses?



This file was downloaded from Wikileaks and is available here for you to examine for yourself (  If you go to the properties section of the spreadsheet you will see it was created “05/21/2016, 02:48:09, Miller, Lindsey”.  Lindsey Miller is a representative of the DNC and keeps spreadsheets of fundraising and expenditures for them.  Her name is very prevalent when searching the leaked DNC documents.

The expenses range from payment for office supplies to travel expenses for Trump Jr..

Progressive Party News reached out to Lindsey Miller,, and asked her to explain why why Donald Trumps name appears so many times. We are holding our breath and waiting on a response.


So I am getting several reports that state that the xls spreadsheet from wikileaks,, is just from the FEC about Donald Trumps expenses.

My question is why is it so detailed? This is not something parties share. They may have to report what they spent to the FEC, but I find it hard to believe that the other party can see such detailed information like that “x dollars was spent for a rental car”. If there was a discrepancy that would be for the FEC to take action on not the other party.

Also why did the DNC name the file so poorly? It is a horrible naming convention “Trump May 2016.xlsx”, it should be FEC_Report_Trump_May_2016.xlsx so they can identify it. The properties should have been filled out and they are not.

In addition if it was an FEC file it would say FECfile in the header of the spreadsheet. Check it out for yourself and it would not contain this much detailed information. This is not an FEC download.

There is something really fishy here.

37 thoughts on “Does Leaked Spreadsheet Show Donald Trump And Family Receiving Payments From DNC”

    1. Yet another yahoo, who can’t tell what the data shows, or where it’s from or what it’s use is and immediately starts with ‘criminal charges’? Get a grip, and at least allow the context to be made known before demanding the waste of our enforcement dollars on yet another witch hunt.

  1. We have to be smarter…The title of the document gives us a hint of its contents. Some of the leaked information was opposition research. This looks like Trump’s expenditures and loans to his campaign, as reported to the FEC.

    1. That’s what I am wondering, in the wikileaks post I found there was only references to employees of the campaign. I am guessing I missed one.

  2. Well, I always thought in the back of my mind that Donald Trump was in the election to make a foe for Hillary to pretend fight , and to put fear in the minds of voters. Trump seems so unstable and crooked , but he appeals to racist and hate mongers. (people who ‘s only excitement in life is to feel hatred towards others ) It seems the DNC paid him to do so.

    1. Come visit me. I’m a disabled veteran with black and gay. And gay black friends. Dumbass come visit and stop your. Lies and hate. I don’t hate and trump don’t. Open. Your ears and go hear h speak. Not what you hear from others. Hear him. He don’t hate. People that don’t follow the laws. Should. Go home and or jail. Point. And you people say trump don’t say how. I heard Hillary twice. In Tampa andiami. And she will preach. Trump didn’t say how he will do this. Over and over and over. But no she didn’t say how she plans on soing anything. Wake up. Your mind washed. And I will pray for you. And PS come visit. And see love. Not Hillary s. Lies and true fear spreading

  3. This is ridiculous, The DNC takes taxpayer money, big business money and foriegn money to give to their opponent in the election? This could only mean the entire election was a setup from day 1.

    1. This is a bombshell (as they say on Fox) and I always thought that meeting with slick Willie and Trump before he announced was more than suspicious.

    2. Exactly! The whole process is created as an illusion of choice and are hand picked by the elite way ahead of time. Then candidates like Gore and Sanders come along and ruin their plans. That’s when they rig the elections… they give us the illusion of choice because as long as we think we have choice we have hope and hope is what keeps us from rebelling…

  4. I knew it!!! How could someone who has been NOTHING but a reality TV clown for 25 years want to take on the massive responsibility of being the president? He was a sworn Democrat until recently and gave $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation when she ran for congress. This whole thing stinks to high heaven!

    1. Stop believing the nonsense and start doing your own research….that is if your searching for the truth where ever that may take you.

  5. I followed the link to the document and spot checked some of the expenses, specifically the facility rentals. Trump had rallies at those locations (Tuscon, Tampa). You can also see registration fees paid to other Republican events. This spreadsheet shows Trump campaign expenses, not payments from the DNC. Yes, Trump’s campaign paid his children and his own properties.

    1. Hate to break it to you, but this type of information is not available from the FEC, and if it was an FEC file there would be an FEC header.

  6. Yeah but if you look at the spreadsheet cited, there is no mention of Trump. You don’t need to create shit where none exists. Trump is bad enough without making anything up. Bogus accusations.

    1. Joe – You willing to bet you house on that? There are MANY more of these fabrications headed our way. . . . spit the hook.

  7. So these were in – kind entries which in my mind means that no money was actually exchanged- it was just goods and services that were exchanged. Was that an attempt to hide the donation or payments by using in kind so no actual money exchanged hands?

  8. Other leaked DNC emails describe how DNC (Clintons) were to promote an extreme, right wing “pied piper” 2nd or 3rd tier GOP candidate (May 2015)

    Prior to Bill Clinton “encouraging” Trump to run and giving Trump his campaign “advice”, Donald Trump was NOT on DNC/HRC’s radar as a GOP candidate (May 2015)

    In a leaked DNC email from December 2015, HRC was focusing on a General Election run versus Donald Trump… LONG before either secured their parties’ nomination.

  9. Companies providing goods in exchange for publicity AT&T Cisco Delta Google LG Electronics Microsoft….thought this was interesting

  10. Another important question is if this is a Trump campaign filing with the FEC how did the DNC get this document?

  11. I started taking this apart. None of these disbursements are for Donald J Trump for President–They are for individuals who work for Trump’s campaign. There’s Seven in-kind distributions for Matthew Ciepielowski, the head of New Hampshire for Trump. You can look up Matthew on his LinkdIn page–he was also an ‘activist’ for Americans for Prosperity and Ron Paul 2012. There are four other Trump associates who got in-kind reimbursements. Could these be undercover Hillary operatives feeding info back to the DNC?

  12. I have looked at all the entries in this file. There is no way this is a DNC expense list. It is a Trump expense list. If you look at all the pages it is obvious that most of the people being paid are being paid at the address of Trump Tower in NY. The ones that aren’t at Trump Tower, if you take the time to look them up, turn out to be tied to the Trump campaign. I despise the DNC, but this file is not a smoking gun. It’s not even a water pistol.

  13. I’m hearing from folks who have worked on national campaigns in the past that this level of information is, in fact, publicly available from the FEC–that’s required by federal law. So yeah, simplest explanation is that someone in the Clinton campaign downloaded it to see how the Trump campaign is spending its money. No conspiracy theories needed.

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