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About Deviant Rik LatyeskovMale/United States Group :iconnew-soviet-union: New-Soviet-Union
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This is a collection of all my works; historical-fiction, sci-fi, and medieval-fiction/fantasy flags and heraldry. I use Photoshop Elements 11 to create them.




RedRich1917's Profile Picture
Rik Latyeskov
United States

Premier of the New USSR, General Secretary of the New CPSU, and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the New Soviet Armed Forces, Richard Karmenovich Latyeskov

Премьер Нового СССР, Генерал-Секретария Нового КПСС, и Верховный Главнокомандующий Нового Советских Вооруженный Силы, Ричард Карменович Латесков

This is the official DeviantArt of Richard Karmenovich Latyeskov, the leader of a fictional nation called the New Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or send me a personal message. Also, I don't solely post works related to the New USSR, I also post works for AdmiralMichalis' Crown and Empire (primarily the Russian Dominion), Star Wars related flags and emblems, and once in a blue moon I would post comedic works.

Official YouTube page:…

Official Wiki page:…

Going into my personal life, I'm a gamer, I want to pursue a history teaching career, and I sometimes like to play airsoft, preferably during the fall and winter. And although I do like a few things about socialism, I'd like to see socialism happen through a democratic process, therefore I am a democratic socialist. My Xbox LIVE gamertag, PSN name, Steam name and Origin account are all RedRich1917, so feel free to add me there as well. Lastly, I am not of Russian descent, I am 100% full-blooded Italian-American (or as we Italians like to say "FBI" lol). My name I have displayed above is not my real middle and last name, and I will not disclose my actual name here due to a possible McCarthyist-style political shitstorm from Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Flag of the New USSR by RedRich1917  Coat of Arms of the New USSR by RedRich1917
(Flag and Coat of Arms of the New USSR)

Executive Branch: The Premier and the Council of Ministers of the New USSR
Emblem of the Premier of the New USSR by RedRich1917
(Emblem of the Premier of the New USSR)

The executive branch of the government is held by the Premier , who would be equivalent to the old USSR's Premier, Genral Secretary, and Head of State, all combined into one role, or like the President of the USA but with more legislative and military authority. The Premier holds the power of veto and the power to enforce laws by any means, however it goes against the New USSR's Constitution if the Premier enforces policy through inhumane means, i.e. killing innocent civilians or wrongful imprisonment. The Premier also holds the power of Supreme Commander in Chief of the New USSR's Armed Forces. The amount of 10 year terms the Premier can hold is unlimited, unless the Supreme Soviet elects a new Premier, or if he is convicted of a serious crime, which he will be impeached for, and if convicted, thrown out of office.

The Council of Ministers consists of 13 different roles, each held by one person, appointed by the Premier upon his election:

  1. Minister of War and Defense
  2. Minister of Foreign Affairs
  3. Minister of Agriculture
  4. Minister of Trade and Industry
  5. Minister of Education
  6. Minister of Food Production
  7. Minister of Finance
  8. Minister of Justice
  9. Minister of Labor
  10. Minister of Social Welfare
  11. Minister of Communications
  12. Minister of State Security (Chairman of the KGB, nikolaikalashnikov since 2030)
  13. Minister of Extra-Terrestrial Exploration (Head of the Space Program)

Legislative Branch: The Supreme Soviet of the New USSR

The legislative branch of the government is still a bicameral legislature, however their two houses have had their names changed, and the houses have been switched from their upper and lower statuses. Although the Premier has legislative powers, the Supreme Soviet is the main governmental body that passes legislature for it to be later either approved, modified, or vetoed completely by the Premier.

The Soviet of the Union (now the Lower House) has been renamed the Soviet Duma, however the ratio of members is still the same, where every 300,000 people in the entire New USSR is represented by one Deputy.

The Soviet of Nationalities (now the Upper House) has been renamed the Soviet Senate, which still has each of the 15 Soviet Socialist Republics represented by 32 Deputies, 480 total. Autonomous SSR's still have 11 deputies each.

Judicial Branch: The Supreme Court of the New USSR

The Supreme Court of the New USSR's job is to interpret laws passed by both the Premier and the Supreme Soviet and make sure they fit the rules of the Communist Manifesto and of the Soviet Constitution. Each of the 15 Republics gets one Supreme Court Justice, who is appointed by the Premier and approved by the Soviet Senate.

The New Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Flag of the New CPSU by RedRich1917
(Flag of the New CPSU)

The New CPSU is the ruling political party of the New USSR, though other parties exist within its government and hold very small minorities within the Soviet Senate and Soviet Duma. Currently, the General Secretary of the New CPSU is Rik Latyeskov, who is also the Premier of the New USSR's Government, and the Supreme Commander in Chief of the New Soviet Armed Forces. The Party's anthem, like its predecessor, is the Internationale, though only the first verse, since Latyeskov saw the rest of the lyrics to be either outdated or against the Party's more lenient and secular doctrines. Due to Latyeskov's leadership, it has since held majorities in the Soviet Senate and the Soviet Duma, and a majority of the New USSR's citizens have been members of the Party ever since 2024. Their ideology is Democratic Socialist in terms of domestic policy, and a strong foreign policy, though from 2024 to 2030 they mainly concentrated on rebuilding the country after the 2nd Civil War and jumpstarting the economy, which saw the rise of very effective government programs that have uplifted most of the nation out of poverty by 2030.

The 15 Soviet Socialist Republics

Each of the 15 Republics have their own governments, however they are ruled by one Soviet Governor, who strictly follow orders from the Premier. Each Soviet Governor is elected by the Republic's Senates. The legislatures of each of the Republics are varied in size, where every 150,000 people in each of the Republics are represented by one Senator. Unlike the main government, the Republics of the New USSR have unicameral legislatures. Interestingly, none of the Republics have the right to secede from the New Soviet Union.

Flags and Emblems of the New SSR's by RedRich1917


Crimson Dawn Announcement: A Much-Needed Hiatus

Greetings, comrades. Sadly, another writing hiatus for Crimson Dawn will soon commence. Although Arc II was very fun to write, I need to take a much-needed break, which will be much longer than usual. I have been considering this after writing off and on for Crimson Dawn and Star Wars: Rise of the Inquisitor for over a year now. I feel as though I have burned myself out with writing fiction in general. I haven't done anything like this in my entire life, and I knew it would be a long and grinding process, but I didn't know I would get this far. And with the coming dawn (pun not intended at first) of the Fall 2016 Semester for my college, I will most likely have both that and my job to worry about, and will probably have little time to be concerned with writing my beloved historical fiction web-novel. However, this does not at ALL mean the end of everything, just... less of it, for now. I still whole-heartedly want to finish the story of Crimson Dawn, as there are still many events largely unexplored, like the East-Asian War and the Eastern Bloc/Balkan Revolutions (which will be explored in Arc III), the Sturmovik-class Warsuit that was teased in Arc II, and other events that I have barely mentioned, like the North American War (Arc IV) and the final Arc which I have kept a very VERY closely-guarded secret. Unfortunately said secret will have to be revealed at a much later date, whenever I feel the confidence and drive to write more of the story. Also, one last thing before I go, I will still try to upload at the most 1 video a week on my YouTube Channel, as long as there are requests for Soviet military music, and maybe if I'm willing to make more small, scripted game commentaries. I hope you all will understand. Until next time, comrades.


Rik Latyeskov
Bernie has betrayed the political revolution he himself has created by endorsing that bitch of a woman that I don't even want to name. Perhaps soon, it may be time for an ACTUAL revolution...

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Good News Premier, I am graduating from Sequoyah High School in Georgia on May 27th!
RedRich1917 Featured By Owner May 24, 2016
Jonathanp68505 Featured By Owner May 24, 2016
Thank You!
RedRich1917 Featured By Owner May 24, 2016
You are most welcome.
GeneralFabaius75 Featured By Owner May 22, 2016
I've got to ask a question. How do you add those little png files that state your political and or personal preferences?
RedRich1917 Featured By Owner May 23, 2016
Idk what you're talking about nor do I know how to do that.
GeneralFabaius75 Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2016
Just asking. Thanks anyway and despite that, how are the Crimson Dawn stories going or any of your other stories. I heard in a recent post of yours, you were stating that you had troubles with time (or something like that). In spite of that, keep up the good work and carry on. Pun intended.
RedRich1917 Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2016
Thank you. As for the time I have for writing it, it's random since my job's schedules are random because I work in retail. This week I'm off Wednesday (which I'm hoping to get the next chapter done) and then Saturday which is usually reserved for D&D with my friends (yes I play D&D it's fun as hell). Next week though I have off on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday so I might even get done the rest of Arc II that week. I planned only 10 chapters for that arc, and Arc III will be 10 as well, combining the events of the Eastern Asian War and the Eastern European Revolutions. Arc IV which is the North American War, will be either 10 or 15, I'm not sure. And then for the final arc, Arc V, I'm not sure how many that will be. I wanted the first Arc to be the biggest since it goes into the 2nd Russian Civil War and how the New USSR was formed.
GeneralFabaius75 Featured By Owner May 12, 2016
Check out my new flags and new story. Good music you have there on You Tube. Anyway, interestingly enough, I have a story (the one mentioned) that's set in the Russian Far East during the late Stalinist era of the Soviet Union. This all happens whilst the Sith Empire makes plans to invade Earth. Oh and Stalin has absolutely no clue; not even his NKVD buddies can figure that one out. 
GeneralFabaius75 Featured By Owner Apr 6, 2016
I have an editorial out. 

It's an idea of mine to create my own response to "Make America Great Again" by of course the Donald. But, this time, it's from my left-wing socialist perspective. As such, check it out.
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