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[–]falconbox[S] [score hidden]  (3 children)
Just in case the mods here feel this is "off topic", just remember that 2 weeks ago you allowed the positive news about stock prices related to Pokemon Go:
[–]AdamNW [score hidden]  (0 children)
I messaged the mods about this, because my post was removed due to rule 3.
No response yet.
[–]RatSnakeRabbitSnake [score hidden]  (1 child)
The removed some positive stock news posts as well. Yesterday this news for removed, probably because of the word "plunge" having been in the title. I don't know if it's understood that words like "plunge" and "plummet" are pretty commonly used when describing stocks dropping in price like this. The titles might be coming across as clickbait or low effort.
This is one of those areas in the rules that there just doesn't seem to be an understood concensus among the mods or the community. If I could make a productive suggestions, it be that we need to sort out whether gaming industry news is welcome or not, and if it's a middle ground it needs to be better defined. I also think there needs to be a way to edit titles, because sometimes good info is in poorly titled or even poorly presented articles and videos. Maybe mods could approve user made titles before posting? Self posts are an option as well, but maybe that needs to be made clearer (I know I've been told to self post before when working an issue like this out, but with the recent changes in self posts karma I don't know if that advice stands).
[–]dceighty8 [score hidden]  (0 children)
We are currently in discussion regarding this very topic. So far the consensus among the mods is to remove "financial news" as it's fairly off topic. A couple weeks ago this news was quite interesting as the increase in stock value was significant, and a judgement was made to allow it for the time being. As more mods weigh in (generally a smaller percentage of us are around on the weekends) we may go back and re approve some of the first posts about this news. For the time being though, it will be removed.
[–]PointMan528491 [score hidden]  (1 child)
So they're basically saying that since there's so many different groups involved in the production (Niantic, The Pokémon Company, Google), Nintendo itself isn't profiting as much as we think it is? Just want to make sure I'm understanding this right, I don't have a great grasp on the stock market.
[–]chthonical [score hidden]  (0 children)
I think the bigger issue is that Niantic and the Pokemon Company are the ones who made Pokemon Go. Nintendo itself only has a 33% stake in Pokemon, and had nothing to do with it. Yet they received all the credit because people thought Pokemon was entirely Nintendo's.
[–]HemoxNason [score hidden]  (5 children)
This is just sensationalism, stocks always have a backdraft after large swings. Pokemon GO is still a huge sucess, nothing changed in the last week.
[–]chthonical [score hidden]  (1 child)
Pokemon GO was a success, but it isn't a success that can be attributed to Nintendo.
[–]HemoxNason [score hidden]  (0 children)
They have a huge stake in the Pokemon Company and rights to all associated property. Pokemon GO adds a massive amount of mainstream popularity to the pokemon brand and will boost every single piece of media they release in the future.
[–]TehMannie [score hidden]  (2 children)
I don't think you quite understand. Nintendo is not responsible or profiting much from the success of Pokemon GO. Niantic and The Pokemon Company are. The inflation of the stock price is directly related to investors assuming Nintendo was going to reap the rewards and the decline is them realizing that they were wrong after Nintendo issued a statement about it.
[–]HemoxNason [score hidden]  (1 child)
Investors are not stupid, they don´t blindly buy stocks based on daily news.
They know how much Nintendo gets from Pokemon, their relation to Niantic and the Pokemon Company has always been public information.
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